Member Reviews

Just finished reading “Savor It” by Tarrah Dewitt.

I really enjoyed the dual POV in this book. I also enjoyed how the author developed the characters. The reader got to see their flaws as well as how they felt about themselves and how they worked through things.

This book was very enjoyable and I would recommend it.

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I was NOT ready for this perfect book!! Sage was just the perfect soft softie and Fisher was just the perfect angst softie and their sweet (yet savory) story had me giggly and tear-y throughout. This is a perfect story. With perfect characters and friends (IYKYK) and I devoured it, going against the title and I’m sorry for that, except I will 10000% be re-reading this beautiful safe precious story on release week.

Thanks for allowing me an early read!

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This is the first book I have ever read by Tarah DeWitt, and she has won me over.

I laughed, I giggled, and I cried. This is without a doubt the best book I’ve read in months. I devoured it within a day. It seriously felt like home while reading this. Being from a small town in the PNW where everyone knows everyone’s business, Tarah nailed the whole small-town craziness.

I LOVED absolutely everything about this book, the characters, the animals and Sage’s choice in clothes.

Sage Byrd is a wholesome teacher whom everyone adores. She’s the sunshine on a cloudy day, the one you’d call when you’re in need, she the best friend you’d wish you had. Fisher is the handsome Michelin chef who just moved in next door for the summer. They both struggling to heal and find their paths in live. When their worlds collide its everything, you wished for, but summer doesn’t last forever so they must Savor It.
They’re so relatable on many levels. Can this please be a series!!

My Favorite things in the book:
* The “home invasion” had me laughing so hard!
* The library!
* Goose!!!!!
* When Indy yells at Fisher about the Journal.

This book will forever be on my mind and one I will always recommend.

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This was so cute!! Absolutely enjoyed it. <333
There was something about it that didn't quite make it a 5 star for me though and I just can't quite put my finger on it. Despite that, I did really enjoy the book and had a great time w/ Sage & Fisher.

-dual pov
-next door neighbors
-opposites attract/grumpy sunshine
-small town + small town annual event
-summer romance/friends w/ benefits
-hobby farm w/ cute animals
-fun side characters
-HEA <3

There is like kind of a lot going on in this story between Sage, Fisher, Indy, Sam, and all of the side characters plus the annual games the town hosts - but it all comes together in the end (a little quickly but that's ok!) I did enjoy this book and would totally recommend. I do have to say Funny Feelings is still my fav Tarah Dewitt book but this one is coming in at number 2!

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This was a cute read.

You have both Sage and Fishers point of views throughout the book. It grabbed my attention from the start and was an easy read. It does have some spicy parts.

I’d definitely read other books by the author as well!

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Tarah DeWitt writes extremely likeable, relatable characters. This book had that in so many ways. I love engaging dialog and witty banter. This book had that. I also love a book I cannot put down and become engrossed with from the beginning. The romance genre can get watered down, but when you find a book that hits you in your feels, with human characters, and a plot that keeps you turning pages, it is the perfect recipe.

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I downloaded SAVOR IT when it was on Read Now based on the blurb and the gorgeous cover. While FUNNY FEELINGS didn’t work for me, I was willing to give the author another shot, especially since this is her trad pub debut.

There’s a promising setup with a down-on-his-luck chef moving to a small coastal Oregon town for the summer with his niece (he’s her legal guardian) to consult on the opening of a new restaurant. However, we never see him doing much consulting. His neighbor is a sunshiney woman with a bunch of animals who wears t-shirts with punny sayings on them. (These are her two main personality traits.) They have a bit of a meet-disaster, then not much else happens for a while.

A *ton* of characters and animals are introduced in the first few chapters. At times it was hard to keep track of everyone, but I stuck with the book, thinking surely the story was about to start. Around 25%, I realized there was no story — it’s just scene after scene without any forward momentum. There’s no external plot to keep things moving. Around 50-60%, a plot sort of kicks in involving a competition. It comes way too late in the story, and there’s next to no urgency to win for either MC because they don’t have much at stake.

Then there’s the writing. As lots of other people have pointed out, this book uses ten-dollar words when more common ones would do. I didn’t necessarily struggle with this, but it was noticeable. The author also attempts to use words like “sartorial” and “oblique” and ends up using them incorrectly. I would think an editor would catch that, but I guess not. I’d also think an editor would flag an ableist word like “moron,” which made me cringe every time it popped up.

Tarah DeWitt seems to have many fans who love her books. Unfortunately, after giving her a couple chances, I don’t think I’m ever going to be one of them.

Thank you to the publisher for the ARC, which was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Another Tarah Dewitt masterpiece! I thoroughly appreciate her approach in handling delicate subjects like grief/loss and mental health while creating multidimensional characters who are so much more than their struggles (much like it is in real life!) This was written in a dual point of view, and it was well balanced between Fisher and Sage, so there was a fair amount of insight into their backstories and inner monologue even when the focus was on the present day. I loved the small town of Spunes and all of the people in it. The banter between the characters made me laugh throughout the book, especially with Sage and her brothers, as well as between Indy and Fisher. My heart melted when reading about Sage’s menagerie of rescue animals and how Indy found love and connection with them (one of my favorite scenes was toward the end when Indy learns that geese mate for life). The advice from Sage’s mom is sprinkled throughout the book, and it was full of beautiful quotes that I want to remember and go back to.

There’s strong potential for a sequel featuring Wren and Ellis, and I hope that the author is strongly considering this! I’d love to get more of this town and these characters, and there is so much more to Wren and Ellis’s story! Plus, we’d get a bigger glimpse into Sage and Fisher’s happily ever after, as well.

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This is such a cute small-town romance set in Oregon between a big-time Chef, Fisher, coping with his sister’s death and custody of her daughter, and a quirky local resident Sage.

I enjoyed the storyline and it was well written, however it really dragged on in the middle. The beginning and the ending were cute though.

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This. Book.

An amazing read and experience. I never wanted to put it down. It was delicious and lovely and everything you could want from a book.

If you ever needed a book to make you feel whole while simultaneously making your heart break, this is the one for you!

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A beautiful summer, small town romance with emotional growth and self-discovery. Sage and Fisher had great chemistry and banter. Such great humor, antics, and heart. Sometimes home finds us at the most unexpected times. Food as a love language - the descriptions of food in this book were exquisite. This is my first Tarah DeWitt book and I’m very excited to explore her others. Thank you Net Galley for this ARC.

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I enjoyed Indy and her story and learning more about her and her struggles with getting thrown into life with Fisher!
This was a fun, cute romance. Cover is adorable. Would recommend to romance lovers.
Felt slow at the beginning which brought it to a 3 star but overall fun read.

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Savor It is about Sage, a teacher from Spunes, a small town in Oregon and Fisher, a Michelin star holding chef from New York. Sage and Fisher meet after he’s sent to Spunes to help open up a new restaurant and work through the issues that got him fired and cost him a Michelin Star all while he tries to grapple with his newly acquired role as a dad to his 15 year old niece. These two are brought together when both need assistance with accomplishing their mutual goals, a relationship that blossoms in to something more.

This book started off slow for me and the introduction of so many minor characters in the first few pages was a bit disorienting and made it difficult to get in to but once I was in, it was an enjoyable read. Fisher and Sage perfectly complimented each other and it was so refreshing to read a romance that didn’t have silly misunderstandings between the MCs that could’ve been resolved with simple communication. The one thing I didn’t love about the book was it seemed the characters goals were kind of secondary to the romance plot and weren’t consistently behind the motivation for their actions. Overall this book was cute but I don’t think it’ll be one that sticks with me.

Thank you to Net Galley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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This was such a cute little romantic book, out of all the Tarah Dewitt’s books this has to be my third favorite. Sage and Fisher were so cute together, I did think that there needed to be more dialogue between them too. I felt like I kept reading too much of what they were thinking and not of what they were doing. Overall a great easy read

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What an enjoyable slow-paced slow burn! There were truly some special moments in this one — the meals, the animals, the revelations. While it was set on the coast in the NW, my mind kept placing me around the coastal Carolinas. If you depend on conflict, excitement, or sharp-tongued/loud wit, the easy going story may feel a little too slow (the pacing during the middle especially made my mind wander a bit), but I really enjoyed the journey. I also enjoyed some of the untied imperfect ends and appreciate that Tarah could end the book in a satisfying and happy way without making everyone a megastar in life.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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In Savor It, Sage and Fisher are two characters grappling with their own personal demons as they navigate the ups and downs of love and life. I loved the setting and the characters, they will definitely stick with me long after I have finished this book. There is just something about a summer romance that gets me all in the feels. This is a perfect summer read that has the perfect amount of romance, humor, and heart. The small-town setting and the lovable characters make this book impossible to put down.

4/5 stars

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I loved this book SO much. Tarah DeWitt can truly do no wrong, and this book was the epitome of everything I’ve come to love about her. It’s full of heart, humor, emotion, spice, and above all, authenticity. There was something so deeply relatable yet awe-inspiring about this story; I truly have yet to come up with the right words to describe it. Sage & Fisher’s story was one for the ages!

Thank you to NetGalley for this beautiful ARC! As I am still processing my multitude of thoughts and feelings about this stunning, stunning book, a full review chock-full of gushing—the kind born of rib-splitting and heart-rending—will be up on GoodReads and Amazon by release day. 💖

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omg I am giggling and kicking my feet and swooning and sweating all at the same time!!! I ADORED this book! Sage and Fisher are a dream couple. I saw parts of myself in both of them, which just made the whole book from me. I loved that they seemed to complete each other but they could also be their own person. Also, I did not foresee the goose becoming one of my favorite plot points, alas he was.

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This was such a sweet story. It was both dreamy and realistic — always a plus with contemporary romance for me. The whole food back drop of the story was quite fun and got me captivated as much as the love story at times.
I really liked how grief and loss in various forms (people, career, relationships, potential, dreams,…) were addressed and most of all I loved the concept of choosing your people. Of choosing the person even if falling in love is sometimes out of our control… the choosing and staying always is.

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This story is a deeply touching summer romance that became so much more as you delved into the book. Page after page the slow-building friendship and growing romance developed in a fun and beautiful way.

DeWitt created characters that were complex and so real. Dealing with past hurts and yet growing through it too. I love how the main characters connected and teamed up for healing and growth through humor and a bit of craziness. Fun farm animals, interesting secondary characters, and a family worth it all.

The second half clinched the rating. These two grew together in such a subtle way with an intensity that takes your breath away. It carried from the hot scenes to their emotional connection. The heat was as intense as their love.

Savor It is a fun, flirty, and deliciously hot work that will beg you to read it over and over.

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