Member Reviews

oh i'm so sorry for this. I'm sure it's a perfect book if you are into these kind of stories. but not my cup of tea.
thanks to netgalley for providing my copy of this book.

Roberta Kagan is a new to me author. I'm grateful for the opportunity to read another voice from my favourite historical fiction time period. This book was raw and did not shy away from, or sugar coat the horror's of WW2. The book was a bit more graphic than I was expecting, but it was not offensive. I did get the sequel to read next. If you enjoy non-linear timelines with multiple perspectives you will enjoy this novel.

All My Love, Detrick by Roberta Kagan is an wonderful historic novel that brings to life the atrocities of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party. The story tells a first hand account fictionally of how people were targeted and killed because of their and nationality. People today do not realize what happened in Germany, Poland and other countries during that dark period of history. Although the characters are fictional, they could have been actual people living then. These characters and the plot are well developed and based on historical events. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It stirred up emotions about the events, although unpleasant, they were well presented.

Roberta Kagan writes wonderful page-turning romance books based in war torn Europe of the first half of the 1900s. The stories are gripping and hold the reader's interest with intricate plot turns, and appealing characters. This book is no exception.
Detrick becomes a Nazi to survive in WWII Germany. He also helps the Jewish family who befriended him survive as well. Leah, the girl he loves, is part of this family-and the queen of his heart.

Rich in historical detail and well researched. This was a compelling story that will stay the reader, long after it is finished.
Many thanks to The Book Whisperer and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this.
I found this to be a heartbreaking story, taking place in WWII. Told from the several people, who are connected to one another, we follow their lives just as the war begins, during and finally the end.
The story's main character, Detrick, is a very kind person, of German descent, who sees everyone as equals. His close friend, however, does not. Detrick falls in love with a Jewish girl, Leah, but one of her brothers sees Detrick as the same as the Nazi soldiers and does not approve of Detrick, going as far as purposely picking fights to which our male lead does not fight back.
Throughout the story, we see the lives of those around Detrick and Leah, and ultimately the actions that take place that ultimately shape these two characters, their love story and their lives right until the end.
While this story may not be for everyone, I found this wonderfully written and found my self crying at the end.

Another great book by Roberta Kagan. This is a story about friendships and bonds made during a very hard time. A war story with well thought out characters and ones you can relate to. Three were times when the story seemed a bit choppy and jumped around a bit but when all is said and done the story will get to your heart.
A good read with maybe a few small problems but overall it is a great story and one worth reading. 3 1/2 stars from me this time.
Thank you NetGalley and Book Whisperer for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

The Exchange is a sequel to John Grisham’s blockbuster The Firm. 15 years after the Firm we see what became of Mitch and Abby after their escape from the implosion Bendini, Lambert and Locke law firm. I read the Firm when it originally came out, so I don’t remember too much about the book, but enjoyed reading the Exchange.

This book explores loyalty between a young German boy and the Jewish bike repairman that helps him. Jacob becomes a surrogate father to Detrick in many ways. As Detrick grows up, he develops a strong, positive opinion of Jacob and his people. I read an electronic copy courtesy of Net Galley.

A very interesting perspective on WWII. The author jumped back and forth between the story and facts from history and I felt it could have been a little smoother but otherwise good.

I have mixed emotions regarding this book. The plot seemed to drag out too much, and some of the 'facts' mentioned seemed incorrect. I had to Google some things because of a lack of clarity. Some mentions were slightly inaccurate, and I could not tell if it was deliberate. Kagan had a good idea, but I feel it was not explored fully.

A story that I enjoyed and learned much from.
I hated what happened to the Jewish people. So much hatred. Especially coming from Karl. I never liked him anyways
This is an unputdownable novel of WW2 that will leave u on the edge of your seat.
Some scenes will absolutely make u cry when others will leave your mouth hanging open at the enjustice of it all.
So unnecessary!
I loved the romance between Detrick and Leah. My heart hurt for them in certain places.
I thought this book was nicely written and I appreciated how the author didn't mince words or be nice with them. She did very well.
Truth is truth no matter how tough things may be. I'm sure things weren't always "nice" in wartime. Readers must remember that.
This author brought reality to life. Yes, there were things in the story that I didn't like nor appreciate but I'm sure the Jews didn't either.
I definitely didn't like Hitler. I thought he was a maniac ugh.
Yes, I'll be honest I did find myself looking up certain words and events that I didn't understand and I was ok with that. That's what I meant when I said I learned much.
Very well written and I felt like I got to "see" and "feel " what it really must have been like.
I'm giving this novel 5 stars for a well written book. I highly recommend if u like stories of WW2.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review
All opinions expressed are my own.

This book was horrifically bad--poorly paced, poorly written. I gave it two stars because there's something redeeming in the *idea* of the plot. But it was under-researched, unedited, and needed a better writer. I would feel terrible saying that, except apparently Kagan has been releasing endless books on this general theme. It needed a lot of care that it didn't get.

Love this author’s immersive writing style. Another series by Roberta, that I must complete. I was left wanting more and I’m glad this continues. So many layers to the story and leaves you feeling like you know the characters. Will be continuing this series…even if I have to pay! So good! Thanks NetGalley and to the author.

Has this author ever opened a history book? Or Google translate? Because as a German major in college, "Judenrat" being translated as a slur against Jewish people was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Google translate would've told you it meant "Jewish council" and not "Jewish rat". Anyway, that's not the worst. If you're going to write a book dealing with the Holocaust, 1) do your research and 2) don't make it such a trivial subject, like it was a GENOCIDE!!!!! It's not something to take lightly!!! Millions died like WTF? The characters were boring and had no personality whatsoever, I didn't care for them which really sucks when you're reading a WW2 book and yeah, the author really sealed with the topic at hand like it was a random Tuesday and just no. 0.25 stars, it was atrocious.

I received a complimentary electronic copy of this historical novel from Netgalley, the author Roberta Kagan, and BookWhisperer. Thank you all for sharing your hard work with me. I did not finish this book. I felt it was too simplistic, the war years in Poland and Germany were not researched or presented well, and the emphasis was on a simple romance without the countryside or the war having much effect.

Roberta captures the lives of people who lived through World War 2 and the holocaust so well. The characters and situations in this book will resonate with any reader. There are so many characters and situations that take place that it really gives you a feel for how the world was for people living in that period. Highly recommended for World War 2 readers.

I enjoyed reading this story. The novel was well written and I didn't see a lot of errors in the advanced reader copy. I would definitely recommend this novel.

I normally enjoy reading historical fiction about real people who lived through times in history that are legend. But this book was difficult to read. The story was good enough but it seemed very convoluted. So much so that in a lot of places I had a difficult understanding what it was telling me. And it was definitely too long. 128 chapters is too long to hold your interest. I didn't particularly enjoy this book at all.

I really like the books written by Roberta Kagan so I was looking forward to #allmylovedetrick. It was a very good book but I felt the aspects having to do with the Holocaust and the rise of Hitler were downplayed to the romance side of the story. I really got involved in the romance but missed the detail of the time period I feel infused her other Holocaust stories. As an historical romance this is a good read, once I realized that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for this complimentary copy to read and review. All opinions here are my own.