Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for giving me this opportunity!

Oh i wish i could have said that this was a banger but unfortunately i am underwhelmed. It definitely wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t a favorite. It is soo easy to read so you can fly through it. Only advice i would give you is to manage your expectations. It is gonna be fun and a mediocre read. I was just upset that it wasn’t a 5 stars.
3.5 stars

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4/5 stars. Chapter One was a bit of a drag, after that the story just flowed and pulled me with it.


TL;DR: This is a fast-paced book that'll take you for a ride. If you're in a reading slump and can't seem to get out of it, pick this one. It'll just drag you along and won't make you work for it.


This is the first book I have read by Cole Baxter, an author previously unknown to me. The genre, psychological thriller is also one that I do not know too well. I have read some books from the genre before, but am not familiar enough with it to be able to say what would be typical for it, nor can I compare this one to other books of its genre. I was looking for a book of this specific genre though, as I was (am) in the mood for something different than my usual reads (dystopian sci fi) and prior to this one I did read some by another author that was promising but not entirely satisfying. Anyhow, I will review this book based on this book only, and not based on informed opinions on what books of this genre "should" be like.


I liked that it was fast-paced and it sure did fit the word "thriller". As for psychological, well, at least it was about mental health. There was no "twist" or surprise though as the conclusion as to what was really going on was pretty obvious from the beginning. The book was more about slowly revealing the details on how exactly it was all done, but not *what* was done. If you want a book where you can try to make your own guesses based on what you read and try to figure it out before the MC does it, this is the book to choose - at least if you're new at this, like I am. I guess if you are more familiar with "whodunnit"-books, this might be too easy for you. Still, even knowing how it would end, I did enjoy it.


The book tells the story of James, a schizophrenic who has spent the last ten years of his life locked up in a mental institution for a murder he does not remember committing. He is now released on probation and returns to the house he grew up in as the sole heir to his father's fortune. This despite him having a twin-sister Janet, who was his fathers favorite when they were growing up.

James is nervous, but starts out feeling optimistic. He has a new therapist that he likes more than his old one. His probation officer is actually kind and he thinks she genuinely cares about him. All is good until Janet turns up, determined to "support" and be there for her twin brother. Soon it is hallucinations-galore and James tries to desperately figure out what is real, what are ghosts of memories past and what are hallucinations, made up by his own mind to trick him. Which of his memories are real? Whom can he trust to tell him the truth? Is he taking his meds or does he just think he is? Should he just give over control of all his assets, his personal care to Janet like she wants him to or is he really able to take care of himself?

As James struggles not only with knowing what is real and what is not, he also struggles believing anyone really cares about him. Does Brianna really care or is she just trying to tag him along in some twisted mind game of her own? Does his therapist want to help him, or would he prefer the next patient instead and deals with James just because it is his job? Is Janet really the only one firmly in his corner like she claims to be? What really happened to his mom and to his ex-girlfriend - the only ones he really remember cared about him from back before? Was he really the reason they went away, like Janet claims?

I do enjoy this kind of book where the MC is trying to figure out what is real and what is not. This one did go a bit over-the-top though in my opinion towards the end, but on the other hand it kinda fit.

As for the persons involved:

- James, the MC, is quite likable. Clearly the victim and the scapegoat, you want to rage at everyone in his life for not standing up for him before. No wonder he has confidence issues on top of everything else!
- Janet, his twin sister, is instantly unlikable. It would have been interesting though to know a bit more about her POV. What was *her* childhood like? How did she become the kind of person she is?
- Brianna, James' probation officer: honestly, her introduction was horrible. I haven't mentioned it, but the first chapter of this book, where she and James meet, was quite off-putting. It was such a cliché writing style, how she was described that all I was thinking was "what a typical male-way to describe and introduce a female character". She was more of an object than a person. Luckily, that changed a bit as the book went on, but I did still struggle to really find her realistic.
- Dr. Sellers: you don't find out that much about him personally, but he does seem to go out of his way to be there for his patient.


All in all, a satisfying read. The first chapter was a bit off-putting, but once I got through that I had no problems staying with the book. I can't say for sure, but I might look up some other works by this author in the future.


I will add this review to my goodreads-reviews once this book can be found on their site.

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This was my first time reading a book by Cole Baxter. I am definitely going to look at more after this! This story was great! Although I did figure it out pretty early, the story continued to build and have lots of twists and surprises that kept me reading! Definitely a great book!

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I loved this book read it in two days. The main character is very relatable and draws you in. My only disappointment was that I saw the twist coming from fairly early on. I would definitely recommend this to others

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Rounding up to three stars

Just an OK for me.
I wasn't overly keen on the style of writing, and Janet irritated me from the moment she arrived.
Obviously it had some good points for me to get to the end. The ideas were good, but the plot was a bit slow.
It's one I won't remember in a few days I fear

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Well. I’m left with the ending I predicted from the beginning of the book. Which is nice but also makes me wonder where was the twist. I read this book quickly, but was left slightly curious about what was “real” and what was a hallucination from the patient. Some parts were extremely confusing and I felt a little lost about where this story was going to go on. I didn’t enjoy the what I am assuming was the twisty ending and I felt it was wrapped up without the bow. I am glad to read about a psych patient who has some support after release but majority of the story was far fetched and not believable. I am also disappointed in the author for highlighting an inappropriate relationship with the parole officer and her Parole client. But I’m not going to give up on this author, and look forward to trying another book by him

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"The Patient" by Cole Baxter appears to be a gripping psychological thriller filled with suspense and mystery. The premise of a man, James Owens, released from a mental institution after serving time for a murder he can't remember committing is intriguing and sets the stage for a psychologically complex narrative.

The story seems to delve deep into the realm of paranoia, hallucinations, and the blurred lines between reality and the inner workings of James' mind. The constant tension between what is real and what is imagined creates a compelling atmosphere of unease and suspense.

The presence of a controlling twin sister, Janet, adds another layer of complexity to the narrative, making readers question her motives and role in James' life. The strange occurrences in the family home and the sense of isolation further contribute to the eerie and unsettling atmosphere.

As James is forced to confront his past and the depths of his own psyche, it promises a journey filled with twists and revelations. The book's description suggests a well-crafted psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to uncover the truth behind James' memories and experiences.

Overall, "The Patient" appears to be a dark and immersive thriller that explores the fragile nature of the human mind, making it a must-read for fans of psychological suspense and mysteries.

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Wow!! This was a great read! I don’t think it was quite what I was expecting but it was very well written and had me guessing to the very end! James is finally released from a court mandated sentence in a mental hospital to his childhood home that was left to him by his abusive father. He doesn’t remember much of his childhood or even what he did to put him in prison. He’s been told his entire life that he’s been the problem child due to his mental illness, especially his twin Janet never misses an opportunity to remind him. But is he really the problem? Could he have done what they accused him of doing? There’s something in the house that is making him question his sanity. This was a great fast paced read!!

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OK so I flew through this even though it's more of a slow burn. Its very character led and deeply dark and fascinating! It had me guessing the whole way through and I was just hooked. Its a bit dark but very well written and I got completely lost in the story. A really original concept, very well written

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What a fantastic read! On the edge of my seat to see what was going on. The main character James had my heart, institutionalized for a crime he couldn’t remember committing. His sister Janet was a nightmare, and I absolutely hated her (I’m not sure I’ve ever been disgusted by a fictional characters actions, but she was the worst!). This was a twisty-tale of what was real & what was a delusion. Easy 5-Stars for me.

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The Patient by Cole Baxter had me questioning what was going on, just like the main character, James. I enjoyed the story, especially as it didn't have many characters and focused on James and his reactions to what was happening while he tried to figure out what was real.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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This book is all about mental illness and it was hard to take in spots. It's my first book by this author and I look forward to many more by Cole Baxter. Lots of triggers in this book so that made it hard to read too. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published October 8, 2023. I cannot find it on Goodreads to give my review there.

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You need to suspend disbelief for this book but that doesn’t make it any less of an enjoyable read. Yes, it is predictable, but the author has created some terrific characters here and does a good job of making you wonder who you can trust.

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This book was way too slow for me- I just kept waiting for the plot to speed up. The plot is good but not greatly executed. I struggled to finish it but persevered so that I could leave a review.

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This book manages to create an unsettling and melancholic atmosphere throughout. As you delve into the story, you can't help but wonder about the true identity of James. Are his experiences mere hallucinations, or are they unfolding in reality? Is there someone toying with his mind? The enigmatic nature of the narrative also extends to James's sister, Janet—do you trust her, or does she harbor ulterior motives?

The story presents an array of intriguing questions that keep you on your toes. Just when you believe you've unraveled the mystery, another layer of uncertainty emerges. It's an absolute page-turner that had me gripped until the very end. I couldn't tear myself away from it! I'm genuinely grateful for the opportunity to read this book.

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My first read by Cole Baxter and I am definitely going to be adding more of his books to my TBR.

The Patient is about James, a young adult who was recently discharged from an inpatient mental facility to probation after murdering someone. He cannot remember anything about the event or much about his childhood either. His sister, Janet, is determined to help him and try to make him become a better person. James hallucinates.. or does he? He is seeing things around his home that cannot be explained. The “twist” at the end was easy to see coming but still enjoyable nonetheless.

Enjoyed the book. Very much hated Janet. But there was a lot of suspense and at certain points, I was doubting everything I was reading too.

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. The Patient will be published on October 8, 2023 - just in time for spooky season!

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This book has an interesting premise but overall it was quite a slow paced read. I felt that the depictions of trauma, mental health and repressed memories were unrealistic, and the plot didn’t feel very believable.

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Wow! This was another great read by Cole Baxter! Super dark and creepy with fabulous characters. So many crazy twists and turns that never let up. Stayed up way past my bedtime flipping pages.
Thank you NetGalley and Cole Baxter for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This book is both eerie and sad. You are wondering who James really is? Is he hallucinating or are these things actually happening? Is someone messing with him? Do you like his sister Janet? Or does she have the wrong intentions.. So many questions to be answered. It will surely keep you guessing and when you think you’ve got it all figured do you?it was a page turner for sure and at the end i couldn’t step away! Thanks for the opportunity to read this book !

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I really enjoyed many pieces of this book- I just wish I had more detail instead of feeling like it was more surface level. Why do we only get one or two journal excerpts? Does Nick ever come by the house to spend time with James, or is that not relevant? I loved the twist at the end- the last 50 pages really had me going back and forth between Janet and Brianna being the ‘bad guy’. Overall I would say this is a 3.5 star read.

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