Member Reviews

Such a sweet story! Slow paced but full of adorably, quirky characters you'll love! It has more depth that a lot of rom-coms but keeps all of the zaniness you'd expect.

The story started a bit slow for me but I loved the MCs so much I pressed on and it was definitely worthwhile!

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I really don't know what to do with this book.

For the first, maybe half of it, Lavender was a very two-dimensional character to me. I honestly didn't like her very much. Finn had more depth, but he still seemed kind of... petulant, for lack of a better word. I at least felt like I could understand where he was coming from.

There came a point where Lavender became real and I started to like her. The turning point was when she started talking about how she wanted community. Since I know what it is like to be searching for that too, I felt like I connected with her over it. I liked her perspective on life and what is important.

I liked how Finn came to realize what he was doing and the consequences of his actions. There is a moment where he is reflecting on how Lavender has dealt with the things that have happened to her and comparing her reactions to his own and it is sobering.

There were plenty of funny moments. Usually with Finn getting exasperated. For example: "Are you serious?" I hiss at last. "The world is run by maniacs and the maniacs win. There are plenty of stories where the maniacs win. Have you never read a paper in your life?" I loved the scene in the dog park later on. I can't say too much but it is simultaneously sweet and funny.

I liked how Finn described TV shows. He says, "The reality is it's all just dramatic and unnecessary action..." and later, "The writers have always tried to string our relationships out as far as possible, fearing even introducing the concept of a wedding, as if marriage will be the show's doom." That is how I feel about TV shows and the never ending roller coaster of the couples on them.

The themes of leaving revenge up to God and also seeing the humanity in other people were both pluses for me.

Even though there are some great moments and scenes where we can get inside our MCs heads and see how things are progressing, I felt like the romance was rather abrupt and a little, I don't know, shallow. That's not the right word but I just kind of felt odd about it and where things ended up.

All in all, I'm not sorry I read this book but it's not one I'll probably read again, especially when I could read The Dating Charade or Famous For A Living. While I'm a fan of Melissa Ferguson, this one missed the mark a bit for me. Which is sad because it had a lot of good things. If you like enemies-to-lovers/second chance romance and are looking for a clean, light read, then you might like this book.

Great quotes: "Isn't it nice to live in a world where so many can specialize in their gifts, and we can enjoy the fruits of each other's labors?"

"If there's one thing I've learned of late, it's that dreams can shift, can change. They grow and evolve into new and different dreams - sometimes fashioned by outside forces, sometimes by change of heart."

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this book was a perfectly sweet romcom book (very light on the rom) and is a likeable enough read. the storyline is interesting and the characters are fun.

i did, however, read this book on kindle and the formatting drove me mad it was terrible but i’m assuming this is just an issue with arcs.

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This was such a cute, fun read romance book set in Hollywood. Finn landed the job of his dreams - a popular sitcom but the only catch is the lead actress- Lavender who is his lifelong nemesis . I had such fun reading how the story progresses further. Read this if you love the grump/sunshine trope and are looking for cute, fun read

~I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.~

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Completely enjoyed this book! This book is a case of be careful what you wish for because you might get what you ask for. What happens when you think that someone has, through sheer dumb luck, managed to get the best of you at every turn? At some point don’t you just want to, just one time get a little revenge? But when you do what then? This is a meet cute set in Hollywood to the backdrop of a tv show with fun characters, grandma types, and even 4 legged friends that honestly everyone would want to have in their lives!

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Melissa Ferguson once again delivers hilarious and swoon-worthy moments in Plot a Payback. The story opens with Finn Masters III pointing out how tedious murder is. But don’t worry, he’s a professional. A professional screenwriter, that is. He is a screenwriter who wants a change from his current show. He wants something more upbeat, and even more, he wants to be involved in something successful. Thankfully, the creator of Goodwin Productions gives him the perfect opportunity to be the supervising producer on the hit show Neighbors. The downside? Finn will have to work with his nemesis, Lavender Rodes. Or perhaps working with her will give him the perfect opportunity to exact his revenge on Lavender for derailing his life.

Lavender Rhodes is a beautiful, talented actress who sees the best in everyone and tries to make the most of every situation. She takes each change in the script in stride, trying to shake off every problem that causes her anxiety and harm, readily forgiving Finn. She even tries to do something nice for him…not realizing it ends up being anything but nice; instead, her actions once again blow up in Finn’s face.

As the story unfolds, Lavender feels drawn to Finn and how he looks out for those in his neighborhood. Finn fights himself over his attraction to Lavender, convinced he can never deserve her after all of his attempts to get back at her.

Plot a Payback was a beautiful story of learning to forgive, the beauty of looking for the positives. It is a lovely story of character growth that culminates in the happily ever after that every romance reader expects.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.5 stars rounded up. It was the kind of book that I read to help quiet and calm my brain enough so that I could fall asleep at night, rather than one that caused me to choose to keep reading and wake up exhausted because of it. And It was just what I needed this week.

The writing was good enough to keep me interested and I loved the premise of a writer despising the lead actress on a hit tv show.

If you're looking for a good in-between read or if you're in the mood for a light rom-com that doesn't cause much stress or anticipation at all, you can't really go wrong with this one.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Thomas Nelson for an advanced copy so that I may share my honest feedback and review.

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Entertaining and escapist. A recommended purchase for collections where contemporary romance is popular.

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Lavender. I wasn’t sure I was going to like her but she’s made me laugh and is now in my good books. Finn on the other hand I entirely see myself in him as someone that holds a grudge which made things very fun, although I’ve never written them down…

Overall very cute book, I have read a lot of the One of us of famous trope but never based around the female being famous which was a very nice change and worked much better than I expected.

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Would you take your dream job if you had to work with someone who has been ruining your life since you were classmates?

That's what Finn Masters has to decide for himself. This was such a fun read and I loved the dynamic between Finn and Lavendar. Also, can we talk about the cover? Absolutely beautiful!

If he stopped plotting his payback, he might just realize that there is more to Lavendar than meets the eye.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for the advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is about Finn and Lavender and how their lives come together, since they were in high school in the UK, until they are in one of the most popular shows in America. Lavender is the main character in a comedy tv series called Neighbours and Finn gets a contract to be the new producer of the same show, but there is a twist,.. Since they were in school that Lavender keeps ruining Finn's life in various ways, so when Finn arrives in the show, he wants to payback for all the things she did to him, but is very unsuccessful in doing so.
Throughout the book they become closer and closer, as Finn begins to realize that Lavender isn't the person he thought she was and Lavender starts to appreciate more of the little things in life.
It's a very wholesome story and I really liked how it easily floewd. There weren't unnecessary plots or fights between them.
Although I thought it would be more of an enemies to lovers, the book dind't disappoint and was really fun to read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book was super cute and charming and made me giggle multiple times!!

Finn HATES Lavender. He hates her so much he has a list of all the things she's done to wrong him. When he's offered a job writing for the show she stars in he takes it but plans to never spend time with Lavender. Because of said hate.

Of course things don't go as planned and Finn has multiple encounters with Lavender that all end poorly (on his side of things) and just add to the list.
Via the slowest burn ever they come to see each other as more than just "hated star of the show" and "writer on the show" and something blossoms between them.

I'd recommend this book!! I also plan to read other books by this author.

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This was very cute and entirely preposterous, but a fun romp through Hollywood and the TV industry. I read another one of Melissa Ferguson's books - Famous for a Living - and I think this one is better, though it still has a little bit of the "main female character is someone everyone thinks is dumb but she's secretly smarter than you think but not really" energy of the other book. Very well developed hero main character, though, which is nice.

I received an advance reader copy of the book in exchange for the possibility of a review.

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My rating: 5/5 stars

The story followed Finn and Lavender, who have known each other since they were kids. She’s been muddling his plans for years—now he’s the writer for the beloved character she plays on television, and it’s time for payback.
I loved Finn and Lavender and was so excited that we got both of their POV. Lavender is a super famous movie star and just has a down-to-earth vibe and Finn is a TV show writer who is incredible at his job and he has a sort of cynical look at life.

This book was so fun to read. It was a wholesome, clean, addicting, and sweet romcom. It had everything you want in a romcom. I recommend this book to anyone who likes Hollywood stories, clever romcoms, banter.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for the ARC!

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Finn Masters, a terrific television writer is offered a fabulous job on the TV sitcom Neighbors – a sort of Friends-ish hit starring Lavender Rhodes. It’s a fabulous, life-changing opportunity for Finn but unfortunately, he HATES Lavender. She is the woman who has single-handedly ruined his life on multiple occasions, from stealing roles to destroying his relationship with his almost fiancé. However, as a head writer on her show, he decides he might be able to get even with her. If she weren’t just so darned cute. And nice.

In this adorable rom-com by Melissa Ferguson, the fun characters and situations are delightful and she delivers a slow romantic burn for the vengeful, but really, truly nice guy Finn. He helps little old ladies, loves dogs, is kind and unassuming. And can’t even handle the guilt of trying to cause problems for the mercurial, happy Lavender. I found the book to be a super fun read. Hard to put down with lots of laugh-out-loud moments. The chickens’ situation is hilarious. And the HEA is worth it.

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Super cute grumpy/sunshine, enemies (for him at least) to lovers workplace romance. Lavender is a super popular actress who just wants to be seen as a normal person, not someone to be treated differently. Finn is the only person to treat her as such, why? Well because she’s been accidentally ruining his life since they were children. Through misguided attempts of revenge that spiral out of control very quickly Finn realizes Lavender might actually be the treasure everyone believes that she is. The witty dialogue, adorably uncontrollable puppy, best friends and overprotective elderly neighbors this book is funny, heartwarming and just a cozy read.

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HOW TO PLOT A PAYBACK is another laugh out loud romcom by MELISSA FERGUSON, which also gives us much food for thought as we see how bitterness and unforgiveness has affected Finn Masters, who blames famous sitcom star, Lavender Rhodes, for ruining his life, right from their school days.
Lavender, on the other hand, with her kind and empathetic nature, is quite oblivious to his dislike of her and his payback attempts do not have the desired effect.
Bring in the cast of a ten year old sitcom, script writers, elderly fans, romance, dogs, cats, ehickens and much more, and you will be hooked!…..
I really enjoyed this delightful read and highly recommend the novel to anyone with a sense of humour.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Thomas Nelson. The opinions in this review are completelymy own.

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If you haven’t read Melissa Ferguson’s books, you need to start! I will request/buy (usually both) every book she writes.
This book is adorable. I loved Finn and Lavender together. All of their misadventures had me laughing out loud and coming back for more. I also enjoyed the writer and actress dynamic, it lent really well to the attempted paybacks. Definitely snag this one when it is available in spring of 2024!
Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice Level: 🌶️/5
Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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SO GOOD! I truly loved “How to plot a payback”, it was the perfect romcom, and I’m so excited for the day it comes out as a movie (Manifesting😉)! It’s light and fun, doesn’t take itself too seriously, and has great MC’s. Some chick lit books have such big conflict/tension that it makes the whole thing seem cliche and forced, but Melissa makes this story have just enough tension to remain interesting, but moves the story along unforcedly.

Big thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts included are my own

No spice!

Ideal Cast:
⭐️Lavender: Lilly James (Big LJ kick as of late)
⭐️Finn: Andrew Garfield
⭐️Paula: Annabelle Apsion
⭐️Sonya: Keke Palmer
⭐️Kye: Glen Powell

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I went on to read this on a very cold and windy day- and I have to say it still made me feel fuzzy. I LOVED Finn and his grumpy golden retriever vibes - my guy was not well equipped for that payback 😂 and lavender was the sunshine to
His grumpy. I loved how he kept discovering things about her that squashed his animosity towards her . All around a solid romcom

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