Member Reviews

Once again Tarah proves why she's one of my favorite writers. I'm a sucker for a small town trope and this book had all of the heart and charm without feeling cliché. Sage & Fisher felt like very real, but flawed characters you wanted to root for. This might have even surpassed Funny Feelings as her best book yet.

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This is my first book by Tarah Dewitt and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Savor It follows Fisher as he travels across the US to reset as he lost his michelin star, his job, his sister, and now taking care of his teenage niece. He travels to Spunes, OR as his former boss is opening a new restaurant and hoping that he finds his groove back into the kitchen. Sage is the town princess. She is sweet, caring, knows the ins and outs of Spunes, and is neighbors with the new guy from NY. So when the townspeople clash with the temporary new resident over the new restaurant, Fisher and Sage strike up a deal. Is this going to be a summer fling, or end in heartbreak?

I really enjoyed the characters and their connections. Sage is bubbly, sweet, positive, and loved by all. Fisher has some baggage that he is learning to deal with and Sage is that safe space and pretty much has advice for everything.

Since this is my first book by this author, I am not sure if this is her writing style or not, but it was a slow read for me. Alot of character development, almost too plot heavy, with some angst. I was hoping the angst would be more heavy than what it was for the amount of time it took for them to "connect" at 70%.

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the book and thought there were a lot of funny moments, sweet gestures, but wanting more of the spice level.

Also, is Ellis and Wren going to be getting a book? I was really intrigued with their storyline and hoping for a second chance.

Rating: 4/5
Spice: 1.5/5
Trope: rom-com, fake-dating

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I already miss Spunes, Oregon! This is the goofy small town that knows they are a goofy small town! Think Stars-hollow 2.0! The cast of side characters are a mix of endearing and frustrating and it’s was just so fun to loose myself in this world. Sage’s character is full of complexity and vulnerability and I adored the time that was spent on making her such a full character. If you liked Meyer you’ll love Fisher! My favorite part of their love story is the small attributes they notice and value so much in each other. I was really blown away with how different this book and characters felt compared to other works by Tarah. If you are wanting a feel good and relaxing escape with creative storytelling and beautiful imagery, this is the perfect book.

Lastly, I am a dying for more of Wren and Ellis’ dynamic. They captured my attention entirely in the scenes they were in! The tension is so satisfying and I am already daydreaming of their future story. I love how Tarah writes angst and I am so hoping their story is next!

Thank you for allowing us an early glimpse!

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This felt like a hug from a *steamy* Hallmark movie. Small town, animals, competition, and family dynamics. It was cute, it was funny, it made me cry -what more could you want?

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Tarah, respectfully, I adore you with all my heart and also we are in a fight. But also I adore you. But also you made me sob about a GOOSE

I laughed. I sighed. I kicked my feet. I openly wept through the last quarter. I want to tear this book open and pour it directly into my bloodstream so that it can keep me warm in the coming Winter months.

I did not savor it, I devoured it and now I want to go back. Is it too soon to go back?

The continuous tender balance of genuine affection and care that Fisher and Sage fall so quickly into is both heartwarming and gut wrenching. They are two people who have given so much of themselves to what feels like no end, only to find their perfect match in each other. To find someone who gives love and warmth so freely and so earnestly and wants nothing but you in return.

(US pub date: May 21st ‘24)

Sage Byrd is content. She is alone, but not lonely. Busy, but not overwhelmed. Still, but not stagnant.

Fisher Lange is none of the above.

When his boss sends Fisher to Spunes, Oregon, to oversee the opening of a new restaurant and try to win over the townspeople, he sees it as more of a punishment than anything else. With his niece Indy in tow - the two of them still grieving the loss of her mother - Fisher rolls into Spunes with minimal hopes and even less enthusiasm.

But Sage simply can’t settle for apathy. Feeling off-kilter when her boyfriend of five years ends their relationship and promptly gets engaged to someone else, Sage is determined to shake things up in her own life, and having Fisher next door means she’s eager to have him feel the magic, too.

Through competitive canoeing, taking care of a misfit farm, nourishing an elaborate garden, trying new dishes, and rediscovering their passions for the little things in life, Fisher, Sage, and even Indy find their lives woven into each other in a way that seems futile with only months left before Fisher’s job sends them back to the east coast.

And for all the healing they’ve helped each other through, the end date on their time together may send them all unraveling again.

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I absolutely LOVED this! First of all, Sage was SUCH a relatable character. She reminded me so much of myself. She just wanted to love and be loved. To exist and make the lives of those around her better. She was content with being herself, and I admired that about her. Fisher was the ultimate golden retriever boyfriend. I thought she would fall first, given her gentle nature, but HE fell first and he fell HARD. There was just so many details to live about this story. I also noticed that the author included several different side characters that I’m crossing my fingers will get their own books?! *cough cough* Wren and Ellis!! And Silas?! Wow. Just loved this. Absolutely loved it.

Will post full review on goodreads on release day! Thank you for the ARC!

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I have read every published Tarah Dewitt book, and this is likely tied with Funny Feelings for my favorite. I desperately need more from Sage’s brothers, and I hope there are more books to come from these characters. What happened with Ellis and Wren??! I’m invested. I absolutely devoured this today, and was hesitant for it to end… I guess you could say I wanted to savor it.

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4.5 stars

I really enjoy when stories are written in a way where the journey the main characters go through feels authentic and realistic. I hope this leads into a series with Sage’s brothers because I felt invested in them (especially Ellis) and want to continue life in Spunes!

I’ve had this author’s other books on my TBR for a while so when this ARC became available, the timing was perfect to get my first read of hers. I’m definitely moving her other books up my TBR.

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I was not sure that I’d be into this lighthearted romance but it was just the book that I needed. I really enjoyed this storyline and would definitely recommend this book to others!

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This is my first book by this author and I am now going to read all her other books. I was laughing through out and crying by the end. 4 stars.

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Reading a Tarah Dewitt story is like the first couple sips of a chai latte.. it warms you from the inside out with the perfect amount of spice.
Her characters are raw and real and often make me laugh out loud. I love an MMC who is obsessed with their woman but can still be soft, and Fisher delivers.
Can’t stop won’t stop recommending Tarah’s books to all of my friends!

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TLDR: I devoured this and cannot wait to reread over and over again. Mark your calendars for 5/21.

This is one of the best romances I have read. I love all of the author’s books and this book just further proves that Tarah DeWitt is a master of her craft. The way she seamlessly combines deep, emotional moments with lighter, comedic ones is spectacular.

From the first couple chapters I could tell that Sage and Fisher’s journey would be a beautiful one. They both are struggling to figure out their identity and purpose. I saw myself in both of them but particularly Sage. I love how they both grow and learn how to open up to each other. Their love story is so tender but also has amazing tension. And the spicy scenes!!!! Soooo good. 🫠

I don’t always laugh out loud while reading but this book had me cackling. I would not classify it as a rom com at ALL but there are so many hysterical moments and tons of witty banter.

I also adored the small town aspect of this book. Can I please move to Spruce, Oregon??

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i... am dreading writing this review. 3.5 stars

chapter 2 of this book starts off with this:

Has something ever been so good that you wanted to push it away? Maybe you’ve seen a film, read a book, or even had a vacation that was so incredible, you didn’t want it to end. You wanted to hit pause and stave off the inevitable.

this is exactly how i felt about tarah's last two books. there was something so magical about funny feelings & the co-op. those are my comfort reads and i don't see myself ever getting sick of them. needless to say, i was feral for this book + so excited to get the chance to read it.

that being said, this book was good. but i feel it is missing that coziness i felt was signature to this author's previous endeavors. it was just missing that spark - maybe it was removed by the publishers/over edited by a third party? idk what it is.

i def enjoyed this read but not as much as i thought i would. i can't put my finger on why - it has alll the right ingredients (good world building [small town building??], good side characters, interesting main characters, etc)

hoping to see ellis + wren's story next

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This was so cute! It read so easily and was so sweet. I loved Sage and Fisher, and the way that they worked together before falling in love. Fisher and Indy’s journey was really well done, and I love that the author didn’t let that fall to wayside in favor of the romance plot. They had the development I wanted to see! This book reminded me of It Happened One Summer, which is one of my favorites. All in all, I think this was great.

I have one mini gripe and one regular sized gripe.
The mini, is that the “I love you” moment didn’t have as much weight as I thought it would! It was a bit anticlimactic the way the chapter just ended immediately after.

The regular sized gripe is, the playlist in the beginning of the book. Please please take it out! It is such a bookish turn off for me when I see a playlist in the beginning to the point that I debated just not reading at all. It’s a tactic I feel lesser writers use; it’s also something that readers would love to get on social media, but don’t need actually IN their book. That’s something private for the author, in my humble opinion. I really don’t think it adds anything to the reading experience.

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This is a wonderful, small town romance that will have you swooning and giggling. I thought it was very cute. Gary the Goose definitely adds to this gem of a book. And the food sounds amazing! Take me to Spunes right away! :)

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Tarah DeWitt for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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SAVOR IT is delectable and divine! I absolutely loved living in Spunes, Oregon and getting to know Sage and Fischer. The author does a brilliant job of blending humor and wholesomeness yet underneath there's such emotional depth to the characters and story. Sage is known as being "too nice." She rescues animals no one wants, buys from locals stuff she doesn't need but just because she wants to support them, but also it simply makes Sage feel good. Being an parentless by age 12, Sage knows first hand how short life can be, so as result her motto isn't necessarily to hurry and push herself but to make the small things in life feel big. She is content being single in life until she meets Fisher, the handsome chef, next door, and quickly realizes she wants someone to share her excitement with in life. (And after meeting Fisher, I would be the exact same!) They agree to a summer pact that will help each other out with the added bonus of a fling until Fisher heads back to his life in New York, and Fisher soon questions whether what he thought he wanted in life is truly what he wants at all.

The chemistry and connection between these two!! I enjoyed their personalities and how they play off each other, their playfulness, how honest they are with each other, and how they help each other grow. I loved every minute of reading this book and wish this book was twice as long as I wasn't ready to say goodbye to this world...maybe there will be a sequel of Wren and Ellis getting back together?? Looking forward to reading whatever this author grants us with next!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Tarah Dewitt continues to be one of my faves. This book made me laugh, cry, and was the reminder I needed to slow down and experience life as it comes. As the books says, "sometimes courage is just quietly trying again."

Oh, and baby goats. BABY GOATS, Y'ALL.

She's Sage, our small-town, "good-girl," cares-too-much, never seen a rescue animal she can't care for heroine. Her ex of five years is getting married, and although she's very good at being content in her life on her own, girl needs a win. If only someone would come to be her partner for an extremely specific and kind of hilarious yearly festival her town throws...

Enter Fisher, a Michelin-starred chef that's recently lost his fancy NYC job and gained custody of his niece after his sister's passing. His boss sends him to rural, extremely small-town vibes Spunes, Oregon (not Forks, Washington!) for a summer sabbatical to get his head together.

Of course, it just so happens the house he's renting for the summer is across a meadow from Sage's house. Pirate-looking chef, meet the small town girl of your dreams you never saw coming. YES, CHEF.

Dewitt's characters are so lovely and sexy and kind. They treat each other with care, and are considerate in both their speech and silence. Communication is always so good in her books. Fisher and Sage getting to know each other is like peeling back and onion, but with the most gentle of fingers. They are a testament that people can be complicated and experience grief and pain, but that it's possible to put yourself back together or rebuild something new and precious, with time and care. One of my favorite lines is "He didn't fix me, and I didn't heal him, but we loved each other wholly." I love that these two recognized the trauma and "baggage" in each other, and took steps to heal individually, but loved the whole of the other regardless of their own perceived short-comings. That wounded people aren't defined just by their wound, and have so much love and compassion to give. Even the side characters in the book are fleshed-out and have their own stuff going on, but their experiences lend credence to the advice they give in the books. Just absolutely love her character work.

Tarah, of course, always gives us a wonderfully engaging love story, but it always has to make you think a little, and that's what really makes me connected to her stuff.

Wrap this all up in a relationship that has a ticking clock, and I was obviously hooked. Perfection. I could not love this book more.

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Somebody is going to have to sedate me because I am currently in tears over a goose...and I promise that after you read this book, you will be too. Tarah DeWitt has delivered an absolutely incredible romance story that will have you kicking your feet, squealing in delight and feeling a deep sense of validation. I have never related to a romance novel more and this is exactly the kind of book that reminds me why I love reading so god damn much. Not only does this story deliver rom-com style humour, well-developed side characters, a dream-worthy hobby farm filled with all different kinds of creatures and adorable small town also gives the reader a love story that is intensely raw, relatable and beautiful down to it's core. I found myself in the words of both Sage and Fisher and I just know this book is going to stick with me for a very long time.

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Small town with quirky residents and their own politics provides a rich context for a NY chef and small town girl to find their way to romance. Cute and a bit of steam with multiple subplots make it a highly entertaining and sometimes emotional read.

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Tarah Dewitt does it again. Not only is she the kindest author i’ve ever met, but her books are absolutely fantastic. Her books are so real. I love these characters and how mature they are and how they communicate and how perfectly imperfect they are. Fisher and Sage (now i know what it’s like to read my own name puns hahaha) are so precious to me. I wish fisher was here to cook for me because gosh darn it I want to try some of his food. I want to meet gary the goose. I want to experience this fun loving life in Spunes. Indy, Fisher, Sage, Wren, and everything about them and their experience is just so beautiful.
Anyways please read her books. They all are just something you don’t want to miss out on. Savor it is beautiful and I am forever thankful I had the pleasure of reading it.
Thank you St. Martin’s Griffin for this opportunity.

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