Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this novel! I am a fascinated historian about all things TITANIC. The author has taken the story from the real history of the ship and those who sailed and died on it.

The story is loosely based on the FORTUNE Family who were on the voyage after a grand tour. Huber has also blended in the real characters who were on the disastrous voyage. It is clear that Huber did exhaustive and complete research to create this lovely work of historical fiction.

The social history of the era is explored, using the sisters to exemplify the structured lives of well bred young women. 1914 is an interesting time in terms of women’s history. Within a few years, women will be voting and out of long skirts.

There is an epilogue and a reader’s guide, both of which are well with reading. Thank you Netgalley for this novel. I highly recommend it to all my readers who find the sinking of the TITANIC an endlessly compelling story.

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Like many people, I've had a life-long fascination with the Titanic. When Sisters of Fortune popped up, I couldn't wait to read it and wasn't disappointed. Titanic stories and accounts of the lost or the survivors always cause me to question the role of fate...those passengers who changed plans at the last minute to sail on the doomed maiden voyage. Such is the case of the Fortune family of Winnipeg, Canada, first class, of course.

This is a Titanic story with a focus on the prominent Canadians who were on the voyage. Generally, we read about all of the famous Brits & Americans and they're included but I enjoyed learning about the other remarkable people not usually mentioned. There were some fascinating independent, accomplished women onboard as well. The turn of the 20th century was the beginning of women breaking away from traditional roles of marriage & motherhood which is a recurring thread in this book. Each of the Fortune sisters is questioning what her future holds. The author obviously did extensive research before writing this fast-paced, gripping account of the Titanic's maiden voyage from Southhampton to the North Atlantic. The ship has never been more magnificent than she is in this story, described in painstaking detail. This book is a treat for all fans of the Titanic.

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Although this novel was a departure from Ms. Huber's normal mystery series, it was a wonderful departure and I am so glad I read it. There is not enough Titanic fiction in my opinion, and this was one of the best I have ever read. Anna Lee Huber has always been a favorite author of mine, no matter what she writes I know that I will be in for a treat. "Sisters of Fortune" was no different, and I am so grateful to Netgalley and the Publisher for this wonderful gift! I read it in one sitting. It was that good. I loved it, and I could not put it down. If you have not read her as an author, run to your nearest bookstore and begin. You will have a grand time and I guarantee will enjoy every second! I highly recommend all of her books, but this latest book was absolutely wonderful. In fact, after I write this review, I will read it for a second time, just because it was that good! 100 stars!!

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Not just another story about the Titanic. This is historical fiction based on a real family who sailed on the ill fated ship. It primarily focuses on the three sisters but weaves in much more famous passengers. As you read it images will come into your mind of the infamous 1997 James Cameron movie which for me only made it more enjoyable. I loved the fact that the author has us really get to know all these family members and even more what happens to everyone after the fact. A very good read. Thank you to the author, publishers and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Fortune sisters are sailing home after their grand tour of Europe. The trip was organized specifically to keep youngest sister, Mabel, away from the musician that she was seeing. Flora is returning home to her fiancé, a wealthy, well respected Man, that her parents seem to like more than she does. And Alice is returning to her fiancé as well, but she starting to believe that she wants more in life than just being a wife and mother. Plus there was that warning from a fortuneteller that told her to beware of ocean voyages. But in April 1912, all three sisters aboard the Titanic little knowing that they are about to be in the middle of one of the greatest maritime disasters of all time. Our fascination with the Titanic never seems to wane and this story, based on real people and events is sure to please fans of historical fiction.

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