Member Reviews

Wow this was a really good book. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of The Midwife's Promise by Eliza Graham. This was a heartbreaking historical novel of WWII set in France. It has a dual timeline between 1942 and 1992. I have never read a book by this author before but I will now seek for others by her. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and I would highly recommend it to others. I gave it a 5 star rating.

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A beautiful story of love, sacrifice, bravery and loss. This WW2 dual timeline historical fiction set in occupied France tells the story of the relationship between a mother and daughter. The bravery and sacrifices of the mother and the heartfelt truth she keeps from her son. It did take me a few chapters to get into this story but I was truly immersed once the story evolved. The Midwifes Promise by Eliza Graham is a great read for those that love WW2 historical novels.
I would like to thank Storm Publishing, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Really enjoyed this book, set in World War 2, it is gripping from the beginning and follows how the charactersare affected by love, sacrifice, strength and loss.

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The “Midwife’s Promise” is a story of a grandmother's decision to raise her grandson as her own after Germany takes control of Lyon, France. Sophie Hansen takes her calling of being a midwife very seriously despite the risk of detainment by German soldiers. As the war continues, Sophie is asked to help children escape German controlled France since the convent is no longer safe. Sophie’s Daughter, Camille chooses to remain in Lyon after marrying Jean-Luc, a successful business man despite Germany’s presence. Camille becomes pregnant and asks her mother to return to Lyon after sensing something is not right. Sophie’s return sparks a chain reaction leading to Camille and her in-laws fleeing Lyon for safety.

Eliza Grahams takes readers to Germany’s occupation of France where fear runs rampant. Eliza’s character of Sophie and Camille encompasses a loving mother and daughter’s relationship when Sophie returns to help Camilla deliver her babies. Eliza convey’s the frustration Camilla feels when she isn’t able to embrace her mother when she responds to her daughters call for help. Sophie is referred to a midwife to keep her true identity hidden as one who helps Jewish children escape to freedom. I am a fan of historical fiction and enjoyed this book very much.

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It was 1992 in New England and Sophie was preparing for her ninetieth birthday. She had much to share with her son, and felt now was the time. She'd written it all down, and as the memories of those days long ago swept over her once again, she wondered, as she always did, if she could have done anything differently...

Sophie was a well respected and well known midwife, always away from home tending to new mothers, women giving birth. Since her husband had passed two years prior, she'd become busier, using her work to stop her dwelling on past memories. But France was changing. The Germans had arrived although not in Lyon as yet. Sophie's daughter Camille, was alone a lot and she too missed her father. When she met Jean-Luc and fell in love, Sophie was unable to attend the wedding and Camille was devastated.

1942 and Camille wasn't far from giving birth. She'd sent a message to her mother, hoping for her support and comfort, plus her experience. And when Sophie arrived, Camille relaxed. But danger was closing in with a German interested in Jean-Luc's business and what he might be doing behind the scenes. When the safety of Sophie's hideout beckoned, they fled Lyon in her mother-in-law's vehicle, the car filled with women and children. Would they make it - safely - to their destination?

The Midwife's Promise is another heartbreaking but outstanding historical novel by Eliza Graham which I adored. Sophie is an excellent character, strong and determined, compassionate and caring. The dual timeline is mild with most of the story set during WWII in France. This is my second by this author, and I'll definitely be reading more. Highly recommended.

With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.

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The midwifes promise was a gut wrenching story. Set during WW2, it will have you guessing at every turn. It was well written and I couldn't put it down. I can only imagine that Sophie's story is similar to many others that occurrd during that time. I look forward to reading another book by Graham.

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Eliza Graham's "The Midwife's Promise" weaves love, resilience, and the haunting echoes of wartime sacrifice. The novel's essence transcends the pages, touching the soul with its portrayal of Sophie's unwavering commitment amidst the chaos of World War II.

This book is a tribute to the unbreakable bond between a mother and her family, echoing through Sophie's determination to shield her loved ones from the harrowing clutches of war. Graham has written an evocative narrative that tells a story and invites readers to experience the depth of Sophie's emotions -- her joys, fears, and unwavering love that withstands the darkest of times.

Graham depicts the strength found in vulnerability, mirrored in Sophie's willingness to unveil her hidden past on her 90th birthday. The juxtaposition of New England, 1992, and war-torn France, 1944, creates an affecting contrast, allowing readers to travel through time and witness the resilience of the human spirit through Sophie's journey.

Graham's text dances between heartache and hope, painting a portrait of Sophie's sacrifices as a midwife amidst the setting of a tumultuous era. The story resonates within the reader's heart long after the final page is turned.

"The Midwife's Promise" is enchanting. It navigates the complexities of human relationships, the enduring power of love, and the profound sacrifices made in the name of family. Graham's narrative skill elevates this tale beyond an historical account, making it an emotional pilgrimage through the labyrinth of wartime trials and the enduring spirit of maternal devotion.

"A poignant tale of courage and sacrifice set within war-torn France, unveiling the unyielding strength of a mother's love."

"A haunting portrayal of resilience amidst adversity, weaving together the threads of love, loss, and the indomitable spirit of family."

"Gripping and evocative, this novel captures the heartache and hope of wartime, painting a vivid picture of unwavering maternal devotion."

"An emotionally charged journey through history, where love transcends the darkest of times, leaving a mark on the reader's soul."

"A beautifully crafted narrative that explores the depths of sacrifice, illustrating the unbreakable bonds forged in the crucible of World War II."

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A truly gripping story with some heart-stopping moments. I was so absorbed in Sophie’s story, I felt annoyed every time I had to stop reading to do real-life things like work or sleep! As always, Eliza Graham has delivered a powerfully emotional tale with believable characters I rooted for from the start. Highly recommended for anyone who loves top-quality historical fiction.

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Dual time, France 1944 and England 1992, a Great wartime novel and is heartbreaking in parts but gives a true sense of the war years and what happens after. Great read but be prepared for a few tears. 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley, author and publisher for this ARC

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I enjoyed the historical aspect of this novel, not having read about midwives during WW2 before! I did want a bit more from the plot, and some part of it moved a little slowly for my liking.

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Hands down on of the best books you will read all year. This amazing book is done in the format of a dual timeline present day and in the past around world war 2. Sophie comes alive off the pages and she becomes one with you, all her triumphs, heartaches etc you feel along side of her. I think as a mama of four children this book holds a special place in my heart because it would be every mother’s fear to have to be without their child.
This book is an emotional rollercoaster and if you are a softie you will need your tissues. This book had me smiling, laughing out loud and also almost in tears of the heartache that people had to endure. I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest unbiased opinion I highly recommend this book to historical fiction lovers,

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This was another wartime story set in France. The tragedies diescribed are very emotional, heartbreaking and unavoidable. After the war was over situations improved but there were still lasting problems and recollections. A satisfying conclusion

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A Midwife's Promise is not just a tale of survival. This story is a testament to the power of maternal love and the sacrifices mothers make for the sake of their children. The emotional weight of Sophie's story is balanced with moments of tenderness and courage, making the narrative both heart-wrenching and uplifting.

Graham's writing style is fluid and evocative, with a lyrical quality that draws readers into the heart of the story. Her ability to convey complex emotions with simplicity and grace is wonderful, ensuring that the tale resonates long after the final page is turned.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Eliza Graham and I will definitely be reading more! I loved her writing style – I was hooked from the start and read this book way too quickly. I got to the last page and was so disappointed that it had ended!
This is a dual timeline novel, set in France in 1942, and New England in 1992. There are some interesting historical facts woven throughout the story and the reality of the danger, fear, and horror of this awful time was brought to life through the characters. I enjoyed delving into the lives of Sophie, Camille, their friends, and family. Their journeys are terrifying and heartbreaking at times, a great example of the secrets one had to keep, never knowing who to trust, the speed at which life can change forever, and the importance of family and friendship.
What an emotional rollercoaster – this is a heart-wrenching story of love, sacrifice, strength, and loss. My heart was broken more than once and I was so invested in the characters that I felt their grief keenly. This book really struck a chord and I learned so much from it - it is unfathomable that events such as those depicted in this book actually happened and my heart hurts just thinking about it. If you like WWII historical fiction with a touch of romance, I think you’ll enjoy this book!
Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and the author for an advance copy for review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! The Midwife's Promise by Eliza Graham is a heartbreaking story about a mother's love. How far will a mother go to protect her children. Sophie, a midwife, during the second world war wants to make a difference. She helps those who need it the most until one fateful day when it all goes south. She is forced to leave her home and her only child alone to fend for herself. That is until the day her daughter nears her due date and craves her mother's help and love. How will her mother respond? Will she go to her and tempt fate or will she, against her heart, do what she knows she should? Being a mother means you sometimes have to make the toughest choices of all and Sophie does just that. I felt the character development was well done and I was able to really connect with them. I especially liked how the author brought an aging Sophie into the picture. Listening to her "write" her story as a series of flashbacks about her past really brought the character to life and made her choices all that more heartwrenching. Overall, a great novel that I woulld recommend to others.

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What a wonderful book it is a dual timeline and so evocative.

Sophie is about to celebrate her ninetieth birthday with her family. She has secrets from the War and feels they need to be told.

We see what life was like Sophie back in 1943-1944 where she has to stay out of danger. Her daughter Camille is pregnant and about to give birth, as Sophie is a midwife she wants to be there for it. We see what happens over the next few months how Sophie will protect her family.

I kept wanting to read more of the book wondering what was going to happen.

The book flowed and all the scenarios worked well.

Would recommend this book. Well written.

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Absolutely loved this book, so emotional and challenging to read in parts. The characters were so well written and the storyline was exceptional. I was so pleased I requested this book.
My thanks as always to NetGalley and to Storm Publishing for the read

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Wow!!!! This book had me hooked from the very beginning. This will be one of my top 5 books this year! Highly highly recommend

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The Midwife's Promise by Eliza Graham is a gorgeously-written dual timeline WWII Historical Fiction novel, utterly engrossing with vivid descriptions and memorable characters. The writing captured my heart from the first page to the end with no stopping between. Pacing is sharp and quick when it needs to be but tender and lingering at other times. Unlike many other novels, this one is not fluffy or saccharine but real, harrowing and tragic. War details are not glossed over. Starvation is rife. Children are smuggled. People are senselessly murdered. Yet there are also slivers of sweet romance and optimistic moments.

In the 1940s German Nazis occupied many countries and though death was commonplace, tiny lives were brought into the world during the cruelest and most destructive era in history, giving hope where the seemed to be done. Midwife/nurse/mother Sophia's skills are in high demand but her life is at constant risk every single day. Travel is extremely difficult and she is questioned at every turn. Her passion for her job sometimes override her family life until her daughter Camille is in dire straits. She moves heaven and earth to reach her. Mother/daughter stories always tug at my heartstrings. A mother's love is unlike anything else.

Later, in the 1990s, Sophie reflects on her family, the war and its dreadful repercussions which forever changed lives. Her guilt is overwhelming at times yet she has had to learn to come to terms with her choices.

If you seek a stellar Historical Fiction chock full of emotions and packed with fascinating midwifery life during WW, this is for you. Prepare your heart to hurt but the reward pays dividends. Immerse yourself and allow it to seep in. The Midwife's Promise reminds me of a masterful piece of art with many layers to be explored from different angles.

My sincere thank you to Storm Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with an early digital copy of this stellar novel.

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The story of Sophie who will be turning 90 a celebration to be thrown with loved ones surrounding her. Yet something is weighting on Sophie. A secret she has kept most of her life, a secret that can change how certain people would feel about her. Is she willing to take the change of losing those people?

Sophie Hansen wife, mother but mostly a midwife. Sophie has seen so much as a midwife not all joyful. This was the time of the Occupation. No one seemed to be safe in France and many other parts of Europe, yet Sophie was able to continue her midwifery and her helping to smuggle children to a safer place until a day that would change Sophie's life forever and make her have to leave her precious daughter Camille at a time when she needed her mom.

With Sophie having to hide and be careful how she traveled, she had missed and important time in Camille's life her marriage and everything that goes with it. No one knew of Camille's family, her father was dead and her mother traveled helping people but no one knew how. Until Sophie receives a letter that Camille is pregnant but feels something is wrong and only her mother can help. So Sophie risks her life to help her daughter even though she can also risk her daughter's life. What happens after is a thrilling roller coaster of a ride for Sophie. What she would do to safe not only herself but her family. The ordeal she had gone through to get to reach this old age of 90 is amazing.

I was amazed at the drive and determination of this women. Her character was so well written. She was such a well rounded woman with such depth during a time that was horrifying. Ms. Graham really knew this character inside and out. Starting with a young wife experiencing the death of a husband, still trying to be a mother when her life's work kept pulling her away from the one thing she cherished in this world.

I have read many books about the German Occupation and the horrors it brought to Europe and i have always said I won't read another one. I am happy that I did read this one. I could not put it down. The story of a brave and wonderful women who took a real chance on saving her family and the things she had to do to pull it off. Now she needs to come clean and hope her family is still intact.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC. So glad I was approved. Thank you Eliza Graham for a wonderful heartbreaking at times story. This will stay with me for awhile. Looking forward to your next one.

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