Member Reviews

I loved this book! It’s perfect for fans of only murder in the building. It is genuine and heartfelt. I loved the cantankerous Dorothy who is mostly a shut in who is obsessed with her neighbors. (As someone who is also extremely nosy, she was my favorite character.) I wish there was a sequel to these characters!

I did the audiobook for this and the narrator was wonderful.

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A grumpy protagonist with a sad backstory. The plot is cheesy and predictable but still cute; I love a bit of camaraderie over a shared cause.

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Cute story from the “quirky group including elderly protagonist solves a mystery” line! Was not my favorite that I’ve read - I tended to feel like characters’ motivations and backstories felt forced and contrived, with more than their fair share of general angst - but it’s a sweet premise of a found family banding together to save their home (and each other in the process).

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3.5, rounded up. If you like Frederik Backman then you'll probably enjoy this--it has similar cozy vibes and a Ove-like, grumpy protagonist with a sad backstory. The plot is cheesy and predictable but still cute; I love a bit of camaraderie over a shared cause.

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I guess the easiest way to categorize Nosy Neighbors would be a cozy mystery/save the ‘hood mashup, but really the storytelling approach here was more like everything but the kitchen sink.

You have the unlikeable curmudgeon who sits in her front window noting goings on she takes issue with throughout each day, you have the new resident who has some sort of history with the area that takes forever to disclose, you have another neighbor who was attacked in his house (thus, the mystery aspect), you have everyone who has pretty much avoided each other the entire time they’ve lived in the same building finally coming together for the common cause of hopefully stopping it from being redeveloped, you have potential love interests and long-held secrets, and on and on and on.

This wasn’t bad, but it definitely could have been whittled down 50-60 pages or a trope or two been eliminated in order for me to enjoy it more because I have been slogging through it for the past two days.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I LOVE this book!
This book gave me the happy feels that i got when reading Clare Pooley's books.
An older woman living in England who is trying to save her building from destruction - the characters are likeable, the setting is terrific and the ending made me cheer!

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In Nosy Neighbors, an unlikely duo teams up to uncover the culprit behind a series of break-ins at their apartment building, all while striving to save it from impending demolition. This engaging story unfolds through the alternating perspectives of Dorothy and Kat. Dorothy, a 77-year-old woman, has called Shelly House home for over three decades. Known for her nosy and cranky demeanor, she meticulously follows her daily routine of walking the grounds, always keeping a keen eye on the happenings within the building. On the other hand, Kat, a 25-year-old newcomer to Shelly House, initially hesitates to connect with her neighbors.
Set against a charming backdrop, "Nosy Neighbors" introduces readers to a quirky cast of characters, each adding depth and flavor to the narrative. The story beautifully balances moments of heartbreak and hope, as Dorothy and Kat navigate their differences to work together toward a common goal. Their journey not only uncovers the mystery behind the break-ins but also brings them closer to their community, revealing the strength and resilience of their bond.
I had the pleasure of receiving a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. "Nosy Neighbors" is a delightful and heartwarming read that captures the essence of unlikely friendships and the power of community.

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Wow wow wow. The description of the book doesn’t rightly explain the book correctly. I expect more of a thriller and didn’t get that much at all. I’ve tried to read this so many times over the months an just could not get into it. I had no desire to read about the characters or grasp the storyline. I almost DNFd it many times but didn’t want to give up. It was just very slow and not what I expected at all. I wanted to love it so much and very sad that I didn’t ☹️

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was a wonderful book and I'll be purchasing it for the library!

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A young Kat and an old Dorothy, residents of historical Shelley House and bitter rivals must work together to save the building from demolition. I love stories about cantankerous women who soften around the edges. I also love stories about found family and enjoyed seeing the relationship form between Kat and Dorothy. The author did a fabulous job and differentiating the language of the POVs for the two characters. While the story focuses on the two MCs, you also meet several other residents and get to know them as well. It was delightful and sweet.

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Not what I expected, and still lovely. A cozy tale of what can happen when people step outside their comfortable gripes and irritations, uniting behind a common cause.

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Great book with a cute cover! I loved the characters in this story and their relationships. Loved the mystery aspect woven between emotional themes. This was a new to me author and I will definitely be reading more!

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Thank you to Berkley Publishing Group and NetGalley for an Advanced Readers Copy of this book.

Overall, I'd say "good not great." For me, this book was not a quick read, and after I set it aside to read another book, I wasn't overly motivated to pick it up again.

That being said, I'm glad that I pushed through to finish the book. I felt like the payoff and twist at the end were unexpected and enjoyable, but it *definitely* felt like I had to do a lot of work to finally get to them.

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This book was just okay to me. I didn't really enjoy it, and it was my second book by this I don't think I'll be reading anymore of her work unfortunately!

The story was kind of blasé in my opinion, and I just couldn't get invested in the characters.

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I was expecting a feel good book and felt this really did not deliver. I was not invested in the characters nor the storyline.

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A quick and easy read. Two ladies that really have never cared for each unite to save the apartment complex. These two ladies begin to work together to help everyone. A really good light read.

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An unlikely duo work together to discover who is behind the break-ins in their apartment building, and attempt to save their apartment building from demolition.

Nosy Neighbors is told using the alternating points of view of Dorothy and Kat. Dorothy is a 77 year old woman who has lived in Shelly House for over 30 years. She is viewed as a nosy, cranky neighbor. She has a routine of walking the grounds and knows what is happening at Shelly House. Kat is 25 years old and new to Shelly House. She is reluctant to get to know her neighbors.

A quirky cast of characters in a charming setting. Nosy Neighbors is both heartbreaking yet hopeful.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Kat and Dorothy are such an unlikely yet formidable pair of amateur sleuths, brought together by circumstance and wildly determined to save Shelley House and their beloved apartments. Not your typically-plotted mystery, this story of unlikely friendships, misunderstandings, guilty secrets, forgiveness, and life in a small-town is an amusing breath of fresh air to the mystery genre. After all, nothing brings neighbors together like someone else’s secrets…or a really, really, good new story by Freya Sampson.

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I loved this one! I've been meaning to grab a print copy because of how much I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the authors next novel!

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SUMMARY: When an elderly neighbor is attacked, a 25-year-old resident and the building’s resident busybody team up to solve the crime and attempt to save the building from demolition.

I really liked this one! It started on the slower side, but once it took off, I was really into it and ultimately gave it a 5⭐ rating.

I picked this book because I thought it would be like Only Murders in the Building, and it kind of is with its multigenerational residents working together to solve a mystery. But the mystery ended up being just part of the story!

The mystery was the device to introduce the characters and the story ended up being more about who they were and how they became that way. It reminded me of some other well-known books about seemingly antisocial characters, specifically A Man Called Ove and Eleanor Olyphant is Completely Fine.

If either of those was your jam, then check out Nosy Neighbors. You will LOVE it!

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