Member Reviews

This was an enjoyable small-town romance. It had Hallmark elements but with more grit, more substance. It was cute and fun but had moments of deep introspection.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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“Don't worry so much about the clouds that you miss the flowers at your feet. Flowers might fade, but I think I'll enjoy them while they're here."

Read if you enjoy:
- Small Town Romance
- Grumpy vs Sunshine
- Opposites Attract
- Single Guardian
- Slow Burn
- Farm animals
- Fake Dating
- Open Door Romance
- Dual POV

Rating: 5 ⭐️

"You once told me you thought you were a lot of nots. I want you to know that to me, you're everything. . . You're all the shapes made perfectly to hold me, and you're all my favorite colors. . . You're definitely my favorite flavor."

I loved everything about this book! It is without a doubt my favorite book from Tarah and easily on my top 5. Savor It is simply one of those books that help you ground yourself into what is truly important in life. To savor every moment, no matter how simple or small.

I loved Sage and her authentic personality. Fischer was the sweetest! These two navigate their own insecurities while standing strong and supporting each other. I really enjoyed seeing them fall in love page after page, little moment after little moment. Fischer was lost in my ways, trying to connect and support his niece as well as trying to find his fire again as a chef. Sage helped him in so many ways and it was wholesome to see the little moments. Can I move to her farm too!?

One of my favorite aspects of the book was the maturity of the characters. The was no miscommunication and it made it for such a refreshing read. Their open and honest encounters gave me so many warm feelings.

Grateful to have access to this ARC and excited for you to read it once it releases on May 21. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advance reader copy.

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Utterly in love with the romance in this story. Big city chef meets a small town girl, and love in a small town always melts my heart. It was such an incredible story that sucks you in until the end. I was rooting for these two to be together.

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Thank you to netgalley for the arc!

This is such a perfect small town romance!! It gave all the summer vibes and really had me wishing I lived in a small town by the beach with a neighbor next door for me to fall in love with. THE PERFECT SUMMER READ!! You’ll certainly find something to take by the end of this book :)

This book had a bit of everything; romance, humor, grief, family relationships, and amazing characters!! Everything fit together so well and this story was so well written and lovely! I would also love to see another book in this world with the other characters!!

I LOVED SAGE!! She’s such a sweet and caring person and she deserves all the happiness in the world!! I loved her humor and personality (especially her many pun shirts cause those were hilarious) and also just her MIND! She just felt so REAL to read about and her thoughts and mindset really had me feeling all these emotions.

I love complex characters and Fisher is one that isn’t perfect. Struggling with many things from the past and present and taking on the role of caring for his niece he sure had a lot going on. I loved his personal development and well and development with his relationship with his niece.

THESE TWO FOUND EACH OTHER AND ARE PERFECT TOGETHER!! They understand and see each other so well! I loved how they always communicated with each other and there was never any problems with saying how they feel to each other! Their banter also made me laugh and they had me contados smiling at my kindle from joy and happiness! I’m so happy they ended up at the same place and meeting and finding a home in each other!! I love them with all my heart <3

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Miss Tarah DeWitt cooked and ate the damn meal! Yes, chef 😏

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ (4.5)
🌶️🌶️🔥 (2.5)

Perfect if you like:
Small town
Just for the Summer
Opposites Attract
Friends with Benefits
Chef Vibe
Dual POV

This book was the ideal blend of small town vibe meets summer romance! I freakin love Sage & Fisher! The banter between these two, perfection. The side characters in this story are also amazing. I loved Indy!

Y’all, I’m going to be dreaming about the library scene. The spice in this book was so good! Not over the top nor raunchy. Just enough to make you want more!

I cannot WAIT for this release! 10/10 will be doing a reread when I can get my hands on a physical copy!

Thank you NetGalley & St. Martin’s Press for the ARC copy!

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I was SO excited to receive an ARC of this book. I’ve loved every book by this author and this one was no exception.

I’ve never been disappointed by Tarah’s characters. They’re always so intricate and I can tell that she really thought them through while creating them. I just loved Sage. She was immediately likable and I related a lot to her. I adored Fisher’s attentiveness toward everyone that he loves and his story. Both of them had real flaws and the growth that they had together and as individuals was done well. Their communication was also nice to see in a genre that is sometimes lacking in it.

I love a small town story and this one was perfect without being too much about the other people in the town at the sacrifice of the main characters. The conflict didn’t feel forced and I thought everything progressed nicely. There were a couple parts that felt a bit slow, but nothing that made the book drag or made me want to stop reading. I really liked the side points and how they felt like they were contributing to the main story and not just there to fill pages or create drama. I honestly wanted more Fisher and Indy (and Fisher and Sage, but that’s because I loved them so much), but I’m pretty happy with what was there. I just felt like Indy was put to the side sometimes and she was so important to Fisher’s story.

Overall, a great read. I’ve yet to be disappointed by this author’s books and I don’t think I ever will be if they continue to be like this. If it wasn’t for my busy school schedule, I would’ve finished this in a day.

this is me trying - Taylor Swift
This Town - Niall Horan
The Archer - Taylor Swift

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! :)

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Anytime a book can make me cry - I know it's a 5-star read for me. I feel like when you read so many books; it takes a lot to find a connection with new characters. But I loved every moment of Sage specifically. She's the kind of character that makes you want to make new friends in a world where adult friendships are hard to find... and nurture, for that matter!

- Small Towns: There's a lot of commentary in Savor It about the beauty/harsh sides of small towns, and basically every second of it I agreed with. Some small towns can be really great ... but some are notoriously bad. Sometimes I dream of moving out west because I imagine small towns there are nicer? Idk. That's the setting of this sweet romance, and I want to be part of Sage's (and Bella from Twilight's) worlds!
- Romantic Flings: I could never have just a short romantic fling with someone I actually respected. My fragile little heart would never recover because I knew I would fall in love!!
- Animal Lovers & Passionate People: The other major reason I loved this book? It is quite literally my dream to have a big garden, a massive flower patch, and a bunch of rescue animals. I even have the giant German shepherd, similar to her dog Sable!!

- 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5 - Not necessarily for the wildness - more just frequency. Very good!
- I will probably buy a physical copy of this because I loved it so much!

**Thank you to St. Martin's Griffin & NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. I received this book for free, but all thoughts are my own. – SLR 🖤

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

This book follow Sage, our quintessential small town girl, and Fisher, our big city chef exiled to a small town in Oregon for the summer. They strike up a deal to help eachother.

Although this book follows the fake dating trope, it feels like it embodies more than that. There are so many great lines about love, growth, and happiness that I felt like I came out a whole new person.

There is so much character growth in this book. Fisher really makes such a huge leap emotionally but also in his relationship with his niece, Indy. Sage grows and learns to take what she wants from life.

The side characters really created the perfect small town feel. And I am really hoping we get another interconnected standalone in this town.

Indy & the goose were one of my fave parts hehe🪿

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i will not be rating or reviewing outside of netgalley as long as st. martin's press is still under boycott.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tara DeWitt for this copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 4.5 Stars

This was such an incredible book! It really felt like a hug, it is so adorable!

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This book was a gem. A truly special romance between two people who found each other at a time in their lives when they both needed someone. The romance between Sage and Fisher was tender yet intense at the same time. I absolutely adored this couple. Playful at times, yet it was clear they had a deep emotional connection as well. They hopelessly fell for each other even though they knew Fisher would be leaving at the end of the summer.

The title was so fitting as this was a book I tried to savor while reading. I wanted to enjoy every moment of it. I found myself rereading many beautiful lines. To me it was clear how much thought had been given to each detail of the book. As a reader, I appreciated all of those meaningful moments.

The small town traditions, misfit animals, and rendezvous in the sunroom made this book a comfort read for me. Yes the characters had their own set of struggles, yet the happiness they created together made me happy too. The transitions were seamless from emotional, vulnerable scenes to more humorous lines.

This book and this couple were memorable. I highly recommend!

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Beautiful. That’s the word that comes to mind for this book. Beauty from ashes- both Fisher and Sage carry grief, and the way they connect to one another is like watching the sunrise warm the world. It was lovely to watch Fisher grow into his role as Indy’s (his niece) guardian. How he accepted help and advice from Sage. How he and Indy came to love the small town of Spunes.

Sage experienced so much grief in her young life. I love that she loves her hometown, that she doesn’t feel the need to leave to be bigger or better somehow. That she chooses to spread love and beauty where her roots are.

I am not a crier. I flat out bawled so many times during this book because of the stunning writing.

I will gladly purchase all versions of this book when it releases in 2024.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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"Time's really the only thing that increases your pain tolerance. Eventually, you see the good that came fromit more than the pain."

4 stars!

I really enjoyed this! I loved Fisher. I loved Sage. I loved Indy.

Also this cover is one of my favorite book covers ever. Literally. It is SO PRETTY.

Fisher's character growth is honestly superb. I really enjoyed getting to know his character and watch him grow not only as a person, but as a father figure to a teenage girl.

Sage is ecclectic & I loved her. I think she had such a kind soul & I just enjoyed reading about her and watching her fall in love!

I liked seeing all three grow as a unit together and really come to a place where they were all happy together. I would read even more about this couple & about Indy.

The only thing that I think this was missing was a little bit of drama. When they introduced the ex-boyfriend, I assumed there would be something happening there & I really wanted Sage to tell him off.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martins for the ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way!

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This is my second Tarah book and I LOVED it. The way she is able to create such tender moments between characters allows you to fall in love at the same as them. I loved having the dual POV and felt that the balance of scenes worked well with each POV.

Something about a small coastal town is going to get me every time but I sure am partial for the Pacific Northwest.

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This was such a cute story! I will not lie, the name of the city (Spunes, Oregon) is what really drew me in, but the story and characters are what kept me hooked!

Savor It is a cute, small-town romance that follows Sage, a high school teacher whose ex-boyfriend is now engaged, and Fisher, an award-winning, New York City chef whose life has turned upside down. When Fisher (and his niece Indy) rents the place next door from Sage for the summer, the two are quickly thrust into each other’s orbit. As the summer progresses, the two form an unlikely friendship that may or may not lead to something more.

I really enjoyed this book! The community of Spunes was truly one of a kind, with the best side characters (and animals) and even better banter. I loved the slow progression of Sage and Fisher’s relationship as well as the evolution and growth of Fisher’s relationship with Indy.

This was my first book by Tarah DeWitt, but it most certainly won’t be my last. Make sure to preorder or request from your library!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC!

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Sage has lived in a small town in Oregon for her entire life, and she loves everything that comes along with that. She was basically raised by her brothers after the loss of their parents, and has been deemed Spunes’ “golden girl”. Fisher was a New York chef who was shipped to said small town to help open their new space, partially in favor for some mistakes that he made which affected his restaurant, and cost him his job there. He harbors some negative feelings towards the close knit community due to his own experience growing up in a similar town, but can’t help starting to warm up to it & it’s people, especially his beautiful new neighbor ;) Sage helps Fisher navigate his new, but temporary, home- along with helping him understand and mend his relationship with his niece, who he has gained guardianship over following the loss of his sister.

I liked that there was depth to the characters, and each of them had quite the personal background story. My only complaint is everything just felt very fast paced? I feel like even conversations between the characters were rushed through sometimes. It was still a cute & easy read! I got through it in just over 24 hours.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the eARC!

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This was my first novel by this author and I’m impressed. I love a small town romance and this one was perfect. Sage was quirky and charming in her own way. Her little farm of animals was such a cute detail. I also fell in love with Fisher. He was kind and gentle with Sage, and I enjoyed seeing him adapt to the small town life. They both came out of their shell and were able to work out their problems as a team which made them the perfect pair.

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I so enjoyed this!! This will be the perfect summer read for people, especially those who have a soft spot for small town/teacher/animal lovers/chef lovers. Takes place in an idyllic setting!

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i would like to say that i didn’t pay attention to the book’s publisher house when i requested on netgalley. i hope st. martin’s press boycott keeps going as it should and due to the boycott i won’t be promoting the book. i hope whoever is reading this learns it and pls don’t promote the books.

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In support of the SMP boycott, I will be withholding my review of this title until SMP speaks out. If the boycott is resolved, I will update with a full review.

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