Member Reviews

This book was an absolute delight. A second-chance romance set in Hollywood that touched on some heavy topics but was still beautiful, charming, fun, and heartwarming. I loved that we were able to see how much the character's had grown since they were first together, making their time apart make sense and the subsequent reunion mean even more. I would have loved to get Danny's POV as well just to be inside his head, but I also enjoyed the mystery of not getting the whole story about their past right away.

My only qualm with this one was how often Kaliya ignored Danny when he was very genuinely trying to work through issues or talk things out. The avoidance that was happening was at an all-time high and I feel like a lot of hurt feelings could have been avoided if they just had a conversation. All that said - I really enjoyed this book and had such a good time when reading it. Absolutely would recommend this one!

Thank you so much to Berkley Romance for the eARC! All opinions are my own.

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Unfortunately not for me. I did finish it, but I just did not vibe at all with the writing style. The idea of the story itself is great, I just wasn't the right person for how it was actually executed. Would still read this author again in the future!

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WHEN I THINK OF YOU by Myah Ariel was a solid beautiful read about a second chance romance between two former college flames that haven’t spoken to each other over seven years. I was completely captivated by it from the first chapters. I loved the representation and important topics that were discussed in this book especially the process of grief. It was dealt incredibly well. I also enjoyed how the author explored the ins and outs of the Hollywood world specifically when it comes to black voices and characters not being supported or giving opportunities in the media world. I loved the characters in this book especially the romance and connection between Kaliya and Danny. You could feel the chemistry between them in their interactions together. Overall, so enjoyed the read. I’m looking forward to see what the author has in store

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This was one of my most anticipated releases this year and I really enjoyed this debut by Myah Ariel! Kaliya and Danny were a lot of fun to read about and it was interesting finding out exactly what broke them up in the end. I feel as if Ariel did an expert job of balancing the romance with the more serious issues presented in this book. I can’t wait to read more by this author!

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This a beautiful and emotionally heavy second chance romance. Kaliya and Danny felt like real, messy people trying to navigate the real, messy things of life and love. Loved how Kaliya realizes she has to put herself first and learn to take charge of her own life before she can share it with others, as well as the focus on diversity (or the lack thereof) and obstacles in Hollywood.

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A beautiful second chance love story. And it did not read like a debut. Author Myah Ariel has a strong voice, and I look forward to more from her. I only wish this book could have been told in dual POVs - hearing Danny’s side of things would have heightened the story’s angst and urgency.

I received a copy of this book from Berkley.

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This book was so wonderful! It swept me up and told the story of Kaliya and Danny so beautifully. It was emotional and heartful and also maddening at times. I love a second chance romance and this one delivered. There is so much history in a romance like this that lends the story so much richness.

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This book is perfect. Five stars. Cannot hype it enough. The characters have so much depth, it is a little slow burn in the beginning when you want to know their history, but by the end you are sobbing at the self discovery and bad ass main character energy.

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A really nice debut . Although it often read more women’s fiction than romance, I really enjoyed it! A great addition? Particularly with its Black rep in Hollywood.

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I don’t think I’ll ever get over how much I loved this book😩😍🥰😘 Like ✨chef’s kiss✨ perfection, would be an understatement! Guess I’m officially a 2nd chance lover girlie soft era now 🤷🏾‍♀️ 💕

The growth in both of the main characters really did me in on this one….like we’re talking CHARACTER GROWWWWWTH and black excellence! I’ll be forever swooning over this one!


Thank you @berkleypub / @berkleyromance for the chance to get to read an early review copy! All thoughts are my own!

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I seriously enjoyed this book so much !! Ms @myahmeetscute seriously did her thing! I loved the characters so much, including the side characters. I really wish this book was longer. I also wish we go to see them together more. I love seeing the growth in the characters over time. I loved how the movie was incorporated into this book. This books hits the stores april 2024 ! I encourage everyone to read it.

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OBSESSED WITH THIS BOOK. Seriously, so good. The flashbacks, the character development. Everything was so good! I was so invested in Danny and Kaliyah's love story from start to finish. I wish it was LONGER!!

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This book start off giving the best type of second chance troupe and the miscommunication wasn’t overly extreme nor unrealistic. The characters each gave us a POV of growth and maturity that I really enjoyed. The way Danny’s parent’s story was a way to dive into Danny wanting that soulmate type of love was so good. The ending kind of threw me off a little because the story was so good prior, but we got our HEA. As a whole the book was a testament of second chances and true love.

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This book was everything I hoped for and more. Kaliya was smart, driven, and even though she was down, she refused to be out. Danny was such a sweetie, and stood by Kaliya regardless. This isn't a spoiler necessarily but I LOVED the double dutch scene at the playground. The spice level was medium and incredibly well done. It heated up the page and was open door, but didn't burn the pages right off. The tie ins with Hollywood were well done and felt like they added a glimpse into the back workings of movie making. I would highly recommend this book! Thanks Myah Ariel and Berkely!

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this book was such a good time! i really liked the characters and writing and i will definitely be adding this to my collection

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Kaliya Wilson is a NYU graduate with dreams of becoming a film producer, but after years of doors being slammed and a constant chorus of no's, she's tucked her dreams away and taken a job at a production company. As Kaliya meanders through life, barely surviving at a job she hates, her now-famous ex-boyfriend Danny Prescott walks into her job and sees her working the front desk. Danny offers Kaliya a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that could be the catalyst to making her dreams a possibility once more, but can she work with the one that got away? The ex that broke her heart? The person she's possibly still in love with?

I really enjoyed this story. I appreciate Kaliya and her dilemma: wanting to take an opportunity but being gunshy about it because of her past with Danny. Her feelings for him were so visceral, and so was her heartbreak. Myah Ariel's writing really conveys the emotion of the story. Watching as both Danny and Kaliya find their way back to each other through the film was sweet. I also loved the portrayal of the lack of diversity in Hollywood and the way privilege oftentimes negates talent. I will say that one negative I had with this book was that I think it could've benefited from Danny's POV being shown. This is a second-chance trope, and I feel like that can't be accurately portrayed without both perspectives. Overall, this was a really wonderful debut novel.

Thank you to Myah Ariel and Berkley Publishing for providing me with an e-arc exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley & Berkley Publishing for the ARC of When I Think of You by Myah Ariel in exchange for an honest review. What I was expecting: a beautiful second chance romance. What I was not expecting: emotional cheating that led me to DNF the book. The cover is beautiful, and I was expecting the story to match the vibes only to be disappointed.

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Thank you Net Galley for this arc,

I felt like I was watching movie the whole time I read this story. Danny and Kaliyah’s love story is a love story you would definitely see on the big screen!

We follow Kaliyah who is a receptionist for a film studio for the past couple years she’s been trying to break into the movie industry but it’s been extremely hard for her. But it hasn’t been hard for her ex boyfriend Danny who already has won an Oscar and of course it helps his dad is an award winning director. They run into each other at her job, it’s been 7 years since they’ve seen each other. Danny offers her a job for his new movie Kaliyah isn’t sure she should take it but than again why not it’s her dream to make movies.

The tension and the angst were so well done, it’s clear that Danny has never stopped loving Kaliyah and Kaliyah has some unresolved feelings. If you love hollywoods, drama and second chance romances this will definitely be the book for you.

My only critique is that I wish we got Danny’s POV and that the book was longer! Overall I really did enjoy it and I hope it does get adapted into the big screen.

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When I Think of You is a sweeping debut from Myah Ariel! This book is an ode to cinema and the magic of movie making and storytelling. As someone who also loves watching and making movies, I heavily related to Kaliya and Danny's love of cinema. Their romance was very cute, but there were times I was frustrated at Danny's actions, both past and present. I did appreciate the moments they had together, though (the double dutch scene was ADORABLE!!). Honestly, the part of this story that I enjoyed the most was seeing the love story of Danny's parents come to life. The snippets of the scenes we got to see were so captivating. Of course, the discussions about race in the film industry, being a WOC in the workforce, interracial relationships, and growing up biracial were also thoughtfully handled as well. I can't wait to read Myah Ariel's future works!

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I will admit that what originally caught my eye about When I Think of You was the absolutely stunning cover...but reading Myah Ariel's debut novel, I saw that the cover conveys only a fraction of the beauty and emotion of this incredible debut romance. Heady and atmospheric, When I Think of You is a stunning second-chance romance that delves deep into the world of film. I predict that this will be one of the biggest romance debuts in 2024—at least, this book deserves to be on the top of everybody's list. I will be singing its praises all year long.

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