Member Reviews

This was an interesting story about the fate of the Fortune sisters on the Titanic. Many characters were introduced in the beginning of the novel which made it a little confusing to follow even though there was a list at the beginning of the book. The author starts many of the chapters with a date and time which helped propel the plot along as we wait for the disaster to happen. It was interesting following the different personalities of the daughters during this time period especially Flora’s love story. Overall the book gave a lot of imagined details about what happened as no one truly knows. Her research into this disaster was outstanding as she creates a moving story. However, the book felt a little too long and I would have enjoyed it more if it was shorter. #SistersOfFortune #AnnaLeeHuber #NetGalley

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I started my obsession with the Titanic in 1994 when I read a book by Robert Ballard who discovered the wreckage hence why I requested this book and I am so glad I got it

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This book was so well written! I didn't know what to expect, but knowing the author's writing, I knew it had to be good. And it was. The details in the clothing and the beauty of the Titanic are wonderful. And knowing the Fortune family is a real family that was aboard the Titanic made it very interesting. I never researched what really happened on the Titanic and during its sinking, and what happened to the people that were in the lifeboats and ones that were in the water. It's still just such an unbelievable event in our history. The author really brought it to life for me. I highly recommend anyone interested in Titanic history read this book.

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I am fascinated about all things Titanic. This story did not disappoint. The author takes the story from the real history of the ship.
The story is loosely based on the Fortune family who were on the voyage. The author has also blended in real characters who were on the Titanic. It is clear that the author researched immensely to create this lovely work of historical fiction.
The social history of the era is explored including the structured lives of well bred young women of that time.
I appreciate and always love the Author's Note,
Thank you Netgalley for an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.
I will highly recommend it. I found this a very compelling story.

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Sisters of Fortune is based on the Fortune sisters from Canada. The three sisters have accompanied their parents on a Grand Tour ending the trip home with a voyage on the Titanic.
Anna Lee Huber does an amazing job of telling the sisters experiences on the Titanic. She points out things that are often not discussed like the animals that were being transported in the ships hold. She does a wonderful job of mixing historical events and people in the story. At times it was difficult to know who the speaker was but other than that it was a wonderful read. Thank you NetGalley, Anna Lee Huber and Kensington Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If you are a fan of all things TITANIC you will be sure to find something new in this richly detailed and heartfelt novel. I was pleased to find a list of characters at the beginning of the book and found it useful to refer back to amid the dozens of people in the story. Based on the Fortune family of Canada and including other prominent Canadians as well as the more well-known personages, the novel delves into the themes and issues of the times. Women's rights, first and foremost, are addressed with sensitivity and passion and it was satisfying to watch the evolution of the sisters' pursuits of their hearts' desires. Historians will enjoy the abundance of research clearly made regarding the physical details of the ship. It provided rich images in my mind's eye throughout the tale. Highly recommended.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from Kensington Books via NetGalley.

In April 1912, the Fortune sisters are concluding their Grand Tour of Europe with a voyage back home on the magnificent Titanic. This voyage is a time for reflection on the past treasures they've seen during their travels and contemplation of their future paths.

For Alice, excitement mingles with foreboding as a dire warning from an Egyptian fortune teller about traveling at sea haunts her. Her fiancé's plans for her return clash with the freedom she's come to cherish on her travels. Flora, the most dutiful daughter, is heading home to marry her parents' choice, a well-to-do banker. However, as the wedding day approaches, Flora's certainty wavers, and she finds herself drawn to another man who challenges her to follow her own desires. Mabel, the youngest sister, was sent on the Grand Tour to keep her away from a jazz musician, but her true passions lie in suffrage and reform, even if it means defying her family.

As the Titanic sails across the Atlantic, each sister grapples with the choices before her. Then, on a fateful night, destiny intervenes, forever altering the course of their lives.

As someone with a lifelong fascination for Titanic stories, I was genuinely drawn to the historical authenticity in this book, especially its focus on real people and their experiences during that tragic voyage. It added a layer of depth and realism that I appreciated.

However, I do have to admit that the beginning of the book presented some challenges. The introduction of numerous characters created a bit of confusion for me, and at times, it was tough to keep track of all the different narratives. This complexity somewhat hindered my initial engagement with the story. Additionally, there were moments where I felt the story dragged on, which affected the overall pacing. Despite these issues, the historical accuracy and the portrayal of real-life individuals added a unique dimension to the narrative.

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Sisters of Fortune is a retelling of the Titanic. This book is based on the true story of sisters. Honestly I think this was a great read and it offers a different perspective than what we normally see with the Titanic.

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Based on the true story of the Fortune sisters it follows the three sisters and their sorrows, their dreams, their wishes. You get to know them properly before they board the Titanic. It also follows many other characters which made it sometimes hard to follow.

For me it was too long - I would have enjoyed it more if it was shorter with less characters.

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This is a fictional account of what happened to the Fortune family on that fateful journey on the Titanic. Yes, we know what happens to that ship, but though the eyes of the author, the opulence, the people, some famous that we rub shoulders with.
The Fortune family from Winnipeg Canada, have been touring both Africa and Europe, from the pyramids to castles, and now are returning home to marriages of two of the three daughters traveling. Alice, Flora, and Mable, along with their parents and younger brother Charlie have finished their grand tour and now on the fastest, and safest ship ever built, heading home to their futures.
We are given a grand tour of the ship through Charlie, he has read everything available on this great ship! We are also there for some sweet shipboard romance, but can it continue? Unfortunately, we are there as the disaster happens, and further mistakes are made. We also see whom is able to survive.
I thank Anna Lee Huber for bringing this this story alive, and putting faces on this tragic journey! Be sure to read the Author's notes!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Kensington, and was not required to give a positive review.

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Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber expertly weaves real historical figures and events into a vivid, surprising, and emotionally powerful novel. It delves into the longing for independence and love while exploring the moments that irrevocably alter even the most carefully crafted plans.

Huber's masterful storytelling transports readers to a bygone era, where they are introduced to a cast of captivating characters. Through her meticulous research, she seamlessly integrates historical figures, lending an air of authenticity to the narrative. This attention to detail not only enhances the reader's understanding of the time period but also adds depth and richness to the story.

The novel centers around the universal themes of independence and love, which resonate with readers on a profound level. Huber skillfully portrays the inner struggles of her characters as they navigate societal expectations and their own desires. This exploration of the human condition adds a layer of complexity to the plot, making it relatable and engaging.

What sets Sisters of Fortune apart is its ability to surprise and captivate readers. Huber expertly crafts unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The emotional power of the novel is palpable, as the characters face challenges and make choices that have far-reaching consequences. These moments of revelation and transformation leave a lasting impact, making the story unforgettable.

Sisters of Fortune is a compelling and professionally written novel that seamlessly blends history, emotion, and intrigue. Anna Lee Huber's skillful storytelling and attention to detail create a captivating reading experience. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and enthralling tale of independence, love, and the unpredictable nature of life.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, NetGalley and Kensington Books, for this ARC.

Since I was a teenager I have been obsessed with the Titanic. I have seen it way too many times in the cinema and my history high school project exam was all about the Titanic. The moment I saw this book I needed to read it and I was so happy to be accepted!!

The story is about the Canadian Fortune Family and focuses on the three sisters: Alice, Mabel and Flora. The family is travelling to celebrate Charlie's (youngest brother) graduation and ending up on the Titanic, first-class of course. I enjoyed knowing more about the sisters, their dreams, desires and what they wanted from life. Being more than just a wife or mother in the future. Being able to study or choose the man you want to marry instead of marrying the man your father picked out for you. The author did a lot of research and described everything in detail, which made you feel like you were on the ship. Sure, there were a lot of times that the movie popped up in your head, but hey…its the Titanic and the story has been told a million times. I enjoyed learning more about the passengers (who were really on the Titanic). It was beautifully written and I enjoyed every second of it. Definitely a must-read for all Titanic fans, but also for people who enjoy historical fiction and the time that women started to see themselves as more than just breeding machines and cleaners. Loved it.

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In Anna Lee Huber’s latest novel, Sisters of Fortune,the Fortune family enjoys a lengthy trip to Africa and Europe to celebrate their brother’s graduation from school. While in Egypt, a street fortune teller predicts that middle sister, Alice, will face tragedy on the water and lose everything she holds dear. Fast forward several weeks, and the Fortunes are boarding the Titanic on her maiden voyage bound for disaster.

On board, oldest sister, Flora, meets tennis player Chess who is intrigued by the engaged young woman. As the voyage continues, she fights hard against what her heart is telling her while seeking to spend more time with Chess. Alice finds herself desperate for money on board as she finds she enjoys the entertainment of gambling at private parties on cards. Meanwhile, youngest sister, Mabel, just wants to convince her parents that they should support her desire to attend university instead of marrying and managing a household.

Of course, the readers will know what awaits the family when Titanic encounters the iceberg, but who will survive and who will meet their fate in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. There is a whole host of characters, in fact it is listed at the beginning of the book, but don’t fret. Huber is able to keep clear in your mind who is who and what their connection is to the story. I will admit, I did find the description of some scenes made me flashback to the movie Titanic, but that shows consistency in research by Huber and director James Cameron in portraying the reality of the events that unfolded in 1912. This historical fiction was a welcome switch from all the WWII and post WWII historical fiction I typically read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the advanced copy. Opinions expressed are my own. This book is set for publication on February 19, 2024.

#netgalley #arc #bookstagram #sistersoffortune #annaleehuber #kensingtonbooks

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Being something of a Titanic enthusiast, having read numerous fiction and non-fiction accounts of the ill-fated ship, I was excited at the prospect of reading “Sisters of Fortune,” by Anna Lee Huber, a fictional account of the Winnipeg based Fortune sisters’ experiences on board the Titanic. This book proved to be a worthy addition to the genre.

The book follows the lives of the Fortune family, wealthy Canadians boarding the Titanic after a European Grand Tour, focusing on the sisters: Flora (28), Alice (24) and Mabel (23) who shared a room in a suite that included rooms for their parents and younger brother Charlie. The author did an excellent job recounting the key events that occurred on the maiden voyage as seen through the eyes of the novel’s protagonists. The descriptions were so vivid that the novel immerses the reader in the activities on board the ship. In addition, the characters were well-formed and sympathetic, giving a human dimension to the tragedy. It was clear that the author did intensive research in preparing to write this novel. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is either interested in the Titanic or loves historical fiction with vivid descriptions and well developed characters.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing me an ARC of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book takes place on the Titanic with a focus on the Canadian passengers. The historical fiction story is loosely based on the FORTUNE Family who were on the ill fated voyage after a grand tour. Lots of characters are introduced and the author did a great job with vivid descriptions. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love each and every new Titanic story that comes out so you can imagine my excitement when I seen this one.
Thank you Kensington for allowing me this enjoyable title. I am a huge Titanic fan have been ever since I read A Night to Remember.
I believe people can get premonitions about something bad or uncomfortable that's about to happen. Heck I do.
I loved meeting all the wonderful passengers once again and enjoyed having them come to life once again for me. I think my favorite character was Mr. Andrews. I can't imagine how he must of felt along with Captain Smith the tragedy that's about to unfold before their very eyes. I felt sorry for him. He's the "father" of Titanic. So he knew her inside out.
I felt that it was wrong to dub that ship unsinkable because God proved that she could.
The people I felt most sorry for were the third class passengers who were locked in. How awful and fearsome that must've been.
I think I probably would've escaped at Cherbourg myself if I traveled back in time. I'd have just liked to tour the ship.
I could feel the arrogance of the first and second class passengers and the fear of the third class. Wow! Such a tragedy.
I'm not really sure how to feel about the three sisters. I know that I didn't care about Maude. She was too haughty for me.
Florence was somewhere in the middle. I think the one I appreciated was Alice. Calm cool collected Alice.
I love the way the author has thoroughly done her research on Titanic. It's true, authentic and wonderful.
Titanic will always remain in our hearts and minds. She'll never be forgotten. How could she? With a great loss of life? I just can't imagine my ship sinking out from under me like that and no one coming to the rescue. I believe that is the greatest tragedy. All because they claimed her unsinkable. No ship is safe accidents happen all the time even in today's world.
I finished this book in one day because as I've said before I love anything Titanic.
I felt Titanic's pain as she was breaking in half. Her moaning and groaning along with her people's screams was heartbreaking. Still makes me want to cry to this day.
I'm going to give this book 5 stars because of the realistic and authentic writing to the fullest and I believe Titanic's passengers would agree.
I highly recommend this book.
My thanks to Kensington publishers for a copy of this book.i was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Five stars for a gripping historical novel about the Titanic! Like many readers, stories about the Titanic are like catnip for me. I eagerly dove into this one, and I was not disappointed. I like how the story follows three sisters and their hopes and dreams. This story has a coming of age trajectory alongside the dramatic and ill-fated voyage. This is a satisfying and rewarding reading experience from beginning to end.

I received a complimentary e-galley from the publisher in exchange for my review; all opinions are my own.

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Release date March 5, 2024.

Sisters of Fortune is based on Alice, Mable, and Flora (Ethel) Fortune's near-fatal Titanic journey. Prior to boarding the Titanic, each of the sisters were fraught with choices they had made or wanted to make in their lives. Alice does not want to lead the sheltered life her fiancé plans for them and had received ominous news from a fortune teller in Egypt. Mable, a bit of a rebel, has been dating a man unacceptable to her father's high standards and desperately wants to attend college. Flora, who always does her parents' bidding, including plans to marry the man of her father's choice, slowly falls helplessly in love with a man who encourages her to find her own voice and desires. Anna Lee Huber crafted a well-researched, compelling tale of their lives on and off of the Titanic.

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Flora, Alice and Mabel Fortune have been on a Grand Tour with their parents and younger brother when their father surprises them with a return home on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Based on the actual Fortune family, this book will thrill Titanic lovers as well as those who simply enjoy historical fiction. I highly recommend

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I really enjoyed this novel! I am a fascinated historian about all things TITANIC. The author has taken the story from the real history of the ship and those who sailed and died on it.

The story is loosely based on the FORTUNE Family who were on the voyage after a grand tour. Huber has also blended in the real characters who were on the disastrous voyage. It is clear that Huber did exhaustive and complete research to create this lovely work of historical fiction.

The social history of the era is explored, using the sisters to exemplify the structured lives of well bred young women. 1914 is an interesting time in terms of women’s history. Within a few years, women will be voting and out of long skirts.

There is an epilogue and a reader’s guide, both of which are well with reading. Thank you Netgalley for this novel. I highly recommend it to all my readers who find the sinking of the TITANIC an endlessly compelling story.

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