Member Reviews

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center is another warm your heart, laugh out loud and fall in love with type of book. She just knows how to capture characters that seem like they are the reader's friends.
I loved Emma and Charlie from their first meet up. Emma's honesty was refreshing and Charlie's cluelessness was actually endearing. This was a fun book to cast in my head!
Well done!

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It’s a yes. This book is another winner for this author. I enjoyed the mature romance along with the vulnerability of both fmc and mmc. I didn’t always enjoy fmc point of views. The best part was the ending and how Mmc showed his love.

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This book is perfect.
I love Katherine Center with my whole heart. Her books always enter my life at exactly the right time and this one was no exception.
It's funny, it's sweet, it's honest, it's loving and the storyline of this one is just chefs kiss.
Oh and special points for Jack Stapleton being a part of this book.

Thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley and Katherine Center for this eARC. It was amazing as always!

“The Rom-Commers” by Katherine Center is a delightful romantic comedy that combines humor, heart, and the magic of storytelling. Here’s a glimpse into this enchanting novel: “The Rom-Commers” explores new chances, sacrifices for loved ones, and the pursuit of dreams. It’s a story of resilience, attraction, and the magic of love.

“I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we’re longing for—adventure, excitement, emotion, connection—we turn to stories that help us find it.”

Katherine Center weaves a keeper-shelf-worthy tale that will leave you smiling. Whether you’re a rom-com enthusiast or simply seeking a heartwarming read, this book delivers. Add to your TBR stat!

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Rom comers is a delightful story that follows the journey of Emma, who courageously puts her lifelong duty of caring for her father on hold to pursue her own dream of becoming a screenwriter. Throughout the book, readers will find themselves experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions—laughing, feeling frustrated, getting angry, and ultimately falling in love with the beautiful and unexpected friendship that blossoms between Emma and an unlikely companion.

The author skillfully weaves together a narrative filled with charm, humor, and poignant moments, making it a captivating read from start to finish. Despite their differences, Emma and her companion form a perfect duo, showcasing the transformative power of unexpected friendship.

It is a celebration of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams—a story that reminds us that it's never too late to chase what sets our souls on fire

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I’ll preface this with the fact that I see I’m in the minority here and I really enjoyed The Bodyguard!!!

But, this just didn’t do it for me. The characters seemed immature for my taste. The scene about making biscuits …. Charlie was way too clueless. The discussion about whether or not to go line dancing.. too drawn out. The characters and conversations did not seem realistic to me at all.

I had really high hopes and I’m so surprised that I did not enjoy this. I’ll certainly plan to read more of Center’s books though 🫶🏻

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc!!

Oh my gosh, this SLAPPED. I am a huge fan of Katherine Center, so I was desperate to get my hands on this book. Emma and Charlie are sweet and this was fun (with a hint of real life drama and struggles that I always appreciate in Center's books). There were times when I wasn't Charlie's biggest fan, but I think he made up for it by the end. And Emma was such a fun character to follow! I would for sure recommend this book!

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Another great story from Katherine Center! Likable characters and an enjoyable storyline with a happy ending. It was exactly what I wanted! And I learned a thing or two about writing a rom-com! Bonus!
Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the digital ARC.

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In Katherine Center's newest bookThe Rom-Commers, we meet Emma Wheeler, someone, after a few tragic incidents, becomes the sole caretaker of her father in Texas. She gave up her entire future as an aspiring writer, in order to watch him full time. By chance, her long time friend finds a way to send her to Los Angeles, to meet Emma's biggest screenwriting idol Charlie Yates. They end up living together in his mansion, so she can help rewrite his romantic screenplay. The Rom-Commers is written by a fan of rom-commers and is all about rom-comming. It's your basic, run of the mill rom-com - it includes eating cereal without milk, lots of deli meats, drawers of oscars, an unused Esther Williams pool, all the things that make a rom-com witty and completely again, only a rom-com can do.

I felt like this book was missing something. I had a hard time sticking with it and almost put it down one-to many time. Overall, I don't think this one was for me.

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I a rom com gal so the title of this drew me! Being a Katherine Centers book sealed the deal and whne I got the arc i was super excited. I love this book and highly recommend it. Witty banter through it even brought me to tears. She hit it out of the park with this one! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for a review.

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Katherine Center has become an absolute staple in the world of romantic comedies. I love her writing style and character development so much. Definitely an auto buy author.

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Emma gets the chance of a lifetime, the opportunity to rewrite a script with her idol, Charlie Yates. The only problem? The script is a romcom and Charlie is Mr. Aniti-Love.

This is my first Katherine Center book and I'm fully a fan girl now! Here's what I loved:

Emma. She is so quirky and honest in how she approaches everything. She was a great counterpoint to grumpy Charlie. I found myself rooting for her the whole time, even when I disagreed with her actions. She really is like a romcom lead--lovable in every way.

Charlie. He's grumpy. He's hot. He's a big softy under it all. I loved the interactions between him and Emma, watching them navigate the world together.

The effective plot. This book read like a true movie romcom and I was here for it. I loved the subtleties in Emma and Charlie's relationship, watching them come together and really find love beyond all of their personal baggage that was pulling them apart.

All in all, this was a really good romcom!

Thank you to the author and publisher for the gifted copy!

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I am a huge fan of Katherine Center's book, and The Rom-Commers might just be her best book yet!! I absolutely loved it from start to finish! I even stayed up late wanting to read more! The story follows the main character, Emma, as she leaves her comfort zone and travels to LA to revise a screenplay with a screenwriter whom she already deeply admires for his work. The curveballs that are thrown at these two characters kept me guessing until the end yo see what would happen. This is going to be one of the hits of the summer!! Highly recommend!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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4 stars out of 5.

Katherine Center is one of my favorite authors and has written some great books so I was really excited to get this ARC. I thought the book was really engaging from the start and kept me turning the pages but this is not her best work. I really loved Emma's character and her relationship with her father. She had a great personality and was well written, then we get to Charlie. There was not enough character development with him. Why was he so mean all the time? I would have liked to get more back ground information about why he is the way he is. I also did not really feel the chemistry between Charlie and Emma until closer to the end. I did, however, really like the last 25% of the book and the epilogue was great. I love happy endings! Overall, this was a good book and I would recommend it to anyone who is a Katherine Center fan or a rom-com lover.

In The Rom-Commers, we meet Emma who is an unknown screen writer who has been taking care of her disabled father for the past 10 years. Her ex boyfriend from high school, still best friend, gets her a gig rewriting a rom-com screenplay with a well known writer named Charlie. Emma has her sister come live with their father and care for him while she goes to LA for 6 weeks to get the screen play fixed. Turns out, Charlie had no idea Emma was coming to rewrite his terrible work. Drama unfolds and finally Charlie agrees to work with Emma and lets her stay with him at his mansion. Emma ends up showing him that romance is not dead and they work well as team. Feelings and emotions are now involved but do they both feel the same way about each other?

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I've always been a huge fan of Katherine Center, and I've read about 80% of everything she's written. Her books are usually big hits for me, but I have to say this one was just "okay". I believe the main thing that turned me off to this book is the dialogue repetition. There was a ton of repeat questioning between the characters, which drove me bonkers. Also, the hero, Charlie, grated on my nerves a bit in the beginning. I enjoyed the second half of the book much more than the first half, and Charlie finally redeemed himself toward the end of the story. The narrator was good and very entertaining, but listening to the repeat dialogue almost made me DNF this audiobook. I actually read the last few chapters of the eBook, and it wasn't nearly as annoying. Unless you're just a HUGE fan of audiobooks, I would recommend reading the print or eBook version instead.

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4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book for the most part. I liked the progression of Charlie and Emma’s relationship both romantically and in their writing. There were a lot of really cute moments between them and it was fun to see them connect more throughout the book as we learned more about them and their backstories.
I also really liked Emma’s relationship with her dad and how she took care of him. Her dad was so sweet and I loved how he was always looking out for her even though she was his caretaker.
Although this is overall a fun, happy book there is a fair amount of drama and angst which I think helped raise the stakes of what would otherwise just be two people living in the same house writing a screenplay together.
I do wish we got more of a character development arc for Charlie though. He was so rude to Emma when they first met and there’s really no resolution to that. Although we get an explanation for why he was rude later on, we never really address the initial issues.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and thought it was a cute read.
Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the Arc!!

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Emma has put her ambitions of being a screenwriter on hold while taking care of her father. But then she gets an opportunity she can’t pass up: rewriting a rom-com by none other than famous screenwriter, Charlie Yates. Charlie may be able to write action films and mafia movies like a genius, but his rom-com is a disaster. Though initially hesitant to work with an unknown, Charlie relents and he and Emma get into the groove of writing together. But their lives soon mirror a rom-com with a will they/won’t they vibe. It becomes pretty clear they both want to, but obstacles (and obstinance) stand in the way.

This book gives great banter. It had me chuckling all the way through. I liked Emma. She was a sympathetic character without being too sweet or simpering. She could stand up for herself. Charlie was a little obtuse (and rude at times), but also vulnerable and willing to get better.

There are a lot of books lately where the love interest (typically a male) is meant to be grumpy. But some authors have a hard time keeping that grumpy character from being just a totally unlikeable a**hole. (I’m at an age where I don’t find a**holes attractive.) Author Katherine Center does a wonderful job managing to keep Charlie just on the correct side of that fine line.

This book is charming and fun and I can’t wait for everyone to read it.

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I really wanted to love this book, as I loved Hello Stranger and The Bodyguard and I LOVE rom-coms. However... this one was a bit of a letdown for me. Emma and Charlie Yates (because they say his full name about 120 times throughout the whole book) were both characters who didn't fully grab my heart, and therefore I didn't end up caring about their love story.

Charlie is kind of an a**hole throughout the entire book with a few moments here and there to try to lure you back into liking him (which didn't ultimately work). Emma was fine... until she wasn't. IS NO ONE GOING TO TALK ABOUT HOW SHE NEVER APOLOGIZED TO HER SISTER?? Spoilers (but I'll leave it vague) but Emma and her sister fight over the phone towards the end and they both say something meant to wound the other. However, the sister does it in retaliation to Emma saying something EXTREMELY hurtful, and yet Sylvie is the one who has to apologize to Emma at the end. No apology from Emma, which is RIDICULOUS BECAUSE SYLVIE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. That was what really solidified the entire thing for me and almost brought my rating down even further.

I was more invested in Sylvie's relationships than I was with Emma or Charlie, and for that reason alone is why I don't think this is that good of a romance novel. There were so many good tropes put in this that are supposed to make you feel like there is romance there, but that's all there is are tropes and no actual chemistry.

One final thing that irked me, and maybe I just noticed this more because I was listening to the audiobook, but I hated Emma's way of "stream of consciousness" talking. So many moments were written as "And he looked at me like 'did you really just do that?'. And I looked back at him like 'yep, I sure did.'. IRRITATING TO THE NTH DEGREE!!

This wasn't a bad book by any means, but I just had so many annoyances throughout my reading experience that it left me wanting a lot more compare to Katherine Center's other novels. You may like this one... but you also might not.

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Thank you Netgallery and Katherine Center for the opportunity to read this ARC. I now understand the hype around Katherine Center, this was the first book that I have read of her, and will not be the last. The Rom-Commers was exactly what you would expect for a cute sweet romcom. It had fantastic banter, great characters, physical tension, and just an overall good story.
Premise- Emma an inspiring screenwriter, who’s life circumstances have held her back, and Charlie Yates an A list screen writer, who can not write a romantic comedy to save his life, team up to write the great american romcom.
Things I loved:
Emma- I loved her hopeless romantic mind, she was witty, funny, and just downright lovable
Charlie- for being a wordsmith of the written word, he was horrible at the spoken word. I found it endearing, while other might have seen it as a red flag ( must be all those dark romances, where others see red flags I see a diamond in the ruff)
Banter- I LOVE the dialogue between Charlie and Emma I could read them bickering all day long.
The way it was written, I loved that it read like I was sitting down to coffee listening to my best friend tell me a story.
Things I wish were a little different not bad…
I thought it jumped around too much for my taste, I wish there was more day to day with Emma and Charlie. I found myself enjoying the chapters with them talking together my favorite.
The epilogue was a little too long….it just kept going could have ended a little quicker and still have been a great read.

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My new favorite Katherine Center book! I loved the characters and the plot. I love a good meta story and this one is a lot of fun.

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