Member Reviews

Like a naughty hallmark movie in book form. More character depth, emotion and believability than a made for tv movie, but made me all cozy and happy like one! Absolutely recommend, and I’ll be checking out more from this author. A very high steam rating, but added to the story instead of overwhelming it.

I loved the depth of characters and their problems while still being cute and funny. Several lol moments in this book, and a few shed tears. I enjoyed the unique take on an easily over done theme of small town life, “small town” girl and “big city” chef trying to find themselves. I especially appreciated the male lead being “Big City” but not rude or condescending like the typical troupe. Favorite part of all for me are all the animals and their sweet quirks. Best read in a long time.

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I’m just going to get my pickiness out of the way so that I can get to gushing about this book but I found the names absolutely cringy. The main character is Sage Byrd. She gives… sage advice…. She lives in the fictional town of Spunes. The love interest’s name is also culinary which I guess is related since he’s actually a Michelin star chef from the “big city”…Fisher Lange. Together they make Sage Fish you can eat with a Spoon… These are the kinds of things I think about in the mornings as I drink my coffee.

Besides the unfortunate names, this book was perfectly romantic and utterly heartwarming. Fisher’s trying to navigate grief, raising his teenage niece and a career upheaval and Sage by virtue of her just being whimsical, compassionate self helps to navigate these big changes. It certainly helps that he's rented the house next door to her for the summer. So they agree to help each other out but not catch feelings because he’s leaving at the end of the summer. The proximity certainly doesn’t help, neither does her big heart, growing house of farm animals and her meddling brothers.

The characters have great banter and a wonderful dynamic that provides a lot of tension and satisfaction. It has all the charms of a small-town setting and a grumpy v. sunshine romance.

DeWitt laid the foundations for what should be a very lovely second-chance romance between two of the supporting characters so I’m sure we will be seeing more of our Sage Fish in the near future. In the meantime, mark my words, this will be the romance novel everyone is talking about this summer.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for providing an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Tarah DeWitt is becoming one of my auto-reads! The connection she builds with the other lead and the supporting cast is top notch! I really love that is love story was a slow burn but in a new fresh way. Fisher Lange wanting to savor Sage is just beyond words.

I love the small town aspect. It shows all the wonderful parts of a small town and some of the annoying parts like being held to your old self, at least in your own head.

Thank you for allowing me an early copy! I can’t wait to share this with friends.

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Wholeheartedly loved this book. Sage & Fisher had such amazing chemistry throughout the whole book. Even the side characters are amazing with the brothers, Sam, Wren, Indy, and the rest of the town (minus Ian and the new fiancé who’s name I refuse to remember out of principle).

Would LOVE to see a second chance romance with Sage's brother and Wren.

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i absolutely devoured this book, i’m obsessed with sage and fisher, they are everything. the characters are so lovable. i adore romcom’s and this one just perfectly represents what i love.

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If you know me it might not surprise you that I've kinda been struggling with romance this year. A lot of romances to me feel like they follow the same exact formula, with the same minimal stakes.

Enter Tarah Dewitt.

Tarah I can always count on to bring me an emotional, grounded in reality romance. And tbh? I don't think everyone wants that. I don't think Tarah is writing for *all* romance readers and that is okay. She's writing for me and so many others who LOVE intertwining love stories with real life issues, real life joys and finding the magic in between.

I loved Savor It. I love how this book has real stakes. What kept this couple apart (much like in Funny Feelings) was so honest in this world of Spunes, OR. This world feels lived in and I love romances that show that the small things can be just as valuable as the big things.

This book is also insanely funny between Sage's word vomit, Gary the goose and Fisher's frazzlement.

I love that this book has tropes, but doesn't rely on them to write the story.

This book is emotionally intelligent, nuanced, not overt, sexy, heartwarming, and so gosh darn relatable. I have so many quotes I screenshot here that made me go, "yeah! That's what it really feels like!"

Read all of Tarah's work pretty please and thank you.

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I hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Spunes, Oregon because I ate this book UP.

Sage & Fisher are both such delightful characters who are deep and complex without being too corny. I loved the ways in which they were vulnerable with one another as they warmed up to a friendship & beyond. Could have very easily veered into Hallmark territory with the big shot NYC chef looking to remake his career in small town PNW, but it was funny and poignant and so well written.

The additional characters (grumpy niece, lovable barnyard animals) definitely faded into the background of this sweet romance but it all came together for a surprisingly emotional and delicious read. Spicy and tender at the same damn time.

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Well-written story with compelling characters, steamy romance, and a thoughtful exploration of the meaning of happiness. Will definitely be checking out other books by this author..

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Sage is divorced and lives with her animals in the quirky small-town of Spunes, Oregon. Chef Fisher Lange moves to Spune to help open a restaurant and to figure out his future after losing his sister and becoming the guardian of his niece. There is lots of small town, fish out of water, but you know eventually Sage and Fisher will get together. The book moved very slow and felt overlong.

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One of my favorite booktubers put this book on their 2024 anticipated reads list so when I saw it on NetGalley I needed to request it. The characters have so much depth. They are so real and relatable. There is so much heart in this story.

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Tarah Dewitt is an automatic read for me. I loved this quirky little town in Oregon, and I adore Fisher, Indy, and Sage. If you love touching small town romances then I would recommend this book to you. This book also touches on some heavier topics so I would advise reading through the authors note.

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I absolutely loved this book! The story was so cute and the small-town setting was just quirky enough for it to be charming without being too cringy. The romance was both sweet and sexy! I've read Tarah's last few books, and like those, this did not disappoint! It's probably my new favourite along with Funny Feelings!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. The small town charm was right on and the romance was steamy. I liked the MMC's journey of rediscovering his passion and figuring out how to be a father figure to his niece. I laughed out loud at parts and swooned in others... everything you want from a summer romance.

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Tarah DeWitt's "Savor It" takes readers on a delightful journey to the small coastal town of Spunes, Oregon, where Sage Byrd resides. Sage, a resilient individual who finds solace in her hobby farm and the warmth of her friendships, experiences a sudden jolt when her long-term relationship ends and her ex, Ian, swiftly announces his engagement. Determined to prove herself and put Ian in his place, Sage sets her sights on the Festival of Spunes, the town's renowned summer competition. But there's one catch – she needs a partner. Enter Fisher Lange, a once-acclaimed chef from the bustling streets of New York City. Plagued by personal loss and tasked with caring for his teenage niece, Indy, Fisher finds himself in Spunes for a much-needed summer break. However, clashes with the townsfolk and a surprising kiss with his neighbor, Sage, bring forth unexpected challenges. When a strategic alliance is formed, Sage agrees to help Fisher improve his image and overcome obstacles facing his restaurant venture, while Fisher becomes Sage's partner for the competition. Little do they know, their pact will not only kindle a passionate romance, but also invite the healing of deep emotional wounds. "Savor It" beautifully captures the essence of summer with its spicy sense of fun, endearing small-town charm, and a captivating blend of emotions. Tarah DeWitt intricately weaves a tale that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages, craving more of Sage and Fisher's enchanting story. The chemistry between the protagonists is palpable, and their steamy rendezvous ignites a fire that will have readers rooting for their love every step of the way. What sets "Savor It" apart from DeWitt's previous works is the author's ability to masterfully blend lighthearted romance with deeper themes of healing and personal growth. Through Sage and Fisher's journey, readers witness the transformative power of love and find solace in the idea that even the most broken hearts can mend. As the summer days slip away, the urgency to savor every precious moment intensifies, leaving readers with a profound sense of longing and an appreciation for life's fleeting moments. In "Savor It," Tarah DeWitt delivers her best work yet, showcasing her talent for crafting engaging romcoms that resonate with readers. The vivid portrayal of Spunes, the relatable characters, and the heartfelt emotions make this novel an absolute joy to read. Whether you're seeking an escape to a picturesque coastal town, a heartfelt romance, or a story that celebrates the power of healing, "Savor It" is a must-read that will leave you with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your heart.

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Tarah DeWitt does it again! I’ve loved every one of her books so far and this one didn’t disappoint. Her writing is filled with so much heart and leaves you feeling like you know the characters deeply. I loved the premise of this one and was glad that the thing keeping them from committing to a long term relationship was a good reason and not just one of them being scared of relationships or something flimsy like that. I would have loved to see a little more of Fisher’s relationship with his niece, Indy, and I’m also dying for a sequel with Ellis and Wren in a second chance romance. GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT TARAH! My one and only complaint is that there were quite a few words sprinkled throughout that I refuse to believe real people use in conversations. I had to actually use the dictionary function several times just to know what they meant. But at least I expanded my vocabulary!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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SWOOOON. I can see this going viral now. Savor it gave me butterflies from the first interaction. These two will for sure give you all the feels.

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I really enjoyed this! I've now read all of Tarah DeWitts books and jumped at the chance to read this when I saw she posted about it! It was cute, emotional, funny and slightly steamy. Everything I look for in a book! Also I love love love when animals are a part of books especially ones that were considered "rejects". The part with the goose too at the end made me cry!! I loved it lol, can't wait to see what this author does next. Thank you Netgalley for this free book!

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I got this ARC, from Netgalley and loved it. It had spice, romance, self discovery and friendship. I would recommend this romance book to other readers!

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Savor It was heartwarming, with moments of laughter and sadness. Sage was so relatable, she lives on a farm, gardens, and is unabashedly herself. There’s not a lot more a girl could want, enter Fisher. The big city guy who has had to relocate to this small town, and then the love interests were neighbors which is just convenient and we love that. Sage and Fishers relationship was sweet and felt natural, exactly what I want from a small town romance!

Thank you to NetGalley for the e-arc!

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Tarah Dewitt has crafted the perfect recipe to make this book a 5 star read!

One thing I love about Dewitt's book is the raw emotions in her characters. They are relatable, messy, with flaws and so lovable. Sage and Fisher are hands down my favorite couple of hers by after reading Savor it. He's a struggling chef and guardian to his niece and she's his neighbor with the colorful farm of animals. I adored Sage so much. She is everything I aspire to be and to own a farm of cool pets. I loved how they were opposites attract, she's sunshine and he's the grump that could not help but to be pulled into her gravitational pull of sunshine and joy.

Despite the silliness and fun and cuteness, the book actually delves deep into the concept of grief and losing loved ones and how we live with that, losing passion, burn out, and finding something that you love and feel passionate about, feeling excited instead of dreading it. I thought Tarah did such a great and realistic depiction of what it's like to be an adult and lose passion and feel so tired and wanting to feel excited about something you love long term. There is so much that these characters deal with and go through and you feel a sense of connection to them. I loved how Tarah writes a gradual slow burn of two strangers with very different personalities and lives finding things in common and becoming friends, slowly falling for each other and realizing that they love each other and bring to each other what the other was missing. The story has so many fun tropes too like grumpy and sunshine, dual point of view, close proximity, neighbors, funny shenanigans, so many pets, a small coastal town and its just such a great book to read. I highly recommend reading this book! Sage and Fisher will pull at your emotional heartstrings, make you laugh, swoon and smile.

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