Member Reviews

"Tiny Myths Comics: Norse Edition #1" offers a delightful and whimsical retelling of Norse mythology through charming, illustrated stories. Its playful approach and engaging artwork make it an accessible and entertaining introduction to ancient legends.

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‘Tiny Myths Comics - Norse Edition #1: Norse Mythology for Beginners’ with story and art by DongGoolTroll is a graphic novel which ambitious lays out the beginning of Norse Mythology.

Norse Mythology is complex and can be confusing. The myths have been interpreted from handed down stories and foreign languages and have contradictions. This graphic novel attempts to sort this out over a series of volumes. In Volume 1, we basically get the creation and beginning framework for the nine worlds of Norse mythology told in fairly simple drawings. Discussion is made about where the nine worlds might lie in relation to each other.

This succeeds more than I thought it might. By not taking on everything in one volume, I feel like an intelligent framework is revealed. The art is simple, but concise and explains the text very well. I liked this and would like to read more in the series.

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This is an interesting read about Norse mythology, in the form of comic book, and told in a great humor. I personally enjoyed reading this, and knowing a lot more about the history of the Norse Gods and Heroes, rather than the books read by the author to create this easy to understand version. Please do read this book for more knowledge.

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It's cute. I...didn't really find it all that informative, but I do know a little bit about Norse myth already so I'm definitely not the intended audience. There just didn't seem to be enough there to really feel like you learned anything. Probably useful if you really want an absolutely basic intro without the possibility of being overwhelmed.

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I really enjoyed this comic. The illustration style was fantastic and there was a nice mixture of humour and information. I know very little about Norse Mythology and I think this comic series will be a great introduction to the topic without being too overwhelming. I will definitely be on the lookout for subsequent issues.

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This book is a great book if you are new to norse mythology and want to learn more about it. It has cute illustrations that will entertain children who read the book. The book also speaks in a way that is easy for children to grasp. I also enjoyed that at the beginning of the book, the author makes a point to talk about how scholars have different interpretations of the source materials so that the reader knows that the stories is the authors interpretations of the sources.

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A very odd graphic novel guide to some of the basic Norse myths, that is allegedly for fourteens and up (because they "did not dilute" the myth so now it's still ooh scary and ooh all rude all of a sudden – NOT). The oddest thing is the aesthetic is really childish sub-manga trappings with many people having less facial detail and expression than a Lego human figurine. A lot of it is just names, names, something, names, a lot is annoyingly quippy – smaller-font asides, et al – and a lot gets bogged down in the difference between the prose and poetic eddas, because we're interested in that – NOT. So it's very flawed and not really suited for purpose, in my mind, but if you think you or someone else can only learn this kind of stuff through an incoherent comic where visually anything goes except a break in the 2x3 grid pattern, then you might just want to give this a look.

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This is a fun graphic novel/comic that clearly explains Norse mythology: origins, locations, and characters. I learned a lot while reading this. I would recommend it for kids and adults.

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This was quite enjoyable. This takes an informative approach to explaining Norse Mythology while including very comedic and sarcastic comic panels.

This first volume helps to set up the foundation of the Norse universe, to help us understand further myths and stories. It also helped to shed light on the historical aspect of written Norse mythology.

I think this is excellent for adults and teens alike to help learn the mythology in a more bite sized and digestible package.

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This novel was a lot of fun to read. I had never read anything by this author before, but I will definitely be looking out for more of their works in the future. I can't wait to add it to my library's collection.

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This is a great and enjoyably illustrated background for Norse mythology. It provides a great foundation for understanding how it came about, how the history was recorded and where everything is set up on.

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This was so confusing that I don’t think any teen would understand what was going on. I addition to this the mix of different type of art in this was annoying and disconcerting. There was no flow to this and it didn’t make me want to keep going and finish. I pushed through and was really disappointed in this one. I love comics and manga and Norse mythology,, but this was such a let down.

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As a child I was obsessed with mythology. I wish that books like this were available when I was young. I would have absolutely devoured this.

This was a cute, fun read.

Highly recommend.

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It was a good and fun way of getting the basics down from Norse mythology. However, the drawing style was not my favourite. It felt very 'webtoon'/meme. It was just the art style that took away my enjoyment of the book, I can imagine people who like that style would be very pleased!

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A cute, quick introduction to the main ideas of Norse mythology. Quite a lot of information packed into the short book and some quite funny parts.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to access an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This graphic novel is an introduction to Norse mythology for teens. It's obvious that the author took great care with their research, and they present the information in an accessible and easy to digest manner. The illustrations are very vibrant, and very cute! I didn't love the narrator, but I believe that most other readers will! Overall, this is a solid choice for teens who are looking to have a primer on mythology.

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Very informative and fun read. I learned alot that I did not know before. The Art was adorable and fits the theme perfectly.

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WOW THIS WAS SO GOOD! This kept my attention as well as the attention of my 7 year old! I loved all the little jokes at the Marvel Thor and just all around an amazing way to grab the attention of young people who may not necessarily be into mythology! LOVED IT!

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Thank you for allowing me to read the advanced copy of this comic! I found it very interesting and knowledgable about norse mythology. The comics are cute and easy to understand as well!

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This graphic novel I think does pretty well at a high level introduction into Norse Mythology. Sometimes it came across a bit confusing by how simplified and short some of the explanations were. However, they did a great job of utilizing a graphic at the end to really get a full picture understanding of the nine different worlds and how they are connected.

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