Member Reviews

This is the cutest and most adorable graphic novel about Norse mythology. Sure, I don't have read a lot of them (okay, okay, this may be the first one) but still... it is adorable! And so cute! And the way in which the author decided to narrate the story is brilliant. I had an amazing time with it!
This is just the first chapter, as to speak, because it is only about the creation of the World, so there are more to come, but I think that the tiny size can also help here, because you take a bite today, a bite another time and so on, and you keep enjoying yourself with this.
I highly recommend it!

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This is so charming and informative! I'm only vaguely versed on norse mythology and this was SO cute and easy to understand. It's short but contains a surprising amount of information for 50-ish pages and the comic style is delightful. Lots of little nods to pop culture that underscore the importance of the myths in modern storytelling.

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I could not get into this. I didn't find it cute or funny. I didn't like the style so I did not read through the whole thing, even though it was rather short.

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A fun version of the Norse mythology. I like how accessible this was and how the author explained the historical context of the stories.

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The most accessible gateway to Norse mythology you could ever want!

Really fun and cute! Very informative

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It was good. I liked the style of drawings and the whole vibe. I'm also a big fan of mythology so it was good. A bit shallow but still entertaining.

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Tiny Myth Comics - Norse Edition by DongGoolTroll

This review has a couple of firsts for my platform. Not only is it the first graphic comic but also my first with NetGalley.

DongGoolTrool is the cartoonist behind the Tiny Myth Comics. They have been actively creating since at least 2020 and have another series of work 40K Lore Comics.
Their newer piece focuses on the infamous Norse mythology using comic strips to break down complex information into linear sections that even a novice to mythology could follow. Their phrasing is easy to understand and is supported with colourful imagery. The meme templates and jokes sprinkled through the literature show the voice of the author, supporting learning with comedy. However, I struggle with my pronunciation and would really appreciate an end page with a list of correct pronunciations.

So far I’ve only had the opportunity to read the first volume and I’m already hooked. I’ve always enjoyed media focused on Norse mythology (Assassin’s Creed and Marvel specifically) but they don’t often talk you through the beginnings of the lore. But this comic is a great entry point, it explains how the world was made, the different realms and where they lay on the different planes. The author is also critical of how different accounts have inconsistencies but uses them to make their interpretation. If you have a love for mythology I’d definitely give this series a go.


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I know quite a lot about Norse mythology but I'm always looking for new interpretations. This was cute and well-done, accurately explaining what it did cover, I liked the humour in it, I was just disappointed that we only got the world creation myths and none of the stories as there are going to be more volumes including those.

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Adorable illustrations, with a perfect style of narrating what to expect. I have very little knowledge of Norse Mythology, and I think this is the perfect book to start with, as it gives you the backstory of each character, which I'm sure will be helpful in understanding future installments of this series.
My only critique, is not all of the pages seem to have as much love/effort out into them. I appreciate the simplicity in the design of some characters, but it does make it feel like a few panels are given less thought, which detracts from the overall cohesiveness, and my overall enjoyment of the visuals of this book.

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This is a cute little comic book. A simplistic yet engaging way to tell the Norse Myths. I would say this could be used for higher middle grade kids and above as there are some jokes that could go over the younger kids heads. It made me think of a few kid shows or movies where there are jokes thrown in for the adults witch makes it enjoyable for a whole family. The stories are well done and accurate according to The Poetic and Prose Edda. Super adorable read with some hidden Easter eggs in the art work that I found to be amusing.

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I really enjoyed this comic. The illustration style was fantastic and there was a nice mixture of humour and information. I know very little about Norse Mythology and I think this comic series will be a great introduction to the topic without being too overwhelming. I will definitely be on the lookout for subsequent issues.

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I think it's a nice way to learn about Norse Myths, it's simple, quick read and very cute! I definitely would recommend this if you like Norse Myths or want to learn more about them

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So, great idea but not quite there. I'm not totally a fan of the art style. The cover seems a bit different and more finished than the story art is in a lot of places. It kinda reminds of the "Cyanide" comic strips. More meme like than full comic book. There are parts that are very wordy for a comic book of this style of drawing and parts that don't seem wordy enough for this kind of story.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this graphic novel in exchange for an honest review.

My only comment is who is this for. It starts seeming okay for kids to learn about Norse mythology and then it gets weirdly sexual? It also wasn’t as in depth as I would think it should be for adults. It was a no for me.

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This is a super cute and informative read! I love learning more about mythology and this is a super fun way for it! I will need to keep up with this!

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Although not quite what I expected, I found this graphic novel to be informative and absolutely adorable. The information was given in a fun and hilarious manner with honesty about what is known as myth and what is not explained. This graphic novel is about the creation for the realms and of midguard (where we are), so do not expect to learn stories of Loki and Thor just yet. I look forward to the next volume!

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I chose to read this graphic novel because I’m not very familiar with Norse mythology and wanted to learn more about it. The illustrations are very cute. The colors are bright and vibrant. I liked the style of the graphics; it reminded me of cartoons from the 80s. They also helped to tell the stories of these myths. There is also quite a bit of humor added in, which made me laugh.

This felt really academic as if the author took a Norse mythology book from school and turned it into a graphic novel. You can tell there was definitely a lot of research done. Being new to this mythology, it was a little confusing and a lot of information to digest. But it was still a fun, enjoyable read. I may consider continuing in this series in the future.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. These are my own thoughts and opinions.

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Read on September 19th, 2023. Written on September 20th, 2023.

This was such a good laugh! What an interesting idea and really great drawings!

This comic actually taught me a lot about Norse mythology in a fun and colourful way! I was actually sad when it ended because I was really invested. Genuinely one of the best comics I have ever read, I cannot wait for the next volumes! Hope to get another ARC so I can give my most honest opinion and, once more, enjoy a good read!

What an amazing publication from an indie publisher! Great talent lies hidden!

(Free ARC from NetGalley and DongGoolTroll Studio that I chose to review after reading)

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I picked up this book because I’ve always loved Norse Mythology and the cover was absolutely adorable, and I was surprised by how much my academic soul liked it.

With a cute and fun art style, the author created a series that explains Norse myths with quoted sources. I loved the academic feel of it and those parts were my favorite. This first book lays the groundwork for the origins and beginning of the myths; I had a lot of fun learning more about the parts I had already read about and deeply appreciated the constant caution and warnings when there were several existing versions or when the author had to take liberties to make it more understandable.

This book was a short one, but I’m looking forward the the next ones.

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I just love it. I've been always curious about Norse mythology but I find hard and boring to read those books.
But with this one, Norse mythology is fun, cute and so easy to read and understand.
I will love to read more about it!

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