Member Reviews

This was a sweet but spicy RomCom. I was hooked when I read the library scene. I needed a feel good story with spicy. This book checked all of my boxes. This is a city guy meets small town girl. Fisher is figuring out how to be a guardian to his niece. Sage has to deal with seeing her ex boy friend around town with his fiancee. Fisher helps Sage in a competition. The MCs know this is just a summer romance or is it more?

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Savour It, is a slow-burn love story about two people from seemingly opposite worlds trying to work through loss and find their way. Sage, is a small-town teacher and hobby farmer who struggles with being pitied after going through a breakup with a long-term boyfriend. She is now dealing with her ex’s recent engagement and is looking for a way to shine. Fisher is a hotshot NYC chef, who is new to parenting after the loss of his sister. After losing the passion for his work he was sent on a sabbatical in Spunes to find his way while setting up a new restaurant.

Despite a slow start in the first two chapters I was quickly drawn in by DeWitt. The connection between Sage and Fisher was evident from the start but it was the library scene that sent my heart fluttering! I loved that the story was told from a dual point of view and how DeWitt developed the characters and their relationship in a realistic and relatable way. I especially appreciated their quirky nature and that they stayed true to themselves right through to the end.

I reread the book description after finishing the book and would have loved to see the restaurant and competition story lines a bit more developed. That being said, I was so engrossed with Sage and Fisher I couldn’t put the book down! Filled with small-town charm, emotion, connection, steam and humour this is a captivating story of figuring out what you want vs what you think others want from you.

Thank you to NetGalley, Tarah DeWitt and the publisher St. Martin’s Press/St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh Sage & Fisher, you're gonna break me. I love a FMC who just knows who she is, and helps the guy sort through his struggles with a little fun with fake dating. This is one of my more heavily highlighted books in recent memory. Dewitt gives the characters a good amount of time for self-reflection. Liz and Fisher give you all the reasons to love them. A cute town, adorable side-characters (give me more robes, dammit), farm animals, and personal growth that's not all forced into a last chapter. Happy to read any more in the town of Spunes. Please keep them coming.

I only knocked a star off because wanted the last few chapters to go on longer, and I feel like I lost out on some groveling and swoony hijinks.

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This book felt like a warm hug. I immediately loved the writing style and knew I'd love this book from chapter 1!! Tarah does a wonderful job at making Spunes feel like MY home with the descriptions, the small town community, the family-esque nature of the town and its people. It just makes you feel like you belong there.

Fisher is a super unique MMC in my opinion, it didn't feel like I was reading the pov of many other MMC's I've read before, he just really stood out to me. Reading a more sensitive man's perspective was just SO refreshing!! I need him carnally like I love him so bad.

I related to Sage in such an intense way, the whole "too nice" thing hit so close to home and it really makes the reading experience so much better when you can find things in common with the FMC and Tarah did a great job at that. She's spunky, has a great sense of humor and is just a ball of sunshine. The banter was wonderful, I adored reading Sage and Fischer's journey. Not to mention this book has a 3rd act break up DONE CORRECTLY, which I really loved about it. It didn't make me mad or want to yell at the characters for being stupid, absolutely well done. 5 stars all around.

Thank you to Netgalley and Tarah Dewitt for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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3.5 small town romance starsss

Thank you to Tarah Dewitt and NetGalley for the eARC!!

I love this author and her unique feeling romances and will pick up everything she writes. I usually listen to her books on audio so I went through this one a lot slower than usual which might’ve taken me out of the story a little, but this time of year is sooo busy and physically reading is hard to prioritize but I would definitely recommend for fans of:
• small town romance
• forced proximity (neighbors)
• single guardian MMC
• found family
• quirky FMC
• cute lil farm animals !

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This book is one of the best quirky small town romances I have ever read. The title fully describes this book as you will want to savor every minute of this read. The characters were written in a way that had me instantly invested in them. I will be recommending this book to anyone who will listen.

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What can I say about Tarah's writing that hasn't already been written. I will say this, Funny Feelings is one of my all time favorite books and this one...this masterpiece is pushing it out of the top spot. Sage and Fisher's story pulled at my heartstrings and I was screaming, crying, and throwing up throughout the entire book. I feel this is Tarah's best book yet and I can not wait for it to hit shelves and have everyone experience Sage and Fischer.

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A very sweet and swoony small town love story! Absolutely loved both main characters and all the side characters as well as the geese! Great writing!

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This was another amazing book from Tarah. Since Funny Feelings, I have been a huge fan and this book definitely captured her energy and I think was her best yet!! The tension and relationship was so believable and I can definitely see the inspriation from the Bear. Would be great to use as a hook for new readers. BEYOND loved and excited for what she has next.

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Easily one of my favourite books of the year. I highlighted full PAGES on my kindle!

Sage and Fisher are amazing. Their chemistry was sizzling off the page, but Tarah made us SAVOR every second before they actual get together. It was so fucking good. The spice was perfect!

The emotional connection is what truly won me though, as with the authors other works. She always manages to create relationships that are so layered, complex and beautiful.

I also loved the menagerie of animals living on Sage's farm. I loved the Gilmore Girl-esque small town setting, nosy towns folk included. I loved the setting in general, it felt cozy and the close proximity added to the wonderful tension in the romance.

Honestly, this is the authors absolutely best work and I can't wait for it to release next May so I can reread it and tab all my favourite moments.

Also, I need a Wren/Ellis book!

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Tarah does not miss. I loved the characters in this story. I love that we saw Tarah's growth as an author. Her trademark humor is present, yes, but this story is deep and rich and full of love. I loved Sage and Fisher so much!

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LOVED the small town feel and the vibe of the FMC, and there's something about a person who just adopts all these animals that calls out to me, so i felt very protective of her! It was a cute story that I enjoyed!

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“I think finding the right people —finding your people— can be the thing that makes anywhere feel like home”
. . .
I love everything about this book! This is a a delightful slow burn that not only gives you one of the most heartwarming romances, but it also gives you such loving characters (that will stay in your mind for a while) and the small town of your dreams!

Sage and Fisher’s love story was a breath of fresh air, it was mature while also being all consuming… Reading the individual journey of each of them was very emotional and everything I needed 🥹

Get excited, cause this book will be out on MAY 21st. If you liked Funny Feelings, you’re in for a huge treat with this one!

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This was a solid 3/3.5 star for me - a classic small town romcom with girl next door x out of towner energy (which i always enjoy)!

What I liked about this book: I really liked the setting of this story. I’m a sucker for a small town setting with a main character that works on a ranch, farm, etc. The town and the town citizens were so special and added a huge component to the story. The way that you could feel Sage’s love for Spunes, the people of Spunes and the history and uniqueness of the town was heartwarming. I really liked Sage’s relatability as well - as an anxious people pleaser, I related heavily to lots of her inner dialogue.

What I didn’t love about this book: For some reason, I didn’t click with the main couple - it just didn’t work for me 🥲 I found myself thinking that Fisher and Sage would’ve been better as friends. I hate that I felt this way because I truly loved both characters separately, but couldn’t picture them together romantically. The pacing was also slightly off for me, it seemed like all of the feelings and “seriousness” of the relationship between Fisher and Sage came on really quickly and there wasn’t a lot of on-page dialogue regarding these topics, it was mostly just assumed that they loved each other? I don’t know, I think this also contributed to not fully buying into them as a legitimate couple.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I read some of De Witt’s indie books and was excited for her to get picked up by traditional publishing and also for this BEAUTIFUL cover. Sage Byrd loved her small community of Spunes, Washington, her eclectic collection of rescue animals, her garden, and her sunroom. Michelin-starred chef Fisher Lange and his ward and niece Indy are sent to Spunes and Sage’s neighboring property to help consult on a new restaurant in the small town. De Witt has created an immersive new literary world reminiscent of the Fairhaven area of Bellingham, with a colorful cast of supporting characters and animals, a GORGEOUS setting, and a friend-to-more “fake” dating summer fling romance that readers will root for! As much as I wanted to “savor it,” I quickly read this book over several days because I couldn’t put it down. Not quite a 5 star read for me personally because it was at times hard to follow, and there was an excessive amount of innuendo/dirty jokes in my opinion (but if you think middle school boy humor is funny then that won’t bother you). But I am excited for this book to come out for readers everywhere this summer and for future installments set in Spunes and the remaining Byrd siblings.

I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgally; all opinions expressed above are my own.

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SAVOR IT by Tara DeWitt is an upcoming release about a chef who kind of imploded his career a bit when he lost one of his Michelin stars. He's sent to a small town as a punishment-slash-redemption opportunity and learns that what is really important in life might not be what he had originally thought.

I thought it was very tender, as they gradually opened up to each other, helped each other. It deals with grief and burnout and letting other people's opinions affect your dreams and the annoyances and advantages of small towns. It's lovely.

Also, and this was something that could have bothered me but was perfect: it uses the word "savor" the exact right number of times. Not too many, not too few. It's like a perfectly seasoned dish, judiciously deploying it for maximum effect.

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I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

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I just have to say I loved this!

It took a little bit for me to get into it but once I did, I COULD NOT put it down! I stayed up reading it into the night. I absolutely love small town romance. I laughed so hard and ugly cried reading this book. Seeing how Sage was there for Fisher and his niece deal with grief and loss was everything for me (especially reading this while losing three people close to me). Sage was the comfort and encouragement I needed in those moments. I love everything about the sunshine/grumpy thing Sage and Fisher have. It kept me coming back for more. Hopefully, we see more of Sage and Fisher in the future!!

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God I love small town romances. This book was super cute! I will say it was a bit cheesey but I enjoyed Sage and Fisher. The smut was good and I’ll pick up another book by this author.

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It took me a bit to get into this book, but once I did, I found myself reading into the night!

This is a very heartfelt romance. It had me smiling, crying, kicking my feet while giggling. All of the feels were involved.

I am also not a huge fan of small town romances, but this book didn't give off that judgey vibes that most small towns stories have. The MFC was an angel who just made the whole book so fun to read. She is whip smart, blunt, and thoughtful. The MMC is too, and together they blossom into a couple worth reading about. The character development is on point, the banter is bantering, and the romance is sweet yet steaming!

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