Member Reviews

Amazing book for early elementary students to dabble in science. My son loved reading through this book and picking his own stories.

This is a great compilation of fun science experiments. There is a photo for each one. They are pretty simple and don’t usually require a lot of supplies. I appreciate that she goes into the science of how each one works. None of these were really new to me but it’s nice having them in one place.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book for review.

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own
This would not be the book I grab for a class science experiment. I maybe it's just the way the ebook version gives, but it's not very kid friendly. My 10y Godson tried a few and he found some of the instructions confusing.

I really liked this title and how it linked science and magic. The experiments are for a broad range of levels and interests. I really liked the explanations so you could go more in depth or use as lessons. It’s perfect for STEM programs or lessons.

This book is a great idea but the execution isn't great. The kids who are interested most may be put off by the dense text. Though the experiments themselves are cool, many of the adults in our service area would be put off by the magic angle. So it probably would've done better to stick to one target audience.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

A wonderful book. Highly recommended. You will enjoy reading it. Written in a very engaging prose. Nowhere would you feel being stuck or bored. Pick it up if you get a chance. A wonderful science book. Thanks to the author for a review copy.

Lots of fun! These magic tricks are an exciting blend of science and magic presentation, with helpful steps and lists of supplies needed. I definitely want to try some of them out.

This is such a fun way to present these science experiments! It gives kids a fun reason to try the experiment again and again plus perform the experiment for someone else. I am sure it will help cement what they are learning so much more than if it was set out for us to do this once together.
This is filled with great experiments. Some I have seen and some were new to us. I think 8-12 is the perfect age for putting on a show and trying these experiments. Plus, there are even some I believe my 6 year old could do. I appreciated the index and glossary as well.
I do wish the explanations were a little bit more in depth but overall it is a great book.

This is a great introduction to chemistry and physics using household items, while showcasing them as magic tricks. Kids who love performing and are curious about why science experiments work the way they do will love this book. This will be a great addition to any school library.

I wouldn't put this book in my classroom, but kids may like it. I did especially like how there was a warning to have adult supervision. There is a section about science or magic. Magicians are performers and this book focuses on science demonstrations.

A fun book of science experiments that can also be magic tricks. I liked that the book started with a chapter on safety, and then it covered the Scientific Method before getting into the experiments.
Each experiment has a color photo, indicates what types of science (i.e. Chemistry, Biology, Physics), lists the time to prep and/or perform, the materials, the steps, "The Science Behind the Magic," and a "Run With It" to take the experiment further. Most of them can be done with typical household items. I think kids could really have fun with this book while learning.

Very interesting experiments. I love how the science behind the magic is explained, so the kids can gain some science knowledge as well. I babysit a lot, and I saved some of the experiments - I'll definitely do them with the kids! Those tricks are even fun for adults to do! :)

I loved the experiments and look forward to trying some with my kids but I didn’t love the focus of putting on a show in this book. I would have loved to see more focus on the experiments themselves and how they were done from a scientific standpoint rather than how to prep it and present it as a magic trick. However there was quite a bit of content but I felt that the putting on a show is geared more towards a younger crowd whereas the experiments (some including fire) are more geared towards an older audience who I feel would be more interested in the experiment than putting on a magic show. Overall it was interesting.

Such a fun book for kids, teachers, parents of kids! I have two girls who quite often have to research: show a science experiment and googling you get the same popular ones that a lot of the kids have already seen. Science magic is a bit different as you are doing the science, there is an explanation to it all but it appears to all, especially their classmates that it’s magic and therefore much more fun to watch and participate in. This book provides not only the how to but the science behind the experiment marking this book a one stop shop for those assignments.
Thank you NetGalley for this book in exchange for my honest review!

Excellent, well-thought-out book. It was easy to follow and each experiment can be replicated with kids. Some how-to guides claim to be easily replicated by kids, but in practice aren't. That is not the case here. It was made with kids at the forefront every step of the way. Further, appropriate age vocabulary was used in every aspect- from explaining the scientific method to step-by-step instructions, and even in the "run with it" section which provides follow-up ideas to each experiment. I will absolutely be utilizing this at the library for programming, as well as recommending it to patrons interested in science and/or magic. The only reason it is not a five-star read is that it could use a few more pictures demonstrating the step-by-step.