Member Reviews

I loved this book. I was assuming that it would be like most other romance books that I have read. I love romances but usually only rate them 3-4 stars. They are pretty typical and predictable, but that is what I come for. The Rom-Commers however was amazing. Yes, it was predictable, it is a romance after all. But the interaction between Charlie and Emma was amazing. It felt like an arranged marriage in the best possible ways. They start living together and getting to know each other and then the feelings come. I feel that love is a choice that we make. We can choose to love someone and that is the feeling that I get from Charlie and Emma. That they are choosing to love each other in small but meaningful ways. It also helps that it made me cry but I'm not saying how or why it did. Read the book to find out.

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Katherine Center keeps me reading past my bedtime, and that’s a gift. I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- I will read anything she writes. I was wiping real-life tears off my face at the end. Love.

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The Rom-Commers was another 5 star read by Katherine Center!
Emma and Charlie are such relatable characters- we see their strengths and their flaws and it makes them so lovable.
It’s a love story, but also a story about courage and strength and never giving up.
Definitely one of the top romances I’ll read this year for sure. Highly recommend!

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My second Katherine Center and I really enjoyed it!

The Rom-Commers centers around Emma, a screenwriter who was on the path to success when her life suddenly changed drastically and she ended up having to become a caretaker for her father. When she is suddenly presented with the opportunity to work with one of her writing idols, she takes it. But to her dismay, this writer doesn’t believe in love and it will take a lot more work than she bargained for to convince him otherwise.

One of the things I really love about Katherine Center’s work is that she has such a good sense of voice. I knew exactly who Emma was and it never faltered throughout the book. I feel like I understood her intentions, her guilt, her hopes, and her beliefs. It really gave the book a sense of ease in believability, despite this being a somewhat unique plot.

I also loved Charlie as he was so believable as a character as well. The dynamic between Charlie and Emma was so much fun at times and I rooted for them most of the entire book. I loved the little details that made him fleshed out, especially the chapters with Powerwash Simulator (such a relaxing game!!!) and the biscuit cans. The only reason why I dinged this a star is that the conflict/3rd act breakup could have essentially been avoided if they just had talked to each other! The drama of it all and the way that Charlie had acted during it frustrated me at times.

This was a lot of fun and I definitely recommend picking it up this summer. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy, all thoughts are my own.

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2,5 ⭐️

The Rom Commers follows Emma, a writer who spends more time caring for her father than writing, and Charlie, a famous screenplay writer who has many accolades but a bad attitude towards love. Emma ends up being hired to help Charlie re-write an awful rom com screenplay and in the process, they end up living a rom com-esque story themselves.

This was really just… fine? I think the first half was better than the second, but it started to drag on and became so boring I completely lost interested. I like the idea of the parallel between Charlie and Emma living a rom com while writing a rom com, but I think this needed to be more. The connection between Charlie and Emma was so lacking, I barely felt anything between them. Charlie isn’t a likeable character at all- I absolutely hated how their romantic connection played out, it was all just lies and miscommunication and I didn’t think his actions and words could be forgiven so easily. I didn’t love Emma either, but I’m happy with the realizations she had at the end, and I’m happy with how everything came together in the end.
The writing style for this, in my opinion, as someone who’s read all of the authors recent works, is very different. It’s definitely “quirky” and written in a very specific way. It’s fine and sometimes funny, but I think I prefer the authors previous story, the last one I loved being The Bodyguard. I found this story repetitive and Emma and Charlie very immature in many ways, but especially emotionally, I felt as though the romance between them really took the back burner, so I’m disappointed in this overall. I’m on the fence on recommending!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the free preview in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks @netgalley @stmartinspress and @katherinecenter for the chance to read an early copy of her upcoming rom-com, the appropriately named, "The Rom-Commers." It releases on June 11, 2024.

Emma is a talented rom-com screenwriter whose never had a chance to realize her dreams--not when she's been taking care of her Dad for the past decade. So, when the opportunity of a lifetime comes--writing a rom-com with her FAVE screenwriter, Charlie--her sister agrees to help with her dad so she can get her big break. Small problem...Charlie has written a rom-com so bad that we need a better word for terrible. It's clear he has no concept of the tenets of rom-coms (the meet-cute, etc.) and it's so bafflingly awful maybe he doesn't even know what love is. Emma decides that she will make the script sparkle and convince Charlie that true love and hope are possible. When you combine a hopeless romantic and a cynical screenwriter, sparks fly!

This story was so much fun! I think it might be Katherine's most voicey book yet, with plenty of fourth wall-breaking asides that made me laugh. It has charm and heart to spare. And if you read The Bodyguard, you'll enjoy some cameos 😍

Steam: 🔥 (closed door)
Tropes: story-within-a-story, grumpy/sunshine, Hollywood, caregiving, acting out tropes so you can write them

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I oftentimes struggle rating romance novels, but I had no struggle with this one! This was my first Katherine Center novel, and I get it now. This hooked me from the first chapter, and this book really had it all - humor, lovable characters, storyline depth, and romance. Definitely recommend picking this up! 5 stars all around for The Rom-Commers.

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Loved, loved, loved.

After not having enjoyed Hello Stranger last year, I was hopeful that The Rom-Commers would be better and I was very far from disappointed. This is now my favorite Katherine Center. It’s probably currently in my top 5 favorite contemporary romances along with Nora Goes Off Script and Beach Read, both of which are decent read-alikes. The banter is genuinely funny, the family members and side characters are very enjoyable and the deeper themes were poignant and gave me food for thought. I will definitely be purchasing a copy when it comes out in June to reread in the future.

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Reading a Katherine Center book is like wrapping yourself in a warm and soft blanket on a cold rainy day. They are comforting and warm up your insides.

The Rom- Commers is a cute romance that covers some serious issues that make you understand and like the characters more.
Center’s writing style pulls you in and then you realize you’re done with the book and you’re crying reading the epilogue.

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5 glorious stars! Thank you Katherine Center for delivering an amazing rom-com… again!!

The character development in this book was just 👌🏽! Every person written in this book, felt like a friend. They felt like someone I had known before. But Emma and Charlie’s characters were just amazing. I laughed and I cried with them & I loved every single second reading about who they were / were becoming. Even down to their names, just perfect.. Also Emma’s dad, let’s give a second for him- americas dad. What a man!

Such a unique storyline & honestly.., can this be made into a movie?! I’d love that very much!

I also really loved watching Emma grow throughout the book! It was amazing to see her own her gifting and not let bitterness make her petty. Loved her.

💕No bedroom action 👏🏽- Def some crude words mentioned though.
🚨Curse words throughout.

Loved this book & if you’re looking for a clean romcom & don’t mind some crude words/ curse words… you’ll love this book.

Thank you Netgally for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was delightful. I've read three books by this author and this has been my favorite. I love books, but also movies so a book about screenwriters writing a rom-com — and falling in love — is perfect for me.

It was a charming set up with really likable and engaging characters. The banter and dialogue were top notch. Emma could have easily veered into 'manic pixie dream girl' mode but she was charming and sparkly but still flawed which grounded her. I also enjoyed how Charlie was written — a bit of a grump but curious which gave his character a nice arc.

Overall, a terrific read which made me smile and chuckle throughout and also wipe away a tear or too. (I'm sure it was just allergies.)

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If I want a romantic comedy that is going to make me feel ALL the feelings, I know I can rely on Katherine Center. You can count on her for characters you love, and elements that might make you cry (in the best way). Similar to her other books, I adored this novel. It was delightful.

Emma takes moments throughout the book to talk to you (the reader) and this might not work for some people, but it worked for me.

“If you wait for other people to light you up, then I guess you’re at the mercy of darkness.” The Rom-Commers will be out June 11th!

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Wow! You know someone enjoys a book when they finish it within a day - and that was me with The Rom-Commers. I love all of Katherine Center’s books, and this one sure did not disappoint.

Was it cheesy? Yes. Was the ending predictable? Yes. However, as Emma may say, these qualities are essential when it comes to writing a romcom.

I loved that the story revolves about two film writers living out their own romcom while writing a romcom. It was unique, well written, and very enjoyable to read. It does present some more serious themes such as loss, sickness, and grief which are very important to the plot, but does not take away from the main romcom theme. Reading from Emma’s POV and hearing her inner thoughts was wonderful and added great comedy to this novel - though I kept wanting to tell her that I’m sure her hair is gorgeous!

I hope Emma and Charlie have cameos in future Katherine Center books because I’ll definitely miss them.

Thank you Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for allowing me access to an ARC for an honest 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 review.

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I am so grateful to St Martins Presss and NetGalley for this ARC! This is KC’s best love story yet. I have read a good amount of her books and they are all among my favorites but this one hits all the marks:

- amazing and believable banter
- complex characters
- realistic trauma which is well presented
- swoon worthy romance
- general feelings of sunshine and happiness

Emma and Charlie were a wonderful pair of leads. All of the supporting characters were well formed and added a lot to the story. I loved the take on Hollywood/LA culture that mixed real celebs with invented ones. Overall just such a joy and I am so grateful to have been able to read it early!

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The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center
Contemporary Romance
June 2024 by St. Martin’s Press
336 pages
February 23-26, 2024

💬 “That’s just life. Tragedy is a given. There are endless human stories, but they all end the same way. So it can’t be where you’re going that matters. It has to be how you get there.”

📖 Synopsis: Emma, an unknown screenwriter, spends most of her days taking care of her father who had an rock climbing accident 10 years ago. One day Emma’s ex-boyfriend/current manager calls her with a chance of a lifetime! She is invited to help rewrite a screenplay by her all-time favorite writer, except she will have to move from Houston to LA for 6 weeks. She has not spent a day away from her dad since the accident, so she does not make this decision lightly. Meeting her writing hero will change her life, but will it be for better, or worse?

*may contain spoilers*
🖋️ Review:
Life may not turn out how you planned or even hoped it would, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your own happily ever after! As with many Katherine Center books, I felt a wide range of emotions. I was intrigued, giddy, annoyed with characters, happy, and sad.

The writing style was a straightforward first person (Emma) perspective, but straightforward does not mean boring. There is also plenty of unspoken commentary italicized throughout the book that is so great!
Emma is a great lead role/narrator. She is logical, loyal, brave, and selfless. Emma has given up so much of her life and dreams to care for her family. I admire her strength in that. She also can be a little cringe-worthy, but that makes her all the more likable and realistic. Her antagonist, writing hero, and crush, Charlie Yates, feels like the typical misunderstood celebrity. He has a hidden heart of gold being his seemingly giant ego, except his ego seems to shrink page by page. I really loved that Jack Stapleton, from Katherine Center’s The Bodyguard made a few key appearances. If you have not read The Bodyguard, you aren’t missing any important information in this book, but its a sweet nod to her previous work. My only negative comment on the characters in this story seems so silly… I didn’t feel like the characters matched their given names. I can’t even really explain it, but Emma did not feel Iike an Emma, Charlie did not feel Iike a Charlie. Emma and Charlie gave off very much Cameron Diaz and Jack Black vibes to me… I am probably the only one with this random opinion, but there it is, I’ve digressed. Emma’s dad might be my favorite character in this story. He is wise, loving, and giving. He is just a great man and adds so much depth to the story.
The storyline of The Rom-Commers felt so quintessentially rom-com and I loved it! Two people, in the same profession, one award-winning and the other just has not found their big break, end up working together and feelings grow… what is more romantic-comedy than that?! The difference in this book is that there are some very heavy elements interspersed throughout their backgrounds and current days. I love that the resolution does not come until a little later in the story than I am typically used to. I found myself unable to put the book down starting around 65% of the way through.
The Rom-Commers is a good solid Rom-Com novel. It has all the right elements, Katherine Center is an auto-buy for me. You know you are going to get a solid story with depth in the characters. Center’s books are never just fluff and/or spice. I genuinely and continually learn life lessons through her stories.

🌟 - 4.25
🌶 - 🍬, no spice, just kissing

✅ - If you are a Rom-Com girlie, then no reason not to read this book!
Recommended by:
⬅️ - ARC provided by NetGalley

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My Thoughts

There is such a joyous approach given to how these characters interact with one another, even when they are at odds you know things will ultimately work out in a favorable manner.

That being said the story is not filled with just rainbows and sunshine.

Emma Wheeler and Charlie Yates have both felt the darker aspects of loss in their lives, so now finding the light at the end of that sometimes very dark tunnel became something they can only accomplish together.

To say that I really enjoyed how this story unfolded is an understatement, I loved every minute of it from start to finish.

[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Five stars for this fun, cheery, uplifting book! Is my first Katherine Center book and I can see why fans were so excited to see this new one ready to publish in the summer of 2024. I thoroughly enjoyed this love drama and family story.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Katherine Center’s books are hit or miss for me, but I did like this one. It follows two screenwriters, one famous, one not, one romantic, one anti-love as they work together on a romantic comedy script. My favorite thing about this book is that it is just so funny. I laughed out loud several times. One of my issues with this author’s books is the emotional manipulation inherent in the stories and it is present here. That is more of a personal preference though, so may not bother other readers. Overall, this may be one of my favorite of her oeuvre. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This was my first Katherine Center novel. I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this book. I loved the humour, family dynamics and overall flow of the story. I wasn’t bored at any point. I loved Katherine Center’s writing and will definitely be picking up her other novels. I honestly couldn’t find anything I didn’t like about this. This was definitely an unexpected surprise!!

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Katherine Center is an auto-buy author for me, and I've seen several excellent reviews fro this one, so I had high expectations going in. Charlie and Emma's story exceeded all of them. Center's writing with this one was compulsively readable—I could hardly put it down from the first sentence—and I loved the tone of Emma's POV. I laughed, I cried, I smiled, I highlighted several passages, and was left when I finished with tears in my eyes and a warm, fuzzy feeling in my heart. Loved this one. IMO, it's Center's best in years.

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