Member Reviews

This books had the ability to be sooooo amazing!

There were many great lessons to take away from this book based on the topics discussed.!

I feel like where it fell short was the whole book was told from Kaliya’s (The FMC) POV. I feel that I had a hard time connecting with the other characters because of that. Especially, Danny (The MMC)! I feel for a second chance romance, it’s very important to tell the the story from both perspectives since there isn’t just one person getting a second chance! I would have loved getting Danny’s POV.!

Other than that part, the overall story & message that the author was trying to get out was received! 👏🏾👏🏾

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[Advanced readers copy provided by NetGalley] I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book. The idea and intention (from my assumptions) are really great. When I was reading it, it kind of brought me back to the movie ‘The Photograph’ and the book ‘Seven Days in June’ in terms of the second chance romance while working to fulfill a creative/ career goal.

I really loved getting to know the characters background and the film industry setting. I also really liked the way social issues were written in and discussed throughout the book.

I didn’t really like the writing style for this type of story. I feel like readers would have connected with and understood the characters more had it been written in 3rd person or dual pov.
It felt like there was so much back and forth or chasing and running when it came to the love story of the main characters which was kind of frustrating when it continued to happen past the 85% mark

Overall not a bad book, it’s a fun read if you’re into romance and film.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the arc. I really enjoyed this read. It didn’t take long to get into thangs. The book moved at a nice pace and could understand. It was especially easy to keep up when the story would go into a memory.

-Second chance romance.
-Film/tv industry.
-Black female lead with the hopes of changing Hollywood along with their racist antics.
-Not only did the story revolve around the second chance but also the telling of an interracial relationship thru the eyes of their son (Danny).
-Loved the way Danny stood up for Kaliya and plus it was his film.
-The ex plotting with the film company. Smh. Just evil. No matter what never let anyone tell your story.
-The gossip site and how they don’t do their work to tell the full story. However, they did what a lot of gossip/blog sites need to take heed to.
-Visiting Danny’s mom was such a sweet moment.
-The ending was so perfect.
-Please read the authors note.
-Kaliyah’s friend had her own stuff going on too. Their friendship was how real good girlfriends should be to and for each other.

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3.5/5 stars

Thank you, Netgalley and Myah Ariel, for this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to fall in love with this book, and I definitely did with some aspects but not as a whole.

I had a really hard time connecting to the characters in the story, and although I love a second chance romance, it seemed like too much back and forth. I also didn't like that from chapter one, the MMC is introduced. I really wanted to love the FMC on her own before the story turned into them. The story always seemed slow for it being a short book.

I did, however, love the way she navigated grief and how she put a spot lot on the lack of diversity in the workplace/movie industry and the struggles of being a black woman in both areas.

Janet is my girl so this song played in my head the whole book. Overall, I thought the book was cute, but I didn't fall in love. I did LOVE her acknowledgements at the end!!

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I want to thank Myah Ariel for helping me get this Netgalley approval. Once I saw the cover, I knew I wanted to read this book!

This is a story of broken hearts, friends to lovers, unrequited love, and second chances. But, it's also a story about big dreams deferred, sexism, and race, and having the strength to believe in oneself!

They met in film school, fell in love until he broke her heart. Fast-forward years later, the closet Kaliya Wilson has gotten to a film set is as a receptionist at a major studio. "That is, until a surprise reunion presents an opportunity that could make her career, or break her heart...a second time.

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I was really looking forward to this book, but it just did not land for me. I couldn’t connect with any of the characters, so it took me a long time to get through the book. I like the fact that it was a second chance romance, but that was one of the only things I liked about the book. I wish I could be more positive about this book and I’m sure others would enjoy it, but it just wasn’t for me.

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As soon as I saw this book I had to read it and I’m so glad that I did because I was so intrigued by the story and the characters! Loved Kaliya, she’s such a strong and independent person as well as an amazing friend while still being vulnerable. I loved bow both her and Danny bonded over each other’s passion for movies. Reading about them falling in love again and exploring their relationship as the people they are now was such a great experience!

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This story is a second-chance romance story. It features black FMC and a biracial MMC. They met during film school and the story narrates how they navigate the love they have for each other.
Reading stories that are heavily centered on our experiences as black women can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult, but reading Kaliya’s story resonated with me. It was breathtaking to see Kaliya navigate barriers that are placed on her by virtue of being a woman and black. It was refreshing seeing her work through adversity that was meant to sink her. Kudos to the author for writing a story for black girls but also telling a story that affirms that we can move above adversities.
Kaliya and Danny’s story was honest. It elicited real emotions that comes with loving someone. I enjoyed reading the ups and downs of Kaliya and Danny’s love story. You realize that love is not straightforward- it can look differently for everyone. We tend to think that love has a guidebook or some sort of manual when truly it entails listening to the heartbeats of one another.
I enjoyed their mutual love of films. Seeing that it was how they met and how that’s how they reconnected. I enjoyed the connection that Minnie and Kaliya shared at the house. It was mutual love as they are both black ladies and are connected by their love for the same man.
Thank you to Myah for a heartwarming story. Thank you for writing a story for all the black girls. Thank you for letting us dream again. Thank you for the opportunity to read the advanced copy.

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I unfortunately didn’t really like this one, but by other early reviews it seems I’m very much in the minority. I actually was really moved by the themes of loss and grief, so that and the family relationship were my favorite part of the book. However the romance wasn’t my favorite— I didn’t like dealing with Danny’s girlfriend (and then ex) throughout the book, and Danny and Kaliya went back on forth on being together too many times for me to not become annoyed. I ended up skimming most of the second half because there was so much stalling.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Berkley, for an advanced review copy of Myah Ariel's debut novel!

Although this is marketed as a romance, "When I Think of You" almost borders on Women's Lit because it's told entirely from Kaliya's POV, and while her second-chance romance with Danny is central, there's more going on here. It's about being in your 20s and struggling between where you want to be in your career and where you are. There are also narratives about privilege and power in Hollywood (especially concerning Black movie makers telling Black stories). At the same time, it's a wonderful ode to how we love movies (and 90s music, which gets plenty of references). All of these subplots, seen through Kaliya's eyes, affected my focus on the romance. I found myself more interested in Kaliya getting her happy ending as a producer than her and Danny's relationship. When the third-act conflict happens and Kaliya has some hard choices, I found myself saying, "Good for you. Finally putting yourself first."

What's cool is that this book knows exactly what it's doing. Every questionable decision by a character that had me shaking my head throughout the early and middle chapters is addressed by the end. Moments of miscommunication are called out, and everyone's aware of how flawed and human they are. Kaliya's growth by the end is standing-ovation-worthy.

Definitely looking out for more of Myah's novels in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

CW: death of a parent (past), grief, chronically ill parent (MS, past), racism, parental abandonment (past, briefly mentionted), cheating (emotional)

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)
-m/f contemporary romance
-second chance
-hollywood romance
-workplace romance
-two movie dorks in love

I have been so hyped for Myah's debut, and gosh that cover and this was such an absorbing read. Kaliya is not at all where she wants to be, and is struggling as a person of color and as a woman in Hollywood. But in walks her ex, her first love, Danny and we are off on a wild ride as we get glimpses of their past, their adorable college days as film students and their undeniable chemsitry as adults.

I adored Kaliya. She was strong, independent, a fierce friend, but also incredibly vulnerable about her dreams and desires. I loved that her connection with Danny was just their passion for movies. This book is such a statement on being a woman in a male dominated industry, and also the racism she experiences as well as the story Danny's movies about his parents biracial relationship was just so beautiful and aching in its honest portryal. Danny's grief too over his dad, that loss, reckoning with his paretns' relationship, the way Myah expertely wove the telling of the movie storyline through out this book was just beautiful. A searing critique on the stories society wants to tell.

But watching Kaliya and Danny fall back in love, trust each other with their hearts, make mistakes, and trust each other with their dreams. This slow burn ached in the best ways and you just can't not cheer these two on. An amazing romance, and just a touching second chance about timing, about finding your person and standing up in this world.

Steam: 3

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Firstly, I’m overjoyed that I got to read a book from a Black author . Sometimes , I feel that authors of color and Black authors don’t get that much buzz on social media. Next , this book warmed my heart . I usually don’t read too many second chance romance books, but this one takes the cake.

I loved all of the characters whether they were good or the antagonists. Bella made me crack up. She was my favorite character . What I can say is that I was so impatient to find out exactly WHY they broke up! I just wanted to jump in the book and ask Kaliya . This book did so well in tackling the issues within the industry for a Black woman.

I also felt like a fly on the wall , because the setting of the book is where I reside so that was a fun plus .

I say, read this book. It’s a feel good book with a good amount of drama to it.

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This book blew me away! It was a beautiful story! I truly loved the movie within the story, I wish it was an actual movie! I'll be reading more of Ms. Ariel for sure!

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Oh. This was the SWEETEST second chance romance.
I will eat up a book that reads like a film.
When I Think of You is the book that you won’t want to stop reading. It’s an absolutely stunning debut!

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Kaliya Wilson arrived in Hollywood with big dreams of making movies, starting as a receptionist at a production company, with her sights set on climbing the industry ladder. However, her job seemed to be leading her down a dead-end path. That is until the day her old flame from film school, Danny, reappeared as the director for the company's next major production.

I've always had a soft spot for the "second chance" trope, and this book executed it brilliantly. It's a story where you truly understand why Danny and Kaliya didn't work out the first time and can appreciate the growth they've undergone since then. The book excels in providing a deep dive into their characters, striking a perfect balance between rekindling their relationship and advancing the plot.

The central plot revolves around the movie project, which is a profound passion endeavor for Danny, as it tells his parents' love story. This narrative thread beautifully mirrors his own journey in finding his own soulmate.

Now, I must admit, the ending ties up all the loose ends perfectly, leaving Kaliya and Danny in a place that's incredibly satisfying. Knowing that this is a debut book from the author only heightens my excitement for more of their work. Trust me, this is a book you won't want to miss, and it concludes on a truly gratifying note!

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Was completely hooked on the first page and could not put it down.
I absolutely loved the writing style, the characters were so charming, and the mix between flashback and present was PERFECT
i was invested in both the book, and the movie within it (v sad i can’t watch it) and i loved how much growth and power the mc was able to get through the book

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Thank you to @netgalley, @berkley, and @myah for allowing me to read same review this arc!

Myah’s debut novel constantly reminded me of Kennedy Ryan‘s ‘Reel’. I kept referring to it being like Reel’s little sister lol

She did an amazing job of intertwining Kaliya and Danny’s past stories with their current one. She’s did that while also incorporating Danny’s parent’s interracial love story through a movie script. It all flowed so, so well.

This book highlighted discrimination in Hollywood, and was a great second chance at first love romance 🥰 Danny Prescott was such a Cinnamon roll, and sometimes I was to shake the naivety out of him, but I loved his patience, protectiveness, and love for his family. I swooned over the fact that after so many years, they still remembered the small details of their past relationship, and when they referred back to those nostalgic moments, it drew them closer together!!

The movie references were everything, and I loved the friendship between Kaliya and Neha. AND Danny’s mama was the sweetest 🥰

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Thank you to Berkley for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

I’ve been dying for this book since it was announced, and it didn’t disappoint! One of my favorites of the year, WHEN I THINK OF YOU by Myah Ariel follows Kaliya, a brilliant and capable woman who has been consistently overlooked, knocked down, and straight up discriminated against by the Hollywood elite she serves as a studio receptionist. Her dreams of making movie magic herself finally come in reach when her college ex, Danny, a man who wrecked her heart seven years ago and is now a big shot director, offers her a spot working on his new film. But when their connection reappears in full technicolor, Kaliya will have to decide if Danny is worth the risk.

Every aspect of this book was compelling! Kaliya’s journey to finding her happiness (in and outside of her relationship) was complex and stunning. Danny is top tier book boyfriend without being one dimensional. They have challenges and aren’t always perfect, but the way they compliment and build each other up feels natural and inspiring. The supporting cast of characters range from hilarious (the friends) to heartwarming (Danny’s family 😭😭😭) to fury-inducing (the villains), but always interesting!

Myah also gives us unique insight into working in Hollywood as a Black woman. She shows us the poor treatment Kaliya faces without ever letting it overshadow the romance, which is so hard to do (cut to me on my soapbox screaming about justice for Kaliya!)

I adored every second spent in this world and will be itching to get Myah’s next story!

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

I clicked ‘request’ on this one solely due to the gorgeous, romantic cover and it did not disappoint.

Kaliya Wilson came to Hollywood to make movies, starting as a receptionist at a production company determined to work her way up. Unfortunately her job has turned out to be a dead-end, until years later she’s shocked out of complacency when her old film school flame Danny shows up to direct the company’s next big production.

I love the second chance trope when it’s done well - meaning that you understand why the characters didn’t work out the first time, and they’ve genuinely grown enough to do better. Both were true for Danny and Kaliya, I enjoyed the deep dive into each of their characters and the book’s balance between exploring their renewed relationship and moving the plot along.

The primary plot revolved around the movie, which was a meaningful passion project for Danny telling his own parents’ love story. It made a lovely story as well, and mirrored him finding his own soulmate.

The ending had a bit too much drama for my taste, but everything worked out and I was thrilled by where Kaliya and Danny ended. I’m so excited that this is a debut book, I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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WOOW I really like this!!! Kaliya and Danny are so freaking cute and this story had great humor. The book also touched on Black women in Hollywood facing discrimination which is always such an important topic to cover. Overall this book was filled with love and growth!! It was great!

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