Member Reviews

I cannot adequately explain the scope of emotions I felt while reading this novel. Katherine Center is a mastermind at weaving a person's most realistic fears (loved ones getting sick, traumatic deaths) and still showing the reader that there is still happiness. This story had beautiful themes of reminding us that life is still beautiful, even when it is sad and scary. There is happiness. Katherine Center's novels are heavier than many realize and are worthy of much more attention and nuanced conversation than they currently receive. Then again, I live under a rock, so what do I know.


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I’ve been lucky enough to listen to the audiobook version of The Rom-Commers (twice!) and now I’ve had the pleasure of reading the book.

Reiterating what I’ve said before: this book is slow-burn, forced proximity perfection. There’s angst, yes, and a few fairly heavy topics, but overall the book has a sort of buoyancy that is completely in keeping with Emma’s outlook on life. q

I adore Emma, and Charlie Yates may be one of my all-time favorite book boyfriends. They complement each other so well, both emotionally stunted but in completely different ways and for completely different reasons.

While this is a slow-burn romance, at no point does the story drag. The plot managed to surprise me in a way that few romance books do. There are a couple of small questions I have, but nothing that would detract from this being a solid, five-star read.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the advanced reader copy of this book.

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loved this book! Quick pace and easy to get into. And 3 weddings in one book! HEA guaranteed.

Emma is a caregiver to her father and never puts herself first. She gets an opportunity of a lifetime and has to entrust her sister to caregive her father. Charlie is a writer who has a case of the yips and refuses to work with anyone. Will Emma get thru to Charlie and make a successful rom com script?

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the arc

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Emma was a promising screenwriter who had to put her dreams on hold for a decade due to a family tragedy. Allowed a bit of respite when her sister returns from college with a med student boyfriend in tow, Emma is called to LA to work for six weeks on polishing up a romantic comedy with the screenwriter she most admires.
Charlie is the revered, accomplished object of Emma’s professional aspirations. He’s also a man who doesn’t believe in love. His screenplay is a nightmare - for reasons - and Emma breaks down for him all the ways in which it’s awful. When they begin working together in earnest to rewrite it, Emma’s belief in romance clashes with Charlie’s cynicism.
I must stop here with the synopsis, as the publisher will provide it, and it would be criminal for me to inadvertently spoil any of this wonderful, funny, emotional, heartbreaking, life-affirming beautiful novel. It’s a ride the reader will not regret taking.
Katherine Center’s captivating writing style is immediately accessible yet light years beyond what one would expect from a romantic comedy. Written exclusively from Emma’s point of view, the voice is that of a dear friend catching us up on her journey from the last time we’d seen her to this point in her life. She’s witty and stubborn, even impulsive, but always likable.
I unreservedly recommend this book which is truly a standout in a sea of mediocre contemporary romantic fiction.
I was fortunate to have received an advance reader copy from NetGalley and it’s my privilege to share my honest impressions.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! 
This was a cute and fun read with a HEA. Katherine Center always writes easy and fun books and this was no different. Emma teaches Charlie how to love and write a HEA while they get one of their own. This book made me laugh, cry, and squeal (sometimes at the same time). Katherine's writing has her classic tone of banter and feel-good vibes.

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Unfortunately, I didn’t like much about this at all. It was easy reading and polished but beyond that I was scratching my head that an author as revered as Katherine Center would write this. I expected a women’s fiction with a romance, even though the blurb sounds more like a romance, and somehow it was neither. It was also not a comedy.

It was a story of two (mostly unlikable) people in forced proximity who work on a screenplay together, & that’s about it. Not a lot of character growth, not a lot of romance. They don’t like each other, they barely get to know each other, then they’re in love, I guess? It’s a little hard to tell because both characters were so obtuse.

The MMC insults and degrades the FMC to multiple other characters multiple times, in front of her and behind her back. The FMC accepts all this and still likes him anyway. She’s pushy, naive, and judgy. She throws herself at the MMC then pouts and won’t let it go when he turns her down. Have some self respect, girl.

I don’t know what else to say. Maybe this book has an audience but it’s obviously not me.

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4.25 ⭐️!!!
This was my first Katherine Center book and I really didn’t know what to expect, but there are so many golden nuggets about life in this book. I want expecting any *emotional damage* coming from this book but got it anyway. I also expected it to be pretty predictable but ended up being proven wrong as well! Charlie is a very far from swoon worthy, perfect MMC. He says all the wrong things, doesn’t believe in love, and is just fumbling through life, and this relationship. It was a bumpy journey, but overall I was pleasantly surprised by this book!

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I was really looking forward to this one after loving Hello Stranger! The Rom-Commers was a quick and easy read, but while there were some cute moments in this one, it wasn’t my favourite out of all of hers I've read.

The plot was sweet but the ending let it down. (No spoilers) it just felt incongruous with Charlie’s character. Charlie started out with quite a defined grump type of personality and while he softened throughout, the end just didn't work for me.

The plot also relied on too many conversations being overhead, particularly in the first half, which was boring and simple after the first time it happened. There are other ways to introduce conflict! And speaking of conflict, I did not understand what was going on with the TJ Heywood thing at all.

Overall Emma was an ok FMC - I liked her passion for romance and her funny moments. However, she was annoying at times - overbearing and one dimensional rather than charming in moments where it would've made a huge difference e.g. getting drunk and climbing to the top of a high dive board is not endearingly cute, it’s tragic! And ignoring all the terrible things Charlie said without calling him out on it is the same - I prefer to see more maturity in my FMCs than is sometimes written in romcoms. I did like the inclusion of her current family dynamics and liked the representation of her life as a carer, but think there was more to work through with the trauma of her family's history that also would've added some depth to the story and her relationship with Charlie.

Overall not one I'll likely reread, but would recommend as an easy beach/summer read to a friend.

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This is the first book I have read by Katherine Center and I loved it!! In many places I laughed outloud and at the same time there were a couple places where I shed a couple of tears. Her writing reminds me of another favourite author of mine Kristan Higgins. The story is believable, heartfelt, emotional and at places hilarious. I encourage you to get this book and read or listen to it as the story will definitely not disappoint and you will be glad you took the time to enjoy this book.

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3.5 Stars
Zero Spice
Forced Proximity
Grumpy Sunshine

Emma is an aspiring writer. She loves rom-coms and loves love. She is also her father’s full-time caretaker. Emma’s life has revolved around her father for the past decade pushing her dreams to pursue writing aside.

Charlie is a famous screenwriter who wrote a terrible script. Said script needs to be rewritten in order for his passion project to be produced. He switches genres and decides to write a romance but doesn’t believe in love.

Can a nobody-writer help a famous screenwriter get past his writer's block? Can she help him believe in love?

This was the first Katherine Center book I’ve read. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book. I didn’t hate it. I actually loved it. Was it life-changing? Not at all. But it was really good entertainment between deeper-themed books. I appreciated the lack of spice. So if you’re looking for that, this might not be the book for you. But it’s a cute rom-com and I love a good Romanic Comedy. I laughed, gasped, and cried as the book unfolded. There was tension and bickering. What made it better was that the MMC was so awkward. They were both awkward but in the best way possible. I loved their banter and the tension between them. I didn’t mind that it took over 50% of the book to finally get a kiss.

If you’re looking for a light-hearted swoony rom-com, this book is perfect.

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Like most of Katherine Center's books, The Rom-Commers is some fun fluff with a side of personal struggles. They truly embody the HEA. I have fun with her books because they always leave me feeling light. Her writing style sets her apart from many of her peers. It's funny and conversational in a way that I don't usually read, and it could be annoying if done differently.

I also recommend reading The Bodyguard if you want to understand the small crossover.

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Katherine Center gets me every time!!!

This review is simple, if you like romcoms THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!

Two writers. He is successful and doesn’t believe in love. She is a hopeless romantic that has put her writing career on hold for years to care for her family.

They come together to write the perfect romcom! It’s adorable. He’s grumpy and she’s sunshine.

It’s cheesy and heartfelt…all the things! Perfect read for a romcom lover.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this as an ARC!!!

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Emma’s family tragedy has her tied to a 5 mile radius of an apartment she shares with her disabled father, tossing away her career aspirations to take on a role of full-time caregiver.
When the opportunity to work with THE Charlie Yates (action writer extraordinaire) to ghostwrite his romcom (your favorite genre)
Do you…
A. Not tell your family
B. Pitch your sister
C. Get caught by your dad
D. All the above

The dialogue between Emma and Charlie moved this story forward wonderfully. It made it nearly impossible to put down, and had me invested from the beginning. I love them both so much, even if I want to throttle Charlie for trying to hide his thoughts and feelings surrounding his career and the people around him.

How do I sum up cynical Charlie Yates outside of his rumpled oxfords and wide leg trousers?
“We were in his very cool, vintage—reconditioned and now hybrid, he told me—truck. The Allman Brothers were on the radio. The windows were hand-cranked down. The famous zero-humidity LA air fluttered all around us. Charlie drove one-handed, his free arm resting out the open window.“ (RIP Dickey Betts).

This rang true. “…blue versus black ink is an essential identity issue. Much like Coke versus Pepsi, or the Beatles versus the Stones, or college-ruled notebooks versus regular. You can be one kind of person or the other, but not both.” (The correct answers are: Black ink, Coke, Beatles, college ruled.)

Omg the Italian cowboy. ☠️

I love that Meryl Streep and Amy Poehler are part of this universe.

Does it take 88 days to fall in love with someone?

Do not, I repeat, do not read Chapter 12 while on your way home from work on mass transit if you aren’t able to handle crying in public. People may think another day of working in NYC destroyed you. But no. It’s just Chapter 12 wrecking you.

I wasn’t a fan of how Emma’s curly hair was such a focal point (hi, curly girly here. Embrace your curls!!), the confession(s) from Emma, and how hurtful of a phone call it was with her sister Sylvie. That being said, this is a 4.5 star read for me, and one I will absolutely reread. It ranks up there for me with Book Lovers and Savor It.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Katherine Center has a way of telling fun romance stories that are laced with deeper messages and themes that bring substance to the romance genre. This book almost makes fun of other romance books by saying things like falling on each other aren't romantic while turning a grump into a romantic. Within the first 50 pages, I was tearing up and feeling deeply for the characters. Emma is a strong female lead, standing up and defending herself. Even when resolving issues, Emma doesn't give way and cave but holds her ground supporting her values. Whenever Katherine Center releases a new book, it always goes to the top of my TBR pile.

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This book was such a delightful read! I cannot wait to share about this one!

You're stereotypical Rom-Com about writers who are writing a Rom-Com. Seriously, the clichés were perfect. I ate this book up and enjoyed every moment of it. The character's are loveable, the drama is appropriate (maybe a touch stereotypical at moments), and you experience emotions (a wide range of them at that). I love the crossover events from Jack Stapleton. The ending was a lovely touch, especially the reminder of you don't have to get married to have your perfect ending AND the reminder that everything doesn't necessarily end perfect, but life is good.

This one will be on my shelf as soon as it's available and will be recommended many times over.

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I loved this book so much! I absolutely loved reading about Emma and Charlie. The tension and slow burn was so good! This one also had great banter. Emma's past was so sad and emotional, but was so well written.

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I loved The Bodyguard and was excited for more (LOVE that we get some Jack Stapleton cameos!). In this story, Hannah Wheeler is a screenplay writer who missed her opportunity to launch her career due to a tragic accident that left her caring for her father around the clock and sacrificing her own dreams so that her little sister could go to school and have the young adult life she deserved. However, after ten years, Emma has the chance of a lifetime to fly to LA and write a rom com with one of the most success screenwriters of Hollywood. Charlie Yates is just as handsome as Emma always believed, maybe more so in person, but their collaboration may not initially be everything she thought it to be.

This book was laugh out loud funny at points and that is rare to find! I really enjoyed the chemistry and banter between Emma and Charlie, but found that they both seemed quite inexperienced and immature. There were a few scenes that didn’t seem realistic for grown adults and that just kind of threw me, which is where I gave it four stars.

Did I fly through it? Totally! :) I would definitely recommend it as a fun summer read.

Thank you @netgalley and the publisher for this ARC, I had a blast!

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(This review has spoilers.)

This book was honestly just ok for me. I enjoyed reading about Emma but unfortunately, I did not like Charlie at all. As other reviewers mentioned, he was very disrespectful to her, and I didn’t feel as though he had a proper redemption arc that justified their romance. I was hoping Emma would focus on how poorly he treated and belittled her, but she forgives him pretty fast. I wasn’t rooting for them and didn’t feel like there was that strong of chemistry between them either.

I found the dynamics Emma had with her father and sister quite heartwarming and special. However, the pacing and structure during the second half of the book felt a bit rushed, especially with the choppy dialogue and quick resolution of conflicts. I know this isn’t supposed to be realistic but it all felt a bit too far-fetched, especially with the celebrity cameos and Hollywood-realm scenes. Overall, I personally don’t think this book was for me. (I enjoyed The Bodyguard though!)

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Katherine Center for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I am the biggest fan of Katherine Center. I always fall in love with her books. I was elated when I got this advanced copy. After listening AND reading it I can honestly say it’s my favorite of 2024 so far. I love this book. I love everything about this book. I loved the witty banner, Emma and Charlie, the twists and turns, the details, and the insane ending . This plot is amazing, this book is amazing, the writing is amazing. She look all the cliches of a rom-com and un-cliched them. It’s funny and witty and enchanting. This book truly makes you believe in love again. I got butterflies on every chapter and that’s how I know it’s a great book. I loved it and so will you, go read this book!!

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I would read the back of a cereal box if Katherine Center wrote it. This book is everything you are expecting from KC and more. Emma and Charlie are equally lost in life but through writing they find themselves and love - both in each other and in their screenplay. I can't wait for June to hold this book in my hands.

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