Member Reviews

Twisty Interconnected Suspense. This is another one of those tales where Tony Stark's snark about Nick Fury in The Avengers rings true: his secrets have secrets! Or to use another movie connection... Now You See Me: Come in close, because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you. Yes, this is one of *those* books, the kind where the WTFs per minute rise and you begin to get whiplash from whipping your head back and forth trying to follow all the twists and turns, particularly late in the tale. Ultimately a satisfying read... if you like that kind of story. For those that don't... you've been warned. Very much recommended.

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This is a fun, fast paced thriller filled with secrets, lies, betrayal and deceit! It kept me on my toes and I was interested from the beginning to see what was going to happen.

This is a book where I did figure out the twists well in advance so that was a tad disappointing but overall it was a fun and entertaining story.

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Crisis management expert Arden Ward is stunned when her professional career is thrown into disarray by the same type of rumors, lies & gossip that is part of her daily job. Now Arden has 2 weeks to help her final clients.
Cordelia & Ned Bannister, rebuild their lives. Acquitted in a recent trial, Ned's reputation is still been tainted with the "Parking Garage Killer" moniker. As Arden works with Ned, she finds disturbing hints of what really happened the night of the accident. Then another hit-&-run accident throws Ned back into the spotlight.

Twisty mind games by deceptive people play out in this thrilling read.

I received a digital ARC from Netgalley and TOR/Forge Books. All opinions are my own.

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This great writer is definitely one I keep up with new publications. See this in my approved for reading shelf was like a bottle of wine just waiting to open and enjoy.

However, this ARC had so many issues with format in my IOS I had a hard time reading and staying in the zone of the story.

I will however purchase an audio copy of this book. It’s great. Characters are likeable and I’ll be waiting for the twist. Enjoy.

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I will read anything written by Ryan and One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan is one of those fast and suspenseful novels that kept me turning pages from beginning to end. The author really pulls you into the story and as the tension and suspense builds it’s just one of those books you have to keep reading. The characters they were vibrant and alive for me on the page.
Filled with unexpected events and surprising revelations.

Thank You NetGalley and Forge Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan is a real page turner! The title says it all. One wrong word can change your life, ruin your reputation and leave you not knowing where to turn. That's where Arden Ward comes in. She is a fixer and she is hired to turn around the bad press surrounding Ned Bannister and his family. The more she delves into the case the more confusing and frightening it becomes. She fears for her own safety and begins to wonder exactly who needs protecting. You will not be able to put this book down!!!

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Hank Phillipi Ryan is an author who I will always want to read. I will say the last few books I have read haven’t been my super favorites (though I have enjoyed them) but One Wrong Word had me hooked and I did not want to put it down right after the first chapter. You learn the story from the viewpoints of Arden Ward, a PR representative, and Monelle Churchwood, an investigator for the prosecution. I liked the alternating viewpoints, the suspense and the gripping twists.
I read thrillers and mysteries often, and when one can surprise me with a twist I didn’t really see coming, I just love it. The intricate way the characters all relate to each other and help to figure out what is really going on in this crime drama is just done so well that I will be recommending this read to anyone who needs a fresh mystery in their life.
Thank you to Netgalley and Forge Books for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Short synopsis: Wrongfully accused of an affair, crisis management specialist Arden had one last chance to save her career…. Represent Ned Bannister who was just acquitted in a murder trial. But things aren’t really what they seem when Ned’s attorney is hit by a car that is reminiscent of Ned’s murder accusation.

My thoughts: This was my first by this author, and it definitely won’t be my last. Totally bingeable with plot twists, great characters, and lots of drama.

While I did figure out part of the big twist, I did not see the full extent. I was on the edge of my seat sneaking in pages any minute I could to figure out the mystery in this page turning thriller! Such a fun ride.

I did audio and physical mix of this Amber the narrator did such a phenomenal job! I may have a new narrator to add to my list of favorites!

Read if you love:
- Court rooms and Murder suspects
- Wealthy families
- Who done it
- PR representation
- Puzzles

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This fast-paced mystery was hard to put down —it kept me hooked from start to finish. With its multitude of twists and turns, some of which I anticipated and others that took me completely by surprise, it was a thrilling ride.

The character development in this book was really good, particularly with Arden and Monelle. And I would love to see them in future books ( hint hint )

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One Wrong Word by Hank Phillippi Ryan was a phenomenal read. I could not put this book down! I am behind in my reading and that is certainly part of it but, this book literally kept me turning the pages. The story development was the key here. The story kept changing and building and I simply had to know where it was going.

The character development was complex. You thought you knew a character and then they did a 360 degree turn. In this book we have a husband that is accused of drinking and killing a man that was skateboarding in the parking garage of his building after the New Year's Eve celebration. He swears he was not drunk and simply didn’t see the man until he ran over him and killed him.

This is a tightly woven plot and Hank reveals to us clues along the way that we can’t rely on. You have to discern what you are going to believe. I’m very bad at that. I always think the narrator is reliable and sometimes they are not. I am easily yanked back and forth while reading and wonder what in the world hit me when I am done. Sometimes, I’m exhausted when I close the cover on the book. I think that is why I love these stories so much. I can’t figure them out and always think this might actually be the one. Not so with Hank Phillippi Ryan!

If you find yourself fascinated with crime stories that you can’t solve, you will surely enjoy One Wrong Word! Until next time…Happy Reading!

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I have enjoyed so many of Phillippi Ryan's thrillers and this one is very entertaining. The main character is a public relations advisor that helps her clients with crisis management. I loved the premise of having a PR advisor as the main character. Arden Ward is falsely accused of sleeping with a client, but her boss gives her one last assignment to help salvage her professional reputation. She is asked to assist the wife of a successful man recently acquitted for vehicular homicide deal with the fallout from his sensational case.

The story is interesting, but bogs down somewhat in the middle. Arden's efforts seem to go in circles as she tries to get to the truth of what really happened in the original incident as well as current threats that are putting her clients and herself in danger. I couldn't figure out all the twists and turns in this book, but I was able to figure out a big part of it. I was surprised the savvy Arden didn't see through one person's lies. Overall, One Wrong Word is an entertaining book with a strong finish, making up for some of the slower portions of the story.

I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from Tor Publishing Group and Forge Books. My review was voluntary and unbiased.

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One Mistake - One Missed Turn - ONE WRONG WORD. Words & Money Have Power..

I am always super excited when Hank Phillippi Ryan (The Queen of Cat-and-Mouse Thrillers!) releases a new book & she never disappoints! I was drawn to the story from line one.

Filled with intrigue & suspense this compulsive & absorbing read, with twists galore, is bound to keep you guessing to the satisfying end. The characters ooze credibility & are dripping with lies, secrets, disloyalty, manipulation, greed, deceit & believe it or not…JOY. You will have to read it to find out!

Hank: I love, love, loved the reference to the Hello Kitty backpack!

Favorite Lines (Couldn’t pick just one!)
** “Regret itself can be lethal. Remorse, too, and the toxic second guessing that gnaws away the edges of reality. All those “what if” moments.”
** “Lies and secrets, the most powerful forces in the universe. Indelible. Contagious. Lethal.”
** “Social media thrives on sorrow and pain.”
** “It’s terrifyingly easy to convince people the world is how you want it to be.”

Finally, I always love reading author acknowledgements. Hank’s is loving & heartfelt and will bring tears to your eyes.

I’m so grateful to NetGalley, Tor Publishing Group & Hank for the opportunity to read an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Intriguing, haunting, unpredictable story filled with complex characters and a fast paced story that captured me on the very first page. This suspenseful page turner will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end! I could not put this book down! This is a must read!

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Ned has been acquitted of vehicular manslaughter. His wife has hired Arden, a crisis management agent, to help bring their reputation out of the mud. But, Arden is fighting her own battles at work. She has been accused of having an affair with a big client. So, Ned and Cordelia are her last clients at this firm. But, they may end up being her last clients forever.

Talk about twisted! This story just keeps twisting around itself with all the lies and rumors. I did figure it out, but then I questioned if I was right or not! I love when an author throws a wrench into the mix!

Arden is a character that I grew to respect. Can you respect a character?? Well, I did. She didn’t let what was happening at work affect her work…clear as mud??? She took on this client and her goal was to protect…and she definitely went out of her way to do that…then the story shifted again and again! Lies and rumors abound!

The narrator, Gail Shalan, is super! I really liked her voice for Cordelia. Cordelia is a bit emotional. And sometimes a narrator can “overwork” those vocals. Shalan is perfect as Cordelia.

Need a good psychological thriller…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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ONE WRONG WORD gave me scandal vibes which is *amazing*. Arden is a fixer (Olivia Pope anyone) and now is in her own pile of poo. She’s given a controversial case that if she can fix it, it’ll salvage her reputation that’s on the line and solve her problems.

This is where Cordelia and her husband Ned come in. They’ve been in the spotlight and not in a good way. Ned killed a pedestrian while seemingly drunk and although exonerated, the public has not been quite so forgiving.

Arden is working overtime to figure out what the truth is so that Ned can be cleared not just legally, but in the eyes of the public. This seems straightforward but it was not. This book twisted and turned and had revelation after revelation. It was an edge of your seat thriller which hands down is my favorite.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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One Wrong Word," is a MUST read!!!!
Twists, turns, secrets, lies, has EVERYTHING!!!!
One wrong word can hurt you. One wrong word can change your life.
Arden has become painfully aware of how words can utter such change, she's been accused of having an affair with a client. Such lies, and now she has to fight to clear her name and save her career. Arden's opportunity to do this, lies with Ned. Ned needs her elite services as a Crisis Management Expert, to save his ruined reputation and to ultimately save his family as well. But, can she really help him? And, at what cost?
WOW!! "One Wrong Word" is an incredible ride! From the first page, you are absorbed into the story. With the twists and turns throughout, you are holding your breath without even knowing it. "One Wrong Word" is the perfect mystery story!

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One Wrong Word is a twisty domestic suspense thriller told from three different POV’s. Arden Ward is known as a fixer in the crisis management world. But she is having her own personal career crisis to manage. Her boss has given Arden two weeks’ notice before she will need to leave the company and find employment elsewhere. The wife of a major client has claimed that Arden was having an affair with her husband. Before she leaves, she is handed one more case, with the promise of a referral and severance pay. Arden is asked to help the Banister family. The father, Ned has recently been acquitted of vehicular homicide. He was accused of being drunk behind the wheel and running over and killing a person in the parking garage. While he has been acquitted by the court, the public is not so forgiving. This case maybe Arden’s last chance to save her career and reputation. As Arden seeks the truth, secrets and lies unravel. There is so much more to the situation than meets the eye.

I love the twist and turns and so many red herrings in the book. I recommend this book to all thriller lovers. It had me second guessing who was the real villain here! This is one that cannot be missed.

I had the honor of reading this ARC thanks to Netgalley, the Author, Hank Phillippi Ryan and Tor Publishing Group /Forge Books

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One Wrong Word will have you on the edge of your seat and flipping pages as fast as you can read them! I was hooked from the beginning and the twists kept me guessing until the end. Don't miss out on this great read.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Tor Publishing and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the latest thriller by a favorite, Hank Phillippi Ryan, with the audio perfectly narrated by Gail Shalan - 4.5 stars!

Arden Ward is being forced out of a job she loves after an untrue accusation. Her boss offers her one last job, intimating that future recommendations rely on her doing it. Cordelia Bannister wants Arden to salvage her husband's reputation. Ned Bannister was acquitted of killing a young man on a skateboard in a parking garage after drinking at a New Year's Eve party. While he is now free, public opinion of him and his family hasn't changed. But as Arden gets involved with the family to help them, she discovers that she isn't sure who she can trust.

Hank Phillippi Ryan has once again written a story that you will be totally engrossed in - along with Arden, you won't know who you can trust. It was definitely a cat-and-mouse game that kept me searching for clues and hints as to the real story. Each time I was convinced I knew what was happening, there was another twist that made me question my thinking. These characters felt real - full of strong women characters that you will either love or hate. Perfectly done!

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Arden Ward is a crisis manager in Boston who is unfairly terminated after wrongfully accused of having an affair with a client. But her boss offers her an option to save her career.

Cordelia is reeling from the recent acquittal of her husband’s fatal drunk driving accident, but her family’s reputation has been irrevocably tarnished. She begs Arden for help to repair their good name. But as Arden finds out what really happened that night and then another crash occurs. Is her client as innocent as he claims?

This was another winner from Hank. I truly enjoy the twists and turns each of her books has. Arden was a complex character that was I was really cheering on. She was treated horribly by her own boss on a client she herself brought in!

Thank you to @suzyapprovedbooktours and @forgereads for my gifted copy.

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