Member Reviews

Lenora saw something when she was younger that she didn’t fully understand involving Vaughn Spencer. Vaughn wouldn’t let Lenora out of his sight and was set on making her senior year hell now that she was on his turf instead of over in England. Lenora just wants this year to end so she can go for an internship back where she belongs, but when Vaughn uses his power to beat out Lenora out of her deserved spot, she drops the indifferent girl persona and decides to fight back.

this one didn’t capture my undivided attention the way Broken Knight had but still really good none the less. Vaughn is broken and dark but once his walls come down isn’t so rough. Lenora is your typical goth high schooler but she’s badass. BUT LET’S TALK ABOUT THE REAL STAR OF THE SHOW - daddy Vicious🤤 definitely recommend this one. You don’t have to have read the others in the series to know what’s going on but it definitely helps

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Vaughn Spencer, known as the town's "angry god," is a complex and brooding character with a reputation that precedes him. Lenora Astalis, harboring a deep grudge from a past encounter, finds herself entangled with Vaughn once again, leading to an unexpected journey across the ocean to a dark and mysterious castle on the outskirts of London.

Shen's narrative prowess shines through as she masterfully navigates the intricate layers of Vaughn and Lenora's relationship. The chemistry between the characters is electric, with each interaction sparking a palpable tension that lingers throughout the story. The novel delves into themes of darkness, vulnerability, and the transformative power of love, creating a narrative that is both intense and deeply emotional.

The setting of Carlisle Castle adds a haunting backdrop to the unfolding drama, with its secrets mirroring the hidden wounds of the characters. Shen skillfully builds an atmosphere that is both eerie and alluring, enhancing the overall allure of the narrative.

Vaughn's journey toward self-discovery and Lenora's unwavering strength form the core of the novel. The author crafts characters that are not only flawed but also immensely relatable, allowing readers to connect with their struggles and triumphs on a profound level. The complexity of Vaughn's character adds depth to the narrative, as he grapples with the ghosts of his past and embarks on a path of redemption.

The pacing of "Angry God" is impeccable, with every chapter unfolding like a carefully choreographed dance of emotions. The twists and turns keep readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning pages to unravel the mysteries surrounding Vaughn and Lenora.

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This Book is a Dark and Angry train wreck that you can't look away from, and just need to get closer to.
Be warned, there is most definitely some trigger worthy subject matter.

It is exactly what you would expect from L.J. Shen, but more importantly, from the son of "Vicious" (if you haven't read that book already, no worries).

Vaughn is dark, angry and in need of vengeance. Lenora is sunshine filed with shadows. The two are a collision towards anger, hunger, and acceptance of who they are at their core. Their story is riveting and breath taking.

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a rival to lovers' novel.

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Angry God by LJ Shen

This book in 3 words: Angsty. Delicious. Intoxicating.

Let me tell you something... this book had a HOLD ON ME. I started it and then absolutely struggled to put it down.

Angry God has a strong start which introduces us to two very different, and strong, characters. I couldn't get over the voices of the characters. No matter what POV we were in, I was sucked ALL THE WAY IN. I love when an author effortlessly and INTENTIONALLY has a strong voice for each of the perspectives.

The story is dark and touches on serious, and not so-serious, themes. I thought it was a nice balance.

Couldn't get enough of Vaughn. He's morally grey, sometimes all the way black, but just so GOOOOOOD. I loved reading him.

This is a standalone but is part of a series and you know I went and purchased the rest of the books! I will definitely recommend this to my audience.

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Our journey began with the story of the father- the delicious Vicious, the domineering, brash, cold, and conniving head hothole whose heart thawed only for his leading lady, and later his son. It seems only fitting that the Todo Santos stories end (or least this chapter of them) with the story of his son, Vaughn, our Angry God.

The anticipation has been building for a while for Vaughn's story- we've seen him now in Knight/Luna and Daria's tales- and he's an enigma. Kind, empathetic, and supportive one minutes and dark, brooding, and dickish the next - but we learned in those tales what is the crux of who Vaughn is- someone who will do anything for those he loves, even if the emotion itself is abhorrent and confusing to him. Vaughn is everything you want in a bully-anti-hero, and he's inherited the things we love most about his parents. Like Vic he's smug, calculating, vindictive, and cruelly charismatic- a dark masterpiece you can't look away from, can't help but be drawn to. Yet, he he's an artist like Emilia, with some of her heart and a lot of her sass. He has empathy, that he's constantly trying to smother.

We didn't really know "good girl" Lenora previously- but man, I love her. And, what a match she is for Vaughn, a love interest that I never thought we'd find. She's got a firm spine, confidence, a sharp tongue, and a lack of self-consciousness that is refreshing in a teenager. But, she's not overly boorish or domineering at the same time. She's as patient and empathetic as she is bold, artistic and reverent as she is internally defiant.

Together, they are magnetic, explosive- a beautifully crafted, well defined masterpiece, much like the art Vaughn chisels away at in the basement. Their sharp edges meld together to smooth both of them out- and they do what everyone around them seemingly cannot- they truly see one another.

Without giving away too much here- you have your classic old-connection, reunited in a bully situation tale- but it is not your run of the mill. Sure- we have our typical alpha cheerleaders, school/boarding school vibe, and the secretly hot outcast with daddy issues trope, but man, is it done well here- and done to new heights. Secrets abound, tragic misunderstandings occur, stakes are more adult and more painful, settings rapidly change, and our characters genuinely learn and evolve at a pace that keeps you turning the pages.

Like the last book, where my heart was ripped out at the end, your heart hurts here, too- but for different reasons. We learn and witness true trauma in some of our characters- and through it we learn to love them more, as they try to learn to love themselves and each other.

I didn't think I could love any stories more than I love our hotholes', but then the tots came along and turned everything on its head. We get to see daddy Vic, which I've been dying for since Daria's book- and we get a variety of perspectives here, including some favorites. I can genuinely say that there is a chapter in Angry God with Vic and Vaughn this is so incredibly beautiful and heartbreaking- a subtle, gentle, and powerful snapshot of Vic as a father. That chapter alone was worth the sleep I lost reading this book in one sitting. And, at first, I was distressed because while we have Vic and Emilia, we get no Daria and fam, No Trent/Luna/Edie, and barely any Knight- but then, I don't regret it- Vaughn deserves to have his story told his way, undiluted by the happiness of his fellow tots, and instead isolated, beautifully tragic, and dark- just as we find Vaughn himself.

Brava, LJ, what a brilliant conclusion to this journey. My heart will always be with these characters.

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I requested this book because I loved her New Camelot series and this book didn’t let me down. Lenora and Vaughn have been entangled with a secret since they were kids. He threatened her to keep it and she threatened to heat up his cold soul. My absolute favorite thing about this book is Vaughn’s character development. It’s not like so many other book that I have read where the man wants to destroy someone just because. He has a reason that makes sense but not until the end. There are so many little pieces to unravel for everyone in the story to make it make sense. Lenora is the perfect mix of tough but soft. She doesn’t give up on herself but she’s vulnerable at the same time, The two of them don’t make sense to many people out in the world but together they are perfectly fitting puzzle pieces and I loved it!

Please check trigger warning for this book - there are some that shouldn’t be glanced over.

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Sensitive topic but an amazing read! Angry god is one of my favorites and so glad the author was picked up by this amazing publisher! The book was poignant but utterly captivating! Everyone needs an Angry god. Love the new covers and ordered them!

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This is my first book by this author so I was excited to receive an ARC since Shen is a highly recommended author. Unfortunately, I don’t think she is my cup of tea.

One of the biggest hurdles for me was the over the top behaviours of ALL the characters in that they seemed more like caricatures. Everyone from the Mean Girls, to the Frat Boys to the troubled main characters. I guessed early on that Vaughn’s behaviour was because of some early trauma but he never really developed past an angry, self destructive and confused boy. All I kept thinking was that he needed to see a therapist. Given that his parents were supposed to be loving and supportive, I couldn’t believe they couldn’t see how troubled their son was. Especially since his father, aka Vicious, was also a troubled youth. (from what I understand). I could not feel or see any affection leading to love between Vaughn and Lenora. And while I have read other dark romances, the drinking of blood was too much for me.

There seems to be a trend at the moment for authors to write second generation series. This is where characters that were well received by readers now have children who are old enough to have romantic interests. While I have enjoyed many first generation series from different authors, I have not really found any second generation stories that I have really liked. It may be a Me thing but this seems the case with Angry God.


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I’d like to say that savored this book, knowing I’d have to wait for Damaged Goods to come out, but I’d be lying. I devoured this book whole. Once I started, I couldn’t stop reading. I had to know what happened next, what secret Vaughn was keeping, what kind of art obsessed them. I’m on pins and needles waiting for the next book!!!

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Thank you Bloom Books & netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

WOW. Vaughn and Lenora. WOW. I devoured this book! I ate it up and left no crumbs!!! It was not at all what I was expecting but I really enjoyed it. I think I enjoyed it better than the first book too! Something about Vaughn and his story. This poor little boy, I just want to comfort him and give him a big hug :( Vaughn and Lenora were truly made for each other!! From the splitting of the chocolate when they were younger, to when they were older, they are soulmates 🥺🥺🥺

If you're looking for a spicy dark romance, i'd highly recommend this book!

Angry God: ★★★★☆ (4.5) 🌶️🌶️ (2)

Pub date: available now!
If you're interested in the new cover, preorder now and get it December 19, 2023!!

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3⭐️ this book was a roller coaster. i really enjoyed the first book but just like it…it’s a lot of unnecessary angst. it was an entertaining read and if you like a lot of angst this is a perfect book for you!

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That may have been one of the most toxic stories I have ever read. It took me about 30% through to settle into the read because while I have read plenty of dark romances, they typically involve adults with *slightly* more believable scenarios. These characters were all so extreme it felt a little bit forced. But then again I just couldn’t put the book down. It was an addiction all its own (so obviously even being extreme and forced, it worked). Pretty much every character was unlikable, there was so few redeeming qualities in each person, even Len. When you think you’re rooting for her, she goes and drinks blood and suddenly you’re wondering what on earth is wrong with these people. So basically it was a total train wreck, but I also couldn’t put it down and finished it really fast and found myself getting the second book in the series for more backstory. Now I need Vaughn’s parent’s story—I have a feeling that story, with the universally likable mom and the morally gray dad, would be a good follow up.

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I sure love a bad boy, but why are they bad? That's the question author L.J. Shen will answer by the end of this book. Angry God is a bully romance that is unputdownable! It's captivating, mysterious, and passionate and readers can't help but be consumed by Lenora and Vaughn's story.

Vaughn is known as an angry god. He does whatever he wants and his parents own the town so he can get away with just about anything. He also happens to hate Lenora. They knew each other when they were younger and were reunited in their senior year of high school. She also feels hate towards him after he almost killed her. Seeing each other every day is hard and Vaughn just makes it worse by trying to hurt or embarrass Lenora any chance he gets. She thinks it will end when she heads to London for an art internship but is stunned when he announces that he got the internship and she will be working as his assistant. See. He gets exactly what he wants.

As soon as you meet these two, you know that you have a connection. And as they are continuously put in situations where they are forced to work together, it becomes harder to deny it. They share a kiss and it throws both of them off. How can they be so appalled by one another and still feel sparks as soon as their lips touch?

What surprised me the most about the book were the emotional aspects. Both Lenora and Vaughn bottle up their emotions and secrets. As they spend more time at Carlisle Castle, the place where they are staying for their internship, it becomes unbearable to not be around each other. Vaughn has always been in charge and Lenora is finding her voice when standing up to him.

L.J. Shen's writing is just perfect. She wrote a story that engrossed you from the very first chapter and kept that up for the entire book. She gives readers damaged characters but leaves room for redemption and forgiveness. Lenora and Vaughn's love story is breathtaking. So many obstacles are thrown their way and when it comes down to life or death, they still choose one another. Vaughn's emotional trauma and past made me so emotional. On the outside, you have this tough, domineering prince who struggled so deeply on the inside. Lenora is the catalyst that allows him to get justice without judgment, love without a price, and loyalty without conditions.

I can't believe I haven't read more from this author! If you have a hard time reaching me, don't worry. I am just reading L.J. Shen's entire backlist.

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Angry God, book three in the All Saints series-
My rating is 4.5 stars

I have several L.J. Shen books sitting on my shelves but this is the first book I’ve actually, finally read of hers. Why did I choose to read this one? Because it was offered to me as an arc by NetGalley for the release of the new covers. Why did I let her books just sit on my shelves? Because I was a fool, apparently. I didn’t know what I was missing.

I loved this book. I spent the majority of this book absolutely hating Vaughn Spencer. I didn’t much like Lenora either, if I’m honest. I hated that he was SUCH a colossal asshole and that she was so meek and allowed him to treat her the way he and Arabella did. Who knew that Vaughn loved Len the way we all wish someone would love us? I certainly didn’t, not until more than halfway through this book, anyway.

The plot carried through from start to finish, flawlessly. I think the pace was on point. Things and secrets were revealed at just the right time, leaving room for an air of mystery throughout the story. I thought I knew what was going on, it turns out that I actually knew very little. The support characters are written well, you hate the characters you should hate and love the ones that deserve it. I hated Vaughn, Harry and Edgar, despised Len, loved Emilia and Pope. I liked that the mysteries were dragged out until the end of the book, it left you genuinely pondering them for the entire story.
The dynamic between Vaughn and Len was so intense. I couldn’t figure out why he was such a jerk, until the end, when everything finally makes sense. All of a sudden his loyalty and love for Len was obvious and his letter to her made me cry. There isn’t a ton of spice, but this book didn’t need it.

The epilogue gives us an almost unrecognizable Vaughn. And, I loved it. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.

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Easily my favorite of the next generation series! Vaughn and Lenora are one of my favorite LJ Shen couples. Fast paced, interesting plot line. Spicy!! A classic LJ Shen experience from start to finish

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I love this author because they truly know how to tell a story. You are hooked from beginning to end. Never disappointed when I pick up a book written by them. This book was well written and hands down a favourite.

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First off, the narrators for the audiobook are top freaking notch! I was actually looking forward to my hour long commute because it was my time to listen to the comedic calamity that is Vaughn Spencer. L.J. Shen’s generational family weave that she had thread together is freaking brilliant. I feel that a lot of series by other authors tend to feel recycled with the plots, schemes and mannerisms. Not L.J. Each installment is like an entirely new ride that leaves you laughing so hard one minute then super hawt the next.
Chapter 20 08:02:51 had me freaking DYING lol Just that one scene where Knight is a ridiculous ahole but Vaughn is so flat that it just adds to the hilarity.
But the scene in Chapter 19 takes the cake! I felt like I was there, watching with my bag of popcorn.
If anyone is on the fence about reading this book/series (although, who in their right mind would hesitate), be like Nike and Just DO it!

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Totally engrossing, I could not put it down! It does make me want to go back and reread his parents story too. Definitely 5 stars.

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📖: Angry God
🖋️: L.J. Shen
⭐️: 5 of 5
🌶️: 5 of 5
💬: “You wanted it, you enjoyed it, and next time I touch you, Good Girl, I’m not only going to dirty you up. I’m going to make you filthy, like me.”

⚠️: Please check the warnings as this book may not be suitable for all readers. As always, protect your mental health.💛

Tropes, Topics & Themes:
✨Dual POV
✨Bully Romance
✨Blood play
✨Enemies to lovers

L.J. Shen has easily become one of my favorite authors! This is the 3rd book in the All Saint’s High series. It will reach into your soul and stay there forever.

“Because my dad told me good girls like bad boys, and I’m bad. Really bad.”

Vaughn Spencer, also known as the Angry God, most people assume he’s ruthless like his father. Yet there is more to the story of why Vaughn is the way he is. But also other sides of him that we see in this book. You can’t help but love him after discovering the broken sides of him.

When Lenora finds herself accidentally seeing something Vaughn has never wanted anyone to know about. He makes it his mission to make sure Lenny never tells a soul about what she saw.

From past trauma, heartbreak, first love, and pushing boundaries. These two characters open up to each other and it’s powerful to watch how connected they are.

Vicious, made me easily fall for him too. I mean the way he worships Emilia is already beautiful. But his stepping in to make sure Vaughn doesn’t mess up his future was everything.

I could not put this book down! If you haven’t checked out the All Saints High. You’re missing out!

Thank you, L.J. Shen, Sourcebooks Bloom Books, and Netgalley for this EARC! As always, my review is my opinion and thoughts. This review will be shared on my Instagram @Alexandriavwilliams_ shortly.

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LJ shen sure knows how to write angst that makes your heart bleed. Vaughn is a hero that is often so not a hero, and yet you want to see him tamed all the same. The heroine definitely holds her own, and this book definitely stands alone even though it is part of an interconnected series. I enjoyed it even though it was dark.

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