Member Reviews

An exciting book once again that has Mason being stuck in the middle of a bank robbery. While the robbery is taking place something feels off about the whole thing and while watching he also notices the way that they are handling themselves and that they are military-trained. He later becomes one of the hostages and finds out that the men are from the 75th Ranger Squad which he knows about, he knows something more is at stake here and he works towards finding the answers. A very good and exciting book from start to finish and is very much worth the read.

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This was such a good surprise. I originally thought it was going to be about firefighters however, it ended up being about the military. It really made me think at the end that with everything that we know about AI that it is a reasonable possibility. Let's only hope that if we use AI that it would be for the good guys.

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Fire Team by Logan Ryles is the fourth book in the series about Mason Sharpe. I had not read the previous three but decided to give this title a go when it came up on Netgalley. It works well as a stand-alone, even though I at some times felt like I was missing some of the back story.

Mason is at the bank to sort out his affairs, when someone shouts “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery!”.

They are all forced down on the floor as one of the robbers heads to the vault. Leaving, the robbers carry only a small bag and also grabs two hostages - Mason and a woman who was on the floor next to him.

There's just something with the whole event which doesn't sit right with Mason and his brain is working overtime trying to figure it out.

It turns out that the two bank robbers are veterans from the same Army Ranger Regiment as Mason served in. As he starts asking questions he finds himself changing sides to that of the robbers to unearth years of cover-ups, deception and fraud high up in the government.

Fire Team is a story that keeps you on edge, not knowing what's coming next, with plenty of unexpected twists and turns. It also has some exciting, cool AI controlled tech which further adds to the story !

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AI – the military-industrial complex and politicians. A bank robbery staged not for money. A non-stop adrenaline adventure for retired Ranger Mason Sharpe. I received an ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed are my own.

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How to ruin a perfectly good day? First, your bank gets robbed while you are in it. Then, you and a fellow customer are taken hostage when the robbery goes wrong. Army veteran Mason Sharpe was trained to notice details and something about this robbery tells him there's more to the story. When he decides to investigate, Mason will not stop until he and his crew of friends, all veterans, figure out what could make these men so desperate as to rob a bank. The story is interesting and as it unfolds, the tension and the pacing pick up until the real reasons are revealed and Mason goes into soldier mode.
It was really great to visit Mason Sharpe and his world again.

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Mason Sharpe is back! In this excellent story he innocently visits a bank as he continues his journey. Bank robbers take him as a hostage during their escape, and the adventure begins. Following the obligatory chase, Sharpe and fellow hostage, Brooke, join forces to uncover a much deeper plot—one reaching into Congress and military contractors. Plenty of action as Sharpe shows he still has it.

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I loved this book! It’s right up there with James Rollins and Greg Hurwitz. It hooked me at the beginning and didn’t let go until the end. Action from start to finish. I loved the characters, so believable and I found that I cared for most of them. I would very much like to read the past and future books of this series. Unfortunately I found my library doesn’t carry any of them. #FireTeam #NetGalley

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Great book! Wow it was like an action packed movie! This book had it all!! It had high suspense, intrigue, action packed, murder, mystery, high speed chase,seals, rangers, political bad guys, and some devious villains! The storyline was so very interesting and really made you think! It also had me glued to my Kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I read this novel straight away and it was great. Mason witnesses a bank robbery, then he is taken hostage, the other hostage is a female. But there is something not quite right about the whole thing, and Mason is dogged in his pursuit of the truth. A real page turner and altogether an enjoyable read.

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