Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

This manga was largely episodic, with each chapter being an "episode". The sole focus of this manga is to show off Japanese dishes and to have the characters visiting the Izakaya be stand-ins for the readers. It is interesting to have these Japanese dishes shown and explained, and also learn a little bit about German food by extension. But it really doesn't have any over-arching plot line to keep my interest. Yes, reading about these unfamiliar (Well, some were, I knew most of them) Japanese dishes is interesting, but by the final chapter, it gets a bit boring. I don't know how they will make a series out of this. I am curious about how a Japanese Izakya restaurant appeared in medieval Germany/random fake European city. But it's just brushed off like it's a very unimportant part of the story, even though it's something that seems to be interesting. The art style is interesting, but it's not really to my taste. I just didn't vibe with this series.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I'm sorry but I'm not a big fan of mangas about cooking. I've read and tried a bunch of books in this genre but it is not my thing. I always ended up bored. I would prefer a recipes book.
Here we have a Japanese pub in a fictional medieval European city of Eiteriach; it is actually a German city for the characters speak German. A nice cosy fantasy story about introducing Japanese food and drinks to medieval German people.

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**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Volume 1 by Natsuya Semikawa (Author), Virginia Nitouhei (Artist) was just as I remembered from watching the anime. It's a simple foodie manga that follows a modern Japanese pub transported halfway into a fictional medieval European city, and the customers that find the delights that await them there. There's something comforting about consuming content that's just about good food and happy people, and this manga delivers! Food never looks so good as when it's drawn. This slice of life manga will make you happy and hungry and long to find a good Japanese Izakaya of your own. Recommended to food lovers and manga lovers alike.

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I didn't really like it at first, but this mange grew on me with each chapter. The reactions are quite over the top, but that's part of the humor. The food all looks delicious. If only some of it were in color.

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Beautiful. Stunning. Delicious? Never had a book made me so hungry while reading, or so excited to try new foods!

A lovely manga I was lucky enough to get an ARC for through NetGalley, it highlights how much impact a comforting meal can have. It can brighten our day, draw us closer to our companions. Bring back memories of simpler times, bring out our adventurous side. Or even comfort and broaden our horizons. Beautiful artwork, and a heart warming message!

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This series is for those who like appealing food stories! Yes, there are recipes in the back of the book as well, always a solid edition to these sorts of series. The best surprise was the language barrier between our Euro-flavored fantasy setting townsfolk and the Izakaya worker speaking Japanese. It was a small, but nice touch that made it stand out a little more! It's calmer than say, Crazy Food Truck, but if this is your jam, it's off to a strong start!

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The story centers on a Japanese style pub called Nobu found in the middle of a fantasy, medieval German type city. Nobu has a menu no one can read and makes food so great, everyone comes back for more. The story is really episodic, each chapter focuses on a different customer and their reactions to Nobu. I don't really know if there's any more setup or story beyond this, the characters were not very prominent and there was not a lot of worldbuilding, beyond a few panels suggesting something otherworldly. The focus is on the patrons who are largely confused by Nobu's offerings, but try it out anyway and end up loving it. The food takes center stage, so if you're not into that, this is not the story for you.

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This was such a cute manga! I really enjoyed the different stories that were told across the various chapters, and how they came together in different ways. Plus I love food.

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I have hard time reading Japanese cooking or food manga, but somehow I still try. Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu is just what it is (an izakaya), but somehow exists in a fictional medieval European city that's very German in many ways. There's no real plot as it's mostly these male soldiers complaining about food and then getting inside this weird izakaya and finding everything Japanese delicious. This is the problem, your basic Japanese cooking isn't gourmet and they hardly use any spices either. There aren't so many variations when it comes to foods and praising salted soybeans feels slightly dumb. A country that thinks a hamburger steak is actually a food on its own and with rice? Yeah. The clean flavors are one thing, but Japanese beer is basically water.

Somehow all of the food mangas follow the same pattern and in every one Japanese cuisine is rejoiced, which bugs me for many reasons and I've lived in Japan. The art is OK, but nothing spectacular, mostly it's just talking heads. The rhythm is slow and lazy, very much slice of life. Not my cup of matcha tea this one.

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This was such a good manga! I'm a sucker for anything to do with food so this one was right up my alley. I loved that all of the characters each had their own woes and that the food at Nobu was able to help each of them in a different way. I will definitely be reading the next volume!

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*This manga is fun to read if you can suspend the idea that a Japanese izakaya would land in medieval Europe (eastern side including Germany/Poland, it’s not clear). Every section seems to have someone who has never eaten Japanese food and gets excited about what they’ve eaten. The food descriptions were good. The romanticizing of the food is fun. It’s not clear why the characters get angry when they taste something good but it does make for more interesting drawings.
*I really liked that they added a food vocabulary. Some of the German terms are not known to me.

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This was a nice, relaxing manga that made me SO HUNGRY! Being more on the episodic side of things, I didn’t necessarily feel a super strong pull to keep reading, but I enjoyed the talk of food so much that I’ll probably continue the series and most likely give the anime a try, too.

Thank you to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for the free digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions presented here are my own.

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My Thoughts:

What do I love about manga? I love the kawaii factor, but I also love the humor in good manga. I like that bitter or angry characters are softened within the manga genre. This manga series takes place in a fictional European town that seems like somewhere in Victorian times by their dress. But in the a forgotten alley is a Japanese pub, or izakaya. Once patrons find this little pub, they love the food. The "Chief" and the waitress, Shinobu, are pleasant and magical. Somehow they get the best ingredients. The beer "what'sontapp" is always ice cold. They serve fresh fish even though they are not near an ocean. What is funny is that the different characters come in with different kind of troubles, and the Chief and waitress know exactly what they need to make them feel better. The food is simple, almost homey, but everyone leaves happy. For Chief, seeing his patrons come in after a long day and leave with a smile on their face is a good day. Kawaii.

From the Publisher:
A Japanese style pub called “Nobu” exists in a back alley of the fictional medieval European city of Eiteriach. Its customers? A pair of slacker soldiers, a spoiled heiress, an uptight tax collector, and more... When the citizens of this strange world sit down to enjoy some unfamiliar Japanese cuisine, their troubles simply melt away… The curtain rises on this otherworldly eatery and the gourmet fantasy about to unfold within!

Publication Information
Author: Natsuya Semikawa
Artist: Virginia Nitouhei
Publisher: Udon Entertainment (Sept 17, 2018)

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I wanted to read this manga because it a medium I have been curious about and have never read. I am happy that I chose this title as my first manga read.

"Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Volume 1" is a delightful manga that transports readers to a whole new culinary adventure. From the very beginning, this manga captures your attention with its unique premise and engaging storytelling.

The story revolves around a quaint izakaya, or Japanese pub, called Nobu. What makes Nobu truly special is that it is mysteriously connected to another world, bringing in customers from a medieval fantasy realm. This blend of traditional Japanese cuisine and a fantastical setting creates a dynamic and captivating atmosphere.

One of the greatest strengths of this manga is its well-developed characters. The main protagonists, Shinobu and Nobuyuki, are not only talented chefs but also relatable and endearing individuals. Their interactions with the otherworldly customers bring a sense of charm and wonder to the story.

The artwork by Virginia Nitouhei is simply fantastic. The intricate details and vibrant illustrations breathe life into the manga, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the world of Nobu and its delectable dishes. The art beautifully captures the essence of both Japanese culture and the allure of a fantasy realm.

Moreover, the way the manga showcases various dishes and ingredients is a feast for the eyes. Each illustration conveys the mouth-watering appeal of the izakaya's menu, making readers crave for the very same flavors that the characters enjoy.

The pacing of the story is well-balanced, blending moments of humor, action, and heartwarming interactions seamlessly. With each turn of the page, the manga reveals more about the intricate backstories of the characters, unveiling their motivations and aspirations.

"Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Volume 1" is a delightful mix of food, fantasy, and heartwarming camaraderie. It manages to create a unique and immersive experience that keeps readers entertained and leaves them wanting more. Whether you are a fan of culinary manga or enjoy rich world-building with lovable characters, this manga is an absolute treat.

Overall, "Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Volume 1" is a must-read for manga enthusiasts who seek a unique and delightful blend of culinary adventures and captivating storytelling. Natsuya Semikawa and Virginia Nitouhei have crafted a manga that is a treat for both the eyes and the taste buds, leaving readers eagerly awaiting the next volume.

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I laugh a lot with this book. The variety of foods all look delicious, and all the characters talk for panels about how delicious the food is and what it tastes like. In one particular instance, spaghetti is featured in a scene reminiscent of Ratatouille. It was a simple story, but so well done. It made me crave for it to exist outside of the pages. I am eager to read on.

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I don't know why, but I love this type of work where food is the main focus. I have only watched anime like this, but reading it feels different, tho it's still entertaining. A good manga to pass the time, I read it in less than half an hour.
To end, I loved the detail at the end of adding a vocabulary list.
(Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this work.)

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Located in medieval Europe this restaurant isn't like anything seen before. Gate guards have dinner after their working hours and leave the restaurant having had the best meal in their entire lives. And not only gate guards frequent this establishment, many other characters are introduced to us little by little.

I definitely do NOT recommend reading this manga with an empty stomach! Even when I picked it up after having a good meal I felt myself salivating and wanting to taste the food shown in the manga. The art and also the descriptions were enough to make me crave eating again.

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A delightfully wholesome manga about a restaurant in a medieval German town that gives the townsfolk delicious new food. People walk in unhappy and walk out content and even joyful. Very enjoyable and I’m looking forward to reading more in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ho trovato questa storia davvero confortante e commovente.
In questo mondo diverso dal nostro è comparsa da un giorno all'altro, una taverna in stile giapponese che serve vari piatti tipici ai cittadini che entrano all'interno per provare qualcosa di nuovo e diverso.
E tutti ne escono sorpresi, sazi e soddisfatti. Ma soprattutto felici.
Ed è proprio questo l'obiettivo dei padroni del locale.
Il loro locale è collegato al nostro mondo dalla porta nel retro, ma ancora non ci è stato spiegato come sia potuto accadere. In effetti vorrei avere delle delucidazioni in merito, ma per ora mi sono davvero divertita ad osservare le varie persone alla scoperta degli strani piatti che gli vengono presentati.
Ed è vero un pasto caldo, può davvero portare tanta felicità!

Grazie per avermi permesso di leggere questo manga Netgalley!


I found this story really comforting and touching.
In this world different from ours, a Japanese-style tavern appeared overnight, serving various typical dishes to citizens who come inside to try something new and different.
And everyone comes away surprised, full and satisfied. But above all happy.
And this is precisely the goal of the owners of the restaurant.
Their place is connected to our world through the back door, but we still haven't been told how this could happen. In fact, I would like to have some clarification on the matter, but for now I've really enjoyed observing the various people discovering the strange dishes that are presented to them.
And it's true, a hot meal can really bring happiness!

Netgalley, thanks for letting me read this manga!

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Books like this are my new favorite genre. It is a Japanese style pub in a fictional middle ages style world. It was a very simple story, but so well done. Reading it made me hungry and wish that we had this in the real world. I look forward to continuing the series.

4 stars

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