Member Reviews

Thank you gorge reads for my gifted digital ARC! This book was so thrilling! The alternative viewpoints had me turning the pages well into the night! It is fast paced and an easy read. I had no idea who to trust, but I felt like everyone was lying!

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A crazy ride all the way to the end. Arden’s last clients were a bit intense. I never knew who to trust. Both of the Bannister’s were a total mess. Definitely a novel not to pass up! I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot about this one in the coming year.

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"One wrong word can ruin your life."

Arden Ward is a crisis management expert.  She's used to helping others manage their crises, but now she is forced to handle her own.  When she is falsely accused of having an affair with a powerful client, she is given an ultimatum.  She needs to take one last case to save her career and her reputation.
Cordelia Bannister's husband Ned, a real estate mogul, has just been acquitted of a fatal drunk driving accident.  But his reputation has been shattered along with his family's.   Not only is this affecting Cordelia and Ned but also their young children.  Arden is hired to help this family get their lives back together.  But the more she learns, the more she realizes there is something not quite right.  When another car accident puts Ned back in the hot seat, she knows she has more digging to do.  She needs to protect her future, but is she protecting a killer by doing so?

This book was a twisty psychological thriller.  There were so many secrets and lies!  Arden didn't know who she needed to be helping or who she could trust.  Arden's career was definitely interesting, and it had a good storyline but honestly, I thought this book was way longer than it needed to be. Arden's constant mind changing also drove me a little nuts. I think I would have enjoyed this more had it been 50 - 100 pages less. But if you're a fan of this author, I would recommend it.

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I absolutely loved One Wrong Word. The book keeps you guessing with every turn of the page, and I found myself not wanting to put the book down. I immediately became immersed with the main characters Ned and Cordelia Bannister as well as Arden Ward. The twists and turns throughout the book keep you guessing until the very end. Everything ties out quite nicely and I was pleasantly surprised by the ending. Hank Phillippi Ryan is truly a master of writing suspense and has done it once again with One Wrong Word. This book is a must read.

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A rollercoaster of a read! Hank Phillippi-Ryan spins a tale like nobody’s business and One Wrong Word does NOT disappoint! Words have power and the wrong words can be devastating. Phillippi-Ryan is an expert at keeping the reader guessing as they devour the story she spins. Great characters, a classic tale of woe and plenty of surprises all come together in one magnificent read.

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I just had the opportunity to read an advanced copy of One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan. Having read several of her books previously, I knew I was in for some binge reading, and this did not disappoint. Ms. Ryan's books grab the reader early on, requiring full attention to the details and nuances of the plot and character development. The characters are not always likeable, but they are complex and nuanced, pulling the reader in early on. There are aspects of the plot that I felt like I was figuring out, but only in the broader sense; the details are revealed well into the book. By the time I was well into the book, I was grateful that I didn't have to be anywhere the following day because I read until the wee hours of the morning, unable to stop reading.

Ms. Ryan excels in engaging the reader with complex plotlines and this book is no exception. As it's coming out in February, it will be a perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter day, with a hot beverage by your side. And you will find yourself thinking about it long after you've finished it.

Thank you for the opportunity to be an advanced reader.

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4.5 stars
A totally twisty page-turner from Hank Philippi Ryan with characters that you love and characters that you hate. One thing for certain, you'll never know who you can trust in this one and just when you think you might have figured it out, plot twist! Definitely recommend.

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A wonderfully twisted domestic thriller with intriguing characters, especially crisis management expert Arden Ward. Arden finds herself in the midst of what could be a damaging scandal that could ruin her based on an untrue rumour. Her boss throws her a bone by putting her in charge of helping Cordelia and Ned Bannister. She's thrust in the middle of their strained marriage while trying to decipher who can she trust. All the while an unknown danger lurks around her and the mysterious Bannisters. With this happening, you can't help but be entertained and the pages turn almost by themselves.

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Sucked in from the beginning. Even though I figured who was involved, I didn't put all the pieces together until the end. Hank Phillippi Ryan will make you second guess yourself on what really happened while keeping you on your toes. Didn't want it to end

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One wrong word can ruin your life.

Arden has devoted her life to helping others in crisis, until she’s wrongly accused of having an affair with a client. She’s asked to take on one last client, Cordelia and her husband Ned. Ned is a real estate mogul who was recently acquitted in a fatal drunk driving accident. With his reputation ruined, he needs help picking up the pieces.

This case is Arden’s final change to protect her own future and clear her name. But the more she tried to untangle the truth, the more she’s haunted by one disturbing questions – what if she’s also protecting a killer?

I have enjoyed previous works by this author so was excited for a new release. This book did not disappoint! It was so much fun and captivating. There were so many layers to this story, it was great. There were also so many little reveals along the way, with a big reveal at the end. A lot of the reveals I didn’t see coming and they were good. I enjoyed reading about those in high positions of power being knocked down a peg, and their lives were so twisted, and I wanted to know everything. It was fun trying to put all the pieces together because no one was telling the truth. The pacing was nice and held my interest.

If you are looking for a psychological legal thriller then check this one out.

Thank you so much to Tor publishing for the physical and e-arc, and netgalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Generally, when you read a book, it's almost a journey of discovery to see *why* a book was named a certain way. There was no subtlety in One Wrong Word. Overall, the book just felt like whining privilege with the blame alternating from chapter to chapter, just to keep the story going. The ending felt like something you'd see in a soap opera with the butler coming forward as the baby daddy and stepfather at once (not a spoiler there, I promise).

I think that there is a large group of people who will absolutely enjoy this novel. I just wasn't one of them.

(2.5 stars rounded up)

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Pre-order this one now!
Get ready for an exhilarating ride with "One Wrong Word"! This book by Hank Ryan is a page-turner that will keep you up all night. From the very first word, I was hooked and couldn't wait to uncover the secrets hidden within its pages.

The author has created a complex puzzle that will leave you guessing until the very end. It's like playing an intense game of Clue, where every wrong turn could lead to disaster. I devoured this book in one sitting - it's that good! A must-read for anyone who loves a thrilling mystery.

And a big thank you to the author and publisher for providing this complimentary ARC through NetGalley. All opinions are my own, and I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an exciting read!

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Thank you to ThrillerBookLovers Promotions, Forge Books, #partner, for an advanced e- copy of One Wrong Word in exchange for my honest review.

I have been a fan of Hank Phillippi Ryan for quite some time and am always left stunned at her books and this one was no exception. There is a reason she is one of my must-read authors and this book proves it!

Hank is the master when it comes to cat and mouse games, and this latest book sure had me guessing all the way through. Each character is so very layered and complex that it’s hard to know what side they are on. The amount of secrets and lies that end up being uncovered kept me glued to this book, desperately trying to work out just what was going on. Each time I thought I had a pulse on what was happening, a new twist would be revealed to shake things up.

I loved the characters in this book, even though they weren’t all the most likeable. I loved that I didn’t necessarily trust them and while my intuition about one or two of them proved to be correct, I in no way had it all worked out. There were connections I didn’t see coming at all, but once they were revealed, I sat there stunned. This book is so much more than what is presented at face value. You have to pay attention to the nuances and the layers that the author so cleverly puts into every situation.

Throughout the book, there is so much uncertainty, and it really hit home the idea that one wrong word, or even one wrong action, can change your life. This was such a clever, engaging read and I found myself completely invested. It didn’t turn out the way I expected, but that ending was more than satisfying and I loved every second of this book. Be sure to add this one to your list…it comes out in February and you don’t want to miss it!

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Hank Phillipi Ryan has finely turned her talents into writing instant best-selling psychological thrillers. I highly recommend her latest release, One Wrong Word. From the first paragraph, Ryan quickly engages readers in her plot. It is a story everyone can identify with: someone saying one wrong word about you, and you think you can never outlive it.

Ryan begins her novel by giving readers a word: “Joy” That word will continue as a thread throughout the story. Is it the wrong word? That is for you the reader to decide as you read this fast-paced thriller permeated with murder, deceit, family drama, greed, malice, and depravity. Ryan masterfully builds this story with larger-than-life characters that keep you guessing who is truthful, who is a liar, and whodunit.

If you want to know a person's true character, observe how they handle these three areas of their life – money, sex, and power. In One Wrong Word, Ryan shows how these three traits affect her characters, their families, their decisions, their friends, their professions, and their futures. Money, sex, and power – each can wreak havoc by themselves, put the three together and they become all-consuming. Ryan is at her best in developing the psychological relationships between her characters. In my opinion, this is Ryan’s best work to date.

I was provided a complimentary copy of this novel by ForgeBooks and NetGalley. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own and without influence.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for this DRC.
Arden is a crisis management expert, working one last job after being unfairly let go from her firm. Her clients, Ned, recently acquitted, and his wife Cordelia need help fitting back into society, But are either of them telling the truth about really happened?
Hank Phillippi Ryan throws us into another fast-paced who really dunnit, that keeps you guessing on every page. Even though there was a character that I never trusted, the full truth of their complicity was an exciting twist!
#OneWrongWord #NetGalley

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This one took me by surprise - I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did! The characters were all so real feeling to me

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Is he a murderer or not? A can't put it down psychological legal thriller which keeps you turning the pages until the very end. Arden Ward is a total badass! I received an ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed are my own.

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I found myself immersed in a gripping story where every twist and turn kept me eagerly turning the pages.
The story unfolds with Arden, a crisis management expert facing a crisis of her own, falsely accused and given a chance at redemption by helping the Bannister family.
What I particularly enjoyed is the author's skillful crafting of suspense, with a plot that brims with questions and accusations. Despite some twists being somewhat predictable, the unreliable nature of the characters adds a layer of complexity that keeps the story compelling. Arden's constant dilemma, questioning whether she's inadvertently aiding a killer, casts a shadow over the entire narrative.
The journey through uncertainty is skillfully executed, and while the middle may briefly feel too long, the satisfying and unexpected finale makes it worthwhile.
For fans of psychological thrillers, "One Wrong Word" is a must-read—a rollercoaster of suspense, questionable characters, and a narrative where every word holds the power to reshape lives.
Ryan's storytelling makes even the predictable twists enjoyable, making this novel a thrilling and engaging experience.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy through NetGalley, opinions are my own.

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Another twisty, fast-paced read from Hank Phillippi Ryan. Ingenious plot circles around a woman named Arden Ward whose job it is to repair images gone awry. Only this time, it's Arden's boss who holds her reputation in his hands when a client's wife accuses her of improper conduct. The charges are false, but Arden's boss is determined to keep his client happy, even if that means losing Arden.

Before her departure, she is assigned a client that she can't refuse. Cordelia Bannister's husband is on trial for killing a man with his car. The victim is unknown to him and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or was he? As information comes to light about what really happened the night Ned Bannister's car careened into a skateboarder in his own parking garage, Arden must put together clues leading to the truth. Who is really at fault?

When Nate's attorney is mowed down by a vehicle after getting an acquittal, more questions arise. Arden wonders if maybe Ned did get away with murder the first time. But then why is Cordelia lying to her?

This book keeps the reader guessing right until the end.

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I absolutely love HPR! This book was so puzzling and twisty. It is definetly going to be a top favorite next year! I will definetly be buying a hard copy. The plot was super twsity as only Hank can do(i tend to forget about what im doing around the house when I am reading a new HPR). I really had no idea which way this was going to go. And the twsity conclusion will make your eyes pop! It really goes to show you how one word can have a ripple effect and be irreversibly damaging. you will not want to miss this one this Feb!

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