Member Reviews

I fully understand why kids like these books. And I will go on letting them like them. They don’t have the staying power that people are going to be able to quote in 20 years. Not my type of thing and not my type of book but to each of their own.

I liked the premise and as I have a little one who loves kittens, I was excited to check it out. I liked the lesson. I liked the graphics. I thought it was a fun concept but it just didn't quite deliver. The story never quite materialized. It felt more like a short that you find in the middle of a longer graphic novel than a full story. My youngest is right in the middle of the recommended age range and I think it is a bit short in length and details for him.
It feels a lot like the same vein as The Princess in Black but not detailed enough for the 5-7 age range and perhaps a bit too much ninja fighting for anyone younger.

This was a cute book for low to mid level readers. The pictures are vibrant and help keep the reader interested in the story as they read through the Ninja adventure.

I thought I would love this, I love cats and cute things. I would give 5 stars to the adorable drawings. The story is not for me, and I wouldn’t recommend it for kids. There’s so much unnecessary violence and a message that you’re not strong enough to do anything alone so you have to have a group of friends or siblings to do anything. I didn’t like the message of codependency being a good thing in this book. I also really didn’t understand why the first half of the book was introductions to all these fun and cute characters and then most of them weren’t even really part of the story at all. It was mostly about one of them and we didn’t need all those pages of introductions for a book that’s only about one of them. I would’ve liked it more if it included all the kitties and all the powers and no violence and characters kicking each other and hurting each other and throwing each other into frying pans and all sorts of violence. Too much violence for a kids book, and a bad lesson to teach kids. That’s all.

i thought this book was super cute !! i adored ninja's as a kid, so yes! the art style is super cute, i loved that each kitty was a different color and had different powers that's so cool, any kid would love this

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
My daughter loved this book! She thought it was so much fun and was adorable. We look forward to more Ninja Kitty books as this book was fun, cute and exciting.

I didn’t realize this was different from the kitten ninja book and perhaps had my expectations set differently. This book had a lot of words and would be better for older children. This was less comic book style as each page was a scene as opposed to multiple scenes on a page.
Thanks to Net Galley and Fox Chapel Publishing for the temporary copy to review.