Member Reviews

A great addition to an incredible series! Wonderful characters in an incredible setting. This book will keep you guessing until the end.

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Maddie Day is one of my favorite Cozy Mystery authors, and once again, she’s written a fun and exciting story. Deep Fried Death is the 12th book in the Country Store Mystery Series, and I very much enjoyed it. I mean, how much fun is the idea of a contest in which participants race decorated outhouses to the finish line?

In this installment, Maddie’s team’s entry for Pans ‘N’ Pancakes becomes the vehicle for an unlikeable victim when he tumbles out during the race, and Maddie is framed for the murder.

Maddie is once again on the case as her life and livelihood is threatened in this well-plotted mystery. I was kept guessing to the very end, which is the sign of an entertaining story. The characters are quirky and fun, and I’ve gotten to know them throughout the series. It always feels like returning home when I dive into Maddie Day’s books. The dialogue is never stilted, and always sounds conversational.

I’m looking forward to the next in the series!

Thank you to Kensington and NetGalley for letting me read an advanced copy.

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The 12th book in the Country Store Mystery Book series has some new and interesting tidbits such as the phrase “busier than a mosquito in a nudist colony.” There is no way to not chuckle while reading each time Robbie interacts with Buck, who as it turns out Buck has a wife, a doctor, who knew?!?! When you’re not chuckling be prepared to have hunger pains from the amazing food descriptions, but not to worry there are recipes included at the conclusion of the story. I made the apple dumplings and they were enjoyed by many. In addition to a new recipe, the murder site is a new one as well, an outhouse race for the site of the murder, now that is a new and creative cozy mystery event. It was a pity that the victim’s body ended up inside Robbie’s race entry. Evermina was beaten with a cast iron skillet being used as a decoration thus ending the smear campaign she had started against Robbie’s restaurant store, the Pans and Pancakes. Since the murder took place in Nashville instead of South Lick, Robbie is not working with local law enforcement and actually seems to be trying to avoid Sheriff Hailey Harris and state detective Octavia Slade while she looks for clues to remove herself and maybe her brother-in-law Don O’Neil from the top of the suspect list. Usually Robbie is bouncing ideas and info back and forth with Buck, but not this time at least not in the presence of his deputy cousin Wanda or Octavia.

Robbie hates that once again she was involved in a murder but relishes the exercise of creating a clue crossword to keep things straight. Was Evermina killed by Zeke her husband (we aren’t sure if there was a divorce yet or not). Maybe it was Wendy Corbert, gift shop owner in Nashville, who appears to be Zeke’s new girlfriend. Robbie is feeling overwhelmed in this one between her “condition,” the restaurant with its soon to be delivered deep fryer, constant questioning by nonlocal law enforcement, and worry for her brother-in-law Don. As a stand-alone cozy, you do not need to know what happened in the last book or the last 11 for that matter but since it is such a great series you will want to add them to your TBR list. Robbie is a unique character with adequate skills as a cook and carpenter (this is how she describes herself) and no professional sleuth training but she does have a good heart and desire to help her family and friends. You find yourself empathizing with Robbie but be careful of the well laid red herrings that misdirect and be sure to check out the tasty recipes.

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I love seeing how much Robbie has grown. With each book the whole series gets better. South Lick may be a small town, but there is always something fascinating happening.

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I have read a few books by Maddie Day. This is the first in the series for me. "Deep fried Death. I will have to go back and start reading all the books in this series. Robbie and all her team are amazing how they are happy to work and help Robbie out. She is a good chef and a good boss to work for that she cares for everyone. The porta potty race is too funny not that they were able to do it because of the body that came out in the start of the race. Oh well. A very fast and relaxing read.

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I have enjoyed the books I have read in the Country Store series by Maddie Day. This one had me chuckling to think of having a porta potty race. Of course, the race is interrupted by a murder. And then the race is really on to find the killer. The characters are well developed and I love the interactions among the people who work at Pans and Pancakes as well as the people who live in South Lick, Indiana. There are lots of twists and turns and misguided hints that will keep you guessing until the end of the book. While you could read this as a standalone, I think it’s better to have a background from earlier books in the series about the regular characters. Either way, it’s an entertaining and quick read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Cozies for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Robbie Jordan and her staff are entering the annual Outhouse Race in South Lick, Indiana where contestants race outhouse replicas on wheels to celebrate the Abe Martin Festival on Memorial Day. It's a lot of time and money but great advertising for her Pans 'N Pancakes diner.

Unfortunately, someone has chosen Robbie to frame for a murder by hiding the dead body in the Pans ’N Pancakes outhouse entry.


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A taut and compelling mystery, and a great addition to the series. I loved the theme of the Annual Outhouse Race festivities.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The book started off well until the Indiana University women's basketball team showed up. For a time even that was fine until someone asked about them versus the men's team. Then a character mentioned the men's team used to be good and described a former basketball coaching legend only to name Larry Knight. Who is Larry? For the love of March Madness, his name is Bob (in a pinch Bobby would have worked). I'm deeply offended and done. I'm just done.

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The Pans 'N Pancakes-owner crew are taking part in the Abe Martin Festival on Memorial Day weekend in nearby Nashville, Indiana. But when a dead body and a cast-iron skillet tumble out of the Pans ’N Pancakes outhouse entry before the race starts, it seems Robbie Jordan is being framed for the murder of the new diner owner.

Robbie is experiencing morning sickness while in the early stages of pregnancy & is busy dealing with running her eatery. It's good that several investigators are taking the lead in finding the killer. And even when the killer tries to set a trap, Robbie makes smart moves by informing the authorities and staying out of harm's way. This series continues to provide good character growth and plenty of tasty eats.

I received a digital ARC from Netgalley and Kensington. All opinions are my own.

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Always a fun story with Robbie and the gang. This one kept me guessing. Very enjoyable read! Can't wait to see what is next for Robbie and friends!

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The book has wonderful, engaging, and well-developed characters. I liked that Robbie took into consideration her pregnancy and stayed away from putting her life and her future baby’s life in danger. Of course, Buck is there with his “down home” witticisms. Even his cousin, Wanda, had a few of her own to contribute. The story is well-written and plotted. I feel I am there with the characters in each book in the series. The story has enough twists and turns that kept me guessing almost until the end about who the killer was.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: One of the enduring beefs that I have with some cozies is the heroine who is supposed to be smart but acts like a nominee for the Darwin Awards. It can ruin a good mystery that for all other purposes is highly entertaining. But when a much loved heroine, who happens to be pregnant, acts like a mature and responsible adult, all I can say is kudos.

I have enjoyed every one of the books in this series. I like Robbie and how she has grown and developed as a character. After marrying her love, Abe, and becoming step-mother to his son, the three are a wonderfully blended family. Their lives are once again interrupted by a murder that involves an outhouse race and some shady characters and an investigation that pulls Robbie into its midst. She asks questions. She passes along information to the detectives and she is smart. Every action she takes, sometimes a bit over the top, she considers not only herself but her unborn baby. Hormones trump curiosity. And when the killer is about to lure her into a trap, she uses her wits and her intelligence to bring about a happy conclusion. I don’t want to give away the plot so I will leave it at that.

Five purrs and two paws up.

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Deep Fried Death
A Country Store Mystery
Maddie Day
5 Stars

In the latest Country Store Mystery by Agatha and Macavity Award-winning author Maddie Day, a killer strikes - with a cast iron skillet - during South Lick, Indiana's annual Outhouse Race festivities, landing Pans 'N Pancakes-owner Robbie Jordan on the suspect list...
Many residents of South Lick, Indiana, claim the Outhouse Race, in which competitors push old-timey outhouse replicas on wheels at the annual Abe Martin Festival on Memorial Day, is the best thing since indoor plumbing. Just because country store and restaurant owner Robbie Jordan has too much to do managing her new deep fryer as well as an old lover reappearing, she’s not going to miss out on the fun. Plus, it’s good for business.
But when a dead body and a cast-iron skillet tumble out of the Pans ’N Pancakes outhouse entry on the race route, it seems someone is trying to frame Robbie—in a most unconventional way. Now she’ll need to be privy to the townsfolks’ secrets as she races to flush out a killer . . .(Amazon)
The characters are well rounded and well developed. The Outhouse Race is supposed to be a fun time for everyone. But when a dead body falls out of the Pans ‘N Pancakes entry it becomes a very serious matter. Robbie and her crew must find out the killer and the why. They have their work cut out for them.
The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and these descriptions pulled me into the story from the very beginning. The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The mystery is well plotted and there were enough suspects to consider and clues to sift through.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well written cozy mystery. Help Robbie and her friends figure out this mystery.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Kensington Books, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher. I have enjoyed this Country Store Series and was not disappointed by this next book. Robbie has decided to join in the Memorial Day outhouse race this year but before she even gets to the starting line she finds a body and a new mystery to solve.

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This was an entertaining cozy mystery. I liked the plot and the characters were a lot of fun. Very much recommend this book.

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Dollycas's Thoughts

It's time for the annual Memorial Day Abe Martin Festival and this year Pans ’N Pancakes has an outhouse in the race. Yes, I said outhouse! Robbie, Danna, and Turner have all taken the morning off to take part in the race. Danna will be the outhouse "driver", Turner will be pushing the outhouse off to a good start, and Robbie will be helping wherever she can while dealing with a bit of morning sickness. But as they maneuvered the outhouse to line up to start it was unusually heavy and when its wheels bumped into a curb it tilted forward and a "dead person" fell out along with a frying pan.

Robbie is again tied to a dead body and she has no choice but to try to find out who put the body in the potty. She also has to be a smart and careful sleuth as she keeps her current condition in mind with every move she makes to plunge out the killer.


I was so excited to read this book and it didn't disappoint. All of Ms. Day's characters are true to life and continue to develop in realistic ways. Robbie is embracing her pregnancy while suffering from morning sickness and the reality that she is going to be a mom and the changes it will bring to her life. Danna and Turner are always there for her and even take on an important task. Abe and Sean are away camping as the story begins but with both Robbie and his brother on the suspect list Abe knows she will be investigating but he needs her to stay safe. Buck was great as always but we finally meet his wife, Wanda, and she and Robbie hit it off right away. One of the Pans ’N Pancakes crew has an awesome opportunity that will have them moving to my neck of the woods here in Wisconsin. I am hoping Robbie comes to visit in a future story.

The mystery has a nice number of suspects and several twists. Robbie really tries to stay out of the case but keeps getting drawn in by certain members of law enforcement coming into Pans ’N Pancakes to discuss the case and talk to suspects. I was able to pin down the killer before everyone in the story but that didn't deter from my enjoyment one bit. The fantastic takedown had me on the edge of my seat and the author's detailed account puts her readers right on the scene. I was surprised and applauded by the way Robbie handled it.

As always with books in this series there is a lot of food and eating. I always get so hungry reading about all the delicious offerings at Pans ’N Pancakes. I had never given it much thought that the place didn't have a deep fryer. Now there will be even more yummy things to tempt my tastebuds, including Cheese Fritters (recipe included in the book).

Deep Fried Death is a delightful addition to this series. Genuine characters, an intriguing mystery, and racing outhouses kept me wonderfully entertained. "What more could a woman want?"

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Deep Fried Death: A Country Store Mystery
By Maddie Day
January 2024

Review by Cynthia Chow

Taking advantage of the opportunity to promote her Pans ‘N Pancakes country store and restaurant, Robbie Jordan and her staff are competing in Nashville’s Outhouse Race during the annual Abe Martin Festival. Adorably decorated as a rustic farmhouse with wheels and not as functional outdoor plumbing, the outhouse has been built to roll downhill alongside a number of other entries. The event is meant to be a friendly competition among businesses, but Evermina Martin of the Miss South Lick Diner does not have the same viewpoint. Evermina had made it clear that Pans ‘N Pancakes was a threat to her own restaurant, so it doesn’t look great when her body is found dead inside Robbie’s outhouse, whacked to death by a cast-iron frying pan. Robbie has become an all-too-familiar witness/suspect/snooper to the South Lick, Indiana police, and now the county’s sheriff’s department is experiencing that honor. Robbie’s brother-in-law Don O’Neill was also seen arguing with Evermina, ensuring that she won’t have a choice about whether or not to again get involved in a murder investigation. It’s not the way she had intended to spend her first wedding anniversary, but since her new husband was already away on a father-son getaway, Robbie might as well once again venture into crime solving.

While the murder in this 12th of the series is fiction, Nashville’s Abe Martin Festival and its “Nashcar” Outhouse Race is actually very real. That makes a death by frying pan morbidly hilarious, although at least the outhouse is built for speed and not for its intended use. Robbie being in the early stages of pregnancy means that she is experiencing both morning sickness and food cravings, but her talented sous chefs are at least able to help with the latter. In addition to the reality of eating for two, Robbie is extremely aware of the added risks she faces when delving into murder. That means keeping investigators and her husband in the loop, especially when she discovers that Evermina made it a practice of attempting to sabotage other businesses. Bird decoy collecting, unhappy exes, and a little light blackmail mean that Robbie has an abundance of suspects to question while they enjoy the tasty treats at her country restaurant. If this is the last in the series it goes out on a high note, with hopefully new mysteries still to come by this extremely talented and prolific author.

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Robbie and her crew are participating in a porta potty race when a dead body falls out the door as they push it to the starting line. Just Robbie’s luck, the victim is a soon to be competitor and has been threatening Robbie’s restaurant in social media. Robbie is determined to not investigate as she’s in her early stages of pregnancy, but how can she not when she’s a suspect. Join the Country Store crew as they solve this mystery.

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Deep Fried Death by Maddie Day takes us back to Robbie and her crew at Pans ‘N Pancakes in South Lick, Indiana. They were preparing for an outhouse race, with many of the local businesses decorating an outhouse on wheels for the race. It had to be delivered tonight in order to be ready for the race in the morning. Abe, her husband, was camping with his son, Sean, who had come to live with them after his mother died. Robbie, herself was several months pregnant and looking forward to the new addition. When they arrived the next morning the outhouse seem heavier than it had the night before. When it overbalanced they knew why: there was a dead body in there which came tumbling out when it fell. Naturally, Robbie was a suspect as it was her outhouse. Naturally, she would have to investigate as she was a suspect, as she discovered, was her brother-in-law, Don, who had been seen arguing with the deceased just the day before.

Day writes a lovely cozy mystery, full of intrigue and people at cross purposes. Thankfully Robbie has an excellent staff, as investigating takes time. All of that was compiled with a bunch of bad weather and electrical problems. They weathered it all as Robbie and several law enforcement agencies investigated this murder. It didn’t help that the woman who died was in competition with Robbie, at least in her own mind. Robbie not only figured out who the murderer was but gathered plenty of other interesting information as well. It was a heart-pounding book, full of fabulous characters, and an interesting mystery.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Deep Fried Death by Kensington Books, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #KensingtonBooks #MaddieDay #DeepFriedDeath

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