Member Reviews

5 stars. immaculate. this was such a amazing book. she is truly going to easily be a wonderful rating every time I read her books. she makes you feel so extremely connected to her characters & just grabs you in the best ways. after reading funny feelings I knew I was probably going to love anything she writes. hands down.

now for this book in particular, Savor It. wow. like o said, truly 5 stars. fisher & sage are truly probably my favorite characters of hers. the banter (which tarah writes banter incredibly well) was so good. sage was truly a bright spot I just feel like everybody loved & gravitated towards her, even in her not so great moments you still love & feel pulled into her orbit. her charm was just cozy.

I tend to love watching the hero more & seeing how they adjust & grow through the book, seeing him work through his feelings & his personal life is just an icing on top for me at least. I love love it. my favorite part of any book.

this was just a homey & sweet read, full of banter, charm & swoony moments.

thank you netgalley, the author & the publisher for the arc!

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I love how swoony Tarah’s books are! Loved the setting and Fisher and Sage. The romance was perfect and I love how Tarah writes such emotionally beautiful books.

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Adorable touching story that I could not get enough of! It took me a while to read but once I was hooked that was it! Such a cute book, I highly recommend!

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There is truly nothing better than picking a book because the cover is beautiful, and then finding the contents are just as good.

I loved every moment of this book. From the corny puns to the quirky animals. The romance was so effortless and just made me smile the entire time. There was no lack of communication, and the growth you witness with both MCs is just really beautiful, but most especially with Fisher and his relationship with Indy.

Tarah truly has a way with words, and I found myself at some points having to reread sentences because they were so beautiful. She says in the acknowledgments, "I put pressure on every single sentence," and this is so clearly evident throughout the entire book.

I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thankfully it was a winner!

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I loved the story line of this book and give it a solid 3.5 stars. I did find some of the other sub plot unnecessary and kinda wished that more would have been done with the restaurant. The race seemed like such a big plot then felt like an afterthought near the end. But I did love love the characters, I loved the animals and the dynamic of the farm visually in my mind brought so much more fun to the book. The romance was perfect sage and fisher had a great love story and that I wouldn’t change. I do look forward to reading more from this author!

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. . . ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⋆
I am on a solid reading streak folks, and I hope it doesn’t end any time soon.

I hadn’t heard of this author when I came across this book, but the synopsis definitely peaked my interest with its small town setting, and promise of steamy romance. I find romance to be a fun palate-cleanser inbetween heavier reads, so it was definitely a right-book-at-the-right-time situation.

I really enjoyed the small town dynamics both of the people and of the actual place - I liked that the little nuances of the locals were portrayed as people who love their community, and not that they are narrow-minded. The idea that being in, feeding, giving, staying, and celebrating your home is done so because you recognize the difference you can make and see, not because you somehow failed to launch.

I liked Sage and Fisher’s relationship and how it grew, and the inherent understanding they seemed to recognize in one another. I also really appreciated the learning dynamic between Fisher and Indy, how they were both trying to navigate circumstances brought in by sorrow.

I quite liked Sage as a character, and found that her outlook towards life really resonated with me, with one section in particular - she was discussing how death and trauma affect people who have been touched by it, and says that often in light of this, the view can be that nothing matters, or that instead, you view it as everything matters. I am definitely more of the latter - I celebrate, revel, and take joy and notice of the little things: sunsets and rises, the tiny flowers poking up between the rocks, how the tree grew around the fence, the smell of the ocean air, how a smile or tiniest kindest can make a difference - it all matters. All of it.

This book was exactly what I needed right now, and I will definitely be seeking out the author’s other titles.

~ 👩🏻‍🦰﹠👩🏻

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I hadn't heard of Tarah DeWitt before this book but I'll definitely be looking for more of her books after this!

Savor It was a really cute hallmark-y type romance novel. The story's setting is a small town, and the author did a great job of really not just telling but showing reader's how small of a town Spunes, Oregon is. Not only did I love the small town feel, I also loved the characters. The main characters, Fisher and Sage, were both really likable and relatable.

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This was the perfect slow burn story. I loved the chemistry between the two main characters, and the relationship with teenage characters. I loved that the male main character wasn’t afraid to show his emotions!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was soo much fun. I love Tarah’s works because characters are always so swoon worthy and real at the same time. It also deals with grief so kindly. I loved the lil small town and the side characters as well.

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Savor It is a wonderful small-town story that will live with me for a while. I LOVEEE small-town romances because the little details within the setting contribute so much to the story, and this was no exception! I've read nearly all of Tarah's books, but this one felt so raw and realistic. These characters jump off the page at you and are so extremely loveable.

Sage is one of those fmcs that you read and want to become best friends with, I would do anything to join her on her little farm and help her take care of her various rescue animals. Her character truly stuck out to me, Tarah did a wonderful job developing her struggles and how they affect her. Fisher was everything that you could ever wish for! A chef with a troubled past just barely holding it together for his niece whom he has legal guardianship of. I loved reading about his character and how he developed, he was everything to sage and sage was everything to him. These two characters bring life to each other's lives and that is so beautiful to witness. The way they can relate but also provide advice and guidance to each other was wonderful.

As mentioned before, I love the small town and the antics that come with it. This story has so many interesting characters and dynamics I would love to see more of. I loved reading about Indy, I wanted to see more & more of her character but I loved how Fisher and Indy's relationship grew and blossomed anew. I NEED a book about Wren and Ellis, with their troubled marriage (please)!

Overall, I enjoyed this book immensely and these characters are just so loveable. I love Tarah's writing and how she creates her characters, but these felt like a warm hug. I can't wait to see what she creates next!

Thank you so much Netgalley for this arc!

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This book was exactly what it needed to be. DeWitt does a great job capturing fun beauty and grief in an intoxicating romance package

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I have not read anything by this author before, but I will definitely be looking out for their work in the future. I loved seeing the story unfold and seeing the characters grow.

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this was so cute!! I found the writing a bit stiff and stilted at times which affected how invested I was in the book (my interest came and went) but I loved the characters, the setting, the premise, and the message. Looking forward to new releases from this author and I hope she writes some more books for some of the side characters in this book!!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

This book was sooo sweet and charming! I could feel the love between Fisher and Sage, and their connection was endearing. The PNW setting was very near and dear to me which made me love it even more. It got unexpectedly emotional the last 10% and I definitely cried. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it!

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What a special read! I was not expecting the dark subject matter but I appreciated how the author handled grief. Absolutely beautiful book! I fell in love with Sage and Fisher’s amazing love story :)

4.5 stars

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This book is EVERYTHING. The author’s best work yet.

Small towns (complete with an elderly female Taylor Doose), big feelings, fun festivals. That doesn’t do the story justice though - it’s full of so much introspection and healing. Did I say romance, because it’s beautiful and steamy and absolute perfection.

I’ll be annoying everyone I know to read it, just wait.

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* Small Town Romance , Single Dad (guardian), Grumpy/Sunshine, Fake Dating, Grief/Healing
If you like these troupes you should read the following book. It is a cute small town romance with interesting main characters. I am really hoping there is more about side characters.

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This was quite possibly my favourite romance that I read in 2023. It is definitely my favourite Tarah DeWitt book which is saying a lot because I loved all the other ones as well. The characters were so real and loveable despite their flaws. Highly recommend!!!

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Tarah you have done it again, this book solidified that I will read anything Tarah publishes. Savor it had me savoring every single page. This book was written so different than other Tarah books in the best way possible. The writing felt so raw and relatable but also has so many swoon worthy scenes + the spice was hot!

This book gives a coming to age book, but not in a teenage way (I know that doesn’t make sense to you but it makes sense to me) the characters are finding themselves and learning to flourish again. Sage & Fisher’s love story wasn’t just about them but it was also about - fisher’s niece, sages crazy farm animals, fisher rediscovering his passion, and so much more then a regular romance story. This book had Tarahs usual witty book humor but this story took me by surprise with how it tugged on my heart strings. Savor it will be sticking with me because It reminded me to fall in love with the little things again like Sage does, but also *find a very hot pirate looking chef*

I will always savor Tarah’s books but I found myself truly sad when I looked at my kindle and I was 95% finished, I wanted so much more (I wish this book was 1,000 pages) I became obsessed with Spune Oregon, all of the characters especially Sage’s brothers, and the slow burn - toe curling love story that I found myself missing once I finished the epilogue.

Thank you so much Netgalley for this arc!

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I am in literal book hangover right now after crying tears.... gobs of them! I stretched out the last few chapters of this book over the course of a day knowing that when I got to the end of it, I would miss these characters so much!
I'm such a huge huge HUGE! fan of Tarah DeWitt's previous books; Funny Feelings and Rootbound. Two books that I still think about to this day even though I've read them months and months ago.

I'm trying to find the right words to accurately review this novel. What I'm trying to say is that my emotions are all stuck in my throat and it may take me hours and days to fully process the depth of what I felt. These two characters meet when there is so much doubt and insecurities happening in their life.

We meet Sage as she is processing her life now that her ex (the town golden boy) and her have broken up and he has gotten engaged. She knows that relationship wasn't the right one for her but now she's left feeling lost.

Fisher is also in a very lonely lost place after getting fired from being CDC (Chef de Cuisine) of a Michelin starred restaurant. His old boss sends him to the other side of the country to help get his head on straight. He's also been given the task of raising his teenage niece after his sister dies.

Their story is so beautiful and the author writes falling in love in a way that makes me wish that I could go back in time and relive those early days with my husband of 30 years. To sit in that new love and feel the sensation of knowing you've met your soulmate. She writes it so beautifully that I want to wish this kind of love for everyone.

This is my favorite of all her books so far and I love the little nod to some of her previous characters as well in this one! I hope we get to visit Spuunes again because I have a feeling we need to see Wren and Ellis's story!

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