Member Reviews

Reading the Rom-Commers was like sitting in on a romance master class. It’s a little meta, a romance about writers drafting a rom-com screenplay, but it works so amazingly well. Emma and Charlie have the most incredible meet-ugly, subvert a lot of tropes, and overall really just won my heart. Katherine Center is two for two in getting me to finish her books in less than 24 hours and she’s definitely auto-buy author status for me now.

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Book Review
The Rom-commers by Katherine Center

A book about writing a romance driven screen play …. From the standpoint of someone who doesnt believe in love or happily ever afters

Sibling as parental figure
Life on pause
Personal growth

Charlie - an egotistical award winning writer who doesn’t believe romance or love is real
Emma- a romance writer in the making, she has yet to have her work reach the screen, her dedication to her family has been her main focus for soo long she cant see opportunity when it comes knocking
Logan- a former BF and current friend of Emma’s, who also happens to be Charlie’s agent

✅ Life lesson and love lessons - I love The authors personal insights into her characters motivations…. In this book Katherine literally spells it put for the reader
✅ I adored how Katherine peels back the curtain and shows the reader/audience what makes a romance (movie or book), how its created, what is essential in conveying intimacy and connection on paper
✅ This book was perfect in every way
I know the POV might not be to everyones liking (Emma is telling her own story) but I found it it made the narrative more relatable- like a friend telling me whats up

Quotes (there were soo many gems!)
“I had a theory that we gravitate toward the stories we need in life. Whatever we're longing for -adventure, excitement, emotion, connection-we turn to stories that help us find it.
Whatever questions we're struggling with-sometimes ones so deep, we don't even really know we're asking them-we look for answers in stories.”
** couldnt agree with this more

Thanks to @stmartinspress and @netgalley for my digital ARC in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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🤍 Thank you @smpromance for the earc copy of this delightful story🤍

The Rom-Commers has it all! Charlie and Emma’s story made me laugh-out-loud, swoony, gasp, and it also had me a little teary-eyed.

Also, I’m realizing one of my very favorite things when we have a grumpy x sunshine situation is peeling back those layers!

Emma shines the brightest because she’s walked through a lot of darkness, and to value the sunshine sometimes takes walking in the dark. Life has beaten Emma down and watching her reclaim that vibrancy was so special!

This is definitely my new favorite from @katherinecenter!

Read if you enjoy:
• swoony kisses
• bad first impressions
• romcom love
• emotional stories
• all the banter

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆/5
Steam: closed door/fade to black
TW: death of a loved one described, grief
Out June 11th

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I feel really bad to DNF this because I've loved Center's work in the past, and I was so excited to read this - early, especially! Unfortunately, this book is not for me.

The premise is cute - Emma, an unknown writer, suddenly receives a job working with Hollywood's most sought-after screenwriter. But, once she arrives in California to work, she learns that Charlie is not at all eager to work with her level (or lack thereof) of expertise.

What I liked: Emma is funny, there is a substantial backstory to Emma and Charlie individually, and the setting of Charlie's famous mansion is fun. The list, however, ends there.

What I disliked: The past tense narration, the lack of detailed setting, Emma and Charlie's forced romance, and the pacing.

Overall, this story could be done better, in a more readable way.

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This is my second book my Katherine Center, and I think she is going to become a must read! This book is a delightful ode to Rom Coms, and I loved it!

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The Rom-Commers by @katherinecenter is every 90’s romantic comedy loving girly’s swan song.

As with every book by her, her thorough research and attention to detail sets this work high and above any other like it. I learn something every time. There’s this genius undercurrent of this book being so self-aware that it’s almost as if the HEA hits you in spite of itself. I even have in my notes: “The way this book explores its own genre is mind-bendingly, brain-bleeding good.“ so— I guess I rest my case on that point.

No sassy grandma, but there is a lovable, harmonica-wielding dad that shines just as brightly.

I’m all for a spoiler-free review, and in the spirit of less-is-more, I recommend this book to anyone who has ever chosen to see the sunny side, because Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, and Sandra Bullock would expect it.

Things to love:
👩🏻‍💻Meeting adolescent hero
👩🏻‍💻Forced Proximity
👩🏻‍💻Celebrity romance
👩🏻‍💻I’m going to go ahead and say He’s a protective MMC

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I absolutely loved this book from beginning to end! It had me smiling, laughing out loud and everything in between all the while dealing with some important topics like dealing with grief, rediscovering your self and more. Katherine Center has become one of my favorite authors!

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Emma Wheeler, aspiring screenwriter, has the chance of a lifetime when an unexpected job comes up working with Charlie Yates, a famous screenwriter and her idol. However, it means Emma has to leave her dad and move to L.A. for six weeks, something that's difficult because Emma has been his full-time caretaker for ten years, putting her own dreams on hold to care for him in the wake of a tragic rock-climbing accident. But Emma's little sister Sylvie steps in and gives Emma the push she needs to go after her dreams. Except, when Emma gets to L.A., it turns out Charlie Yates doesn't actually want her help with his new script after all. Which is unfortunate, because his new script, a rom-com, which is off-brand for him, is truly, truly terrible. Emma loves rom-coms and can't stand to see this awful one inflicted upon the world. As she tries to convince Charlie to accept her help and give his script a real chance, it turns out the two writers may get along better than they anticipated--Emma knows they can write a great happily-ever-after for the screen, but can the two of them find their way to love as well?

This may be Katherine Center's best book yet. I laughed, I cried, I felt all the feelings, and devoured this in two days. The characters were complex and interesting, even the supporting ones, and the author sensitively portrayed anxiety and grief and various physical illnesses. The plot was engaging and fast-paced. The dialogue was, as usual, full of witty and smart banter, and there were several points that made me laugh out loud. The book deals with grief but is ultimately optimistic about the world, love, and happy endings, and will leave you with warm fuzzy feelings. Highly, highly recommend for anyone who is a fan of her previous work or who loves contemporary rom-coms with some emotional depth.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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WOW. This was perfect. I loved it so much. it was hard to put down! It was such a feel good story with all the right amount of emotions. I teared up a few times. Two screen writers falling in love while writing a rom com (the man is a grump) it felt like I was watching a 2000s rom com with Julia Roberts as the star. I finished it within 24 hours. So happy to have read this.

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This was another sweet addition to the Katherine Center collection. She really has a knack for writing great chemistry between characters, and this book was no exception. I laughed out loud several times with some of the sarcastic snarky dialogue between the main characters. Even the side characters are really well-developed with their own witty dialogue. This was quick, fun read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will definitely recommend!

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Katherine Center always delivers! This one might just be my new favorite. I loved the two main characters, both with their imperfections and quirkiness. The parent caregiver part really hit home for me because of my family situation so I totally related there. This book had pretty much everything you could ask for....humor, work-place banter, hard to deal with topics, and my favorite....romance! Thanks so much for the advance copy! I highly recommend it. I will be buying a physical copy too!

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I devoured this book and wish it was 10 chapters longer. I just didn't want it to end. Charlie and Emma were just SO funny and the banter was expertly done. Katharine Center has done it again!!! For those who love "you're my favorite person in the world" heroes this is the book for you!!

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Some books are just meant to be read while curled up with a cup of your favorite beverage underneath your favorite cozy blanket. Lucky for you, I have just the book! 🙃
What do you get when you put a romance writer who loves love and a screen writer who hates it together? Answer: The Rom-Commers!
This book was everything I had hoped for and more 🥰 Emma and Charlie were so fun to love. They embodied so many tropes within the pages of this rom com which made it even more fun to fall for them.
From a dash of enemies to lovers, a sprinkle of friends to lovers and even close proximity they’ll melt your heart and have you believing in love all over again!
What I really loved about this story though was the reminder that love isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.
Katherine Center does a wonderful job of painting a love story that isn’t tied up neatly in a bow. In fact, we get the real day to day life that most real life love stories go through.
Loss, tragedy and sickness are just a few of the hard realities Center covers and it makes the end result of Emma and Charlie’s love story that much sweeter.
So go grab that favorite beverage and cozy blanket and cuddle up with this book that’s sure to be a top five of your reads this year! ❤️
Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an arc of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I’m trying to think of how to describe just how much I enjoyed this. I guess it’s a good sign that I was getting fed up with my family/job/life etc when I wasn’t getting the time away from the chaos to binge this book as much as I wanted. Somehow doing the dishes for the third time in one day was just really hitting different… you know? 😂 Thankfully our family had a 6 hour flight and I finally got the time I was craving to dive in to it and never let go.

This book is so binge worthy and chocked full of laughable, goosebump inducing, tear filled moments. Most importantly, it was filled with so much heart. The book realistically depicts how one experiences grief, how life can change one’s path and the love of a strong family bond that can come from challenging situations. I highlighted so many great quotes that I know I’ll circle back to… but I can’t share them without fear of giving anything away. I guess you’ll just have to pick this one up! I know I’ll for sure be grabbing a copy when it releases to add to my shelf. @katherine my 40th bday is June 7th... Just throwing it out there that it’s a big one and if a signed copy were to show up at my door I would be ecstatic 😂🥰

Thanks you so much @stmartinspress and @netgalley for the advance copy!

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Gah what a beautiful story! Katherine Center has this ability to make you cackle one minute and then cry the next. The banter between Emma and Charlie is on point. The story was great. The backgrounds and the family side stories were relatable. What I LOVED about this story is how optimistic it is! It makes you want to see the good in everything knowing we only have so much time on this earth. Emma was such an awesome character and I loved when she was vulnerable and true to herself. I loved how Charlie took such good care of Emma however he could. I also loved that this was a deep rom-com about rom-coms. Seriously if you love rom-coms, deep family stories and stories about love, you will not want to miss this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for my ALC of this story which publishes on 6/11/24

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This has all the feels! I laughed, cried, screamed and cheered! Every page was a joy. The relationships between the characters were so touching and we so relatable. Emma and her Dad were so amazing, Emma and her sister so fun, Emma and Logan so funny and Emma and Charlie so adorable! A fun rom-com filled with singing, dancing, a little sadness and plenty of tug on your heartstrings moments. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! 5 Stars!! Available June 11, 2024. Thank you to St Martin's Press and Katherine Center for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley.

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Katherine Center has the Midas touch. Everything she writes is perfection and the Rom-Commers is no exception! This was such a sweet and honest story of belief and doubt and of letting others in.

The energy between the love interests was so good and they occupied my mind when I was away from the book.

The themes and circumstances that bring the characters together figuratively and literally are somewhat heavy but told with such honesty and optimism that I found processing a welcome experience.

As always the banter and hi-jinx are so good. This book is fun to read and hard to put down.

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This book was…ok? It was good, if maybe a little forgettable. There wasn’t really anything special or very memorable about it. I didn’t really feel like the relationship was fleshed out enough between the two main characters. They definitely had their moments, but it was kind of like, well how did we get here?? Just sort of jumped into it without showing how they got there. All of a sudden there were feelings, but none of the build up I was hoping for.

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Katherine Center is an automatic buy author for me and I was so excited about this book. It was everything I was looking for! I laughed, I cried a little, and I swooned as I read it. I did have to get over the fact that the man characters are Charlie and Emma, the same names as my brother and sister😂 I give this was a definite 5 stars! Thank you Netgalley, Katherine Center, and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy of this book.

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The Rom-Commers gave me a favorite rom-com author.

It also gave me the best, most natural rom-com story I’ve read. The progression of the story was perfection. It was natural and not forced. It was satisfying and rewarding. It made me laugh and cry. It made me celebrate.

This was my first Katherine Center book and definitely not the last. I’m on my way to download another one right now!

PS: I’d love to watch this movie.

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