Member Reviews

Rating: I really liked it!

When I Think of You is a cute second chance romance of college lovers who reunite to work on a film together.

I liked learning about the beginning stages of making a movie, I liked the flashbacks to the past and learning in a dual timeline what happened to Danny and Kaliya. I feel like they had a good partnership, and the type of relationship where you just really know the other person, which is always so beautiful.

I think they were both semi flawed characters, but not in a terrible way. Kaliya had a bit of a chip on her shoulder about Danny’s privilege, and I think in some ways Danny could have treated her better, but I also feel like I understand both of them. I don’t know the entertainment industry well, but I think Kaliya storyline is believable and her feelings are warranted.

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4.5 stars
This was one wild ride of emotions that had me hooked from start to finish!

So, Kaliyah and Danny meet, fall hard and fast in film school. It’s all sunshine and rainbows until... bam! Heartbreak city hits hard.
Fast forward seven years, they meet again.Danny now a big shot film director and Kaliyah, who’s dreams have gone to die behind a receptionist desk. They end up working together on a film project, and let me tell you, it's like watching a rom-com unfold in real life. There's so tension, drama, and a whole lot of unresolved feelings.

But amidst all the chaos, Kaliyah starts to find herself again. She rediscovers her passions, her worth, and her independence and you can't help but root for her every step of the way.

But, of course, love's never simple and as old flames flicker back to life, Danny and Kaliyah find themselves at crossroads. They are faced with tough choices and even tougher conversations that eventually leads them to give love a second chance and to finally get their happily ever after.

I think overall, this was an excellent debut novel. I loved how real the story felt. The characters were amazing (inserting my favorite Bella here) and relatable (who knew Hollywood folks could be this relatable? Ha!). I loved that Danny and Kaliyah’s journey was so raw and authentic that you can't help but get invested.
So, if you're in the mood for a whirlwind second chance romance with a side of self-discovery, then this book is definitely for you.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for the ARC!

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First, I'd like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with this ARC!

Things I liked:
- Banter between FMC & her best friend (felt like the way my friends and I chat, which I LOVE)
- FMCs inner monologue (my sister in anxiety, I get you)
- How authentic the FMC's journey felt at the beginning of the book, because life will really give you want SHE thinks you want sometimes and not what you actually want

Things I loved a little less:
- DANNY. My brother in christ I just did not enjoy you, I fear
- Kaliya my sister, sweetie pie, I did need you to stand on business and tell this man to go to hell we are.

Overall, I liked the author's writing style but this couple just wasn't for me. I'd read something by her in the future! This one just didn't do it for me.

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Arc provided by NetGalley.
When I first saw the title, all I could think about was Janet Jackson’s song, When I Think Of You 😊.

I love second chance romances and this one did not disappoint. The author did a great job of giving us insight of the past relationship from Kaliya, (FMC). However, I wish that Danny’s (MMC) point of view from the past was shared more.

I loved seeing the vulnerability and the level of comfort from Danny when he expressed his feelings about Kaliya.

We all need a best friend like Neha!

Although Kaliya started out as being unsure about herself, I loved seeing her growth and being able to speak her feelings and choose herself.

This book was a reminder that timing with relationships is everything. Sometimes people need space to grow and then come back together.

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When I Think Of You by Myah Ariel is a cute second chance love story between Kaliya and Danny. The two met during Kaliya’s first day at film school, dated a bit during that time and eventually parted ways without speaking much about it. Years later Danny is living the dream as a hot shot movie producer while Kaliya is working front desk at a company. Daniel comes into her job and offers her a job and the story goes on from there. I thought the book was cute and I enjoyed the flashbacks.

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I really enjoyed this book I just wish that it was Dual POV. I would have loved to have gotten both perspectives of their relationship. I enjoyed Kaliyah’s character as well. I don’t usually read slow burn romances but this one was really good!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley, Myah Ariel and Berkeley Pub for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’ll admit, I went into this book with my expectations really high. The cover is stunning and the synopsis sounds like it’s right up my alley. I won’t say I was disappointed, because I enjoyed the book, but this book is a slow burn. Like maybe the slowest slow burn I’ve ever read. And for this reason, the pacing of the book felt a little off.

Things I enjoyed:
- second chance romance
- (kinda) forbidden romance
- strong world building (the supporting cast of characters are just as enjoyable as the mains)

I give the book 3.5/5 stars— rounded up to 4 stars. I don’t know that I’d reread it, but I encourage anyone interested to give the book a chance.

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The recent trend in trad. published contemporary romances has failed to impress me as a lifelong reader of the genre, so I’m really happy that Myah Ariel’s debut in my absolutely favorite trope of second chance, knocked it out of the park. Her phenomenal writing immersed me into this wonderful world. I mean LOOK AT THAT COVER. Freakin amazing.

I liked Kaliya as a character and her flaws and fears, and the roadblocks she was facing as a Black girl in Hollywood amid the unchecked privilege of her peers. Though I didn’t feel that connected to Danny’s character, I enjoyed reading about him through her characterization. I wished the issues of the past and the reasoning for their breakup were given more context or nuance to avoid the miscommunication device that quite literally was solved with a single conversation at the guest house. Don’t get me wrong, I like a well-developed miscommunication plot device but I wished Danny and Kaliya’s was given more depth.

I loved their love story and was rooting for them. It was beautiful and touching, but I always felt Kaliya was more far gone for Danny than he, her. I would’ve liked to see the scale of emotions tipped in her favor. While single POV is okay, I think in second chance it needs to be dual POV so we can get the other side as well because the blame falls on both sides. I liked the way the two seem to ‘know’ each other. Oh, I thought the end wrapped up a bit too quickly with a year gap to show-and-tell Kaliya’s growth.

This was a stunning book about flawed characters dealing with setback and privilege and roadblocks. I loved it.


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From the moment this story starts, you’re completely engulfed in this… palpable feeling of 90’s love. I could hear the soft playlist in the background as I read — Sade, Snoh Allegra, Soloange, Victoria Monet. It felt like watching Brown Sugar (2002 Film, BLESS YOURSELF) for the first time. This novel feels the way golden hour feels. Warm and rich like honey.

Now, were there moments I wanted to shake Kaliya and tell her to STAND UP? yes. But did I feel her? VERY MUCH YES.

If you loved Reel by Kennedy Ryan, especially the ode to Black art and a story within a story, you NEED to pick up When I Think of You when it releases on April 16th!!

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This second chance romance is a delightful read! Danny, working in the film industry, enlists his former love, Kaliya, to help produce a movie inspired by his parents' love story. The witty dialogue and genuine friendship between the characters add charm without being overly cheesy. Witnessing the rekindling of their relationship after years apart is captivating, even though the reasons for their initial breakup remain unclear. While the third-act breakup and certain character choices were not to my liking, overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. The touching scene featuring Danny's parents confronting racism adds depth to the narrative. Readers should be aware of trigger warnings for racism, as it's a central theme in the plot.

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I absolutely loved this debut. Thx to PRH Audio for the complementary ALC.

This book is a lovely second chance romance. I always worry about that trope; because for me I just don’t always buy it. This one is different. The main characters - Kaliya and Danny - had a relationship in college. They reunite years later, but they haven’t fully been pining after each other. I really loved how Kaliya pushed Danny to discuss their breakup and what happened. I also really loved how Kaliya put herself first when there was a situation that forces them to break up. She decides she needs to work on herself.

I really enjoyed Kaliya’s relationship with her best friend/roommate Neha. I giggled during some of their scenes. I also really enjoyed Kaliya’s relationship with Bella. How she supports and encourages her; and doesn’t hold it against her how she got the assistant job.

I would definitely recommend this one.

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I loved this romance. It was sweet and fiery. As you unravel the emotional baggage of their past, you have a fun cast of characters that are a part of the current production in the mix. This was one of those books that I pretty equally liked both the MMC and the FMC instead of preferring one character or story to the other. This was my first time hearing of this author and I definitely want to read more. Overall it was great!

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When I Think of You starts with us meeting Kaliya Wilson who is a down-on-her-luck receptionist at a film studio. Things immediately change when Kaliya comes face-to-face with her ex, Danny Prescott. The two were together in college until something broke them apart and from there, it’s been radio silence.

Of course, Danny needs someone to help him with his newest project and he enlists Kaliya to help out. While things don’t go exactly to plan, they end up working in close quarters, and from there, it’s honestly like watching a great movie. Kaliya and Danny are trying to be professional as she wants to be taken seriously and he has a girlfriend yet the attraction is still there.

All of this is set amidst us learning about their history while Danny is trying to direct a movie based on his parents’ love story. Danny’s parents are Hollywood royalty and honestly, you’ll be as equally sucked into their story. At its core, When I Think of You is also a love letter to cinema and the world of movie-making while also showcasing the reality of how the game is played sometimes.

The book also doesn't shy away from some ugly things as Kaliya is constantly being berated and talked down to by her bosses at the studio, Danny’s girlfriend, and anyone who doesn’t take her seriously. Danny is also still processing some of his grief and the feeling attached to the death of his father. While this book was tough to read at times, the pacing and writing helped me to push through those tough moments.

Overall, When I Think of You was a book I devoured and I frankly can’t wait for more from Myah Ariel. If you’re a movie buff, love Black romance, or want a new release to add to your TBR, then look no further than When I Think of You.

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This book was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. This was a book about LOVE, Kaliya and Danny’s love, Danny’s parents love, his love for his parents, Danny and Kaliya’s love of movies. It was SO GOOD. It was also a story about grief, finding yourself, following your dreams and being able to change and grow and find your way. I loved this book so much.

I love a second chance SO MUCH. The flashbacks to film school were perfect, I loved having a look into where they began. Even when Kaliya would just be thinking about ‘this time when’ made it so clear how much they both loved each other so much. They found each other at the exact right time. For a while it was right, and then for a long time even after they found each other again it was just the right person wrong time and it HURT.

I loved that when they met again it was like everything clicked back into place. Even though it wasn’t easy…the slow burn was worth it. The tension and the longing and the eventual confessions, reflections, and revelations were so worth it. Their communication was rough for a while, which made sense, they were both scared and there was so much on the line, even though they wanted answers and they wanted to talk about it.

I loved the ending so much. The epilogue specifically was perfect. I wish more than anything we could see the movie! Danny’s love for his parent’s and their love was so apparent. I cannot wait to see what else Myah Ariel does!!

Thank you so much to Berkley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I was immediately drawn to this book solely because of the cover since it was screaming BLACK LOVE!!

Our FMC, Kaliya, is hard working and trying to just get her shot into the movie industry so she can prove herself. With all her talent, she finds herself working as a receptionist at a film studio. Her ex-boyfriend Danny walks in one day for a meeting because he’s got a huge movie deal in the works and he offers her a chance to join the team. Things are looking up until Hollywood scandal and drama threaten to turn things up a bit.

I thought this story was so cute and layered with romance and lots of depth. I enjoyed the inside view of the Hollywood world and the complexities of Kaliya + Danny’s relationship from their film school days till present day. The romance between the two was very believable, you could feel the vulnerability between them throughout the story. The author gave us glimpses into their past where we see how they came to be and then what led to their break up. I appreciated the aspect of the lack of diversity in the movie industry and even how nepotism can really trump someone else’s chances of getting a shot based on their experience vs someone being related to somebody in a high seat (that part was hard to read through as it made me mad).

Read if you love:
🎬 second chance romance
🎬 movie industry setting
🎬 slow burn romance
🎬 workplace romance/drama
🎬 black FMC / biracial MMC
🎬 happily ever after (hea)

1/4 of the way into the story, I switched over to audio— it was good but not my fave narration wise. I much rather enjoyed the ebook over audio but you can go either way, I just had a preference in who I wish would’ve narrated. 😅

This was a solid debut and I can’t wait to see what else Ariel does next! 💗

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This was a beautifully written second chance love story and I enjoyed how the characters were the mirror each other needed to survive and succeed at a point in their life. Then the ending was a happy tear moment 🥹.

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When I Think of You is a second chance at love story.

Kaliya is struggling to make it in the entertainment industry.
Danny reenters her life on a whirlwind. He turns everything upside down.

7 years after a tumultuous breakup, Danny and Kaliya are now entangled in business that takes them down memory lane. With unresolved feelings, they must navigate Hollywood politics while making a movie.

What did I like about the story.
- Once Kaliya realized that her dream doesn't have to be shaped like everyone else's, her whole trajectory changed.
- I'm happy with the direction of Bella. She could have been a much different character.

What I didn't like about the story.
- The indecisiveness of the characters. So happy when they actually communicated effectively.

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Thank you NetGalley and Berkeley Pub for letting me enjoy this book early! I requested this book solely off the amazing cover, it’s so beautiful and gorgeous. This book didn’t disappoint I was hooked from the very beginning! This is a great debut novel! I really love second chance romance because it’s amazing to see the characters feel grow apart and come back together. I loved seeing a black woman in in film, it’s not something I’m used to reading in books! Something else I really enjoyed in the book was Kaliya did a lot of personal and professional growth, and really found her purpose in the end! The book felt short to me because I truly enjoy having dual POVs and not just one. I didn't feel like I could connect to Danny’s character. The pacing at the end went really fast which is a common theme in romance novels. Overall a great book and I’m excited for everyone to read this book!

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Oooooh, I will be staying tuned on what Myah Ariel continues to write, because this second chance romance was everything I adore about the romance genre. I need more please!

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Such a great debut novel! I was so happily surprised by how much i enjoyed this book. The writing felt strong, compelling and easy. The characters felt realistic and well-rounded, The story/plot was unique and had so much depth to it.

When I Think of You is such a fun second chance romance and a love story of two souls trying to find their way back to each other, but it is also so much more than that. Myah Ariel takes us through a journey of grief, self-discovery, ambition, the film industry and its frustrations. This book touches on the lack of diversity, sexism, misrepresentation and the struggle POC folks and women face not only in the industry but every. single. day. As a woman of color living in LA, i found myself getting emotional and relating to some of the situations and problems that Kaliya kept facing. Although i am not in the film industry, the struggles she continuously went through happen every day, in every field, all around the world. This book is so much more than just a romance and i was so invested in the overall story more than i was in the romantic aspect.

I loved the growth and character development that both Danny and Kaliya had, the way they understood each other and their love for one another despite all the years in between. The navigation of grief and self discovery was so healing and the friendships and side characters really added to the story. Such an amazing, well-written, beautiful debut novel! highly highly recommend.

read if you love: second chance, grief representation, celebrity romance, Hollywood setting, film/tv industry

Thank you Netgalley and Berkley Pub for this ARC!

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