Member Reviews

I received this book as an ARC with no expectation of a positive review. This book had so many twists and turns that you did not know what was the truth and what was a lie. Arden's job was a spin master. She helped people get their lives back after questionable circumstances.

What happens when Arden is caught up in a situation that has been fabricated against her. She has one last client and two weeks to try to redeem whatever she could of her reputation. Everything that she believed was brought into question. Who is telling the truth? Who can she trust? What really is happening. This is a book that will keep you guessing to the very end. It is a must read. Warning. You may lose sleep because you do not want to put the book down.

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This is one wild and twisty ride from start to finish and I devoured in a day! I have come to expect this type of complex thriller from this author and her latest stand-alone novel did not disappoint. The novel centers around Arden Ward, a crisis manager who seems to be at the top of her game when she finds herself in her own crisis that threatens to derail her career and tarnish her reputation. The wife of a high-power client informs Arden's boss that she suspects the relationship Arden has with her husband is more than professional. Arden's boss gives her an ultimatum to save her reputation and let her gracefully and quietly exit the firm, even though the charges are unfounded. Finding herself into a no-win situation, Arden relents and agrees to try and help one last client, Claudia Bannister, who is trying to repair her husband Ned's reputation following a fatal drunk driving incident. Ned was acquitted but the fallout is impacting the entire family's lives and Claudia is desperate to reclaim the life she, Ned, and their children had before the trial. As Arden begins to help Claudia and Ned rebuild, a second fatal car crash thrusts the family back into the spotlight and causes Arden to question whether she is protecting a killer.

The chapters alternate between the perspectives of Arden, Claudia, and District Attorney Monelle Churchwood, who was the lead counsel on Ned's prosecution. I liked seeing the story from multiple angles and the fact it was told through a totally female lens. The story's pacing was excellent and while I had suspicions about who might be behind things, I was completely stumped about the possible motivations and the why. When everything was ultimately revealed, I was surprised (in the best possible way) but felt like the clues had been laid out perfectly and strategically along the way. I loved seeing how everything was pulled together and how all of the small pieces of the puzzle ultimately came together. It was a riveting, complex tale from start to finish -- and an extremely satisfying read!

Many thanks to Forge Books and Hank Phillippi Ryan for providing a NetGalley copy of this novel and for the chance to be a Super Reader again.

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What a game of cat and mouse this was! Right off the bat Cordelia came off as suspicious to me. It felt like she was trying too hard to prove her husband's innocence. There are a few great twists towards the end. One I started assuming, but the other one came out of nowhere! If you’re a fan of this author then don’t miss out on this one!

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A digital copy of this book was provided to me by Thriller Book Lovers Promotions, Tor Publishing and Forge Books. The opinions are my own and freely given.
The general premise of this book is that Arden works for a PR firm to help smooth out her clients' lives. She is hired by the wife of a man who was found not guilty of vehicular manslaughter, to help the world realize that he is not guilty and to bring their lives along with their children's lives back to normal before the accident. There are times you wonder if Ned, the man found not guilty, got away with murder. The DA certainly thinks so.
I for 1 didn't like the wife, Cordelia, and every time she called Arden I was annoyed. I also didn't like Arden's boss. I felt he was a sleaze. Arden eventually makes a few allies, as her life is turned 180 and she learns who to trust and who not to trust.
This is the first novel by this author, and I was not disappointed. Can't wait to read more!

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Hank Phillippi Ryan has written a complex thriller. Arden Ward is a crisis management expert who is fired due to a false accusation by a client's wife. But, the managing partner of the firm offers Arden a way to save her reputation by representing a man, Ned Bannister, recently acquitted of murder for killing a skateboarder with his car, while intoxicated.
Cordelia, Ned's wife, hires Arden to restore Ned's reputation, however, Ned's lawyer is hit by a car, that looks like Ned's. Ned claims innocence, but when his lawyer awakens in the hospital, she just says one word "Ned".
Arden works to clear his name, but she worries that she is being lied to, but who is lying and who is telling the truth?
I knew who was doing this from the start, but not why. The final reveal was extremely complex, and took a lot of plotting and planning to create the tangled web!
I enjoyed this book and the story line. The changes and the twists kept you guessing if you got it right or not!

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One Wrong Word is a domestic thriller about a man involved in a car accident where the guy he hits is killed. He is on trial for the case and his wife hires Arden, a woman who works to improve people's public image in order to improve their public view. Arden has her own troubles because a client is accusing her of being involved with the client's husband and she is in trouble even though it is not true. Things start to unravel further when there is another car crash and Ned is under scrutiny again. Can Arden figure out what happened and help Ned?

This book did not work for me. This is my second book by this author and the first was a DNF so I don't think this author is for me. I just felt like the whole time we just kept going in circles and when everything was revealed I was sitting thinking like "really? this is what I was waiting for?" I feel like the husband and wife had a strange relationship and kept going through Arden to talk and it really bothered me. Like that is your spouse, talk to each other and there wouldn't be confusion! I did not any of the characters and I feel like the plot was just a bit too convenient and unrealistic. I also feel like the book was too long and I got really bored in the middle.

I think the writing was decent and the premise was interesting. I just did not like it and I don't think it was executed well.

I know many others have enjoyed this book so I would give it a try if you enjoy this author! Domestic thrillers don't usually work for me so it is probably more about me than this book. Thanks so much to netgalley and Tor for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

I will be posting this review on Goodreads and my Instagram story today. On the day of publication, I will make another story post about this book!

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This book was so good! I didn’t want to put it down. It is a quick read and I really appreciate the short chapters. I felt like I was watching a tv show, wanting it to end and not end at the same time! The way this author writes really pulls you in. She has such a way with words. The characters were well developed. The main character, Arden, was definitely like able. I enjoyed reading her point of view, though there are a total of three points of view. This book is full of twists and turns. I like how it kept me guessing.

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I know this was not positioned as a series but my first thought upon finishing One Wrong Word was - I want more of Arden Ward. She’s one of those perfectly imperfect character that you can’t help but to end up rooting for. Overall the entire book was character driven game of cat & mouse that I absolutely loved.

Arden is a professional problem solver for a PR firm. Except now she has one problem she can’t solve - she’s on her way out of her job because a client accused her of having an affair with her husband. As if she didn’t have enough on her plate, Arden finds herself in the middle of a huge publicity case involving a wealthy real estate family. Lies, gossip, misdirection - trying to get to the truth might be more dangerous than she realizes.

This was such a page turner. I love stories filled with unlikable characters and this one had plenty to go around. I also loved the way the title was worked into the story and the significance it had. If Arden makes an appearance in another book, I’ll be elbowing my way to the front of the reading line!

A huge thank you to ThrillerBookLoversPromotions, NetGalley and Forge Books for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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There is so much action and reaction happening in One Wrong Word it is dizzying! Is Arden's client a victim or a murderer? And what does his wife really think? She hints but can't be pinned down. Be prepared for a wild ride!

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This story was thrilling and suspenseful! Once I started reading, I could not put it down!! The ending was surprising. I did not guess whodunit correctly!

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Once again author Hank Phillippi Ryan has weaved a tale around a modern day phenomenon - PR firms for the guilty or accused. Rehabbing bad reputations or actions is notorious these days. Often we don't think of the people that are wrongly accused yet their lives are destroyed by public opinion expressed ad nauseum on social media.
Enter Arden, top spin doctor for a powerful PR Firm. Falsely accused herself of client improprieties, Arden has only a couple of weeks to not only fix her own reputation but the last client she will have whose family's life is being destroyed after an acquittal from a drunk driving accident.
One Wrong Word has the signature cat and mouse moves the author is known for and a smart woman main character in addition to a love-to-hate character.
A quick read on a timely subject just made for a cozy weekend.

Thank you to Forge Books and author for access to an early e-copy. All opinions are my own.

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A fast paced, well plotted mystery that keeps you guessing who done it. I was going back and forth trying to figure out the guilty party. I read that keeps your interest and keeps you on your toes. A good read!
Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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I started my New Year off with exactly the right book! Oh my! You do not want to miss this twisty thriller! It was written in multiple POVs and set in the city of Boston. I loved Arden's character of being a fixer. The pacing was perfect and who doesn't love a book full of gossip, lies and suspense. Don't miss this one!

Thank you to @thrillerbookloverspromotions for the #gifted copy.

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I really enjoyed this book! The characters are full, the storyline moves along, and it kept me guessing. Good finish too.

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A deadly accident...or was it? Arden Ward, PR wiz, has her hands full with her latest, and proably last client. Follow Arden as she journeys througout Boston and all the way to Vermont to keep her client safe. But can she trust him and his anxious wife? And what about her boss whos seems to be hiding his own secrets? One Wrong Word will keep you guessing as Arden discovers that not all is what it seems on the surface.

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sensational twists and turns all the way through you can't put this book down another incredible read from Hank Phillippi Ryan

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WOW! ONE WRONG WORD is Electrifying! Another stellar psychological thriller winner by Powerhouse (favorite author) Hank Phillippi Ryan, the queen of cat-and-mouse thrillers! Hank DAZZLES.

Fresh, clever, chilling, and INTENSE, ONE WRONG WORD is Hank's best yet!

One WRONG word can ruin your life, and Arden Ward knows this all too well as a savvy crisis PR management expert. However, this time, her challenge is close to home. Words have power, and the wrong words can be devastating.

Unfairly accused of having an affair with a substantial client, her life is about to crash and burn. She is given an ultimatum to save her career and reputation. Is she up for the challenge?

Cordelia Bannister could be the answer to her prayers. She needs her help regarding Ned (her husband), A Boston real estate tycoon. He was recently acquitted in a fatal drunk driving accident, but his reputation is ruined, as well as the entire family and two children.

Arden dives in to help, but soon, things come to light about what happened that night. Then, another crash sends Ned back into the spotlight. Suddenly, the police are again focused on whether he’s innocent—or guilty.

This case is her final chance to save her name and career, but what if she is helping protect a KILLER? Soon, Arden is knee-deep in a mystery with lies, secrets, and DANGER.

Can you say twisty plot, addictive, heart-pounding suspense, and fantastic characters—but of course, this is the mastermind pro, HPR!

Complex and multi-layered, the characters come to life in this wild ride! ONE WRONG WORD is fast-paced and action-packed, so buckle up and keep up —because there is something at every page turn, and you do not want to miss a thing!

It is told from the POVs of three strong women as the story unfolds with a web of deceit, lies, mistrust, money, power, greed, blackmail, manipulation, and SECRETS. You will be on the edge of your seat until the end.

Masterfully crafted, as always, it's an unputdownable cat-and-mouse game, and you never know who to trust with suspects and red herrings keeping you guessing. Prime for the big or small screen!

Now, the million-dollar question: will there be a sequel? Arden is super and too good to end, so bring her back! Believe all the Buzz...get this gem on your TBR list now! This will be a bestseller for sure!

Stay tuned for my Feb Featured #AuthorElevatorSeries Q&A Interview with Hank on pub day (Feb 6, 2024), where we go behind the book and this award-winning favorite rock star author!

Special thanks to Forge Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced digital review copy of this stellar psychological thriller for an honest review.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Feb 6, 2024
My Rating: 5 Stars +
Feb 2024 Must-Read Books
Feb 2024 #AuthorElevatorSeries QA

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In Hank fashion you have this going on here, and that going on there, and then this over here and it takes the whole story to untangle it all. This was an intricate web of a story and I really wasn't sure who was playing who at first. Ned was recently acquitted of a drunk driving murder charge and yet it seems someone is not happy with that outcome and is determined to get Ned behind bars when his lawyer is mowed down and all arrows point back to Ned. Arden was hired by Ned's wife to try and get his reputation back so maybe they can have a normal life again but Arden seems to get stuck between husband and wife while Ned now has another potential murder charge hanging over his head. But Arden knows that something is off and secrets are being withheld from her. Damage control means knowing everything and being a head of the problem but these two just seem to complicate things and now Ned is once again fighting for his freedom, his wife can't believe this happened again and Arden is trying to untangle what is really going on. I did enjoy this storyline and there were a few unexpected zingers that Hank always gets you with. Thank you to Thriller Book Lovers Promotions for the invite and to the author and NetGalley for the free ebook. This review is of my own opinion and accord.

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Hank Phillippi Ryan never disappoints. I just finished "One Wrong Word" and while I was reading, I never imagined who was behind it all.

The novel centers on Arden Ward, a spin doctor who's made a career out of restoring her clients' reputations after scandal. At the start, she finds herself on the outs after one of those clients cast aspersions on her character. Her boss gives her one final job, and it's not going to be easy. The client's husband is acquitted after a deadly drunk driving crash, but she and her family are still ostracized. She wants her life back to normal, and Arden is supposed to help with that. Arden soon finds she may be adding layers of scandal to her already tarnished name, even as she uncovers a possible murder plot.

"One Wrong Word" highlights the dangers of the super connected, 24-hour news world we live in. The truth is one wrong word can shatter a life irreparably, and even someone as savvy as Arden Ward can have a hard time keeping it together.

I enjoyed the mystery as it unraveled, and I stayed up way too late because I just had to keep reading. I highly recommend it.

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This book was absolutely wonderfully suspenseful. As I was reading, I was reminded of reading a Mary Higgins Clark book, and as I kept reading, I felt like I was watching a Hitchcock film, where you don't have any idea WHAT is going on! Hank is brilliant at sprinkling little clues here and there, so I was starting to piece a little bit together. You will be blown away. And let me say, I have known Hank for a couple of years now, and listened to her talk enough to know her style of writing is similar to the way she speaks, and it is gorgeous. Her descriptions of home interiors and clothes and the sky and everything is so beautiful. I love Arden's character and would enjoying reading more of her. My advice to anyone reading this is get this book immediately and sit right down and read this classy, suspense-filled novel!

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