Member Reviews

“Lies and secrets, the most powerful forces in the universe.”

3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5) Have you ever wondered how often one word could alter the trajectory of your life? This book explores just that, as Arden, a professional crisis manager, finds herself in the middle of accusations, infidelity, and the unnerving question of whether she’s unknowingly aiding a killer.

“An innocent person goes through the same process as a guilty one—it’s only the end that’s different.”

Arden’s world unravels when she’s falsely accused of an affair with a client, leading to her dismissal. But before she leaves, she’s handed one last job—a seemingly routine task that sends her into a whirlwind of questions, deceit, and twists. The job is to help Cordelia and her husband who has just been aquitted for vehicular homicide. Their reputations are being slandered and their children mistreated by others.

The narrative keeps you on your toes with characters that exude shadiness from the get-go. The plot is full of questions and accusations. I found myself guessing and re-guessing, trying to untangle the web of deception.

Arden’s lingering thought—whether she’s inadvertently aiding a killer—casts a shadow over the entire story. The suspense is high, and the author maintains the tension, keeping readers engaged and eager to uncover the truth.

The twists and turns pave the way for that ending. The author doesn’t hold back, delivering a finale that is satisfying and unexpected. Other than briefly feeling too long in the middle, the story delivers intrigue throughout.

This book is a journey through uncertainty, where every word and action has the potential to reshape lives. The characters are questionable people, the plot is a rollercoaster of suspense, and the twists keep you turning the pages. For fans of psychological thrillers with a touch of mystery, this one’s a must-read.

Thank you to Thriller Book Lovers Promotions and Forge Books for the copy!

The book releases February 6, 2024.

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How far will you go to protect your reputation? That's the question of two women whose worlds will intersect as they try to do just that. The book starts out with the POV split between Arden and Cordelia, and the writing is such that the reader can easily jump between the two without confusion. Cordelia eventually fades out as Arden digs deeper and we get to know Ned. Everyone is acting suspicious and guilty so it takes a lot to sort out all the lies. I would have liked to see Cordelia's jealousy come out more in the earlier chapters. We're told she's the jealous type when Arden is concerned about being with Ned, but don't actually see it until towards the end.
The plot slows down some in the middle with all the players making their cases, but the ending where it all comes together makes it worth the wait.
I think Arden makes a good investigator, though I understand why she made the decision she did. (And the author doesn't generally do sequels, but I would have liked to see one with her in that role.)

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This story has a terrific, fresh hook and immediately pulls you in with an ominous courtroom setting. The need to know if these intriguing characters are what they seem, or if some hidden truth is driving them, is page-turning.

Arden has devoted her life to helping others. Then she becomes the woman wronged by a lie, and her personal chaos muddies her well-crafted, sharp, quick-problem-solving skills. Cordelia hires Arden to save her husband Ned’s reputation, though her greatest problem, it seems, is her husband’s legal mess is ruining her social status. And then there’s Ned, the handsome, successful man whose reputation lies in Arden’s hands. Either he’s the smooth-talking, womanizing, potential murderer people say he is, or he’s the easy-going, loyal husband, father, and son he portrays. Can anyone trust what they see and know?

What’s great about this fast-paced psychological thriller, is just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, the story takes an unexpected turn and everything you thought you knew, all the crumbs you collected along the way, have to be reevaluated. One wrong word, and who knows where it'll end up.

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Hank Phillippi Ryan is an auto read author for me, she always takes the reader on a wild and twisted ride. Sent in Boston, this a book full of unreliable and unlikeable characters that will have you turning those pages to find out what happens next. Every time I thought that I had it worked out, plot twist!!

Arden is a Pr expert on the verge of losing her job. She is given one last client, Ned Bannister. He has just been acquitted of murder but the public perception of him has not changed. His wife is desperate for them to be accepted again so hires Arden. Between Ned and his wife, Arden does not know who is lying and if anyone is telling the truth. It isn’t long before Ned is under the spotlight again for another incident and life certainly gets interesting for them all.

This book will surprise you in so many ways. Get it on your TBR now.

Thank you to Tor Publishing Group and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book. Publishes on February 6th.

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Wow, what a wild ride! I felt like I was on a rollercoaster the whole time I read this book. Just when you think you have it figured out you’re thrown for a loop again! I love a book where I don’t know who to trust or believe and this was definitely that, with a nice little bow tied around the end (I’m a sucker for closure).

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Hank Phillippi Ryan has written another book that will keep you guessing right up till the last page!!

Arden is working as a crisis management expert and very good at her job. She is being let go because of what she believes to be a total misunderstanding!!! She is given one last client and she will do her best to help to restore their good name in the community. Ned Bannister is found not guilty of murder but he and his family are suffering!! Can Arden work get magic?? Does Arden know what is truly going on with this family and her work situation???

Highly recommend this book which is out in 2/6/24!!!

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Hank Phillippi Ryan continues providing lucky readers with another excellent thriller. Arden Ward is a crisis management expert who repairs damaged reputations. Shockingly, she becomes a victim herself and tries to repair her own reputation after seemingly losing her lucrative job. However, her boss offers her one last case and she takes it. Ned Bannister is acquitted of drunk driving but the court of public opinion isn't buying it. His wife Cordelia hires Arden and things become incredibly twisted from that point on. Who is lying? Who is keeping secrets? Will Arden succeed in restoring Ned's and her own reputation? Grab a copy of this book as soon as you can. You won't be able to put it down once you start reading!

Thanks to NetGalley and Forge Publishers for the chance to read prior to publication

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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The book has unexpected twists and turns. It has been narrated from multiple perspectives. There is a twisted truth and an inevitable web of lies and rumours. It’s a gripping psychological thriller and It is unputdownable. The people have hidden facades and it’s hard to differentiate between truth and lie.

Arden is a PR crisis management expert. She is trying to get out of career crisis and save her reputation. Cordelia needs Arden’s help for Ned and Arden needs to save her career and Reputation. The more she gets into the mystery, it gets deeper. Will she find her way out of the web of lies, rumour, deception and hidden facades? Will she be able to clear her name? Will she get to the bottom of the truth?

Thank you for giving me opportunity to read it.

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One Wrong Word had me from page one. It is a twisty thriller which you will not want to put down. Arden works in public relations and is accused of an affair with a client. She is fired but offered one last client to get a good reference. Her new client is a man accused of vehicular homicide and is acquitted. He needs his reputation restored. His wife asks for Arden's help but who is telling the truth.
In this story you will constantly wonder who is lying and who is telling the truth. Is Arden in over her head. This is the kind of book that will keep you reading late into the night. This is one of the best books Hank Phillippi Ryan has written and I highly recommend reading this book.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #HankPhillippiRyan and #ForgeBooks for a copy of this book.

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ONE WRONG WORD is a fabulous book you will not want to put down, It has great characters who will captivate and confuse you, the writing is poetry, and the twists and turns are characteristic of a Hank Phillippi Ryan novel! This is one of Hank's best!!!!

I will be posting this on my wall on Face Book, and on Hank's and First Chapter Fun's walls. Plus, I will be posting this to Amazon, Good Reads, and Book Bub.

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

You never knew who to trust, especially in a book that's branded a thriller but it was obvious to me that it wasn't Cordelia to say the least, even from the beginning. In this book, we already knew the how and who at the start, and we needed to stay with Arden to find out the why.

I didn't love the plot, but thought Arden was a very likable character.

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Again, Ryan gives us a really good mystery that kept me reading and enjoying. When a crisis manager gets entangled in an unexpected situation that involves murder, she has to protect her client and herself as she becomes more involved.

Arden is a very likable heroine. I like novels set in familiar places, this one in Boston. The author provides excellent closure and veers away from all that is obvious.

So, a great read to curl up with on a cold day.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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One Wrong Word is full of endless twists. Just when I think I had it figured out Hank took us in a new direction, then another, again and again.

Written in multi POVs, it was an expertly crafted story. I liked the back drop of rich people behaving badly and there were so many.

I loved the MC, Arden, the fixer of sorts. She was truly a fantastic character and I would love to see her in future books, especially with some potential romance (hint hint 😉😉 in case Hank Phillippi Ryan is reading this😁)

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Thank you Hank Phillippi for an ARC of this book for an honest review.
I love your books and this one just blew me away I think it’s your best one yet.! Between Ned, Cordelia and Arden you weaved a twisted story that brought all three characters to life!
I highly recommend this book and will post reviews on different platforms. I will also post on Amazon and bookstores when it goes live in February. Keep writing these exciting stories I love reading them.

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Hank Phillipi Ryan is one of my favorites and I couldn't hit request quick enough when I saw this as available. I follow her on social media and had seen a post about the ARC being available and was lucky enough to get my request approved. This one is true to form--twisty, dark, and keeps you reading to find out the whole story. Excellent read.

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Review of Advance Reader’s Copy eBook

Cordelia Bannister sits with her real estate mogul husband, Ned, in the small waiting area off the courtroom. They’re waiting for the jury to return with their verdict. Ned, charged with vehicular manslaughter, drunk driving, and reckless driving, is struggling under the pressure of the trial and the often-hostile press commentary.

Meanwhile, at Vision Group, Crisis Management Specialist Arden Ward receives unexpected news from her boss, Warren Carmichael. Accused of having an affair with a high-profile client, she is being let go despite her innocence.

When Ned is acquitted of all charges, Cordelia discovers that things don’t automatically return to normal: the other mothers at school still shun her, the press is still filled with unkind comments and innuendo that money and power bought her husband’s freedom.

Cordelia and Nick become Arden’s last assignment, but she soon discovers their situation is much more convoluted than she’d ever imagined.

Can Arden find the truth? And might she be protecting a killer?


Compelling and unputdownable, this tale of intrigue, puzzles, and treachery will keep readers on the edge of their seats, turning pages as fast as possible. Told from the points of view of three strong women, the unfolding story spins out a tangled web of secrets, lies, and manipulations as the plot twists and turns, keeping readers guessing.

As Arden works to save her reputation, readers see her commitment to the client, to finding the truth. Self-centered Cordelia seems scattered at times and is often annoying while charming Ned seems unable to grasp the gravity of the situation. The lawyers, Nyomi and Monelle, are professional and efficient; Monelle’s brazen outspokenness makes her a standout character. The character development throughout the narrative keeps everyone believable and realistic.

A strong sense of place, nuanced characters, and ever-present tension all work together to pull the reader into the narrative from the outset. Often disturbing and a bit creepy, the highly-charged, emotional cat-and-mouse story keeps the suspense building as deception takes center stage.

Readers who enjoy psychological thrillers, suspenseful tales filled with unexpected events and surprising revelations will find much to appreciate in this unputdownable tale.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from Tor Publishing Group, Forge Books and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#OneWrongWord #NetGalley

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One Wrong Word is a twisty domestic suspense read told from three points of view. The story focuses on a PR crisis management expert, Arden, who, reeling from her own personal career crisis, is forced by her boss into helping to rehabilitate the image/reputation of Ned, recently acquitted of vehicular homicide. For while he has been acquitted by the court, the public is not so forgiving. Handling his PR case is Arden’s last chance to save her career and reputation.

As Arden works with Ned and his wife to help him, she uncovers secrets and a tangle of lies and then things get worse when Ned’s lawyer gets run down and the car that hits her looks suspiciously like Ned’s. What did Arden get herself into? Is she helping a killer?

The story has red herrings and lots of twists and turns, the pacing is good (with a bit of a slow start which picks up quickly) and Arden is a very likeable character. It would be great to see her in other novels by this author! Although I figured out the ending a bit before the reveal, it was still a solid ending. Recommended for domestic suspense/thriller lovers!

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Full of suspense, I kept thinking I was sure I had it figured out only to decide I was wrong and had to keep reading so I could find out the truth. I couldn’t put it down!

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Hank Phillippi Ryan's latest psychological thriller is focused on the dilemma of crisis management specialist Arden Ward. Unfairly accused of workplace impropriety, Arden is given one last assignment and the opportunity to repair her reputation. But this assignment borders on the impossible. Ned Bannister, a prominent real estate entrepreneur, has received an unexpected not-guilty verdict in his deadly drunk driving case, but his and his family's lives are still reeling, as public opinion seems to feel that he got away with murder. Ned's wife, Cordelia, begs Arden to help Ned clear up his public image and, in so doing, bring his family back to some sort of pre-trial normalcy. To add to the suspense, Arden's boss has given her only two weeks to resolve the situation, in return for big bucks and a sterling reference.

Throughout the book, we can't help but empathize with Arden as she tries to determine just what happened that fateful night in a parking garage, while never being quite sure who is telling the truth and who is manipulating the situation for their own sordid advantage.

While the beleaguered Arden is center stage, I particularly enjoyed the characters of the two opposing attorneys in Ned's case--defense attorney Nyomi, who finds herself in a life-threatening situation, and (often hilariously) outspoken prosecutor Monelle, whose tenacity and character development throughout the story make her a standout. Most imp0rtantly, the atmosphere feels deeply claustrophobic, not to mention creepy and disturbing, hallmarks of bestselling author Ryan's recent work.

My thanks to the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book.

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