Member Reviews

This is a short and quick read that will have you hooked from the first page!

I really enjoyed this book and didn't realize it was part of a series but the author did such a good job it felt like a standalone.

The writing is fresh and exciting and Hall did a great job keeping you entertained with the dialogue and the main characters thoughts.

This is a short read, just around 250 pages and is super easy to follow. It didn't have that jaw dropping thriller aspect but it was a very good suspense novel and introductory to the genre!

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After reading Tamron Hall’s first book in the Jordan Manning Series, I was so looking forward to the next book in the series. Wath Where They Hide is a solid read, but the plot does not flow as well as it did in the first book. There is no real sense of urgency, or ‘edge-of-the-seat’ pull in this book. I love Jordan as a journalist and crime solver, but this book fell a bit flat for me. I am, however, looking forward to the next book in this series. I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to NetGalley, William and Morrow publishing, and Tamron Hall.

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A journey of suspense and emotional complexity that will not only captivate but also offer a window into the resilience of those fighting to bring the lost back home. With each chapter, the intrigue deepens and the investment in the characters' fates becomes more profound. A recommended read for anyone who appreciates a stirring tale of hope against the odds.

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TV anchor Jordan turns investigator once again in this trope-y novel about a missing woman. Shelley doesn't know what happened to her sister Marla and she persuades Jordan to look for her. It's the second in a series and perfectly readable as a standalone, especially since Hall spends much time building Jordan's character. While the mystery didn't capture me, I appreciated the insight into the television business. As with the first novel, a bit more editing would have been helpful. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. Over to others.

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I was very excited to get the next installment of Jordan Manning's series. This was a great mystery of a missing person. I liked this book, however, Jordan made some decisions that were questionable to me specifically when it came to the sister of the missing woman. I also was bored a few times in the book with parts being pretty unrelated to the story which made it slow to me. I felt more connected and passionate about the story in her first book than this one. Overall it is a good read. Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy and this my personal opinion and review.

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Jordan Manning is great character. I really enjoyed the book. I liked that Jordan is questioning her decisions. It makes her feel real like the rest of us. The case she is working on is interesting and has a lot of suspects. I liked how the story progressed as we learned more with each page. I haven't read the other books in the series and I was able to enjoy the book on it's own. I'm curious to want to know more about Jordan in the future so will look for more books in this series. I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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This was a great book. I loved every paragraph, every sentence and every word of this masterpiece! I read it in 12 hours, which is a lot for me to do! It had everything and more laid out in the novel! I sure hope There is more to come from this author! I am totally hooked!

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I really enjoyed Watch Where They Hide. I became invested from the start. I love a book that keeps me guessing and on the edge of my seat. This story had it all. Highly recommend!

Many thanks to William Morrow and Netgalley for my gifted ARC.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( closer to pub date.

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Great book. Thanks for the Advanced copy. I love the main character and her tenacity to solve the cases that she investigates. Although this was book two with this character, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book. The first book had me on the edge of my seat. However, this story was interesting and kept me motivated to find out if a crime was committed and who was responsible. There were plenty of twists and turns that kept you guessing throughout the book. But it felt as if something was missing. My final thoughts would be to recommend this book, definitely an easy enjoyable read.

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My first Tamron Hall book but not my last. I loved the characters, storyline and pace. This was very well written. I struggled with it feeling disjointed as the author seemed to keep reminding the reader that the main character was black. It didn’t add to the book but felt very much unrelated to the story. Like I said, I really enjoyed the writing so I’ll be reading Ms. Hall again.
Thank you NetGalley, Tamron Hall and Harper Collins Publishers/William Morrow Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Watch Where They Hide is the second book in the Jordan Manning series. Jordan, whose success in helping the police in the first book has gotten her more attention, agrees to help a woman who begs her to find out what happened to her sister. Shelly tells Jordan that her sister would never just disappear and leave her kids behind. The more Jordan looks into the case the more questions she has. Why haven't the police dug deeper into the case? Did Marla just leave her life behind? Tamron Hall does a good job of writing about the realities of being a reporter, which makes Jordan a more enjoyable character. The climax of the story was lacking for me, but the overall writing and character development was solid. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Just like most people, I know who Tamron Hall is. What I didn't know, was that, besides being a wonderful journalist, host (and you know, a badass), she's also a wonderful writer as well. I enjoyed every moment reading this book, the intricated and very well elaborated plot, each revelation and the main character, If there's another book in the Jordan Manning series, I can't wait to read it.

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Watch Where They Hide is the second book in the Jordan Manning series. I did not know this was part of a series when I requested it. While reading it I did not feel as if I was missing anything from not having read the first book in the series. In my opinion this can be a stand-alone read.

Marla, a wife and mother has gone missing but based on who you talked to was she missing, murdered or just tired of being a mom. When Marla's sister gets the feeling no one cares about her missing sister she reaches out to Jordan Manning, a reporter in Chicago who is known as "Justice Jordan." Jordan agrees to talk to her but makes no promises about whether she will follow through with an investigation. One conversation leads to a clue about Marla and then another and another.

There are plenty of shady characters to choose from, but Jordan soon follows a suspect that may finally lead to the truth about what happened to Marla.

This story has many twists and turns that take the reader on a wild ride. The suspects were a motley group that were very believable. Jordan seems to be more of an investigative reporter than an anchor on a news desk. This makes her more interesting as we see her pull at threads in order to get to the truth. I thought this was well written and the characters were interesting. I am hoping there will be more books to read in this series.

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This is the second book in the Jordan Manning series. I do believe that if you didn't read the first, you'd have no problem reading this as a standalone.

I really enjoyed the first book. This was a good read but admittedly, I enjoyed the first much more. This was an entertaining read which I didn't love nor hate. A solid 3 stars out of 5.

Jordan receives a call from Shelly Biltmore with news that her sister Marla is missing. Marla was in the middle of many life changes including a custody battle. She had just moved back home. Jordan is a hot mess and not the most enjoyable character. Jordan meets Nate in this book and Nate is man who can handle Jordan but a good guy.

Jordan is on a quest to uncover the truth about her sister.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. Thanks to Netgalley and William and Morrow publishing.

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I love watching Tamrom Hall on TV so I was excited to read this thriller by her!

Shelley turns to TV journalist Jordan when her sister goes missing. Jordan feels obligated to help with the case after solving previous cases. This was an interesting format since it was told from the perspective of a reporter. I loved Jordan’s character and really empathized with Shelly and Marla. This is book #2 in the series but it can be read as a standalone.

Tamron Hall did a great job building a tale of suspense and keeping the reader interested in the story.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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A missing woman in a custody battle and it seems to her sister that no one, including the police are looking for her. So the sister contacts Chicago investigative reporter Justice Jordan. Jordan is leery about looking into the case as it seems no one she talks to is telling the whole truth about what they know, including the sister who contacted her, but she keeps digging. And what Jordan finds is nothing at all what she or anyone expected.
A read that keeps you reading till the end.

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BIPOC Mystery Thriller set in Chicago 2009 following a TV journalist who looks into the case of a missing mother and discovers secrets and scandals that put her own life in grave danger.

4/5 stars: This is the second entry in Hall's Jordan Manning series, which is a Mystery Thriller that takes place in 2009 Chicago and follows a Black TV crime reporter in 2009 Chicago. With plenty of twists and turns, Hall's written a gripping tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the final page. Additionally, Hall's writing and character work is stellar; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining likable. I appreciate the fact that Hall has set the book in 2009, with it being on the cusp of social media, true crime and trials on TV it puts Jordan right in the middle on the action. It's great to be back with Jordan, who's tough, hard working and determined to prove herself in her career. Hall's experience as a TV journalist shines through and make's Jordan so much more realistic. Hall touches on some sensitive topics, so take care and check the CWs. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading this series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, As the Wicked Watch.

I received this eARC thanks to William Morrow in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow Publishing for allowing me to read this book by Tamron Hall. Watch Where They Hide is the story of Justice Jordan a investigative reporter. This book is number 2 in the series - in the first one she apparently solved a case with a serial killer. In this book Jordan is looking for her next big investigation while struggling with her singleness as her bestie is getting married. Jordan comes to work to find a woman has called several times but the messages are all unclear. Flash forward a few days later and Shelly the mystery caller appears at her work and is begging her for help to find her sister Marla. Shelly claims the police aren't taking it seriously and she knows that something has happened to her. Jordan is hesitant to take on the case but as she starts to dig she becomes more and more intrigued and decides to take on the case. Overall, it was a pretty good mystery. Its a short and easy read.

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I liked this one it reads like a Dateline show. It was a good read overall and presented strong female characters and a good plot but felt it needed something at the beginning to draw you in but overall a good read

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Oh man I really wanted to like this book. The premise sounded good, but with no real sense of urgency or thrilling moments the story fell flat.
I think part of that could be Chalked up to this being a series. The author seemed more set on building up the character of Jordan than the actual murder mystery. I think a little more excitement and focus on the mystery would have helped move the book along.
I do think Jordan as a character and the series could be great in the long run.
I would say 2.5/5 stars for me. Rounded up to 3 for goodreads.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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