Member Reviews

Like a lot of people, I've been fascinated by the Titanic my entire life. I was eager to read Sisters of Fortune and wasn't let down when it appeared. Stories of the Titanic and testimonies of the survivors and the lost always make me wonder about fate and those passengers who canceled last-minute plans to embark on the tragic maiden voyage. Naturally, this is the situation with the Fortune family of Winnipeg, Canada.

This is a Titanic narrative that centers on the notable Canadian passengers. Though they are covered, the wealthy and well-known Americans and Britons are typically the focus, and I found it interesting to hear about the other amazing individuals that aren't often highlighted. There were a few remarkable strong, independent women on board as well. Women started to rebel against traditional roles of marriage and motherhood at the turn of the 20th century, a theme that runs throughout this book. Every Fortune sister is uncertain about what is ahead for her. It is clear that the author performed a great deal of study before penning this exciting, fast-paced narrative of the Titanic's historic first trip from Southampton to the North Atlantic. The ship is portrayed in great detail in this account, and she has never looked better. Fans of the Titanic will enjoy this book. SistersofFortune #NetGalley

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4.5/5 stars

This is a favorite series author’s first foray into writing a stand-alone novel. It is based on the true story of the Fortune sisters, three young women, who along with their parents and younger brother, set sail on the maiden voyage of the Titanic as the finale of a Grand Tour of Europe.

We are treated to life viewpoints from each sister: Flora, the dutiful and oldest, who is somewhat ambivalently returning home to a fiancé of whom her parents heartily approve; Alice, also engaged but chafing at the bounds of society as she yearns to travel and break free of her cossetted world; and Mabel, the youngest sister, headstrong and spirited, who is determined to explore ideas of suffrage and reform and seeks education rather than conventional marriage and family.

I really loved this story. While based on a true story, I felt Huber did a wonderful job of filling in the gaps of who these women were and what they came to discover about themselves over the course of this ill-fated journey. Each woman felt fully fleshed out to me, and I felt their personalities as distinct and interesting individuals as well as a member of their family unit. While there were a lot of supporting characters to keep track of, through reading previous Huber books (from both her Verity Kent and Lady Darby series), a standout of her planning/writing process is a marked detail to research. I always feel submerged in the time period and the perspectives of the characters at that particular moment in history. Huber is so very good at doing her history homework.

I found this wonderfully engaging and highly recommend it.

My sincere thanks to the author, NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing the free early arc of Sisters of Fortune for review. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Too many characters to keep track of and a very slow start. I love Titanic stories and historical fiction but I couldn’t stay engaged and just felt bored so DNF for me

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Most people are familiar with the Titanic and its story - the unsinkable ship which sunk on its maiden voyage in the early morning hours of April 15, 1912. Many people are familiar with the story from the James Cameron film, and even if they haven't seen it, they still know the basic facts. This book tells the story of the Fortune family, who were real passengers on the ship when it sank. While I enjoyed the story overall, I felt that it was missing something in order to make it a more compelling read.

The story mainly follows the 3 Fortune sisters, Flora, Mabel, and Alice, as well as one of the sisters' love interests, Chess. While the sisters were real people, Chess was a completely original character to the story, though he does take much inspiration from a real passenger aboard the ship. Most of the novel is spent following the sisters along their travels, from the end of their Grand Tour of Europe to the beginnings of their stay on the ship, to the eventual sinking. I understand setting the scene, but it began to drag a bit for me. The ship doesn't hit the iceberg until the 60% mark, which is a decent way into the book. And while the sinking took a relatively short time in real life (approx. 2 1/2 hours), it almost feels too rushed in the book, with it being done by about the 80% mark. I felt disconnected from the events taking place during the sinking. This could partly be because the Fortune family and everyone they interacted with were first class passengers, so we only get their perspective. What the passengers in first class and the passengers in third class experienced during the sinking are wildly different, though I understand it would have been hard to include third class passenger perspectives without rewriting much of the book. This is not to say that there weren't tragic parts, but more that there wasn't enough time spend exploring more of what was occurring.

I also felt a little let down when reading the afterword and discovering the author made changes to the Fortune sisters' lives. While there isn't a ton of information on them, there were things that were known but were changed anyway. I think I would have preferred the author stick more to the truth about them, though I understand this would have changed a major dynamic of the novel.

I did enjoy many parts though - the descriptions of the ship itself and all the extravagances it featured were really interesting to read, along with the characters seeing and reacting to these things. I also enjoyed knowing that the author included all real people (besides Chess), as I like to stop and read more about the people themselves as I'm going along. It helps me get more into the story. There were also a few things I didn't know about the voyage which I learned while reading, which shows that the author did do research before writing.

This was enjoyable overall, and I think it will appeal to anyone who enjoyed the film and like romantic novels, though those looking for a little more action or substance on this particular subject may not find it as enjoyable.

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I enjoy stories such as this, but Huber's story missed the mark for me a bit. There were too many characters, which made it confusing and hard to get invested in any of them. The pace, especially the beginning third of the book, was way too slow. That, along with the fact that the characters were somewhat one dimensional made it a struggle for me to stay engaged. I liked how the author started each chapter with a date and time, which helped establish the overall timeline. While it's apparent the author did her research, the book could've been a bit tighter/shorter, and that may have worked better. Adding in real-life players from the Titanic was a great addition to the story.

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When the Fortune sisters board the ill-fated Titanic they are ending a months-long Grand Tour with their parents, brother, and assorted friends from Canada. The sisters each feel they are at a crossroads. Will the eldest sister, Flora, return to a life of safe, but dull respectability? Middle sister Alice has discovered a love for adventure, but what will happen when she tells her fiance? And youngest, Mabel, pushes against expectations, wishing to take life by the horns. For each of them, their choices, and their futures, come into focus when the Titanic hits the iceberg. Things will never be the same for the Fortune family.

“Sisters of Fortune” masterfully blends a triple story line (the three sisters) with the timeline of the Titanic disaster. Anna Lee Huber’s attention to detail about the ship, the ill-fated journey across the Atlantic, and the lives of the first class passengers is impressive. I appreciate that Huber acknowledges and gives sensitive treatment to the trauma that real survivors of the Titanic must have felt.

Be sure to read the author’s note about the origins of this story!

“Sisters of Fortune” is great for those who like historical fiction and tales from the Titanic.

I received an advance review copy from NetGalley and Kensington Books for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Sisters of Fortune
By: Anna Lee Huber

5 Stars

I want to brag on this book. It is an amazing and gorgeous depiction of the Titanic. It was written well, and the descriptions made me feel as if I was there. It follows the three Fortune sisters, Alice, Flora, and Mabel. Each sister has her own set of trials she faces on this epic journey and ship. They soon discover that their lives will never be the same, whether they choose it or not.

You can probably compare this story to any other that you get of the Titanic. The ship, the story, the aftermath, all the same, but in this one, you get so much more feeling combined with drama, romance, and family. It was a story all on its own. It was as much about the Fortunes as it was the ship. It was a very intriguing and heartwarming, as well as heartwrenching, story. I loved everything about it. I loved the sisters, each with their own quirky personality. Feisty Mabel and her big dreams. Alice with her nightly secret. And then Flora, the one who surprised and shocked. The rest of the family as well were fun to follow. I loved all the new characters as well as following some more well-known historical figures.

Overall, I completely loved this story. I loved the history and the writing. I loved it all.

*I want to thank Netgalley and the author for this book in return for my honest review*

Stormi Ellis
Boundless Book Reviews

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A striking and beautifully researched story that loans a fresh look to an oft-told story. The lives and loves of the Fortune sisters add a welcome dimension to the iconic passage of the Titanic and humanize the experience with the deft, deep focus on a few well drawn characters. More still, Huber paints a complex look at the financial and social restrictions afforded women of the time period. With a dash of romance and Huber's hallmark of easy, dazzling prose, Sisters of Fortune should lure a new realm of fans who hopefully will follow her to her two concurrent mystery series.

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This is so slow, and there are sooo many dang characters to keep track of, so no one stands out. I like the Titantic setting, but it’s not enough to keep my attention.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and Anna Lee Huber for the opportunity to read an ARC of "Sisters of Fortune". This is my honest and unpaid review of the book.
I am a big fan of Anna Lee Huber. I have the entire Lady Darby series, have read and enjoyed them all. When I saw this ARC come up on NetGalley I knew I was going to want to read this book! I was in high school when the Titanic movie came out, and thought it was ok, but didn't love it. Gave me some spectacular nightmares for a while though!😂. I was a little hesitant about this book because of that, but I am glad I decided to face it and plunge into this book. It was so wonderful! I love the characters, the author is very good at creating strong women who can be without a man, but doesn't mind if the right one comes along. This book kept along at a good pace, didn't dwell where it didn't need to and wove all of the characters stories together. I will definitely be recommending this book!

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Sisters of Fortune is set against the sinking of the Titanic in April 1912 and centres on a real-life family from Winnipeg, Canada. Flora, Alice, and Mabel Fortune are returning home with their parents and brother Charlie after a lengthy Grand Tour. Flora struggles to reconcile herself to her imminent marriage to a fiancé she doesn’t love. She is increasingly charmed by Chess, a famous tennis player, who is immediately smitten with her poise and intelligence. Alice, likewise engaged, adores her fiancé, but is reluctant to exchange the excitement of travel for the restrictions of domesticity and motherhood. Mabel openly befriends educated women to introduce to her father, calculated to convince him a woman can attend university and train in a profession without ruining her chances of marriage.

Taking on such a well-documented subject to produce a fresh, new story requires some courage, and Huber’s success is evident. Her chosen protagonists are from the recorded list of survivors of Lifeboat #10. She incorporates historical fact, but Flora’s shipboard romance is fabricated to suit the narrative. This is a luxurious tale of wealth and distinction with sumptuous description of the Titanic and her distinguished guests, but this by no means diminishes the immensity of the tragedy. Links to time and place are very authentic. The opulence and accumulated wealth aboard ship are sensitively juxtaposed against the lifeboat scenes, the eerie calm, the frigid cold, and the fading cries of the dying. The third-person thoughts and actions of the sisters are not defined by chapters or sections, but interweave fluidly to capture their individuality, so real they jump off the page. Sparkling with a huge cast of mostly real society wealth, the introduction of the characters makes for a slightly slow start. But do hang in for the long haul. You will be richly rewarded.

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SISTERS OF FORTUNE tells the little known story of three sisters aboard the ill-fated maiden voyage of the Titanic. Most readers are well aware of the outcome, since the event continues to capture public interest after all these years. But as with any piece of fiction based on a historical event, a skillful author will parcel out details and paint the event as accurately as possible, through the eyes of her characters, hoping that we will continue to learn from the past. Ms. Huber adroitly pens the helplessness felt by the passengers and crew as they realized that the impossible was happening.

I absolutely loved the way author Anna Lee Huber fleshed out the little known details of these real-life women from Canada, grabbing my imagination with the what-might-have-been. The lives of these women reflect the attitudes of the time period. Each is at a turning point in their life, grappling with the path that has been set for them. Adding additional depth to the story, Ms. Huber deftly inserts brief mentions of other well-known passengers. I found this to be a wonderful tribute to Titanic's unsung heroes whose stories have never been told.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher through Netgalley. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I'm always surprised when I find myself turning the pages of a novel set on the Titanic because we all know what's going to happen- but not who will live. I always tell myself, not another one but then then one comes along, as this did, and I read it. And this is a good read. Flora, Alice, and Mabel are wealthy Canadian sisters all at different points in their romantic lives, Then there's Chess Kinsey, a professional tennis player who woos Flora. Each of them has a distinct personality and voice. There are nice Titanic details and good tension. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. For fans of the Titanic and/or historical fiction.

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Historical Fiction set in 1912 about three wealthy Canadian sisters, each at a crossroads in her life, step on to the legendary ocean liner, Titanic, where their lives are forever altered.

5/5 stars: I've been a long-time fan of Huber's Lady Darby and Verity Kent Historical Mystery series. So I was excited to read this stand-alone Historical Fiction featuring three well-to-do sisters from Winnipeg who with their parent, brother and family friends find themselves returning home after their Grand Tour of Europe on the largest, most luxurious ocean liner ever built, the Titanic. Each sister is grappling with what lies in their futures when they return home. Alice, the eldest sister, a fiance and marriage she no longer wants, Flora, the dutiful middle sister, a charming man daring her to throw over her fiance to be with him and the youngest sister, Mabel, spurning marriage for dreams of university, suffrage and reform. Huber has deftly crafted incredibly complex but likable new fictional characters while weaving the true life stories and anecdotes of the Fortune Sisters, their friends and family and the more famous historical figures who made that ill-fated Atlantic crossing in 1912. Additionally, Huber's research shows in the details and glorious descriptions and writes with sensitivity about the big ships eventual heart wrenching end. Take care and check the CWs. Overall, this was a great read, I loved learning about the Fortune sisters and seeing the tragic event through the eyes of these Canadian ladies. A MUST read!

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books, Kensington in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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Sisters of Fortune is the story of three Canadian sisters Flora, Alice and Mabel who board the Titanic for their return trip home with the rest of the family.

This will be their last major family trip before Flora and Alice return to marry their respective fiance.

Alice was warned by a fortune teller that every time she travels by sea she is facing danger. The warning is hard to shake.

We all know the fate of the Titanic but Anna Lee Huber brings the pages alive and you can feel the despair, the panic, the disbelief of all on board.

You can feel the cold, hear the screams.

Sisters of Fortune is well written and very well researched.

I hated the book to end as I felt I knew the sisters well and admired their strength and tenacity.

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books, Kensington for page turning read.

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That of all humanity's failing, the worst is the fact that love and happiness, if left untended, can shrivel and die.

James Cameron's Titanic is a story that never grows old. But besides the fictional Rose and Jack, there were 2240 people that embarked RMS Titanic and around 1500 lost their life in April 12th. 1912. Imagine how many stories are there! Some never known for the large public. When I've first saw the cover to Sister of Fortune (never read anything by Anne Lee Huber before) I felt an attraction to the story and I was so happy that they decided to provide me with an ARC.
It was confusing at first, as I never was fully familiar with all the families and fortunes that were emerging in America at the time (even if I did major in history), but once Flora, Alice and Marbel were truly starting their road to self discovery while boarding the maiden voyage of Titanic, Sisters of Fortune had a metamorphosis right in front of me. Flora and Chess completely and utterly took a hold of my heart. I was dreading to turn the pages as I was aware about the tragedy that will happen and the unknown of where they will stand at the end: on the list of survivors or not, kept my tension up.
Remember the scene in Friends were Joey puts Little Women in the refrigerator to not get to the sad parts? That's how I felt as the story timeline got closer and closer to April 12th. As my ARC that NetGalley and publishing house was so nice to provide was digital, I did not hide anything in my own refrigerator BUT instead I did not let it down until it was over.
Now...while I am writing this review I am wondering if this was a good call as I feel as my emotions are still high and I want to know so much more about the Titanic survivors, the Gilded Age and Canadian wealth. Youtube, here I come!
Alice and Marbel had their own battles with the society, dreams, wishes and propriety but the hardships of a sinking ship, a floating boat on an icing sea and the will to survive were the culminant point in their story and I can only hope they lived a beautiful life, back home in Winnipeg.
I truly enjoyed this marvel of a story and I hope you will to! You may feel lost between french cuisine, sailing terminology or too many decks but Sisters of Fortune is a historical fiction that will transport you in the gilded and luxurious area of affluent people that are now part of world history.

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If you are a reader who enjoys stories related to the Titanic disaster, than I would suggest you make a note to grab this book. This book follows the lives of three of the Fortune sisters who are on their way home after a Grand Tour of Europe with their mother, father, and brother (age 19). The book is written actually through FOUR perspectives: Flora, Alice, Mabel, and Chess Kinsey. Chess is an American professional tennis player they meet on the boat and love interest to Flora.

Each of the Fortune sisters learns about themselves over the course of the book and their experience with the disaster. You will get to spend time on the decks of the ship with them from the time they set sail to the moment the ship goes down. If you are like me, you will be hoping that the author doesn't do you dirty and allow one of the characters you enjoy to go down on the ship.

The bulk of the story takes place from the time they get on the boat until it sinks.

You will catch many of the famous names who were on the boat as well as references to different things we know about the disaster today.

While this isn't billed as a Christian fiction, it's honestly as much of a Christian fiction--even more so in some places--than many of the current CF out there these days. It's a clean read for those who enjoy knowing that.

The author definitely did a LOT of research because the attention to detail was very very well done.

Was it unique? I didn't really feel like it was, but that was okay.

4 Stars

*I received a complimentary ARC from the publisher and NetGalley. i was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

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Written by one of my favorite authors, this is set on the Titanic. The Fortune sisters, Alice, Flora, and Mabel are set to return home on the Titanic and return to the lives that they have waiting, fiancés', parents, and high society. They are on the most luxurious ship ever built and are anxious to return home, when fate intervenes.....

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Although readers know the fate of the "unsinkable" Titanic, it makes a fascinating backdrop for a novel. In Sisters of Fortune, historical mystery author Anna Lee Huber has taken the few known details about three sisters aboard the Titanic and woven it into a fascinating novel. Each sister delivers a slightly different dynamic from the time period.

I was quickly turning pages to discover what would happen to the Fortune family. I learned several new details about the Titanic and the setting was so well described. The cover is perfect for the story.

Well written and engaging novel that is highly recommended for fans of historical fiction.

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While the story of the Titanic has been told many times and in many ways, Sisters of Fortune is unique in that the main characters are inspired by actual people and fictionalized to tell an incredible story. Sisters Flora, Mabel and Alice are each searching for something in her life - though they don’t all realize this at the beginning. Each sister is well-developed throughout the story. Most of the story takes place on the ship prior to the collision with the iceberg and the descriptions of the ship and the interactions with various other characters was insightful and enjoyable. The nod to suffragettes was pointed but not preachy. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres…I truly enjoyed this book.

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