Member Reviews

Super informative and well written. As an “outisider” to the world of theater, a casual enjoyer more than anything, I was worried this would be too niche or too difficult, but I was pleasantly surprised by the content and how it was presented.

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Thank you to Globe Pequot, Applause and to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

I love all things Broadway, so I was very excited to see this book available for request on NetGalley.

This book did not disappoint. It was kind of a peak behind the curtain, taking about what a vital part the people who work behind the scenes play, in putting together a Broadway show.

I really enjoyed this one.

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Interesting book about Broadway, I learned some cool facts but the author was bogged down a tad with secondary information. It's still fascinating to see how the cultural impact of Broadway started and expanded!

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What a truly fabulous book !! A wonderful guide for aspiring professionals, one that, in my opinion, would be a great addition to any theater curriculum. I learned so much from this book and would recommend it to anyone interested in a theatrical career . . . as well as to fans of the theater wishing to know a bit more about what really goes on behind the curtain. 5 Stars !!

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Broadway is often associated with actors, singers, and dancers, but there is a whole team of skilled professionals behind the scenes who make the magic happen. Each person plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of a show. The more I delve into the world of theater, the more I appreciate all the work that happens backstage.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as it provides a comprehensive insight into the entire creative process. It offers a clear explanation of the responsibilities of each professional involved in a production. I highly recommend it!

Thanks to Globe Pequot for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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How Broadway Works will be published December 15, 2023. Applause Books, an imprint of Globe Pequot, provided an early galley for review.

I was never a "theater kid" in school, but I always enjoyed taking in performances as a member of the audience. The cover of this one caught my attention, encouraging me to check it out and find out more of what goes on behind the scenes of productions. And, boy, did I ever learn a lot!

Powers breaks everything down in a very organized manner. Starting with the general and production managers and working her way through props, costumes and wardrobe, and then through lighting and sound, she makes it very clear who does what and how when it comes to mounting a Broadway show. Anyone looking for a career in the theatre outside of being on-stage will find what she has to say to be very valuable.

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Sharon Grace Powers, How Broadway Works Building and Running a Show, from the People Who Make It Happen Globe Pequot, Applause, Dec 2023.

Thank you, NetGalley , for providing me with this uncorrected proof for review.
I applaud the premise of this book, which is an engaging, informative account of all the people who make it possible for those who shine on the Broadway stage, as actors, musicians, or writers. They have their role, but so too, do those people who may fleetingly appear as they move scenery, but are otherwise unseen, except in the productions their work brings to the public gaze. Not only does Sharon Grace Powers give them their due, but she opens up the huge range of possibilities available to people who would like to work on a Broadway production.
This is a wonderfully detailed book, with chapters on all aspects of bringing a show to Broadway with chapters covering the role of: the General Manager/Producer; Production Management Company; Set Designer and Associate Set Designer; Props - Production Props Supervisor, Head of Props; Puppets and Special Effects; Costumes – Costume Designer, Costume Design Associate, Full-Service Shops and Costume Draper, Beading, Fabric painter, Milliner, and Body Padding; Wardrobe – Wardrobe Supervisor, Dresser and Sticher; Stage Management – Production Stage Manager and Assistant Stage Managers; Music – Misic Director, Associate Music Director, Dance Music Arranger, Vocal Arranger, Orchestrator, Music Copyist and Music Coordinator; Sound – Sound Designer, Sound Mixer and Assistant Sound Person; Lighting – Lighting Designer, Lighting Associate and Lighting Programmer and Technology; Hair/Wigs and Makeup Prosthetics – hair Supervisor and Makeup Designer. Reading this wide collection of the work that is undertaken to get a show to its audience would provide any teacher of theatre and drama courses with a wealth of knowledge with which to encourage students who are not those to be seen on stage. This is just one of the treasures that Sharon Grace powers provides.

She also makes the rules governing labour in the profession abundantly clear, with detailed information about the unions that cover the various occupations about which she writes. How the occupations fit together to work efficiently and smoothly in a pattern that can be seen in all the Broadway theatres. At the same time, the unique nature of the various shows is demonstrated with reference to particular productions.
The contributors to the book have backgrounds in acting but found that this was not the profession for them. Instead, they became the backbone to the Broadway productions of which an audience sees only an infinitesimal amount of the work that leads to their realisation. How Broadway Works is a marvellous source of information and a worthy appreciation of the myriad of roles to which Sharon Grace Powers gives authenticity. I enjoyed this book, for its knowledgeable account of work mostly unseen, its enthusiasm for opening up a wider world of theatre to those who want to work there and for its accessible although detailed information.

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I love Broadway and books about behind the scenes so this was perfect for me. I enjoyed what I read and thought it was a really interesting read. Sharon Grace Powers does a great job in keeping me wanting to read more.

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Date read: 10/31-11/1

Star rating: 4 stars

I found that this was very informational to learn on and reading about all the mechanics that plays along throughout it. It's interesting that there is so much that isn't talked about out side the theater and it gave me insight on everything that goes into Broadway.

Would I get it myself? Personally no. Would I recommend it to someone else? Yes if they are into theater and/or non-fiction work.

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As a Broadway actress, this book is GENIUS. It is the book that I want to hand to every single person who asks if I am wearing a wig onstage, or how I remember all those lines, or how I change my clothes so fast. Also to every student who is pursuing theatre as a career! It is thorough, easy to understand, and doesn't make the reader feel stupid, or like they should have known all of this (even if they should have, because yes OF COURSE I was wearing a wig onstage). I will be purchasing this for my parents for Christmas.

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Broadway! Who does not love heading to Times Square in NYC and visiting the city that never sleeps, while indulging in a Broadway show! The complexities of the industry and how a musical or play goes from on paper to the stage is surreal. I would say I am one who knows a good amount about Broadway in general, however, this book shed light into some aspects I had not fully considered.

Without a doubt this book was well written and a phenomenal overview into the behind the scenes of Broadway itself. I found this book very education, a great overview/outline of the importance of various positions (without going overboard or too in depth), references to plays and musicals as reference points, and was absolutely a book a wide audience will enjoy!

Thank you to both NetGalley, Globe Pequot, and Applause for providing me the opportunity to review “How Broadway Works” prior to publication. I am appreciative and leave my review voluntarily.

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Interesting read on the background roles required for successful run on Broadway. Very much targeted at an already deeply interested audience; not necessarily for the casual Broadway fan.

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If you've ever dreamt of the dazzling lights, the captivating music, and the magic of the stage, "How Broadway Works" by Sharon Grace Powers is your all-access pass to the world of theater. But here's the twist: it's not about the actors in the spotlight; it's about the unsung heroes behind the scenes who make the show a reality.

This book is a celebration of the often-overlooked individuals who work tirelessly to bring a production to life. It's a standing ovation for those who operate in the shadows but are essential to the theater. While the audience sees the actors, lights, and musicians, Powers takes us on a backstage tour to meet the true stars of Broadway -- the talented professionals who craft the magic.

Powers understands that not everyone aspires to be in the limelight, and that's where this book shines. It's a revelation for young theater enthusiasts who may not be drawn to acting but are yearning to be part of the theater world. "How Broadway Works" opens their eyes to a myriad of "roles" that await them behind the curtain.

Powers unveils each role with precision, providing an in-depth understanding of what the job entails, the qualifications required, an artist's creative process, and most importantly, how each role intricately weaves into the tapestry of a show's production.

Whether you're interested in stage management, costume design, lighting, or any other facet of theater, you'll find it expertly explored.

Sharon Grace Powers' passion for the subject matter shines through every page. It's evident that she respects and admires the dedication and artistry of those who work behind the scenes, and she beautifully articulates their contributions.

In a world where the spotlight often steals the show, "How Broadway Works" is a much-needed reminder that there's a whole universe of talent working diligently backstage. It's an invitation for aspiring theater professionals to find their niche and be part of the magic.

Whether you're an aspiring theater professional, a seasoned practitioner, or simply a curious theatergoer, this book will deepen your appreciation for the creativity that happens behind the curtain. It's a standing ovation for the true heroes who make Broadway shine.

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