Member Reviews

I aspire to be like Ava in the sense that she stands up for herself and doesn’t let anyone tear her down. I love how we can see Hendricks and Ava slowly falling in love with each other the more they spend time together. I thought it was hilarious how Cameryn knew they were faking their marriage. It made me happy that she gave them the job regardless of the fact that they lied to her. I really enjoyed Ava’s personality and her love decor. The way her visions for a space were described were amazing. All in all, I really enjoyed the fact that Hendricks proposed to Ava properly. I’m not going to lie, I was hoping for some spice but even without it the book was amazing! I wish we can get an epilogue someday and maybe some spice in there.

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4 stars out of 5

If you are a fan of Hallmark Christmas movies, this book is for you! I really liked the banter between Hendricks and Ava and I am so happy with how this book ended. The Worst Christmas Wife was a short and sweet read which had me smiling most of the book. My favorite character in the book was Geoffrey, everyone needs a best friend like that.

In The Worst Christmas Wife we follow Ava as she starts a new job at Hendricks business. He is grumpy and anti Christmas where Ava is the complete opposite. Hendricks is trying to win over a famous client and asks Ava to marry him to get the deal to design her house.

I am looking forward to reading more from Katie Bachand in the future since this was such a cute book.

Thank you Netgalley and Katie Bachand for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A delightful short read about Ava and Hendricks who agree to a fake marriage so Hendricks can land a famous client to design her house. He’s the grumpy boss and she’s the over the top Christmas loving decorator. I enjoyed the humor and banter between the main characters as well and the side characters who were determined that the lead characters end up together. If you love Hallmark Christmas movies this is the book for you.

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The Grinch/Scrooge vibe in the book was very enjoyable. This gave me watching hallmark movies feeling. I caught myself smiling for most of this read. I definitely will be picking up more books by Katie Bachand.

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this was such a sweet and easy read! definitely hallmark vibes and im all for it - the ending was so sweet and had me tearing up - i loved the flow of their relationship and the side characters were great! a sweet fake marriage grumpy boss romance

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