Member Reviews

I have read all the novels by Tim Sullivan and was not disappointed by The Teacher. Plenty of twists and turns and the descriptive narrative is very comprehensive. Always a thorough reading experience which I recommend.

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Sullivan's novel propels from the first page in a twisty, pacey thriller that keeps readers on edge throughout. This was my first book from this author, and I will certainly keep coming back for more.

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The Teacher by Tim Sullivan
DS Cross #6

Excellent addition to the series ~ Made me thankful I did NOT go to a school with a headmaster like the one in this book!

What I liked:
* DS George Cross: brilliant, diligent, tenacious, has Autism Spectrum Condition, plays the organ, close to his father (Raymond), very literal, doesn’t grasp undercurrents or jokes or sarcasm, intriguing, focused, excellent detective
* DS Josie Ottey: George’s work partner, widow, mother of two teenage daughters, relies on her mother for childcare, deals with mother-daughter tensions across three generations, patient, kind, and a good fit to work with George
* DCI Ben Carson: in charge-supervisory position, more comfortable in the office than working crime scenes, new father, focused on his future, maturing and showing growth as a person in this book
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* The twists and turns and George’s ability to see each clue that proves someone is not the culprit as a positive rather than a negative outcome
* Alice Mackenzie: police staffer, in a relationship with Dr. Michael Swift, strong, resilient, survivor, is assaulted and presses charges against her attacker
* Dr. Michael Swift: bright, professional, thoughtful, rather taken with Alice, gave testimony that saved an innocent man, noticed for his height
* The intricate plot, deliberate pacing, small town setting, and excellent writing
* Seeing how those that are related to and supportive of George are coming along in the series
* The way all of the threads are tied together, the sexual predator and the murderer are caught
* All of it except…

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This is a unique crime drama featuring Detective George Cross who has autism but is an expert at solving cases. So when once-headmaster, Alistair is found murdered, there are many suspects as he was "famous" for caning his students when they misbehaved. He even went so far as naming his canes and concealing them in an umbrella. His son, Sandy worked with him but was better liked by students and is eager to help Cross with his investigation. There are many suspects and there is an abundance of evidence: dog hairs, neighbors who didn't like him, ex-students who have held grudges, and then the opioids found in Alistair's system. But Cross is determined and relentless; he is meticulous in his investigation and will let nothing and no one get in his way! I look forward to more of his adventures as he's often laugh-out-loud funny in his eccentricity!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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ries, The Teacher. Tim Sullivan is an amazing writer and captures the idiosyncrasy of Cross with his asperger problem . In this book, Alistair Moreton is found dead in his home, and by first appearances it looks like he fell down the stairs; however Moreton has also been stabbed, so it is classified as a murder. As DS Cross investigates, it is discovered that Moreton was a horrible man, and tortured the boys in the school where he had previously been the head master. To make things worse, his boss brings in a DI Warner (Moreton’s son was a member of Parliament, so the powers that be want it solved immediately) from another area to lead the case; Warner is known for his quick solves of murder cases, and Warner harasses Cross and his team, as well as arrests a neighbor of Moreton without proper evidence. With Cross’s Asperger problem, this causes havoc in the department.

I love Sullivan’s writing style. He is a brilliant storyteller, and keeps readers on the edge while adding the element of humor. The building suspense is perfect for anyone who likes something a bit different. Sullivan’s characters are amazing. DS George Cross is one of the most unique characters in modern fiction and the supporting characters are also great. The UK setting for the novels is charming, and with the difference in culture, makes some of the scenarios unexpected.

Anyone who wants to read a series that is very different and fun will want to read this, as well as the previous novels. Most readers will hate waiting for the subsequent novels to be released. This one gets five stars.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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When DS George Cross is called to a murder scene Of an elderly man he learns Otties moving house and will not be helping him solve the crime. It isn’t until the next day he meets her replacement an officer loaned to them from the Kent Police Department name Bobby Warner he is a brute of a man who doesn’t understand DS Cross and takes an immediate dislike to him in detective Warner‘s mind it soon becomes a contest to see who will solve the case of Allister Marenton. Just like the rabbit and the hair haste makes mistakes and steady wins the race. Even though they sus out some really great suspects Bobby goes for the first one he thinks he can prove guilty. George Cross doesn’t agree as a matter of fact while the defendant is being put to trial he continues the investigation. This book was so good… How good you ask… It was so good I went and downloaded the other books in the series starting with the dentist this is almost like data from Star Trek being a detective and I am so down for it George cross suffers from autism and he is so lovable and so quirky and so taciturn even when his father wants to go on holiday it becomes an issue this is the first book from the George Cross mysteries that I’ve read and I love his relationship with Ottie, Who at the beginning of this book moves in with her mom cherish well not in with her mom bought the basement flat and she and her daughters live in the house proper I love their relationship there’s so much about this book to Love crime mystery is not one of my best genres but OMG I would definitely say this is one of my favorite books in any genre and I would put it above others I love George Cross and cannot wait to read the other books in the series. I want to thank the publishers aria and Aries the author a NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus.
Another great read in the life of Detective George Cross.
If you like quirky you’ll love this.
A great book from a must read author.

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This is the second DI George Cross book I’ve read and enjoyed the development of his neurodiverse character and the fleshing out of his backstory. The subplot of police involvement in sexual assault was sensitively handled.

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The Teacher is the sixth book in the DS Cross crimes series and although can be read as a stand alone I would recommend reading all of this excellent series. I feel this would give the reader a better feel and understanding of the characters especially the main character DS Cross.
Like all the other DS Cross novels, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and feel the series just gets better and better
This is an excellent police crime story and I can't wait for the next one
Highly recommended

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What a splendid read.
I thoroughly enjoy this series. I adore just how literal George is.
A great main plot. As the investigation into the death of a frail old man gathers pace things really are not black and white and before the culprit is finally unveiled there are many twists and turns to navigate and many reasons to question your initial sympathy for him.
The subplot continues to delight and we get to see much more of the characters and lives of the team this time too, which feels like an added bonus, but never fear, George’s routine is still there. If it's Thursday it's got to be organ practice.

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Have you read any of the DS George Cross mysteries?
It’s been great being back in the world of George Cross - he certainly one of my favourite detectives.
George is a great character- adapt at the minute details and with a compulsion for process and following the rules, his personality is wonderful and those that appreciate his eccentricities learn how valuable he is.
On that note his interactions with Warner are hilarious even if Warner is a dinosaur in his attitude to all many things - I loved seeing how George could wind him up with realising.
With the unexplained murder to investigate, George and the team need to work hard at working with eachother as well as solving the mystery.
As with the other DS Cross mysteries, this is not a cosy crime read and deals with some hard hitting topics like County Lines and sexual abuse, but Tim Sullivan is able to weave a clever mystery plot into the brilliant characterisation of George and the others.

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My thanks to Head of Zeus Aria & Aries for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Teacher’ by Tim Sullivan.

This is Book 6 in Tim Sullivan’s series of police procedurals featuring DS George Cross of the Avon and Somerset Major Crime Unit.

While there is a degree of character development throughout the series, the author provides enough background to allow new readers to feel comfortable. Still, I am always keen to recommend this series to those who enjoy well written British police procedurals.

The central case involves the murder of Alistair Moreton, an elderly retired headmaster living in Crockerne, a village in South West England. He is found dead in his home and while the angle of his neck suggests he fell down the stairs the stab wound on his body tells a different story. Moreton wasn’t well liked in the community and there are plenty of suspects.

As DS Josie Ottey, Cross’ partner, is on personal leave, DCI Ben Carson brings in DI Bobby Warner from Kent Police as a temporary replacement. Warner is a very different kind of detective to Cross and is quite unsympathetic to his Autism Spectrum Condition. In addition, as he outranks Cross he dismisses his input and is keen to close the case as soon as possible despite Cross’ concerns that he is rushing to make an arrest. No further details to avoid spoilers.

Tim Sullivan again produces a tightly plotted case that presents the intricacies of a thorough police investigation, including the frustrations when lines of inquiry fail to produce results. Even more than this is the excellence of his characters and how well Sullivan depicts their day-to-day interactions.

Obviously Warner’s presence creates tension in the unit as he is so certain that he is right and that his way of policing is the best way. His unkindness to Cross was galling.

Overall, I found ‘The Teacher’ another excellent instalment in this fantastic series of police procedurals. DS George Cross is a wonderful creation. I now will be patiently awaiting news of the next in the series.

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Book six in this really addictive series starring Detective Sergeant George Cross. He is on the autistic spectrum, Asperger’s, being pedantic, matter of fact, has no social skills or sense of humour, and can be annoying until you get to understand his mannerisms and appreciate his finer qualities of detective work.
This book concerns the death of an unpopular teacher, who is found dead at the foot of his stairs. He sustained a head wound, puncture wounds to the chest and has dog bites to both legs. When the Police arrive, they also find the large problem of Ricky, the victim’s loyal German Shepherd Dog, lying protectively next to his master. Did Ricky also turn against his master, or is he a vital witness?
George also has another problem, human this time in the form of DCI Warner from Kent police, who professes to be keen to learn from George, but spends most of the book deliberately antagonistic towards George, calls him the ‘freak’ and even moves his desk into George’s office, despite George working best alone. However, Warner has his own secrets to keep. Warner is known for closing cases really quickly, but not always obtaining a conviction, they are mostly rushed and short on evidence, an area in which George specialises in.
The victim was a previous schoolmaster, known for his sadistic treatment of pupils. He also had an ongoing feud with his next door neighbours over shared vehicular access to his property, so there are plenty of suspects. A really intriguing mystery.
I really love this series, Policing as it should be done. Door to door enquiries, proper note taking and a healthy suspicion of everybody!
George is a really unique character, and the more quirky the better in my view.
My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers Aria and Aries, and Head of Zeus for my advanced digital copy, freely given in exchange for my honest review. I will post to Goodreads and Amazon UK.

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I was unprepared for this book. I had never read a book in the series or a book by Tim Sullivan. After reading The Teacher and encountering the world of DS Cross and the team, I disrupted my 'to be read' list and went back to read everything in the series in order, including the two novellas. I have no regrets.

The Teacher is well plotted, multi layered and all characters are rounded. Although it is the most recent in the series, it can be read as a standalone.

I know this review is meant to be for this book alone but I'd be doing the series, and the author, an injustice if I didn't mention the addictive nature of the series. I work with children and adults with autism. Tim Sullivan (as is written in his bio) is clearly familiar with ASC and steers deftly away from lazy stereotypes. He draws out the advantages of ASC in a detective role but also illustrates common prejudices, frustrations (of the person with ASC and those around them) and discomfort of people who may encounter them briefly or regularly.

I devoured the series in less than a week, while working full time. It was that good. Tim Sullivan has created a realistic world filled with believeable characters.

I recommend reading these books and falling ever so slightly in love with George Cross and Co.

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Thank you NetGalley and Aria & Aries for this eCopy to review

The Teacher was a great thriller, I did not see the ending coming. We follow DS George Cross as he investigates the murder of retired headteacher Mr. Moreton. His normal partner, Ottey is on leave so he is forced to work with Warner who does not understand Cross' autism. Warner is convinced that he has the correct suspect but their case falls apart spectacularly leaving George to rescue the situation

Moreton was a sadistic bully as a headteacher and used to cane his pupils leaving many of them including his own son with PTSD. He has an ongoing law suit with his neighbours. And he is recovering from a hip operation Moreton becomes hooked on painkillers so has to obtain them illegally and ends up with the drug dealers living with him (cuckooing). All this means there are suspects galore for George to investigate

This was my first DS Cross novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it, the characters and plot are fantastic

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Detective novel par excellence!

No wonder Stephen Fry calls DS Cross the “perfect detective.”
When I wasn’t feeling sorry for the school boys in the murder victim’s past, I was laughing out loud.
DC Cross has Autism Spectrum Condition which makes him an interesting partner for DC Josey Ottey. Josey is on leave until her living arrangements drive her back to work.
But it’s DC Cross who stands out, oblivious to those around him. His focus is always the case. Detective inspector Warner has been assigned to this particular case from outside. His sarcasm slides off Cross, with Warner frequently left wondering what just happened.
A seriously humorous Occassion has Cross leading Warner a merry chase between two interview rooms.
“ ‘Where did he go?’ [Warner] asked Ottey. She indicated the interview room. He disappeared into it. Moments later Cross appeared and went back into the other room. Warner appeared and followed him next door. Seconds later Cross reappeared and went back into the adjacent room. It was like something out of a Feydeau farce.
Warner appeared looking quite angry now. He reached for the other door. ‘I’d think very carefully about doing that if I were you, sir,’ she said. ‘Oh yeah? And why’s that?’ ‘Because DS Cross is capable of doing this again and again for the rest of the day and well into the night,’ she said. ‘Well so am I,’ he replied.
‘The difference between you though, is that he genuinely won’t be concerned about how ridiculous it makes him appear. The question is, will you?’”
I was much struck by a sense of the ridiculousness as the picture of this Keystone Cops type routine loomed large in my head.
More seriously is the general behavor of DI Warner. He belittles Cross at every turn. He humiliates and sexually harasses the younger women of the force. He views them as a mix between his servants and his to do with as he willed. They best served in bed—preferably his. The women are frightened and angry. Warner feels untouchable.
Warner jumps the gun on who the killer is, and despite Cross being unsure, brings the case to a resounding, triumphant close—until the court case! Cross meanwhile quietly continues to investigate.
Another triumphant novel centred around DC Cross.

An Aria & Aries ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
Please note: Quotes taken from an advanced reading copy maybe subject to change
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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DS Cross is a loveable character, despite how straight forward and up front he is. Meanwhile DI Warner becomes his arch nemesis almost throughout the book and honestly, I can see why.

DS Cross is great at sticking to his instincts and as any good detective should, he considers all the evidence before rushing for a conclusion.

This book was written in such a way that you felt you were along for the ride with the detectives, trying to work out what had happened. That being said, there were so many new elements revealed as the novel went on that it became hard to guess who it could be. Definitely recommend!

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The book was the first that I have read by this author. The book was well written but the unusual detective took some getting into. A murder is investigated and all suspects are examined in great detail. For me this was an unusual approach but made the book a little slow in places. Thanks to Net Galley for an ARC.

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I discovered the series and its main character George Cross with this installment. And it made me want to read the previous novels. I really appreciate George, he’s quite interesting and lovely — as well as likeable for me. The mystery itself is rather slow-paced, but I loved the police interviews. I thought it was different from most mysteries I read — they don’t focus that much on the police interviews — and it captured my interest. I was not expecting the novel to tackle some topics in particular, but they were well-executed.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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The Teacher is another excellent story in this series. DS Cross is faced with unusual circumstances as he has to work with a new partner who abruptly invades his personal space and does not adhere to his way of working or thinking. Cross will also have to deal with changes in his personal life and will be faced with the possibility of not having his father around, which makes him panick. As he methodically works on the investigation of who killed the old school Headmaster, horrible stories emerge and broken personalities surface making even bigger the possibilities of who is the culprit. He works detached from his new partner who he will eventually prove is wrong regarding the killer and also on his behavior. Another beautifully written story on a beloved character.
I thank Mr. Sullivan, his publisher, and NetGalley for this ARC.

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