Member Reviews

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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Mafi, I want to lock you in a room with no internet but unlimited food and IDK - sunshine and exercise? Puppies? What do you need? - until this series is done. HOW VERY DARE YOU.

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This was a dramatic conclusion to the This Woven Kingdom series. I enjoyed this series and would read more by the author, but it was predictable in that the good guy turned out to the be the bad guy, and the bad guy turned out to the be the good guy as made popular by a series involving fae courts. I enjoyed the world-building, and there were a couple of unique twists, but overall it was the standard fantasy trilogy.

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I saw people criticize this book, and I am flabbergasted. It makes no sense to me. It is just as magical and swoon-worthy as the first two in the series. Alizeh is still a badass, complex lady boss. So… what’s not to love? I cannot wait for the next one. I am still on the edge of my seat, trying to understand all the layers of the deals with the devil.

Read this if you liked *Cinder* but wanted more magic, or if you enjoyed the first two books or anything by Brigid Kemmerer.

I was given an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley, thank you to them. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Tahereh Mafi first stole my heart with Shatter Me, and has since continued to make me obsessed with her work. This series has been one of my favs, and All This Twisted Glory was a beautiful book. The characters are just as rich and developed as they have been in the two other novels, the writing is spectacular, and I wanted to immediately start the whole series over again upon ending this one.

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I devoured this book. Loved the twists and turns. The most exciting part was having so many of the characters together. Can’t wait to read the next.

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Not much actually happened in this one, but it didn't stop me from turning the pages so quickly! I love how Mafi makes us love the morally grey "villain" character, and she does it again in this series. That ending has me needing book 4 yesterday!

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No one can weave a world, angst, and love the way that Mafi can. No one. I will die on this hill. I couldn't put it down and read in under 5 hours.

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I will read anything this woman writes! She is a blessing to this earth. This is the third book in the This Woven Kingdom series and WOW. This has magic, a love triangle, a deal with the devil, and political intrigue. If you haven’t read this series, you have to! I love the characters so much. I need book 4 asap!! Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for the opportunity to read in exchange for a review!

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Yet another lovely book by Tahereh Mafi. This series was not as good as Shatter Me, but I did enjoy it and I was happy with how things went. Overall, a good trilogy and I'm glad that I was able to read it. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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First of all, the cover art is amazing for this entire series. I think this cover is the best of the three.

Second, I was so excited to read this series in one sitting. Awhile ago I read This Woven Kingdom and I was hooked, but in typical fantasy series fashion, I needed to wait for the remaining books. I am glad I waited until the trilogy was complete. At first I reread the first book and continued to the final page of All This Twisted Glory completing the series in one weekend. Of course, I purchased all the audiobooks to complete this task.

The development between the three main characters was full of tension with intense action and romantic scenes. I couldn't decide who I wanted Alizeh to be with as each of the men had positive attributes that complemented her, but in the end, I was so happy with how the story wrapped up. The author truly knew who Alizeh needed to become and developed the story to support her journey.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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In this third book of the series, Alizeh comes to terms with her imprisonment in Tulan and impending queen-dom, we learn a little more about Cyrus and his secretive deal with the devil, and Prince Kamran and his unconventional entourage (Hazan, Huda, Omid, and Deen) escape Ardunia and show up to rescue Alizeh. For Alizeh, her biggest challenge is deciding on who to trust. She needs a land for her people and a crown on her head, but meanwhile whenever she is seen in public, people are either fainting in the streets or trying to kill her. Cyrus is still stuck in his head, presumably arguing with the wants/needs of the devil so much that the reader is unsure where his heart truly is. Prince Kamran does not show well in this book, coming across as a self-centered, entitled male, but Hazan shines in his protectiveness of “his queen.” More questions than answers seemed to pop up for me in this installment, but in a good way, and book 4 cannot come out soon enough!

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Okay. So I was pretty meh about the first book, thought the second was amazing, and was so excited about the third. But this was a little confusing-- haven't quite made up my mind about it yet, but we will definitely be getting for our collection, and I'm eagerly awaiting the sequel.

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Is it too soon for the next book? I love the characters, I have enjoyed watching their journeys, I need more of Cyrus and Alizeh. I am liking Kamron less and less with each book...and I think that it might be his villain origin story. I'M HERE FOR IT. I also need way more about Hazan, I have so many questions.

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Special thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins Children’s Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Content Warning: This book includes: Several on-page swears, Gory/Bloody descriptions, mentions of assassinations and murder, grief, lots of abusive scenes, and deals with the devil (yes, literally.) Some of the scenes are so disturbing, just be very cautious when beginning. sexual content: (Insinuations, tension & loads of pining, and romantic and sexual thoughts from two characters, full on-page scenes (not fade to black).

Where to even begin with this post… Truly, Tahereh Mafi knows exactly how to craft a vast world and excellent well-rounded characters. I wanted nothing more than to comfort (and occasionally throttle) them all as the story commenced right where it left off in book two. I really do love the plot of this series and getting to continue it was such a fun experience.

I’ll try not to spoil anything except to say how much I love all the glimpses into Cyrus’s character in this book. I have known from the beginning to trust that there is always more than meets the eye when it comes to our morally gray menfolk and Cyrus is no exception. My heart was breaking realizing all he had gone through and how completely everyone has turned on him; even when he does not deserve it.

His and Alizeh’s story will be catastrophically satisfying when it comes to a beautiful end and I could not be more excited to see the results. I’m pretty sure that I heard that this was going to be a five-book series so, I’m hoping for a wedding in the next book.

There were only a few things that I wasn’t the biggest fan of… and his name was Kamran. In all honesty, he wasn’t the absolute worst (Adam still takes #1 for biggest scumbag) but he is a close second. The most redeemable thing is that I’m hoping he and Huda get together because they are giving serious Nina and Mattias energy.

Overall, super fast-paced and, in my opinion, the perfect middle book. Short enough to not be slow and irrelevant, but long enough to add something to the overall plot without causing a slump. Obviously, I will be continuing this series and think it is a wonderful addition to everyone’s personal and professional collections.

I would recommend All This Twisted Glory to anyone who loves Tahereh Mafi’s other books. This would include the previous books in the This Woven Kingdom series, as well as the Shatter Me series (Same writing and similar characters). Other recommendations would be Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone (Has a similar deal with the devil vibe). Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco (Hell, devil, and slight setting similarity. Again, mainly just for the hell vibes. Also the similar yearning, enemies to lovers situation). And Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross (Dacre and Iblees feel similar).

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Honestly, Mafi could rewrite the phone book, and I would read it. I adore her. She is so talented! That being said, this isn't my favorite book she has ever written. Lots of beautiful description and Mafi's unique writing style bury some otherwise off-putting things. There doesn't seem to be a plan for after Alizeah gets her kingdom. While she is one of my favorite characters, she doesn't have a lot of preparation for her rule. And she DOESN'T NEED A MAN! I want so much for her to end up ruling solo. I don't care for either love interest.

Despite the book moving very slowly, I felt that the two aspects were a worthwhile read. It helped more fully develop the world for me. So, don't get bogged down in waiting for what will happen next. Just relax and enjoy the read.

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Tahereh Mafi is such a gifted writer. There was not much in the way of plot in this book, but it is well paced and well written. We learn about Cyrus and his character, and are left curious about a lot of his past. Oh man nothing really happened till the end but all the emotions just tear you apart. There are a lot of passages that are just so beautiful to read. I am not sure how anyone could be a Kamran fan after reading this book. I understand he is angry and reeling from the events of the last book, but he comes across as the wrong choice for Alizeh. He needs to figure his life out.

I love that we also get to spend more time with Hazan, Huda, Deen, and, Omid. It is interesting to see them growing in both their character and skills in Tulan. I think there might be a potential love interest for Huda in the future and that kind of threw me, but I’m okay with it. Both her and her love interest were a bit annoying and I wish them all the best if it does go that way. At least that’s the way I read it.

All This Twisted Glory is a lot of pining and bittersweet frustration…very swoony. This world is very fascinating and the way it is written and described is a treat. A lot of magic and dragons. I also love their little found family and all the times we get to learn more about Hazan. I am excited for the coming story! Just please be kind to Cyrus.

Special thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's Books, HarperCollins for sharing this book with me in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm not sure what was going on with this third book in the Woven Kingdom series but I could NOT get into it at all. I absolutely LOVED the first two books and had eagerly been anticipating this latest. Unfortunately I had to quit around only 15% because nothing was working for me. I didn't really care about either the characters or story. I may try again later because usually Tahereh Mafi can do no wrong. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

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** spoiler alert ** I'm going to start by saying I LOVED "This Woven Kingdom". Part of my review of this book may stem a little from it being such a long time since I read the first one, and that I could have benefitted from a quick reread. Normally, that isn't a struggle for me. The main reason that I needed to know why I ever liked Kamran as a love interest for Alizeh, because "These Infinite Threads" and "All This Twisted Glory" made me really question how he could be such a different character.

Here's the thing, I'm struggling with the continuation of this storyline. And again, I will 100% admit that it could be that I need to go back to the first book. Regarding Cyrus, I know that a lot of readers were all about Cyrus last book -- but I was not. I'm honestly still not. I can't separate what Iblees has put in his head with actual feelings that he has. I feel this sense of impending doom for Alizeh, and I really want to be the girlfriend that says "Hey girl, slow down. That dark, brooding, mysterious thing is a huge flag." I also feel that there is a lot riding on the Jinn population fully accepting and joining her -- but she has literally no plan about what to do beyond marry, get a kingdom, and show my people who I am.

I'm sure, after reading that, you're wondering why I gave the book 4 Stars. Here's why.
1) The story is still strong. It's easy to feel pulled to want to know what happens next.
2) The supporting characters are THE BEST.
3) I really feel for Alizeh and like her. I want her to help her people rise up and get justice.
4) I need to know what it is that Iblees is planning. And what it is that he wants from Cyrus.
5) I have a ton of predictions, for all characters, and need to see if I'm right.

So -- overall, these qualities keep me hanging in there and ready for the next book!

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children's for the advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Despite the rocky beginnings of their relationship, Alizeh finds herself warming towards Cyrus as she uncovers more of his mysterious past. But then Prince Kamran and her friends suddenly show up to save the day, but only end up causing chaos instead. Now Alizeh must choose and hopefully outsmart the devil, who has ensnared Cyrus and haunted her for years.

Unfortunately, my feelings about this book are pretty mixed. As with the previous two books, I absolutely love Alizeh as a main character and her unlikely band of allies. However, both the love interests really annoyed me in this book. I'm not a fan of love triangles, but it's usually because I end up rooting for the one that doesn't get chosen, not because I want neither of the options to be chosen. There were a lot of things that could've been wrapped up in this book that weren't. It certainly keeps you on your toes though! And it was really interesting to get more Cyrus backstory.

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