Member Reviews

Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

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oh the pain and the beauty of her story! An inspiring read, a strong woman and I am glad that in the face of the hardships, she really stood up, and how!
A lot of her experiences are the kind that would break a person. I cannot imagine the strength it would have taken for her to overcome the challenges - Her mind is something to learn from!

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What an inspiration Lori is! While it’s easy to envy someone who looks on the outside like they have it all, she had to fight her way to the top while facing a lot of hardships. I enjoyed reading this memoir about resilience in the face of obstacles.

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I read this book in a day and I never looked back! The twist and the plot were pretty easy to identify but the different POV's kept me intrigued to see how everything was going to unfold. A couple of the characters were so unlikable that it made it hard to feel bad or connect with them in any way. I do wish that the ending would've given a little more, I wanted to know how the characters dealt with the aftermath.

*I received a copy of this eARC via NetGalley*

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As the founder of investment firm LVW Advisors, author Lori Van Dusen knows how to navigate difficult and chaotic situations.

But she's had a lot of practice as she's done it from the moment she was born early and not into privilege.

With the encouragement of her grandfather and her family, she started on Wall Street in 1986 and began her ascension despite the roadblocks, the societal expectations, the insults, and sabotage. Each time she was knocked down, she got back up and kept going.

She pushed herself, like she always had, to get where she wanted to be.

Lori gracefully tells of her success, her medical complications, business betrayals, and even a sexual assault. Yet, the want to keep going far exceeded the fear of giving up.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars! This was a compelling memoir and a fast read. I enjoyed getting to know the author and my heart broke learning of the tragic news about her husband. Thanks to NetGalley for the free copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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What a beautiful recap of a very strong woman's life. I enjoyed learning all about Lori's relationships and her story. I thought she did a great job of structuring the flow of her book. The feelings she had at different points in her life really had me feeling for her. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars!

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