Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Blair Gwyn for allowing me to read this series, I'm so happy I found it. I really enjoyed reading the second installment, though there were a few times when the twists caught me off guard. At first, it was a little confusing because the story is mostly set at the same time as the first book but picks up where the last one left off, but after a few chapters it all made sense. I can't wait to read the next one when it comes out.

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This was certainly a great fantasy book . This book is so well written .The word and story telling is great . The book got interesting from the second half . It has got unexpected twist and turn.Among all the cat races , lion race of southern Kingdom is my fav
Recommended to fantasy readers

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This is the second book in the Calinthia Chronicles. It was great. I enjoy learning more about the other societies in this series. I enjoy this book more than the first. I would love to see how the author takes this series next and the world-building.

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I'm so glad I found this series I really enjoyed reading the 2nd installment there were times when the twists took me by surprise, at first it was a little confusing as the majority of the story is written at the same point in time as the first book but started where the last book left off but then after a few chapters it made sense, i can't wait to read the next one when it comes out thanks to NetGalley and blaidd gwyn for letting me read this series.

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Unfortunately, this book is just not for me.
The language used by the cats is outdated, not very well executed and, quite honestly, distracting. To the point where I could not finish the read.
I wish Blaidd Gwyn all the success in the world, I’m sure this book will be enjoyed by many - it just isn’t for me.
I’d like to thank Blaidd Gwyn for the opportunity, it is really appreciated.

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