Member Reviews

I found this book gripping from the very beginning, the storyline regarding Erica and her father was film-worthy and I could easily picture this playing out on the big screen. There is a 'silence of the lambs' feel about some of the scenes in the prison which of course add to this imagery.

I both enjoyed and hated the parts of the story that featured Erica and her infamous father - but I guess that is kinda the point! It is always good to have a character to loathe in a book and Charles Sterling is certainly loathsome. Mind you, the same could be said for some of the prison staff too!

The Trap held my attention and had some great twists - I look forward to more in this series.

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Dodnt realise this book was the 2nd in a swries not that thats a problem it took me a while too get past the beginning i thought it was a bit slow and it just fealt like there was something missing the end was like ohhhh so i guess thats building up to something...

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I have to say that I wasn't really feeling this book overall. There were some good parts and the story had potential, but it felt like it never really reached its full potential to me. The main characters felt one-dimensional and I couldn't quite figure out the point of some of the plot. The ending was a bit abrupt for my liking.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was a quick, engaging read. Solid plot, good character development, and enough action to keep me turning the pages to find out what happened.

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A fast paced and gripping thriller that kept me hooked and I read in two sitting. Twisty and surprising, it kept me hooked
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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The Trap
by Gregg Dunnett
Pub Date: 30 Nov 2023

The Trap is a creepy psychological thriller I couldn't put down from the start to the finish! I was hooked. It has lots of tension and has you on the edge of your seat!

This is book 2 of a series with Detective Erica Sands. Although I haven't read book 1 yet I had no problem reading book 2 first. I have every intention of reading book 1. I'm anxiously awaiting for book 3 to come out also. That's how hooked I am on this series! It's definitely a must read.

Many thanks to #NetGalley and #StormPublishing for the opportunity to read #TheTrap this E-ARC before the publication date of 11/30/2023. This is definitely a FIVE STAR read!

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I saw this come up on netgalley and it sounded so good! Since it was the 2nd book in the series, I got book 1 off of Amazon to read first. I flew throught it and enjoyed it so much, I couldn't wait to read this newest one. Was this the best book I've read? No. BUT it was fast-paced and entertaining, though a little far-fetched. I look forward to reading the next one in the series.


Thank you #netgalley and #stormpublishing for the eARC.

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I loved this book! I devoured it in only a few sittings and wish there was more to read. The story line was paced very well and the characters were easy to love!

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This is a very good crime thriller. The author borrows from other stories but that doesn't detract from his story. For example, I half expected the main character's father to order fava beans for lunch. It's a bit far-fetched but that doesn't spoil the plot and I enjoyed the main character's flaws and how she deals with them. Overall, an entertaining read with twists to keep you guessing.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my copy of The Trap by Gregg Dunnett.
I have read many of Gregg’s previous books and enjoyed them but I could not engage with this one.
It was just too far fetched, and rambling. Trying to hard.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I didn't realise that this book was the second in the series, which did not spoil the enjoyment I did find the overall plot to be a little repetitive and over-written in paces, but a good overall read.

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🎉 Happy Pub Day!! 🎉

THE TRAP - Gregg Dunnett

Thank you to @NetGalley and @stormpublishing for an advance copy of THE TRAP in return for my honest review.

Book 2 in any series has a tough job - interconnecting stories without the first few chapters just being a summary of book #1. I love when a series has an overarching storyline, and @greggpix has done this so smoothly with his new book THE TRAP.

We learn so much more about Det. Erika Sands when monsters from her traumatic past come creeping back into her life. Best of all - some questions that you may have been left with after reading THE COVE may be answered!

The pacing goes from slow to intense about halfway through the story, and while some of the revelations were questionable, at this point I’m too hooked on the main characters to care 🤣

This procedural had so many twists that I didn’t see coming, I can’t wait for book #3!

Read these books if you like…
👮‍♀️ British procedurals
🏞️ Atmospheric thrillers
🪝 Getting hooked on a series
💪 Badass FMCs
🫣 Dark and gritty crime stories
🌪️ Unpredictable twists
🏃‍♀️ Fast paced suspense

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Having really enjoyed the first installment of Sands and the constant struggle with her father being a serial killer locked up in jail for life, i jumped at the chance to review the 2nd in the series.
I was not disappointed, I enjoyed this one more as the relationship between sands and her father was more a forefront as he is feeding her information on her current case from inside his cell.

I love the authors writing style and loved this one.
Would highly recommend

4 stars

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I just loved this 2nd book in the series and couldn’t put it down. As last time, great storyline, great characters and kept me guessing right till the last chapter ish
My thanks as always to NetGalley and Storm publishing for the early read.

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A great start to this psychological thriller with a creepy setting in a remote cottage. Plenty of action with unexpected twists. I like Erica's way of thinking. Excellent from start to finish. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily .

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This was not quite as good as I was hoping, I don't really enjoy ready about Covid but it was part of the story, it did get a bit sluggish in places which made it feel like it dragged, I haven't read the first book in this series but it could be a stand along I felt that enough back story was covered to fill any gaps, i am not sure i would read another but it wasn't too bad

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I enjoyed reading The Trap as it has all the ingredients of a great story and once you start reading it you must reach the end asap so your curiosity is sated! Erica is sharp but her stranged father is sharper and out of the blue he is the one who is able to give her leads regarding the murders that she has been dealing with, one worse than the other... The story has a very good plot, it's well-written, and very entertaining. Highly recommended!

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As this is the second book in the series I was concerned that not having read the first book would have a negative impact on my enjoyment. This was not the case as the book flowed easily without needing to have read the earlier book.
The book is engaging, some of the technical maths stuff went over my head but I enjoyed the twists and turns and Erica's determined search for the killer.
Questions are answered by the end of the book but some things are also left ready for book three.

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Wow! What a read. I could not put this book down. Excellently written. My first book by this author and definitely not the last. The characters are well written and the plot is extremely good. This book is highly commended. Looking forward to a third Erica Sands thriller.

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I'm grateful to NetGalley for allowing me to preview The Trap by Gregg Dunnett. It was a nail-biting thriller about DCI Erica Sands whose father is in the most secure prison in the UK for the blood curdling murders of her mother, sister and other women in his area.

Trying to solve several murders DCI Sands must visit her father in prison for clues. The investigation team learns that her father has been corresponding with others outside of prison using a unique coding system.

It was difficult to put this book down - I read it in just two days!

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