Member Reviews

Mafi truly has a way with words; she has a way of making me care about every character and their motives.

This book picks up the pace from book two; while I loved the focus on Cyrus and Alizeh in book 2, I appreciated how this book redrew my focus to the politics at large. I have fallen even harder for this series, and I know I’ll reread these books over and over again until the next book releases.

If you loved the first two in the series, hold on tight, because I have a feeling you will enjoy this book as much as I did. A huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve really enjoyed this series, but this book has been my least favorite so far. The pacing is off, and the book feels like it pads out the series rather than pushes it toward the conclusion. I still look forward to the next book, especially with how abruptly this one ends.

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I enjoyed this book. The first two books each took place over just a few days and the majority of this book does as well. That timing can feel odd, but overall it didn't detract from the story. I was happy with the continuing character development and relationship development, even though it doesn't seem like a ton of stuff happened. It mostly felt like build up for the next (maybe final?) book, but I didn't mind since I enjoyed learning about our lead characters even more and being in their heads with the split POVs. I'll be recommending our library system to purchase and can't wait for the next book to come out!

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I am not sure what I was expecting, but somehow I came up disappointed. I confess the cast of characters has become a whimsical for my taste and as for the plot it feels like there really wasn’t one? I thought this was the grand finale, but instead it’s a placeholder of sorts. And ended quite abruptly in my opinion.

I adore Mafi’s writing- even the purple prose of Shatter. This Woven Kingdom was one of my favorite reads of 2022. However, this book paled in comparison to the first 2.

The only time I felt the rush of the previous books was in the scenes with Alizeh and Cyrus. Even then, I felt like it just couldn’t match the agony and swoon-worthiness that was the declaration at the end of book 2- a scene I read half a dozen times because it was just that good.

Alas, I’m saddened to only rate this 3 stars. Even the title irritated me.

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Tahereh Mafi can do no wrong! All this twisted glory is the conclusion to the this woven kingdom series and it did not disappoint!

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Finally was able to get my hands on the third book! I love Mafi's writing style. It is lush and complex and just feels nice to read. I am pretty enchanted by this series, although I liked the first book better than the second, All This Twisted Glory came back around with a vengeance for my heart. I love the world and I am such an Alizeh. I am honestly so torn about her romantic future but I won't give anything away. I continue to love what Mafi has done in creating Kamran and Cyrus.

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I stopped halfway into chapter 2. It doesn’t feel like it works as a standalone so isn’t appropriate for our libraries. That said, it reads well and is easy to follow along.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for the ARC.

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This book left a lot to be desired. I enjoyed the first two books in the series, but there have been problems with pacing from the beginning. The characters are likable enough, but the first 50% of the book all takes place on one day. The endless inner dialogue of each character was just too much. We don't need pages and pages of prose about how unsure the main character is feeling about the situation. By book three, the plot should be moving, the world should be fleshed out and there should be more progress.

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Thank you Net Galley, publishers, and Tahereh Mafi!

I like that the third book was a direct continuation from the second book. It did have the same pace as the second book, which didn't move the plot forward too much. However, with this story, I do not mind that. Sometimes I'd rather focus on the issue and figuring the solution with character development rather than having a fast pace of not learning much of the characters and plot.

The character development was interesting. We see that Alizeh clears the air of what happened almost immediately when he finds her in the field. Kamran is still focused on his relationship with Alizeh and it blocks him from moving on. It leaves him stuck with his emotions rather than coping and accepting them. The banter with him and Huda feels random, but I am interested to see how this helps him accept the ending of his relationship with Alizeh. I would not mind if from this point on that there would be little to none of Kamran's POV. The rest of the minor characters give us a break with refreshing humor that cuts the serious tone from time to time. Alizeh's character development does seem a little stagnant and I hope to see if she does start to grow with her new power and role with her people. I hope to see more of Cyrus' POV and to help us put together why he made the deal with the devil in the first place.

The plot and story is starting to pick up and become more complex. The first book we learn about the world and it touches lightly on politics. In the second, it focuses more on the relationship between Alizeh and Cyrus. It set's the tone of what we expect their relationship to feel like for the upcoming books. I feel as if the third book disconnects us from their relationship a little bit. I think this is due to focusing on their own issues. They start to connect again towards the end of their book and more permanently this time through this due to the forced blood bond. I know I've read some opinions about Cyrus' dreams about Alizeh being almost not consensual, however, I don't see it that way. I understand the purpose and intent on it and I actually enjoy how Mafi has written it.

That being said, I love this series and I do not get tired of reading it. I find myself re-reading certain passages because of the angst and slow burn that Mafi has created with these characters. The world building is a perfect amount because sometimes we can get so distracted on all the details and almost forget about the plot and characters.

I cannot wait for the fourth and hopefully a fifth. I can see how she could expand it to five books. In my opinion, I feel if this ended on a fourth, it would be rushed. So here's hoping! I can see a possible spin off of Kamran and Huda if their relationship hasn't been concluded in this series. I would be curious to see how that develops.

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"All This Twisted Glory" by Tahereh Mafi is a book that left me with mixed feelings. On one hand, Mafi's writing is undeniably beautiful. Her prose is lyrical, poetic, and at times almost hypnotic. She has a way of crafting sentences that are so evocative and vivid, it's easy to get lost in the language. If you're a fan of lush, descriptive writing, this book delivers in spades.

However, my enthusiasm for the writing was somewhat overshadowed by my frustration with the characters. It's difficult to root for or even empathize with the main characters, who come across as unlikable and self-absorbed. I found it hard to connect with their motivations and actions, and this made it challenging to invest in their journeys.

The plot, too, left much to be desired. It felt meandering and lacked a strong sense of direction. At times, it seemed as if the story was more concerned with exploring the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters than with propelling the plot forward. This made the pacing feel sluggish, and the narrative lost some of its momentum.

Moreover, "All This Twisted Glory" felt like a filler in the series. It lacked the gripping, imaginative storytelling that I've come to expect from Tahereh Mafi. It left me wanting more, not in the sense of eager anticipation but rather with a sense of unfulfilled promise.

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i love tahereh mafi and this book was a great part of the series! She really puts everything into her writing and i loved this book so much!!!!!

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I received and ARC of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This newest installment of This Woven Kingdom does not disappoint. While it doesn't do a lot toward moving the story forward, but I think the value in this book comes from the character development. If you have strong feelings toward a particular royal based on the last book, this one will cement that for you.

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Tahereh Mafi’ writing style is so crisp and eloquent. And with each book passing it’s becoming more and more engaging. I loved how well-written it was with the with mind-blowing plot twists that had me keeping up at night. Can’t wait enough for the next instalment already!

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How Tahereh Mafi has managed to write a MMC better than Aaron Warner ("Shatter Me") will forever be one of life's greatest mysteries. The latest edition in her YA romantasy series, "This Woven Kingdom," is especially for the Cyrus girlies. The quick read (I read it in less than a day) is almost entirely a character study on the king, but Mafi manages to expose more of Cyrus to readers in a truly interesting way without spilling all of his many secrets. She made me gasp with shock only a few chapters into the book with some of the discoveries about him, and I fell even more in love with him by the last chapter--and I didn't think it was possible to love him any more after the last book.

Despite loving this book and itching for the next installment already, this was the weakest book in the series so far. While I rated books one and two five stars each, I only rated "All This Twisted Glory" as four stars for one specific and glaring reason--not much happens. Now, that's not necessarily bad. We know from Mafi's "Shatter Me" series that she likes to write a lot of in-between novellas that are primarily character studies, and that is exactly how this reads. If the book had been marketed this way, I probably would've been less disappointed when I got to the end and a lot of plot points I've been waiting to happen for the past year still hadn't occurred. That said, it is still an essential read for any Mafi fans, and I highly recommend this entire series to anyone who loves the romantasy genre.

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I have been a Taherah Mafi fan since "Shatter Me," and it is clear from "All This Twisted Glory," that she has grown as a writer. Each of the main characters has a foil (Alizeh / Huda and Cyrus / Kamran), adding depth and contrast to their actions and motivations. The dialogue is witty and fast-paced, the descriptions lush and intricate, the humor self-referential and subtle. For example, just listen to the fluidity of this line, "She was a fool to think otherwise. He was a fool to think of her at all."

In particular, I loved her deep explorations of a character's inner feelings; Mafi made it clear the limitations a character had into their own self awareness, and then took the audience a step further to know what characters do not yet know about themselves. This technique helped many parts of the novel that would have felt like character inconsistencies or plot holes instead lend themselves to evidence the fickle nature of human emotions, minds, and decisions. It was also fun to see character perspectives of the same event back-to-back, and "hehe" at the extent to which they were unreliable narrators.

Mafi also debunks and deepens common YA tropes. For instance, Mafi frequently reminds the reader that Alizeh isn't just a love interest of two princes, but also a formidable political opponent in her own right whose priority is to her people, not to a man. In addition, Mafi's approach to the "enemies to lovers" theme has solved for timeline (one character met another in dreams) and value prioritization (consent, community, duty to people, supporting an empire) for how two characters can fall in love in a matter of days, and how we as the audience can support their love as a healthy and justifiable relationship.

Even so, I rate this book 3 stars because of the lack of plot progression. This book is a series of stream-of-consciousnesses. While we do learn more about Cyrus' past and relationships deepen and complicate, this book feels like a transition book even more so than Book 2. Like the short time frame covered in Book 2, this book only spans a night and a day, jumps in time a month, and then another day. Alizeh has no agency in the progression and procuration of her djinn kingdom. Cyrus continues to brood. There is sexual tension that has now been building for two books that is still not acted upon. Kamran's actions are only explained in the context of Alizeh. He also broods. And Huda, Omid, and Deen are either clever plot devices to share information or offer humor in otherwise dark passages. I have a feeling that once this series is complete, a reader could skip this novel and still enjoy the full story.

I recommend "All This Twisted Glory" for anyone who appreciates character building above all else, loves a deep inner dialogue, and wants to build anticipation for themselves, for a pay-off that we know will ultimately arrive in a future book.

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Tahereh Mafi is one of my favorite authors and she yet again does not disappoint with the third installment of the Woven Kingdom series. This book transports you back and the pacing leaves little time to think and she keeps us on our toes throughout the book. This was a fun read that I will be recommending the library to purchase and cannot wait for the next book in the series.

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When I first picked up This Woven Kingdom, the first book in this series, I knew I was going to be hooked -- and Mafi has yet to disappoint! All This Twisted Glory is FULL of magic, tension, and character development. We get a new look at all of the characters in the series and their motivations. After reading this book, I'm rooting for some characters that were not so likeable before, and have greatly changed my opinion about others! Mafi weaves a story that will draw in lovers of fantasy, and if you loved the Shatter Me series, you will definitely love this series as well. I can't wait for the next book!!

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This was such an amazing read! I really enjoyed this book and was immediately swept in by the first chapter. I liked how the author carried the story in a way that wasn't slow or boring. I will be recommending this book to all my friends and family.

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This is the third book in the This Woven Kingdom series. I had not previously read this series, but when I was auto-approved for this galley, I went back and read the first two. This series is an excellent pick for fans of Bridgerton, Pride & Prejudice, Sarah J. Maas (specifically those who prefer Throne of Glass to ACOTAR), and Hafsah Faizal, and/or anyone looking for a unique Fantasy World with romance and SUBDUED spice. I appreciated the fresh take on the Jinn folktales.

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I really enjoyed the all books in this series,but this one is so amazing. I like that it is set in a world that is completely different from most of the fantasy books I read and with characters that are also unique. I simply cannot wait for how she’ll explore the story in the next book.

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