Member Reviews

I was so lucky to get to read this as an ARC! I adored this book so much- it’s not just a quick and simple rom-com. I felt like this book had so much heart to it. I absolutely adored Emma and Charlie and their chemistry was palpable. The world Center created was really magical- I just loved it. Highly recommend this one when it releases- you won’t regret it!

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I didn't think I could love Katherine Center any more than I do. I was WRONG! She outdid herself with this book. I am reading her entire backlist right now and this book is in my top 3 for sure.

I immediately fell in love with Emma from the very beginning. I always say Katherine Center writes the best men and I think Charlie Yates might be my favorite to date (sorry Jake!). This made me wanna fall in love and I was grinning the entire time. Love is so beautiful and Katherine writes it so very well!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for giving me access to this ARC on NetGalley! This book will be released June 11, 2024.

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Writer Emma gets the chance to work with her absolute favorite screenplay writer. 3 stars, the books was okay. Lots of dialogue between characters. It was your classic grumpy/sunshine romance read.

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A fun summer read. Lots of dialogue keeps this story moving. It is very cliche at times but that's what makes the story keep going. A bit different than her usual books but still a good book

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Fantastic! Laugh out funny and the perfect mix of sweet and a little salty :)

Emma Wheeler has been taking care of her disabled father for the last ten years after a tragic accident and had to shelve her dream of becoming a screenwriter. Until her high school boyfriend-turned-agent arranges a dream job for her!

Come to find out, her greatest of all time hero screenwriter has written a rom com screenplay and, well, it’s beyond abhorrent. Her agent knows she’s the one to fix it. Following their highly awkward first meeting, she - the unknown, unpublished nobody, rips his screenplay to shreds with no holds barred. Not exactly how Hollywood works with all the yes men!

A heartwarming, hilarious and entertaining story from cover to cover. I felt like the author Katherine Center wrote this in my best friend’s voice, speaking directly to me. Do not miss this one!

Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Katherine Center for the ARC.

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I loved this book from start to finish. A classic grumpy/ sunshine type but done so well. Charlie is the perfect grumpy foil to emma and he optimism. The banter between the two of them was perfect and I loved all the supporting characters as well. Bonus points for having Jack Stapleton appear here and there as well as Meryl Streep finally as she was always mentioned in the bodyguard.

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Another wonderful story by Katherine Center! There are surprises sprinkled throughout this story of Emma and Charlie - and while you probably know how the story is going to end, the route it takes and how the characters blossom make it such a worth-while read. Highly recommend!

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I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to buy a physical copy when it comes out. I’m just sad I have to wait so long. Perfect for fans of Book Lovers. Highly recommend!

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You can tell yourself you'll put this book down and go to sleep at a reasonable time, but you won't. Katherine Center has a gift for hooky, addictive premises that keep you turning pages and give you physical, literal chest pain when the sunshine main character finally gives up on the messy, grumpy, corduroy-pants-wearing love interest. Start this one when you have time to get through it in one sitting.

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4.5 stars rounded up! Katherine Center is on her way to becoming one of my favorite authors!

This was a delight from start to finish — rich, complex and charming characters and great dialogue and banter that made me laugh and want to cry. It was not love at first sight for Emma and Charlie, and I really enjoyed how they gradually tumbled in to love. The emotions were there, and explored some pretty difficult family issues, too. When Emma told Charlie to "echolocate, like a bat," I LOST it! It was hilarious, and I could not get enough of the easy way their relationship formed. I actually had a really hard time putting this down, and nearly read it in one sitting.

Really, The only thing that I did not like was how Emma sometimes spoke directly to the reader. I was so in the moment reading, that when she directly spoke to the reader it completely took me out of the story and was super annoying. Saying things like, "You know what a XX is, right?" wasn't helpful — if you really want me to know, just write it, don't call out that the reader might not know what it is. Especially when it's something as silly as an elevator pitch. So .5 stars lost for that, but otherwise really really enjoyed this!!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for a DRC in exchange for my honest review :)

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Emma gets the chance of a lifetime to work with her all-time favorite screenwriter Charlie Yates to re-write his terrible attempt at a rom-com. They say don't meet your heroes and it turns out they're right- Charlie is rude, hates rom-coms, and doesn't want to work with Emma.
Emma has completely blown up her life, including her caretaking responsibilities, for this opportunity, and now it seems like a dud. Can Emma teach Charlie to appreciate rom-coms and re-write this script?
I loved this grumpy-sunshine, closed door rom-com. Center nails the chemistry between Charlie and Emma and builds stakes that make you root for them to figure it out. Definitely worth adding to your summer to-read list!

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This book was a little slow to start, but the characters are multifaceted and richly developed. It pulled me in, tugged in my heart strings, and had me crying as I stayed up to finish it at 1:30 a.m.

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I just binge read this book today and my biggest takeaway is that I am angry with myself for not picking up a Katherine Center book sooner!

Center managed to write about the perfect romantic comedy, inside the perfect romantic comedy.

This book made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me rethink my outlook on life. How many romantic comedies are beautiful with life changing lessons? I think this is the first one I’ve ever read!

Here’s your reminder to not take the ones you love for granted. Be grateful for them everyday. ❤️

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Yet another book in the win column from Katherine Center — I sank into the world of Emma and Charlie easily and had so much fun rooting for their success! Emma is a romance writer who has hoped to make it big, but never seemed to catch her big break while caring for her medically fragile father. Charlie is a screen writer known for his high-octane action movies. When Charlie writes a romcom that is sure to bomb at the box office, Emma is brought in to help him clean up the script. He's reluctant for help, and she's nervous to be away from the family that needs her, but despite their differences, they soon strike up a working relationship that, well, works.

Emma explains to Charlie that rom com should simulate the feeling of falling in love and boy did Katherine Center nail this in her own novel. Much like falling in love, I did find the characters grow on me with every page. By the end, I was absolutely loving it, and Center wrapped it up with some beautiful life wisdom. For those who like closed-door romance or romance for teens, this is a good choice, with chemistry that's kept in dialogue rather than between the sheets.

My only complaints, and they are minor, is that the plot progressed forward on the basis of eavesdropping not just once but I believe three different times. That felt like an odd and unrealistic plot feature that bordered on character immaturity. Parts of the writing felt a bit twee for me but I loved their banter overall. The audiobook production was exceptionally well done and immersive.

Thank you to Katherine Center and St. Martin's Press for providing a copy of this book in advance; this is my genuine review.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK. I had not read anything by Katherine Center before and after this book I will be picking up all of her books. I cried, I laughed and I got to experience a beautiful romance.

Emma is such a fun character, she cares so much for those around her and would give up everything to take care of those around her. I loved her love for romantic comedies and how much knowledge she had about them. Even though she is a hopeless romantic she is extremely strong and has taken everything life throws at her with grace and dignity. It was nice to see someone who had their whole life changed not regret her choices to take care of her dad instead of following her dream and now she gets that chance.

Charlie is definitely the grumpy character who has a heart of gold. It was interesting to see someone who was so successful have issues within his field of work. I loved how he would do all the things Emma asked of him even if she really didn't want to.

Their love story was built at a good pace and I loved their banter. I loved seeing both their character growth as they become stronger and learn from each other. Charlie googling how long it takes to fall in love was such a cute moment and then the speech at the end was iconic.

Overall I loved every moment of this book and I will be re-reading it!

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Katherine Center is 100% on auto-buy author. These story had depth that just makes it all the more easy to get sucked in. I loved Charlie and Emma with all my heart! This is a story to come back to to re-read for sure.

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Emma Wheeler desperately longs to be a screenwriter. She’s spent her life studying, obsessing over, and writing romantic comedies—good ones! That win contests! But she’s also been the sole caretaker for her kind-hearted dad, who needs full-time care. Now, when she gets a chance to re-write a script for famous screenwriter Charlie Yates—The Charlie Yates! Her personal writing god!—it’s a break too big to pass up.
My favorite thing about this book was the first person writing style and it's appreciation of the rom-com genre but much of the book and I just didn't click. Some of it was too far fetched, wrapped up too neat and quick, and tropes became repetitive.
Read this if you like;
✅️quirky well developed characters
✅️ romance without spice
✅️ sweet banter
✅️ Katherine Center's other books

2.5 🌟 rounded up to 3

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Katherine Center does it again! The atom-Commers is a sweet rom com that is paced well and leaves you feeling good. The characters were enjoyable and I loved getting to know them and love them. Definitely a fun read!

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Oh. My. Goodness. I loved this book. I loved this book so much I finished it and immediately wanted to re-read it. Seriously, it is just so good. Katherine Center is already one of my favorite authors, but she knocked this one out of the park, and it may be my new favorite of hers. This book is everything that's great about romance novels - the characters are so well-developed and complex, their chemistry is palpable, the way they interact is so believable and fun, I just... loved every last bit of it. 1000% recommend.

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I DEVOURED THIS. I couldn’t put it down. When I finished I immediately started reading it again, which I don’t think I’ve ever done.

An aspiring screenwriter gets a chance to work with her idol, helping him write a romantic comedy. Turns out he doesn’t want to work with a “failed, nobody screenwriter.” But she’s not going down without a fight.

It’s not slapstick and it’s full of surprises.

These characters are so good, so imperfect, so real, with a solid female lead who takes no shit. Great side characters and solid sense of place. Every time I thought it was headed a certain way I was wrong.

If you liked Curtis Sittenfeld’s Romantic Comedy I think you’ll like this. It’s smart. The characters feel real, it all feels real. Emily Henry vibes with witty banter, and I’ve never laughed out loud so much while reading a book. The DIALOGUE.

Her best one yet. Comes out June 11, preorder this immediately! Thank you St. Martin’s Press and Net Galley for the ARC.

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