Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Your Fault is the second in the series and it is highly recommended to read the first as this is a trilogy. I did not read book 1 and definitely missed a lot of context to the storyline.

Noah and Nicholas are step-siblings but have fallen in love. He is 5 years older and she has just graduated high school. Finally they see an opportunity to be together, live together while she attends university and he begins his career as a lawyer. Every time they start becoming happy outside forces drag them apart and create tension between them that makes it hard to be in the loving relationship they want.

This book features a lot of toxic relationships, read the triggers before diving in. For fans of the series "After" this will be your newest addiction. Once you begin this one you will be unable to put it down until you get to the crazy finish. Recommended

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Réédition anglaise de la série A Contre Sens, Your Fault regroupe les tomes 3 et 4 et Our Fault les 5 et 6. Comme j’avais beaucoup aimé le film mais que le livre My Fault ne m’avait pas franchement convaincue mais je voulais voir ce que la suite pouvait offrir et je reste sur mon sentiment du premier tome après avoir enchaîné ces tomes… Certes, l’histoire est assez addictive, les chapitres sont courts et pleins de rebondissements mais le soucis, c’est clairement les personnages que j’ai trouvés immatures au possible, j’ai eu envie de les claquer ou de les secouer à plusieurs reprises dans ces deux tomes. Certes, j’aurais pu abandonner mais je voulais vraiment me faire ma propre opinion et puis le début de Our Fault était plutôt bien parti mais ce n’était que pour mieux replonger derrière…

En bref, une série que j’ai lu, qui clairement ne m’a pas marqué mais je regarderais par curiosité les adaptations sur Prime

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I didn’t realize this was the second book of a series till I had already started… however I definitely need to get the rest of the series now! I am obsessed. I was reading every chance I got when it came to this book. The ending has me distraught, I am so sad, and the cliffhanger has me torn. The writing was so interesting and the plot intense. In my opinion this book is a roller coaster ride worth getting on.

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*Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review*

This is the second installment of the Culpables. I didn't read the first book but I saw the movie, which was enough for me to understand what was going on in this book.
First of all, the story reminds me a lot of the After Series, with the Main couple obviously loving one another but being unable to overcome personal problems and therefore acting in a toxic way. Theres lots and lots of drama so that I think there will surely be other books out in this series. The male protagonist ist jealous and controlling, the female protagonist jealous and insecure and sometimes immaturem, but what do you expect from literal teenagers. Nevertheless, stories with this much drama and toxicity are still highly addictive, so its 3/5 Stars for me.

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I really enjoyed this book!
I really loved the writing style of Mercedes.
Noah and Nick both try to make their relationship work and they put in a lot of effort in that. There is a lot of action in this book. It's a really fast read.

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i truly loved this book in the beginning but i felt like everything was repetitive between the two main characters, constantly fighting, making up or having problems. i liked the movie when i watched it last year and can’t wait for the second movie to come out!

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The angst in this series is just pulling at the heart strings so dang hard! Theres so much drama but it keeps you invest and turning the page.

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Although I got through this book relatively quickly I did feel it dragged on a little bit. The back and forth fighting and loving between Nick and Noah was a little too dramatic for me. I felt like the ending was better than 70% of the book. A 3 star in my eyes but I will still read the next in the series to find out what happens.

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The heat of this book left me breathless and I couldn’t possibly thing that it would have been better than the first but I loved it! Every spicy second of it!!

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This is a heavy book. The truths about the parents were hard and heavy. I can’t wait for the third one

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I haven't read or seen the first part, so I had no idea about the second part. Although I didn't really miss anything at the beginning.

Towards the end there is so much that stands between Nick and Noah and Nick acts more and more like an a...

Kind of disappointing that so many dramas were used.

Have fun reading for yourself!

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It was painful n i was heartbroken, i loved the character development and how the fought the odds, the plot twist was unexpected. can’t wait to watch the movie

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As a sequel to my fault, i feel this is quite an uneventful book in comparison. I also noticed more and more how toxic the relationship is. It is nevertheless an enjoyable read, but it is obvious to me that it is written in wattpadstyle. Im very sorry to say i expected more.

I still hope that the third book, our fault, will be a good end to the series and look forward to reading.

Thank you to netgalley and the author for sending me the book in exchange for an honest review

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Heavily relying on borrowed storylines from the first book, Your Fault continues the implausible story of forbidden age-gap romance between step-siblings. Gone is the Cinderella story of a trauma-trounced teen falling in love with the billionaire bad-boy brother-by-marriage while she grapples with being handed everything she's ever wanted but couldn't afford. This is...something else.
I walked in expecting YA and what I got was an NA bully romance with straight up psychological abuse.
This could have had characters finding their strength and will to walk away from bad, codependent situations. This could have had redemption of characters who are just plain horrible people. Characters with a backbone might have made me excited for the third book in the series. Instead, I'm disappointed and second guessing my preorders as I consider just canceling.
2.5 ⭐ rounded up for the pretty cover.

P. S. This series really should be placed in the New Adult genre based on the MCs ages and the level of fairly descriptive spice 🌶️

Thanks to Netgalley for making a copy of the ebook available to me for review.

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That was so good. And, as long as MS. Ron is doing the writing, they could even get me to love their grocery list. Another fabulous book from one of my absolute favourite series. Can’t wait for the finale.

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I was really hoping this installment was going to pick up a little bit after the first book finally increased pace towards the conclusion. This seemed a bit drawn out and these characters became increasingly frustrating. Nick and Noah's parents were insufferable and Noah became more and more intolerable. I wanted to enjoy this but it was very meh. 2.75./5 stars

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book in exchange of my honest review. I liked the writing and the book was easy to read. I liked the tropes too. But I was a bit disappointed from the book. After absolutely loving the first book and the movie, I highly anticipated this sequel, but unfortunately it suffered from the second book syndrome.

Your Fault is held together by over-the-top drama and secrets and while that was entertaining, I at least expected that Noah and Nick’s relationship matured and progressed more. In this book they are just toxic and I really hope the next book will be better again.

I’ll cut this book from slack in that it was written initially to take place in Spain and was later translated to English. In my opinion they should never have changed the setting and have kept it in Spain.

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This book ripped my heart out, tore it to shreds, and then stomped all over it…. And I loved every minute of it. I NEED the final book in this trilogy like right now, because no. NO, how can you leave me hanging like that!?

I love Nick and Noah so freaking much! I know it's taboo but I just really don't care. I am dying for them to get their happy ending. Noah is really going through it in this second installment, suffering from the trauma of the events in the first one. And Nick is just so besotted with her, it gives me all the feels. This book is much more character-driven than the first. I love their relationship, yet hate what they do to each other in this book. I can’t wait for the final resolution. It's them against the world, and I'm rooting for them all the way.

It is a solid four stars for me. It just wasn’t quite as good as the first book. It was a little too long and drawn out at times, and there wasn’t the high-stakes plotting like in the first book. The thriller-esque elements in the first book were part of why I loved it so much, and I found that to be lacking in this one. But I’m obsessed with this series and will read anything this author writes (or at least anything that gets translated).

I’m so freaking excited that Bloom picked this series up. I can’t imagine not having the chance to have this book in my life. And I’m incredibly grateful to get an early copy.

I did notice that the translation didn’t feel as natural as the first book in this series. Reading My Fault, I never would have guessed that it wasn’t originally written in English. But this one, there were times where I felt like the prose could have been reworked in a way that made it more compelling and impactful for English readers.

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This was the first book I have read by Mercedes Ron. I didn't pay attention that this was the second book in a series but I figured my way through. The author skillfully crafts a narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, gives you romance, coming-of-age, and self-discovery. This book leaves you with questions and wanting more so I can't wait to read the next book in this series. I would definitely recommend this book!

Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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After seeing the movie on Amazon Prime, I quickly went and read Mercedes Ron first book in the series, 'My Fault' and I was completely hooked. I loved the relationship between Nick and Noah and I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen with them next. In this second installment, things were yet another roller coaster of emotion and I was absolutely here for the ride.

I love how Mercedes Ron is able to have the main focus of the story be on Nick and Noah while also perfectly intertwining other plot points and also bringing in the suspense of both Nick's and Noah's pasts and how they continue to hold on to them and don't want to let them go. I had to force myself not to read this in one sitting and to pace myself so that I could really absorb everything that was going on. And also, so that I could extend it out as long as possible because I knew that it was going to leave me desperate for the next book.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone so I will say this. I, more than once, yelled out loud in frustration with Noah. Sometimes, Nick made me want to throw the book across the room, but luckily I would never abuse a book in such a way and also was desperate to keep reading it. Their parents continue to frustrate me and honestly, I guess I just don't get what the big deal is at the end of the day or why it's so controversial. Yeah, it's kind of taboo for step siblings to be in a relationship. Obviously. But they didn't grow up together and when they first met, they weren't exactly young, innocent, and naïve. So I just don't see how it's that big of a deal. I have asked myself a few times if Noah's mother and Nick's father are even going to stay together in the long term.

Anyway, I do recommend this book, series, and this author. I can't wait for the third book to be released and I am pretty excited to see both of the movies as well. I did receive a free ARC copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. These thoughts, words, and opinions are mine.

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