Member Reviews

Sage was raised by her oldest brother after their parents died. Fisher’s sister died and he is now his niece’s guardian. When Fisher moves into the rental next door to Sage for the summer, he is on a mission to regroup and figure out his future. He is also there to consult on the new restaurant opening in town. Meanwhile, Sage’s five-year relationship has ended, and her ex is already engaged.
Fisher and Sage have an obvious attraction towards one another and the people of Spune don’t know what to think of the new stranger in town. So, to ease everyone’s nerves Sage and Fisher decide to do a little fake dating. They also agree to a little friend with benefits action. What happens when the summer fling turns into more?
I love these two! They were both in difficult times in their lives and the last thing they expected was to fall for each other. They are relatable and have real issues. It made sense they didn’t want to get involved just to get hurt at the end of summer.
If you enjoy small town, slow burn, summer romance you will love this book.

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Tarah finds a way to make me feel at home in a place that looks nothing like mine but makes it feel it. Through the experiences, the people, and most importantly, the animals, Sage and Fisher feel like a breath of fresh air through the field between their houses.

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I was counting down the months for this release so when Tarah announced it was on Net Galley for 48 hours you better believe I ran to grab it immediately. I tried to SAVOR every moment of this masterpiece but still devoured it in 24 hours. Still processing but all I can say right now is phenomenal, stunning, heartbreaking, beautiful.
P.S. Can this please be a series? I need more.

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This book was breathtakingly and achingly beautiful. Tarah has the gift of writing funny romances, with so much care and love and emotion. This story had a beautiful path for healing for each character and getting to see them bloom into better people/have more love was so beautiful as well.

Each book by Tarah gets better and better and I will always want to read every title she publishes.

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A grumpy chef and the sweet cheery girl next door. I loved this!! I loved Fisher's background and that he was talking care of his niece. Sage was just perfect, so sweet and kind.

The spice was a 10/10!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I enjoyed this book. It was a quick and entertaining read. I was really excited to read it after reading Funny Feelings. This one didn't feel quite hit the same, the characters were fun but lacked some of the chemistry. I did think the ending was perfect. I also loved the small town busy bodies and all of the animals.

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Tarah DeWitt's writing is always fun to read, and relatable. Funny Feelings was one of my favorite reads this year, so I was eagerly anticipating a new couple to fall in love with as much as I did w/Farley & Meyers. I went into Savor It with such high expectations, which probably wasn't fair on my part.
First off, I love the cover- very pretty! Great job
I enjoyed the main characters and could picture them immediately. They had a great meet cute, emotional wounds and growth in their separate and combined emotional arcs. Having a goose as a side character/pet was unique and fun, kuddos for originality.
I did feel the pacing was slow, especially in the beginning. I was 8-9 chapters in and wondering when the plot would really take off. If I hadn't known this author, I might've not finished, but I trusted Tarah and kept reading. It had a lot of the elements I love to make a successful love story recipe (cute animal pets, moody teenager, small town shenanigans in the library, a competition to win) but for me it remained a good read, without ever ascending to a great, want-to-reread type book,
Some questions that lingered for me were: Why would a 3-star Michelin restaurant owner open a business in such a small town that gets it's main tourist dollars only one month a year? Doesn't sound like a viable biz decision... The story lines of the observatory, menu consultation and the town trivia/canoe contest seemed a bit thin and more plot devices than actual plot lines with a payoff by the end of the book.

Were there moments and phrases that made me laugh and swoon? Absolutely!
Is it worth reading? Yes! For sure! Just manage your expectations if you're coming off a Funny Feelings high, like I was.
I really like Tarah's writing style and look forward to her next book!
Thanks Netgalley for the ARC copy to review. My opinions are my own.

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I loved this grumpy-meets-sunshine, small-town romance. Sage's charm and quirks could have been off-putting but instead I was just completely enamored with her, and I loved the way her personality played off of Fisher's. A fun cast of supporting characters helped round out the narrative and create a world I was happy to disappear into while I read. In between the romance and spice, Tarah also skillfully handled heavier topics, including an honest and accurate portrayal of grief. The happily ever after felt authentic, realistic, and well-deserved. Overall, this was a really enjoyable, refreshing read. Would recommend!

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I adored this. It was so sweet, tender, and filled with love. It was quirky, fun, heart-warming, touched on some tough topics with a gentle hand and felt aspirational but still realistic.

Every Tarah DeWitt book I've read I've enjoyed. There is something about how she crafts her characters and the journeys they take as so relatable even if I've never had to experience what they're going through.

Sage and Fisher were an absolute delight. I loved how vulnerable they were with each other, how honest, and how supportive they were of each other. Truly a top romance.

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"Savor It" by Tarah DeWitt is a romantic novel set in the coastal town of Spunes, Oregon. The story revolves around Sage Byrd, a resident of Spunes, who finds herself at a crossroads after her five-year relationship ends, especially when her ex, Ian, suddenly gets engaged. To shake things up and reclaim her narrative, Sage decides to participate in the Festival of Spunes, the town's annual summer competition. However, she needs a partner.

Enter Fisher Lange, a former hotshot chef from New York City who, after facing personal tragedy and losing his love for cooking, is sent on a summer sabbatical to Spunes with his teenage niece, Indy. Fisher's mission is to consult on a restaurant opening, but clashes with the townspeople threaten his chance at redemption. When a kiss between Fisher and Sage sparks dating rumors, they decide to form a strategic alliance. Sage will help improve Fisher's image in the town, and Fisher will be Sage's partner for the competition.

As they navigate the competition and the small-town dynamics, their pact turns into steamy rendezvous, healing emotional wounds along the way. The novel promises a mix of spicy summer fun, small-town charm, and emotional depth. With themes of self-discovery, healing, and the fleeting nature of time, "Savor It" is a romcom that explores love, redemption, and the joy of savoring life's moments.

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This gorgeous story has stolen my heart! Sage and Fisher are perfect angels and I just want to wrap them up and protect them forever 😭 I’m floored by the way Tarah DeWitt combines humor, heat, and heart in SAVOR IT!

After being dumped by her boyfriend of five years, who promptly gets engaged to an old friend, Sage Byrd needs a win. She may love her tiny town and the life she’s built on her hobby farm, but the pitying glances from her neighbors are too much. She decides to make a statement by winning the Festival of Spunes—the towns annual summer competition… just as soon as she finds a partner.

After the loss of his sister, which left him responsible for his teenage niece, Fisher Lange’s life has fallen apart. He’s lost not only one of his Michelin stars, but also his fancy chef job in New York. His old boss gives him a chance to redeem himself—successfully open her new restaurant in Spunes and his old job is his again. But the small town locals aren’t open to an outsider. When a kiss with his neighbor, Sage, kicks off rumors, they strike a deal. She’ll help him win over the town if he helps her win the festival. A simple transaction.

But when the training sessions and small town antics push them closer together, they’ll have to decide just how deep they can let themselves go with Fisher’s departure date looming over them.

This book and every character in it is just so damn lovable! Sage and Fisher (not to mention Fisher’s niece, Indy) have been put through it, but Tarah somehow keeps the story heartwarming and light. Them finding their way through their past hurts to create a life and family together was perfect, and I love the way they explored how it’s okay to not be okay. But through it all, it was still funny as hell! I laughed so hard at “a seal?!” (iykyk)

Flash to me forcing myself to stick to my
TBR instead of reading Tarah’s entire backlist 😂

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This was the first book that I've read from this author. I was excited to get the ARC due to the overwhelming positive reviews. I 100% agree. It was a fabulous read. Sage and Fisher stole my heart. They were wonderfully flawed characters who had to piece themselves back together.....funny moments, insightful tender moments, the perfect romcom.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- 4 stars

I loved the characters and animals in this story (Sage’s passion for adopting unwanted animals was so sweet!)

I enjoyed the PNW beach setting (I was raised in a small town on the Oregon coast) there was even a reference to Bend which is close to where I live now.

The puns and quirky side characters made me smile. I love how Sage found joy in the mundane and learned to appreciate the people who took care of her when she needed them.

Fisher being a chef and wanting to cook for Sage was so steamy (pardon the pun - IYKYK). He was on his own journey of self discovery, I loved his character development.

After suffering loss Fisher meets a kindred spirit in Sage and she helps him find his way. They seem to find themselves drawn to each other and quickly discover that they bring out the best in each other.

This was my first book by this author and I enjoyed it overall though there was a bit more spice than I generally prefer to see on page.

CW: several open door sex scenes and a significant amount cussing.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Ohhh I absolutely loved this from Tarah! 4.5 stars from me. I loved so much about this - the small town vibes (all the crazy residents!), the animals, the backstory for our main characters, the romance, the side characters.

This story is very emotional, and while I was not NOT expecting that, I was not expecting it to hit as hard as it did. Both Sage and Fisher have not had it easy and I was rooting for them so hard. Sage especially felt so real to me and at times it felt like Tarah was literally in my head with the things Sage was thinking/doing/saying.

I absolutely ADORED Sage and Fisher's relationship. They were so cute, funny, and HOT! A couple of scenes had me kinda shook ngl. Tarah really got me with them! I love that they didn't stray away from their feelings or try to hide them either. They acknowledged them, talked about it, and that was that!

The side characters in this story were so great as well. They didn't feel unimportant to the story but rather added to it. I love this town!

My main reason for not giving this book five stars is because the ending did feel a bit rushed and I think I would have like maybe 20 more pages or so, but other than that, I truly loved this book!

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ARC Review : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I didn’t have any expectations going in, the cover art and summary sounded like such a sweet novel. It was that and so much more, I enjoyed every second of the deep emotions and profound characters. Two people who have experienced loss and grief but just want to find joy in their lives. Event the side characters made me want to know them more, a small town romance with a big heart and a lot of laughter!

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Savor it is small town summer romance perfection. With charming characters that felt so real and relatable, the most delightful small town and cast of side characters, the cutest animals and a spicy and sweet romance this should be on your radar for next year releases. I adored our main characters and was rooting for them from the start. Watching them grow and find happiness was simply beautiful.

Also I'll def be checking more from this author because I was impressed by her storytelling.

*ARC kindly provided in exchange of an honest review

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Thank you to St Martin's Press and Netgalley for a free eARC in exchange for an honest review! This is a cute story and is very well written. I liked how it dealt with the themes of grief, mental health, and burnout, and I highlighted several poignant passages that were beautiful and meaningful. It has a cute lovers of convenience and enemies to lovers tropes and a fun plot. I think what tripped me up on it is that the scenes went from cute to spicy very fast in a way that felt unnatural and abrupt. Also, Sage didn't feel distinct as a character and felt like an amalgamation of several characters and tropes from other popular romances from the past year to me. I understand that so much of writing can take inspiration from other authors and books, but it felt like inspiration was taken without fleshing out how Sage would be her own character instead of just a work of inspiration.

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I didn’t want it to end. Perfection. Tarah has a way with words and stories, cementing her as a must read author for me. I didn’t think Funny Feelings could be topped and yet here I am wanting to fully immerse myself in all things Spunes.

I am really hoping for some follow up for some of the other characters introduced in Savor it.

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This was my first book by Tarah Dewitt, and definitely will not be my last! It was such a heartwarming story. I loved both MC’s, and was cheering for them the whole time!

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I loved this book so much, I read it slower because I didn’t want it to end. Add it to your TBR!!
Fisher and Sage have such a sweet, authentic and fun relationship. I laughed out loud so many times reading this book. Gah. So good. 🥰

Release date May 21, 2024.

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