Member Reviews

This is the closest book to ever come to throne of glass. This serious is such a masterpiece in balancing character and plot! I love the magic, the relationships and this series. This is a heartwrenching read but amazing!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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QOTD: When it comes to books in a series, do you like to read them one by one as they are released, or do you prefer to wait until all the books are out and read the whole series in a row?

I personally do a bit of both- if I know that something’s going to be a series in advance, I generally wait until I can read several of the books in succession. Sometimes, though, I get hooked reading a book and then realize later that it’s the first in a series, so then I read the books as they’re released.

Today is my stop on @tbrbeyondtours bookstagram and blog tour for A Vicious Game by @melissablair_bookshelf! To celebrate, I’m sharing my spoiler-free review of the series and information on how you can enter to win your own copies of The Halfling Saga series through the tour-wide giveaway!

I had been meaning to read The Halfling Saga for quite some time now, but I had been saving it until I could read several of the books in a row, and I’m really glad I did because this series is binge-worthy! There will still be one more book in the series, and after reading A Vicious Game I cannot wait to see where the story will go next!

In my opinion, the best thing about The Halfling Saga is Keera’s moral compass, which guides the plot of the series. She tries to do the right thing, even if it means making sacrifices along the way, which makes her a fascinating protagonist! Keera isn’t afraid to fight fiercely for her people, even when the odds are stacked against her. Her individuality and strength in the face of suffering were what made me keep reading to the last page of A Vicious Game and still crave more content!

My Recommendation:
If you love high fantasy with ruthless female protagonists who try to do the right thing even if people get hurt, you need to read The Halfling Saga and meet Keera! I would especially recommend this series to fans of fae fiction, and folks who like a dose of romance in their fantasy.

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So good. This was a perfect series. The pacing was spot on, the characters were spot on and the storyline was immersive. I couldn’t put this down.

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At this point, I just expect perfection from Melissa Blair. The character development and furthering of the plot was so well done in the novel. I feel like it absolutely went in a very good direction setting up for the fourth and final book

We learned so much about the characters and the world is just so much better understood throughout this novel. The storyline was never boring or doll, and kept my attention throughout the length of the novel. I was on the edge of my seat pretty much the entire time I was reading.

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Thank you, Union Square & Co. for giving me an ARC of this book for an honest review. All thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.

This is book three in The Halfling Saga series, there will be a total of 4 books to the main story, and book 4 is supposed to come out in 2024, but nothing has been posted about it yet. Since this is the third book in this series, I will try to not go into depth about anything because there were reveals that happened. After the ending of the second book, I wasn’t sure how these characters were going to proceed.

When I first picked up this installment, I felt a little lost because I remembered the previous book pretty well, but the opening scene threw me off. So, I put it down and reread the first two books in the series. I am always hesitant to reread books because I am always afraid, I won’t like them the second time around. I am happy to report that I enjoyed them so much the second time around, and I picked up on things that I didn’t catch before.

This book was an emotional rollercoaster. You get to see more into Keera’s past, and she is still battling her battle with alcohol. I really like how none of her struggles is glossed over, and it feels raw on the page. Could it be triggering for some yes, however, I think that making it real and not glamorous does more justice to those who have gone through similar things.

You can tell that this is a “middle” book in the series, the plot felt off. Some things moved at a snail's pace, whereas others went too fast you had to go back and read it again to figure out what happened. I think that it’s a case of needing to get some events checked off for the final installment, and people need to be moved around to be set up for what will happen in the last book. This doesn’t make the book bad, it just makes it less enjoyable than the last two.

This book has one major reveal, like mind-blowing. I will admit I did not see it coming. I know people were like you should have seen it here and here in previous books, but even after knowing what I now know, I don’t think it was as in your face as some people are claiming. I mean, I even read these books back-to-back and didn’t see it coming.

Keera continues to be a badass who deserves so much better than what she is getting. Riven I feel is unredeemable. Let's be honest, even from the first book he has been a crappy person and now it's so much worse. I know Keera keeps forgiving him, but I just can’t. Nikolai is still just the sweetest and I want nothing but the best for him. He better pull through the next book. In this book, we see more of Gerarda as a person and not just the king’s minion. I would not have thought I would ever say that I like her character, but I do. I feel like she is a good balance for Keera. There is one character that dies in this book. I will not name them, but there had better be a good reason for it in the end, and not just to make the “big reveal” happen.

I have no idea how things are going to play out in the final book, but I am here for it

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2.5 Stars

Unfortunately this was a miss for me. I thought this would be the final installment in the series, but it seems like this was more of a filler book trying to set up the final stand. I’m disappointed in where this series has gone.

This third book gave me a bit of deja vu, mainly because of Keera. She seems to take one step forward, two steps back in this book. So many moments felt like I had already seen them in book 2. And the rest of the characters either had no true purpose, or lost what made them interesting in the first place. The villain is now a cartoon (with unexplained abilities/knowledge), the MMC started off as a strong lead that seemed to be steps ahead of everyone else but has turned into a shell of himself here.

There were multiple emotional scenes between characters that should have had an impact, but because there were so many of them, none of them stood out. If every scene is emotional or devastating then none of them are. There is also a huge twist that adds absolutely nothing to the story (or the character--instead this character causes another character's death and everyone just moves on?)... it was just sad to see. I had really high hopes for this series, but I will not be continuing.

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I absolutely love this series!! I definitely thought this was going to be a trilogy, but I’m so excited that there’s going to be another book.

There’s magic, romance, adventure, and honestly everything I’m looking for in a fantasy series. I really enjoyed how the story continued after the events of "A Shadow Crown" as well as all of the characters that we get to see more of in this book. I especially love Gerarda and the different energy that she brings.

I did see the plot twist coming, but there was enough doubt that it was still somewhat of a surprise and I enjoyed how everything was explained.

And now I impatiently wait for book 4!

*Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to love the third book in The Halfling Saga, but it wasn’t meant to be.

I loved reading books one and two, so I jumped at the chance to read an ARC of A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair. There is truly a lot to love for fantasy readers, it just didn’t fill my cup. The pace felt much to slow in comparison to the two books before. I promise, this review won’t contain spoilers.

The ending of A Shadow Crown (book two) was quite devastating for Keera, and her allies. With that in mind, I was anticipating a war cry at the start of A Vicious Game. I assumed their crew would be down and depressed, but ultimately still swinging. I think that it took Keera too much time to come around and be helpful. All throughout this series I have thought that Riven, her lover, was too soft and coddling of her. He definitely showed those characteristics in this book, and it was grating on my nerves. The only person I could truly like was Gerada.

The story was a little too slow moving to keep me fully invested and entertained. Their magic challenges fell a little flat, and ultimately when the big reveal was made, it was one I saw coming. It had been right in front of our face since the beginning, I just wasn’t sure how it was truly possible until it was exposed.

While I didn’t love A Vicious Game, it is still a good book that is part of a great series.

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This was fun but it wasn't great. It was predictable, not painfully so but pretty close. But again, it was a fun read and I did enjoy the story but I wish things hadn't been so obvious.

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Melissa Blair has done it again. A vicious game was an amazing installment in the broken blade series!

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Much like the other two books in this series, once I started it, I couldn't put it down. Blair continues to add twists and turns to Keera's story even three books into the series. Now, with the rebellion laid at her feet and a daunting task that only she can complete, Keera has to come to terms not only with her past, present, and future, but with the guilt of what she's leading an entire army of people.

Keera's story has always been fascinating to me. Her struggle to come to terms with her tasks as The Blade, and the atrocities she was forced to commit come home to roost in this book. There's so much on her plate that it leaves us to wonder, how much more can she take? The truth is a lot more, and when the hits keep coming, she has a decision to make. One that will alter the course of the war for everyone, including Riven.

The only question I am left with as a I finished this book is... when's the next one coming?

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The third installment of The Halfling Saga jumped quickly to where we left off in book 2, but we learn quickly that Keera has spiraled and is drowning in alcohol and bad decisions.

“It’s torture to watch someone fall away and have no idea how to catch them.”

To be honest, it was torture for me to read about it too. In book three I had hoped that Keera’s coping strategies had improved, but no. I was stuck reading about her addiction for far longer than I would have liked.

Despite reading book 2 a few months ago, I had a really hard time following the plot and actually had to go back to book 2 and use the X-ray feature on my kindle to remember all of the characters (of which there were too many). I wish the author could have reintroduced us to the world and people in it with more finesse.

I do think the author dealt with heavy topics in a respectful manner and appreciate the diverse cast of characters and the world itself.

Ultimately I felt let down because I believe this was marketed as a trilogy…which it most certainly is. I think that had this book wrapped up the series then my rating would be higher, but we were given messy plot twists that have elongated the story, to the detriment of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A big thanks to NetGalley and Union Square for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

.................I.........have no words. No thoughts. Brain empty. Heart screaming.

A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair is the third installment in the fantasy series The Halfling Saga. A new king is on the throne and the rebellion lies in ruins. Keera spends her days drinking and her nights avoiding the strange dreams that have haunted her since she returned from the capital. Keera’s family in Myrelinth won’t let her go without a fight. With new intelligence about the magical seals left behind by Keera’s ancient kin, the Light Fae, she rallies to face her demons and unleash the formidable powers she inherited from her people. But a shocking truth is hiding in plain sight, one with the power to unravel the entire rebellion... The pivotal third installment in the Halfling Saga will upend everything Keera thought she knew about her enemies . . . and her allies.

To keep this short and spoiler free. This is a series that will forever have a special place in my heart. No matter how many pass. I honestly can't wait for the next book.

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I had been eagerly waiting for this book for quite some time and damn! It did not disappoint. I am just in love with this series and Melissa Blair is now an auto buy author for me after I discovered her last year.

I always have a hard time reviewing later books in series without any spoilers so I'll keep this brief. I am obsessed with Keera. She is the strong badass female main character we all love so much. She is strong and selfless and brave and empathetic and passionate. She is right up there for me with Katniss Everdeen, one of my all time fav FMCs. I love the world building in this series. The world of Myrelinth is so cool. Living in trees and having fae lights would be a dream come true for me. There are so many side characters in these books that I love so much, such as Gwyn and Dyanara. Riven's character is also phenomenal. He is so dedicated to Keera, always caring about her needs above all else and he is so selfless.

This book came with some major twists that had be gasping out loud. I honestly don't know if there is more to come but there has to be based on how the book ended. The writing is beautiful and descriptive. These books have a forever home on my shelves!

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5/5 Stars

Thank you to TBR & Beyond tours and Melissa Blair for the advanced reader copy.

The Halfling Saga has quickly become a new all time favorite series for me and I wish I had read it sooner. I got an arc of this book through a book tour which finally got me to read this series and I love it so much. This has everything I want in a fantasy series, from amazing world building, great relationships, and a romance I need more of. This series tackles a lot of real world issues in a way that beautifully incorporates them into this fantasy world.

Spoilers for the first two books in the series.

Keera spends her days drinking after they failed to bring down the crown in its entirety and now there is a new king on the throne. Her family and friends aren’t willing to let her drown her sorrows when there is still things to be done to save the halflings and people of the kingdom. When they get knowledge of a way to free magic, Keera has to face her demons and give it one finally chance to save her people.

We have seen Keera dealing with demons for the first two books but it truly comes to a head this book after the events at the end of book 2. Keera has given up all hope and is back to drinking the days away and pushing her friends and family away. Her relationship with Riven deteriorates due to her pushing him away but we also see that Riven doesn’t want to give up on her and what they have. I love Keera and Riven together and I also liked how he understood that he wasn’t going to be the right person to knock some sense into her. I can’t wait to see how their relationship continues in the fourth and final book because they deserve to be happy after everything they’ve dealt with.

I can’t recommend this series enough if you are looking for a diverse, beautiful fantasy series with an amazing world, relationships, and a wonderful romance.

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So while I think A Shadow Crown was a stronger sequel, A Vicious Game is a solid latest installment. It's about realizing that nothing is ever linear, that betrayals and twists are around every corner. I did not predict the big twists at all and so I needed a few days to recover. There are plenty of training scenes and A Vicious Game emphasizes the importance of fighting for ourselves, not someone else. It's been a theme that Blair has been slowly developing throughout the series. The importance of our own choices, allegiances, and love.

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"The Vicious Game" by Melissa Blair presents a wonderful fusion of diversity, political intrigue, and surprising turns that keep readers on the edge. As an Indigenous author, Blair enriches her storytelling by embracing inclusivity, showcasing a bisexual female main character alongside other queer characters and providing representation for individuals with disabilities. Fearlessly delving into crucial topics such as self-harm, substance abuse, and alcohol dependency, the narrative embarks on a profound exploration of grappling with and overcoming guilt and grief.

The novel heavily emphasizes the romantic relationship between Keera and Riven, which might work well for readers invested in their dynamic. However, for those more inclined toward plot intricacies and political drama, the focus on the couple might be a slight drawback. The intricate exploration of Keera's background and the unveiling of her powers contribute to the story's allure, even though some revelations are left unexplored, which will hopefully be addressed in future installments.

One of the book's strengths lies in its ability to maintain a fast-paced narrative filled with revelations and actions. The political intrigue keeps readers engaged, and the author skillfully develops the characters, providing insight into Keera's struggles and her connections with those around her.

The narrative takes an unforeseen twist with a significant reveal towards the book's conclusion, inviting readers to reassess everything they thought they knew from the initial two books. This cliffhanger will undoubtedly have readers eagerly anticipating the next installment so that we may explore the trajectory of the characters and the impact of these newfound revelations on their mission for freedom against a menacing villain. The unresolved tension also sets the stage for an exciting continuation, enticing readers to delve deeper into the unfolding story.

In conclusion, "The Vicious Game" remains a compelling installment in The Halfling Saga, offering a dynamic mix of diversity, engaging characters, and an intricate plot. Readers who appreciate a focus on relationships, unexpected twists, and a willingness to explore complex themes will find much to enjoy in the third book of the saga. This book and this series are most definitely a must read.

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Thanks NetGalley UK and the publisher for this ecopy in exchange of my review.

** It may contain spoilers**

This book 3 is a surprise and delightful. We follow Keera and her friends in this battle against the king and his followers which is definitely not without loss.

There are a lot of revelations, actions (I was not bored at all), and more explanations about Keera's background. It was the latter that I enjoyed a lot as there was so much mystery about it, even though the reveal about her power(s) were brief. We just learn about a new power in a fight and we don't come back on it ; it felt a little hollow on this part.

I thought the third book was the finale, but let me tell you that is not. This was one my favorite of the saga, I didn't have the opportunity to be bored, I was like immersed in it. I finished it way too soon :(

The development of the characters was awesome : her romantic relationship with Riven, with her friends or the enemy she thought they were. I also enjoyed her journey with alcohol, it was well written and the fact that it was not easy for her or her circle, was the part that I liked the most.

Overall, it was a great sequel and I can't wait for the "last"/ next book ? I hope to find the same level of actions, and more revelations or plot twist. Please do not make her suffer anymore, she's been through a lot.

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