Member Reviews

I loved the two MCs, the premise, and the side characters (plus the animals!!). It was all so good and so enjoyable to read. Loved the writing from start to finish and how the whole story came alive. My first time reading a Tarah DeWitt novel and I will absolutely be visiting her backlist and picking up any future books she writes

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A story that makes you feel so much that you want to savor it.
I loved Sage spirit, and all the tiny things that characterized her : her farm, flowers, house, robes, animals, etc. Fisher is the sweetest, how he’s there and falls in love… and all the side characters makes the story even better.
There is no drama or secret, it’s a story about two people who are falling in love, and damn … it feels right!
I know my head and heart will be in this one for a few days

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This was my first Tara DeWitt book and I am hooked! It kept me engaged from the moment I opened it and am so excited to continue reading her other books.

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Savor It was such a lovely book! It was warm, cozy and uplifting and I really loved it! Fisher and Sage were adorable, funny, interesting and mature. I really appreciated the lack of drama and was able to really just enjoy their story (together, but also their individual growth). The setting of Spunes was so perfectly developed to give it the small-town quirky feel without being too over-the-top. Tarah Dewitt is excellent here - I am already eagerly awaiting her next book (I hope it is focuses on another other Byrd family member :) )!!

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It's official....Sage and Fisher has basically ruined me for any other fictional couple. I will never be the same.

I have a secret...I had the privilege of reading this book a very long time ago. And the way that I am still unable to move past them speaks volumes to Tarah's talent and ability to truly bring to life her characters. Sage relatable and all you wanted to do was hug her and tell you that you loved her just the way she was. And Fisher....::sigh:: he was so broken and so at rock bottom that you just felt your heart crack for him. But watching them find each I wouldn't give to watch them fall in love for the first time.

And I don't think I've ever cried the way that I cried over a goose before...but Gary has stolen my heart and I've never wanted one so bad in my entire existence.

Listen, I read a lot of books....a LOT of books...and in all the books that I've read, I never...and I mean NEVER read a book twice with my eyeballs. Sure...I've read a book and then listened to the audio as a re-read but I've never picked up a book twice and read it. Except for this one. And let me tell you...I cried harder the second time around. I don't say that to scare you but to really bring home how talented Tarah is as a writer. I am so emotionally invested and connected to these characters that I am forever changed.

Savor It will release into the wild next year and I just cannot wait for everyone to officially hold them in their hands and fall so hard for them.

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I devoured this book. Tara has truly created one of the best small towns I have ever been a part of - "I think finding the right people - finding your people - can be the thing that makes anywhere feel like home." And I am home. I laughed, I cried, I hurt, and I loved alongside all these characters. Sage may have stolen Fisher's heart, but she also has a piece of mine. Sage shows us all how to let go, how to wish for more, and how to love what and who you have. There was so much growth for these characters both as a couple and separately and their story reminded me over the power of romances and why I love this genre. It is not just about the HEA, its about the way these characters remind us of the best and worst parts of ourselves and show us how important it is to be human, to grow, and more importantly to love. The title is truly the biggest theme and this book inspired me to savor the story, the journey through the book, and also my own life and love all the little things. This is one I will come back to again and again.

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Can I start off by saying I loved Sages character and how free spirited she seemed. The story itself I struggled to get through until about 50% in. There was much repetition and I was waiting for something exciting to happen. The last half of the book had me melting though! I guess that is just the trope of slow burn romance, which I am not a huge fan of. There was so many side stories and characters, which I just loved. "Funny Feelings" was one of my favorite books, so I may be just comparing this one to that a bit too hard. I did enjoy this story, however it just was not anything extravagant for me.

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I really was into this book based on the summary and was excited when I received the ARC. The beginning of the book kept me engaged, I loved the characters and the way they were written. I also loved the chemistry between Sage and Fisher. I even loved all of the side characters, they really helped flesh out the small town feel and added some comedy to the novel. However, the last bit felt a little rushed and speed towards the ending. Overall, I did enjoy Savor It, but had trouble getting through the ending.

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Honestly, I'm completely confused about why people loved this book. I've never been able to get into Tarah DeWitt's writing, mainly because there are excessive, unnecessary breaks every. single. chapter. There will literally be two paragraphs in their own section. It makes it feel very choppy and also these scenes very unnecessary. Also, I think that a better dictionary needs to be used because some of these "complex" words just...didn't fit? Maybe it's because this is DeWitt's trad debut and she was trying to be better, but it didn't fit the vibe of the book. Also, the plot moved very slowly without much character development besides driving home the same narrative about Sage and Fisher every time. But I didn't much like the Co-Op and Rootbound (same thing with just random scenes that didn't add to the story), and Funny Feelings was better but, like Savor It, these books are full of quotable one-liners without much other solid foundation (but take my feedback with a grain of salt!).

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i love love love loved this book!! it had me sobbing! i don’t know what other words there are to say about this book, other than, read it. and if you’re someone like me, who feels big feelings, get ready to feel big feelings with this one!

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this e-ARC. What a treat to get to read this early and give feedback.

This was a really wholesome love story. With a quirky small town cast and two outsiders trying to get their life together this was very heartwarming and a pleasure to read. DeWitt does an excellent job of immersing you into Spunes, Oregon, and the collection of characters that live there.

Sage is such a fun quirky character that truly wants what's best for everyone and is striving to live life in the present in the most positive way. Fisher is a little lost, and the way Sage breathes new life into him is lovely, and at the same time he makes her feel seen. Super lovely story, would make a great summer vacation read.

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I just love Sage and Fisher, and now I want to move to the PNW. The characters were lovable, and the scene was amazing. Who doesn't love someone that collects animals?

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It’s been a long, long time since I read a book and then immediately wanted to binge anything the author has ever written, but that was case with Savor It by Tarah DeWitt. Savor It is a romance that is somehow cozy while at the same time raw and almost heart breaking, like a punch to the gut, but also the warmest hug.

Sage and Fisher are absolutely everything to me and never ever did I expect to be crying so much over a teenager and her goose. I think what I loved so much about this story is how real and grounded everything felt. There was such sweet and fluffy love, but also the heavy and consuming emotions that come with life. Sage and Fletcher stand as strong on their own as individuals as they do as a couple. Their romance doesn’t define their characters, it only adds even more depth to such interesting people.

This book reminded me exactly what I love in romances. There were so many moments that had me literally kicking my feet while reading - I laughed out loud and I cried and I never wanted it to end. DeWitt’s voice feels so genuine and authentic that as a reader it was so easy to connect to the world that it was almost like this was written just for me, and that is the best feeling a reader can have.

Summer won’t last forever, but my love for this story and these characters sure will.

blushing, giggling, kicking my feet - YES CHEF!! 5/5 stars and if I could give it any more I would.

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It pains me to give a book that Tarah Dewitt wrote 2 stars. The reality is, I forced myself to read it instead of DNFing. The premise of big city love interest coming to small town and falls in love and has to decide whether to stay or go is quite popular right now, and unfortunately SAVOR IT (the phrase is repeated numerous times so it loses it's effect) doesn't bring anything new to the trope. Compared to FUNNY FEELINGS and THE CO-OP, the characters are uninspiring and lack chemistry with each other. Plot lacked conflict. Character development was mediocre. Writing didn't blow me away. All the animals and too many side characters were used to propel the story forward and instead it felt hokey. I was more interested in Wren and Ellis's story, which means book 2 in the series is on it's way and I hope Tarah returns to her FUNNY FEELINGS roots where she truly captured the reader in a profound love story with a lot of heart.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's press for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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this just ripped my heart to shreds and sewed it back up after stuffing like a hundred more pounds of love into my already exploding heart like a build a bear.

ok so now that’s out of the way, there are a handful of things that i absolutely madly love in romance books: single parenting/guardianship, small towns, chefs!!, and as much as the angst hurts my heart so bad… right person wrong time (it just hurts so GOOD!) and savor it has ALL OF IT!!!!! this book absolutely SMASHED any sort of expectations i had going in. so far exceeded every single one you can’t even see a sliver of my expectations looking back bc they’re just so far gone. that’s how absolutely perfect this was.

it reminded me a lot of book lovers in the soul-crushing sick to my stomach they are so deeply in love but cannot stay together because they both have separate responsibilities and hopes and dreams that land them in separate places way. and even though i am WEAK! and FRAGILE! and cannot handle emotional pain most of the times, this was absolute perfection. and those ONE LINERS!!!! so many one liners!!!! felt like repeatedly getting punched in the gut (but in a good way i promise.)

sage and fisher were the most enjoyable characters and INDY!! god she MADE this whole story!!! fisher (and indy’s) growth was so heartwarming to watch, as separates and also their guardian-child relationship together!! genuinely so special to watch! and of course! sage and fisher!! something about their story just felt so genuine and real. the buildup of their chemistry was so well done and SO natural?? like idk how else to explain it if just felt so realistic and i couldn’t get enough of it!! their shift from bantery grumpy x sunshine neighbors to two people who wanted to know everything about eachother and spend all their time together was sooooo swoony!!!! and SUE ME! i like when there’s a looveeee when a book has a little crisis and one lover interest steps up to support and take care of the other like eep!!! so many butterflies!!

just don’t have enough words to express how much i loved this and how special and heartwarming it was. one of my most favorite love stories i think!!

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Sage thrives in her small town, but when her ex gets engaged, she needs a new start, Fisher was a hotshot chef in New York City until the loss of his sister left him numb, grieving, and responsible for his teenage niece Indy. Fisher moves next door to Sage for a summer sabbatical, and there are sparks from day 1. However, both are grieving and need to heal. If you like romance, flowers, chefs, and farm animals, you will love this book!

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♾️💛 for Sage and Fisher

This book had all the right feelings and emotions wrapped up in a pretty lil book decorated with the most gorgeous cover, and from page one until the end I didn't want to let go. I found myself trying to savor it, so I read this over a span of a few days.

There were SO MANY THINGS I loved about this book.

Let's start with Sage: I was asked a QOTD about who the character of my current read is and if I would be friends with them. I had to say, "Mine is Sage from Tarah DeWitt's next book Savor It, and I truly love her. She's learning to be proud of herself and I could cheer her on for sure! Plus, she loves fiercely and we all need more people in our lives like that!" From her Sage Advice to be encouragement to be present in the moment, she draws every single person she interacts with into her orbit. I also love that she feels so deeply, and I think it makes us all feel more deeply towards her. I found myself in her emotions so often, there would be tears in my eyes, because I just felt so much for her and her life story, everything her character was feeling, the way she took in all the stray animals and wanted to grow beautiful things in her garden. Sage was a beautiful and poetic character that I can't wait to meet again one day soon.

Now, Fisher: Top tier book boyfriend but also SO MUCH MORE. He's an uncle-daddy, and a hot one at that. He's a former-but-trying-to-be-one-again chef, who has lost his way with food and special moments, because his grief and something unnamed is consuming his thoughts. He's having a hard time raising his teenage niece, largely because he's so disconnected from everything around him. Sage Advice and her moments of being present here help him get back to himself, and then help him become so much more. He connects with his niece. He reflects and decides when therapy might help (which is so hot, might I add). When he creates, he lets that joy seep from within him and out into the world in a way that was lost on him before. The community of Spunes (which I will get to in a moment) draws him out and makes him think about other people. And then there's the way he falls in love with Sage, in every single moment that they spend together and allllll the moments they are apart.

I almost died. I loved this community from the first introduction. They are in each other's business and they want to support one another. They keep their people. Not only did Indy and Fisher need Sage, but they also needed this town that felt like a warm hug (after a little bit of an icy welcome - they keep their people, and therefore, they protect themselves from the outsiders who come in every summer just to leave again).

Other things I loved:
- Indy & Gary (the goose?)
- gopher hunting
- Wren's scones
- the summer festival
- the meetings in the meadow and sunroom and kitchen
- when Fisher SEES Sage having a migraine and takes such good care of her (as someone who has frequent migraines and lives with a spouse who helps a little, it was super affirming to see a partner who knows what the other person needs - and it has encouraged me to have my own conversations with my spouse about this subject)
- the use of therapy in a positive light
- the emotions of a teenager who lost their mom and the sibling who was left to care for them (Tarah does a fantastic job of showing Indy and Fisher going through these emotions, sometimes in a crazy tantrum way and sometimes in a mature way that shows they're both growing)
- Sam + Indy + the trunk's horn
- all of Sage's animals and their unique names and characteristics (the cast was pretty small, but the animals, they added a whole community to Sage's life)

Infinity stars from me. This will likely be on my 2023 favorites list AND my 2024 favorites list, I liked it that much. Out in May 2024! Thanks to the author, St. Martin's Griffin, and NetGalley for an eARC of this book. These are my honest (and lovely) thoughts.

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5/5 star read!
Single Guardian
Small Town Romance
Grief Handling
‘Yes Chef’

Thanks to NetGalley and Tarah for allowing us early access to read this, all thoughts are our own!!
Fisher arrives in Spunes, Oregon (not to be confused with Forks, Washington) with a bruised ego and his niece Indy in tow. To regain his status as an esteemed chef in New York, he’s tasked with curating a menu for the new monstrosity of a restaurant that is being built in Spunes. His new neighbor Sage Byrd can see all the signs of defeat and exhaustion in his eyes and begins her journey in handing out her Sage advice on all things Spunes, Indy, and even his new menu. To convince the secluded town that this new restaurant won’t be a bad thing, Sage and Fisher hatch a plan to fake a relationship to get Fisher in good graces with the town and to show how strong Sage is after her last relationship.

I love Sage Byrd. She was strong, kind, and she knew exactly who she wanted to be. She was so used to the “too nice” adjective that was used to describe her and knew that it was often used synonymously as a bad thing and she ran with it. She cared about her town, she enjoyed being the one who helped others. Plus, her described style of clothes are so funky and fun to me. Fisher was just trying to do good by Indy and I love him for that. What I loved most was that he communicated. He knew what worked for him and even leaned on Sage when he didn’t know what worked. I lived near Forks as a teen so I felt so hard for Indy and knew just how she felt as someone who didn’t want to be trapped by the small-town life. I just loved everyone’s growth and how they were able to blend their lives together so seamlessly.

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This was a swoony, big city guy/small town girl romance. I loved the tongue in cheekiness of this. I loved this book. Sage and Fisher are my new favorite romance couple. They are just delightful.

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What a charming small town romance! We meet Fisher, a famous chef, who is sent to a small town to arrange the opening of a new restaurant. It's met with a few obstacles from the local community and he ends up coming up with a plan to fake date his neighbor to better his connections in the small town and help her win the annual town contest.

Who doesn't love a fake dating trope? I find this one can be a little tricky to pull off, especially in contemporary romances, however I found this one to believable and it worked. Sage and Fisher developed a genuine friendship before beginning to fake date.

I instantly loved Sage but I felt it took a little longer to warm up to Fisher and really "get" him, but once I did I really liked him. He and Sage had great chemistry, and I particularly loved their banter.

I really loved the side characters, particularly Sage's brothers and her friend, Wren. The town also had an interesting history and it was a fun subplot!

This book is great for anyone who loves fake dating, small town settings, found family, and lots of animals with big personalities!

*ARC provided by NetGalley for review*

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