Member Reviews


Quick Breakdown

Grumpy x Sunshine
Strangers to Friends to Lovers
Workplace Vibes
Sudden Roommates
Forced Proximity
Celebrity Romance
Single POV
Closed Door

Emma is an aspiring screenwriter who’s had a tragic accident put her plans on a permanent hold. Her high school ex & current Hollywood agent who has occasionally sent her writing work, sends her the failed rom com screen play written by her favorite screenwriter, Charlie Yates. He’s begging for her help fixing it. So, she rearranged her life & gets on a plane for LA.

Nothing hits like a Katherine Center read. The Rom-Commers is no different. It felt like a love letter to the romantics of the world. The way she crafts stories with realistic tragedy, yet chalk full of hope has me continually coming back for more.

I laughed. I cried. I couldn’t put it down.

I saw so much of myself in Emma as well as who I want to be. Just like her, I’d easily catch crushes with no follow through growing up & still fall in love often - with songs on the radio, a new dinner recipe or book. Emma was a self sacrificing heroine, putting herself last to a fault. I loved watching her grow once she allowed herself to reach for what she wanted.

Charlie had to grow on me. He’s a grump who’s been hurt in the past, no longer believing in romance. There were several moments where I struggled with him, but alas, he eventually won me over. I never doubted he cared for Emma & his good/sweet moments far outweighed the bad.

I listened to this one as soon as it became available to me, instantly addicted. So hooked into the story, I transitioned to the ebook at bedtime, continuing to read on dark mode much later than my typical bedtime. By morning I was listening while I read so I could virtually annotate while I read. It’s narrated by Patti Murin & she flawlessly delivers the emotional punch this one deserves.

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Emma Wheeler gets the opportunity of a work with her favorite writer Charlie Yates. She declines. She's read the screenplay and it's a mess. Completely opposite of what she wants to do. Soon she acquiesces only to find out that Charlie has no idea she's there to help him out. These two characters were so toxic that I wasn't rooting for them to have their own HEA. What for? But as I got to know the characters and their quirks, I started rooting for them to change the error of their ways.

The story was helped tremendously by narrator Patti Murin who gave the characters the depth and breadth they needed to bounce off the page.

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Katherine Center did it again! To be honest, I am not surprised. I have loved every one of her books.
Emma Wheeler is a great screenwriter who never had the chance to make it to fame, When she was in high school, her family had a tragic accident which left their Mom dead and their Dad badly injured. Emma gave up her dreams to be a round the clock caretaker for her father. In the meantime, she has also been freelance writing for any projects her ex can offer her and writing her own screenplays with the hopes they will someday be picked up. When the chance to work with her all time favorite screenwriter comes along, Emma is elated and nervous. She can’t leave her sister to take care of her Dad after 10 years of doing it herself. Once her family convinces her everything will be fine, she flies off to Los Angeles to hopefully get her big break. There’s only one problem. Her favorite writer, Charlie Yates, doesn’t know she’s coming or has been offered the job to help him fix his Rom-Com screenplay. Once she is able to convince him to let her stay, she teaches him everything she knows about Rom-Com writing and also everything she knows about love. As it turns out, Charlie is a cynic who recently got divorced and does not believe in love. No wonder his original screenplay was terrible. From here, hilarity ensues as well as all kinds of scenarios to pull on your heartstrings. The Rom-Commers is a must read!
Thank you St. Martin’s Press for the early eARC!

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While the first half of this book took me a bit to get into, I adored the last half!


Emma Wheeler is a screenwriter…or kind of when she’s not being the main caretaker for her father. When she gets the opportunity to rewrite her favorite screenwriters rom com she jumps at the chance. However, once they start working together she realizes Charlie doesn’t believe in love or rom coms and she must change his mind.

Like other Katherine Center books this one makes you laugh and feel things so deeply! The loyalty Emma has to her dad and family is so palpable. You just really get it. Emma feels things very strongly and I totally felt them with her. I also loved how you could really see Charlie fall for Emma as the book went on. There were just so many great parts.

I think the only reason it didn’t feel like a 5 star read for me was because it took awhile for me to feel connected to the book. Like halfway. But once I was connected I really was totally bought it.

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Thank you @netgalley for my copy. This is my second Center novel. Although Romance isn't really my jam, I always enjoy her books. They are never spicy but give enough banter to make them perfect. This book felt like a huge hug and I enjoyed every minute of it. Plus the sprayed edges are a fav!

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This may be my favorite book of Katherine Center's to date. It was the perfect summer rom-com filled with banter, charm, and chemistry between our MCs. Also loved that one of our beloved leading male characters from another book has a couple appearances in this one. The Rom-Commers is the ultimate summertime romance if you're looking for one to sweep you off your feet! Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing Group for the digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the perfect light summer read. The characters were great and I really loved that it was a rom-com called the rom-comers! And it talks about the bones of a rom-com and how there will always be a happy ending. This one had me from the very beginning until the last words. I really enjoyed this one!

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I felt all the feelings - Emma would be proud.

I've had some really good luck with screenwriter romances recently, so this niche category may be one I need to look out for. Emma is a screenwriter who has put her dreams on hold as she has taken care of her ailing father for the past decade. But when an opportunity to work with her favorite screenwriter arises, now is Emma's chance to achieve her dream. But Charlie Yates is not all Emma hoped he would be, and he could definitely learn a thing or two about romcoms. The chemistry is there from the jump, and the heart pulls you through the story, invested in everyone.

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I had to stop reading this one at about 30%. I just didn't like it. It felt forced and there was no chemistry. No interest in what was going to happen or how it was going to play out.

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Rating: 4/5 Stars
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Emma really really wants to be a screenwriter and finally gets the call of a lifetime when a friend of hers calls her LA to work with Emma's idol screenwriter, Charlie Yates, to help him write a rom-com (Emma's specialty!). Emma has a complicated home life, but eventually figures out how to make it work. Only when she gets there she realizes that Charlie Yates isn't the hero she made him out to be. Despite his negative initial feelings towards her, the script, and romance in general, Emma is determined to win-over Charlie and prove to him that rom-coms and LOVE are alive and well.

This book was really cute. I loved the plot of two screenwriters co-writing none other than a fun rom-com! The "research" parts in the book were some of my favorite scenes. Emma and Charlie have really fun banter and their script writing process is so great to read about. They both also have complicated backstories/family life, which I enjoy in a romance novel. I like when the messiness of life shows up in books! Miscommunication was definitely present in this book (mostly with Charlie's character), which wasn't my favorite. I am not even someone who minds a little bit of miscommunication, but this felt a bit drawn out and repetitive. I also don't know if this is a writing style of Katherine Center (The Rom-Commers is my first read by her!) or if this was specifically this character, but I don't love when people in real life or in books have to give three examples for the one thing they are explaining...every.single.time. And the character of Emma definitely did that a lot. Still a super cute and enjoyable read and I look forward to reading more books by this author!

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When a small town girl gets dumped into a Hollywood disaster of a situation but manages to fall in love in the process, you get a sweet if not fully believable scenario. The Rom-Commers was tender and fun at times but struggled to capture my attention throughout. If you love a celeb/normie relationship with a hint of past trauma and major heath problems you’ll most likely enjoy this book. I wanted to love it so much more but found myself dragging through it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All opinions are mine.

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Emma had given up so much of her life for her family, but was never defeated, until the writer she had admired forever wrote her off. Their relationship was so sweet until it wasn't, but the ending was one truly worthy of any rom com!

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Katherine Center always hits me straight in the feels, and The Rom-Commers was no different! Y'all, this book was just too cute. From great character chemistry and witty banter to emotion-evoking plot lines and endearing relationships, I could hardly put it down! While not my favorite Center (I love How to Walk Away and Happiness for Beginners), this is still a very solid read and I would recommend for anyone that wants to read a more emo rom-com!

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I received this novel as an advanced reader copy from net galley in exchange for an honest review. It is my favorite Katherine Center novel. I loved the premise of the screenwriters and the family and background dynamics they had to work through. Highly recommend.

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Katherine Center absolutely does it again. The way in which she writes her characters makes me just absolutely fall in love with them every single time.

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Katherine Center has become an automatic read author of mine and this book is no different. Emma has spent her life dedicated to writing and consuming romantic comedies. The opportunity presents itself for her to re-write a romantic comedy for her favorite screenwriter-Charlie Yates. While it is her dream opponents, she is the full time caretaker for her disabled dad and it takes a lot of convincing to get her to make the journey to LA for the 6 week rewrite. Little did she know, she didn’t actually snag the job and her agent was basically begging Charlie to give her a shot when she arrives in LA. Emma takes on the challenge of helping Charlie-a man who doesn’t believe in love-write a rom-com worthy of the big screen. My one hang up in this novel is that it carries miscommunication trope (and honestly just lying about certain) heavily throughout the story. Overall still loved the story and I LOVED the ending.

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This was another smash hit by Katherine Center. I love everything she writes. This book had heart, personal growth, overcoming obstacles created by grief. I only wish for a little more from the romance aspect. I still would recommend and really enjoyed it.

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Katherine Center did it again. She is perfect at blending humor with feels. Emma gets the opportunity of a lifetime - to work on a screenplay with her favorite writer Charlie Yates. This requires her to pass off being her dad's caretaker to her sister and head off to LA. Unfortunately things get off to a rocky start as Charlie isn't the guy she thought he was. I loved watching Emma and Charlie first develop a friendship of sorts to then falling for each other. I also thought this story was important to see that you can and should have your own life and not just be your dad's caretaker. So much heart and humor, I couldn't put it down!

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The Rom-Commers was a classic Katherine Center book. I loved that it was an emotional romance with incredibly cute characters. I couldn’t get enough of Emma and Charlie.

I loved the banter between Emma and Charlie and I thought Emma was quirky in a way that wasn’t “maniac pixie dream girl” quirky. I did find she could be a little bit of a martyr when it came to her caretaking abilities and I liked that she came to that realization in the end. Charlie was also my favorite romance man-grumpy but lovable. He did irk me from time to time when he was mean to Emma out of nowhere. Maybe it was time for therapy and learning how to communicate?

Overall, the book was good and I was able to read it pretty quickly and enjoy it while reading. I just was a little unsatisfied with the ending overall and the way that Charlie and Emma didn’t talk to each other about how they were feeling overall.

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This might be Katherine Center’s best work yet. I am now dying to see this adapted into a movie. Someone grab the rights stat! It would be stellar. Thank you Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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