Member Reviews

I had high expectations going into this book which unfortunately were not met. The beginning was promising with the creepy atmosphere but the book couldn’t keep it up for me.

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Nightwatching opens with a terrifying scene where a woman, alone with her two young children, realises an intruder is in her house—and things just get more tense and frightening from that point on! As well as the mounting sense of dread and terror, there is also some beautiful, almost poetic, writing. Recommended if you like a slow burn thriller (even if this book will have you double checking that all the doors are locked…)

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This is a very atmospheric thriller. The first third of the book is amazing. Totally draws you in.
It gets a bit slow then but improves towards the end.

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This thriller kept me gripped. Nicely done without leaning too heavily into the haunted house or the hysterical woman.

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I absolutely loved this. I can't sing the author's praises enough. It was gripping, scary, twists and turns at every stage. A truly terrifying story - for the first time in a very long time, I felt genuinely afraid while reading this. It taps into every mother's fears - monsters really do exist and the lengths that mothers will go to protect their children. I read this in one sitting.

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As soon as I started hearing this about this one, I knew I instantly had to read it. Something I did as soon as this gem landed. Well this is terrifying and guaranteed to send chills down your spine.

We’ve all been home alone, thought we’d heard something and had a melt down. However, this takes that fear to a whole other level. This is a mother, home alone with her children and desperate to keep them safe from the intruder.

That’s where this really starts to unfold. We follow them as they seek safety in a little private spot. I have definitely has shivers as I’ve been reading this one. I definitely felt the intensity and angst on the pages of this gem.

My heart went out to the poor little ones. Woken from their beds and told to remain quiet so they aren’t found. I’ve just wanted to scoop them up and cuddle them. Sierra has done a brilliant job at showing the intensity and emotions of this situation.

As this unravels, you become even more hooked. This definitely pulls you down the rabbit hole. I have devoured this book. It’s written in a way, I’ve felt as though I’ve been watching this play out. I loved every moment.

This is a creepy and addictive debut that everyone should have on their radar. This is haunting and original, guaranteed to keep you awake far too late at night. Whether that’s, due to the terrifying events unfolding or because you can’t put this one down.

This has been a superb read. I’d go as far as saying this is one of the best debuts I’ve ever read. I cannot wait to see what Sierra has in store for readers next. I already know it will be something I need to read.

This is a must for the TBR.

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I enjoyed this book. A young mother is alone in her old house with her 2 young children. There is a blizzard howling outside. She hears what can only be heavy footsteps climbing the stairs. She has to decide in that split second what to do. What follows is a roller coaster ride of a story, with the woman escaping in to the night. But once this night is over are they safe? Or is the man still watching? This is a real page turner that will keep you guessing to the end.
Thanks to NetGalley for a preview copy.
Copied to Goodreads.

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Simply describing this as a thriller does not do it justice.
This book is so much more than a thriller. It is so well written.
I was obsessed with getting back to this book to see how it ends.
I am not going to say a thing about the story as I don’t wish to drop any clues.
This book is going to be huge. Unfortunately, it will be so big that it will be put on the screen and I only have to hope it is produced by an exceptional team to do it justice.
Both my husband and I consumed it within 48 hours.

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Thank you for letting me read this arc copy. The storyline was fantastic and genuinely kept me hooked! Characters were well developed and the storyline was interesting. Perfect for fans of psychological thrillers

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This was a story filled with tension from the beginning to the end.It wasn't enjoyable but it was totally compelling. The fear, the frustration of not being believed, the anxiety that maybe you are losing your mind. How on earth the author managed to write this story I will never know but thank you for the experience.

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A good fast paced thriller read which kept me involved in the storyline all the way with good characters.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin General for allowing me to read this ARC which I can thoroughly recommend.

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Wow! Nightwatching is incredible. It's tight, engaging, terrifying and brilliant. Read it now! I gasped audibly. I clutched my head. I couldn't put it down. Five well-deserved stars.

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This was a nail-biter, never sure what was going to happen next. Was it all a dream or very real? These are the questions you will ask yourself as you keep reading because you need to know what is going to happen. Will they be safe, get the book to find out. Well recommended and very good for a first novel so keep an eye on this author. 

I will post the reviews on my blog and socials on the 8th of February 2024

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This has a good premise and I felt the terror of the family while hiding in the house but I wasn't sure how long the hiding was going to go on for which made it seem like the story dragged for a while. I liked the flashbacks that led up to the sinister events and the aftermath was also good but it was a little slow in parts. Overall a good thriller, perfect for autumn nights.

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Really well written, terrifying at times. Every time I thought I’d worked out what was happening, I had to think again. Great book. Would recommended

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A mother and her two children are home alone with a blizzard raging outside. The kids are in bed and the mother is almost back to her bedroom after settling her son, when suddenly she hears creaking on the stairs. This is an old house that makes strange noises anyway, but she knows every creak, so she’s well aware that someone is creeping up the stairs! What can she do? Run, hide? How can she when the footsteps are moving ever closer, which means the intruder will see her!

Oh my days, the tension was unbearable at times, and as the story continues, it pulls you one way, then another and finally another! What is the truth of this story? Is the mother lying? Has she exaggerated or even imagined the events?

Well, I for one had no idea how this one was going to end, the characters were well drawn, shockingly so at times, but I really enjoyed this creepy yet wonderfully atmospheric storyline that gives new meaning to the term ‘twists and turns’!

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This book was terrifying, a mother alone at night with her two small children when she hears a noise of an intruder .
She hides with her children and I could feel the terror her and her children where feeling emanating from the pages.
A very spooky read which wasn't for me

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'Nightwatching' is the most terrifying novel I have ever read - bar none.

Tracy Sierra's vivid, visceral descriptions of a mother's terror during a home invasion are utterly petrifying. My mind raced alongside the protagonist's, trying to work out how she could extricate herself and her children from the nightmare scenario they found themselves in.

It was so easy to out myself in the protagonist's position and the terror I felt was unbelievable. There were scenes in this novel that literally took my breath away.

I'd heartily recommend this novel as a masterclass in how to misdirect your readers and make them question everything that the narrator is telling us.

As a mum, this novel hits so hard. I couldn't help but imagine my own children in this situation and the depth of feeling that this brought was emotionally challenging. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget it.

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This is a tense thriller that started and ended with me holding my breath as I read. I found the book to be very atmospheric, great descriptions of the forest and also the terror whilst hiding. I had my heart in my mouth reading towards the end to find out what happens. The narrator is perceived by others to be unreliable when a man breaks into her house looking for her young daughter. the police and her father in law all suspect she is not well and making this up. The book flashes between now and then to build a picture up of her life before this. I was rooting for the main character but must admit throughout I didn't quite know who or what to believe which I loved! I will be recommending this to others and looking out for more from this author.

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Very tense and atmospheric, and I understand the plot device of the unreliable narration of sorts, but I just didn’t enjoy it unfortunately

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