Member Reviews

This was just a fun romance! The characters were quirky and flawed. They accepted each other as-is, but also made each other better. I especially enjoyed some of the strategies they used to learn more about what they were writing.

SPOILER. The only bit that wasn’t believable was around a terminal diagnosis. I just don’t believe they’d jump to that rather than first ruling out a more common curable issue.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martins Press for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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This was one of my favorite reads for 2024.
I enjoyed reading it, this was pure joy.
Hooked from the very beginning.
I loved all the characters, the banter and the emotional situations.
This book had a little bit of everything.

Thank you to St. Martin's Publishing group and Netgalley for providing me with this arc for my honest review.

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WOW. This is, for me, the best Katherine Center has ever been. I love it when a book explores its own trope. This time it's a bit sneaky since it's screenwriters discussing the rules of a romcom, but nonetheless it works. Let me tell. you, there was a moment when I thought I was going to have to write an angry letter but Center resolves it perfectly. It's the perfect blend of reality and rom com escapism. Add this to your summer reading list immediately.

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Loved this book! It was everything I expected it to be. A few times the story felt choppy and a little off but definitely not a deal breaker.

Thank you, Netgalley for the ARC of this book!

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When Emma Yates gets a call that’s too good to be true, writing with her favorite writer Charlie Yates, she almost turns it down … but her family won’t let her. Charlie, known for writing more sci-fi/fantasy has written a rom-com … and it’s terrible. Charlie isn’t keen on the help, in fact he flat out denies her, but something in him changes and he finally relents. The two spend a whirlwind few weeks together and just as the going starts to get good, Charlie gets bad news and has to pump the breaks at the same time Emma gets devastating news and has to fly halfway across the country … possibly severing the ties as they know it.

KATHERINE CENTER DOES. NOT. MISS. I laughed, I cried, I came out of this learning new words. Every time I read a new book of hers I think “this is my new favorite.” The Jack cameos were *chefs kiss*. This book felt like receiving a hug from your favorite person. If I recommend one book this month: it’s the Rom-Commers.

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This may be Katherine Center's best novel yet. I had a personal connection to the FMC and many of her words just felt like they might also come out of my mouth. I just loved every minute of this novel: the banter between Emma and Charlie, the seriousness of grief, the love felt for a parent, the fun and flirty moments with a crush, and the relationship between two sisters. I thought it was the perfect balance of funny and serious, and truly I could have read 100 more pages from Katherine. 10/10 loved this book!

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Here’s another awesome romance novel from the Queen of Swoon!

Center has a knack for writing genuine, relatable characters. Emma could be any one of us – hard working, caring for a family member full-time, dreaming of a better future, and always looking forward to “someday”. But “someday” unexpectedly comes with an opportunity she can’t turn down. Then there is Charlie! Oh Charlie… disillusioned by love and in desperate need of a refresher course. When Emma and Charlie connect, it’s not without its rocky (and funny and frustrating) start! But there is definitely a great HEA!!

As usual with Center’s books, there is actual depth to the story and the characters. There is nothing superficial here at all. You are reading about realistic people with emotions, family issues, money problems, insecurities, guilt, and more. The strong family element was particularly compelling for me, and I really appreciate that Center gives her characters powerful backstories.

Did I mention yet that there is a guinea pig in the story? I didn’t? Oh, well, there is a guinea pig in the story. 🐹

I loved the premise of this story and that the main narrative takes place in LA/Hollywood! I also loved that we were able to see a tiny glimpse of Jack Stapleton in this story (from Center’s book The Bodyguard). Yay!

This is a quick read, because once you start you will not want to put it down. It hits the stands in June and you definitely don’t want to miss this one!

Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for an eARC of this book, which I have read and reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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Katherine Center, you crafty minx. I freaking LOVED the screenwriters writing a rom com in a book that's a rom com.

In her classic way, this is a story filled not only with love but also hope in the face of hard circumstances. The fact that tough topics are never shied away from makes the book richer and full of depth.

Charlie is full of all the neurosis and charm you'd hope for, and I just adored Emma for her boldness and spunk.

I demand you read this so we can talk about it :D

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Katherine Center is another author I trust to write consistent heart-warming and funny rom-coms. This book harkens back to The Bodyguard. It's laugh out loud funny with a ton a heart and a touch of outlandishness to make it an incredibly fun read.

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Woo hoo, Katherine Center does it again! Fans of rom-coms, this is your next favorite. I especially recommend this one for readers who enjoy the grumpy/sunshine trope. Emma is a ray of sunshine, and Charlie is certainly a grouch! This novels shines with heart and a refreshing outlook, even while tackling heavier topics. I love how Center is able to do this with her stories. They seem like real life, but the best of real life. There is just enough tension to keep us invested, and the payoff is certainly rewarding. The screenwriting details are a lot of fun to read, and, as a writer myself, I enjoyed learning more about this type of writing. The dialogue, as always in a Katherine Center novel, sparkles with wit. I was cheering for Emma and Charlie throughout this delicious novel.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy; all opinions in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center is pure joy in book form. Emma, a going no-where screen writer has not had an easy life. She has always put others first and put her career and dreams on hold. When Emma is offered a once in a lifetime amazing screen writing gig with her writing idol, Charlie Yates, she has to take it. She soon comes to find out that Charlie doesn’t want anything to do with her. Emma must decide how to proceed and what to make of this Charlie in real life. The two eventually decide to join forces and are pulled together in ways they didn’t think possible.

This witty, fun, adorable book had me smiling from ear to ear. Love is really worth it all! Another great Katherine Center romance! Keep them coming please!

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4 stars. I was hooked from the very start with this one and flew through it because I couldn’t put it down! I absolutely loved the characters and really enjoyed the banter between the two main characters. I’ve always loved Katherine Center’s books but this one may be my favorite. It was such a cute love story but also had more emotional, harder situations the characters had to deal with such as death and loss etc. that made the book more real and not just a fluffy romance. Overall, another really great book by this author!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC.

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This was one of my favorite books of the year so far! I just adored these two main characters and their love story. I loved the way this also touched on grief and loss in a very real way.

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I really loved this novel! It was heartbreaking and hilarious. The characters were SO well done. I felt so much for Charlie and Emma. I loved this book, and I think it is Katherine Center's best novel yet!

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Hello Stranger was one of my favourite reads last year; The Rom-Commers will be one of my favourite reads this year! If you love a good rom com, grumpy x sunshine, or just Katherine Center in general, this one’s for you.

The banter between Emma and Chris is spot on and will keep you laughing (line dancing scene anyone??); Chris in general will have you swooning; Emma and her dad will be tugging at your heart strings. It’s a book that has a little bit of everything and in my opinion, is in true Katherine Center style.

I’m so glad I got a chance to read this one. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Katherine Center for this eARC!

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This is my third Katherine Center book. Hello Stranger was one of my favorite 2023 reads and I have been so excited for The Rom-Commers. The Rom-Commers has everything I loved about Katherine Center – the witty dialogues, the way the characters tug on your heart, and the grand gesture at the end. It has a grumpy/sunshine trope going on, with Emma trying to fix the rom-com script, written by Charlie who doesn’t believe in romance.

Thank you, St. Martin’s Publishing Group and NetGalley, for providing a digital ARC for my honest review!

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Emma Wheeler lives with her father and is his caretaker - he has multiple health issues and needs someone with him at all times. One day she is given the opportunity to help out her favorite screen writer. Emma's younger sister steps up so that Emma is free to leave.

Emma arrives at Charlie Yates' house to find that he had no idea that she was coming. He is not in the mood to write, or to have a bubbly personality around him, and it turns out that he does not want to write a rom-com (and doesn't believe in love) - which shows in the awful script that he has written. Emma is flabbergasted at how bad it is, and Charlie challenges her to improve it. The two of them begin to work on the script and along the way, learn more about each other. Charlie is not a spoiled rich man, and Emma is not an eternally optimistic airhead.

I adored this book. The characters, the backstory, everything about it. I received an e-arc of this book from the publisher St. Martin's Press via NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed it.

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I love when I get the opportunity to review a novel by Katherine Center. Each of Center’s works focus gutsy yet quirky women, who typically have some sort of adversity to overcome. Usually some romance is sprinkled in as an extra special treat.

Emma is one such protagonist. Emma writes romantic comedies, but dreams of being a screen writer. Yet, when she gets a chance to work with Charlie Yates, a screenwriter she adores, she is thrilled. Unfortunately, Charlie has been tasked with writing a romantic comedy, and he doesn’t believe in love. Naturally, Emma wants to prove to him that love does exist.

Yes, parts of this plot could fall into predictability but as a fan of Katherine Center, you’re going to enjoy the story so much, you won’t bothered because, like any romantic comedy, the plot will have a certain structure but it’s the characters that make the story memorable.

My thanks to the publisher, Katherine Center, and Net Galley for this whimsical book.

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The Rom-Commers has left me speechless in the best possible way! It's a story of two writers, one a lover of rom-coms and the other... not. They end up working together to write none other than... you guessed it - a rom-com! It'll make you feel all the feels while also laughing out loud. I've never highlighted anything in a book before but the writing in this one was so profound and impactful that I had to write several lines down just so I can read them over and over again.

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I loved The Rom-Commers and the grumpy x sunshine trope. Emma is an aspiring screenwriter who put her dreams on the back-burner when a tragic accident happens to her family. Charlie is an award winning screenwriter who has a serious case of writers block. When he is asked to write a script for a rom-com it is absolutely horrible. Emma is hired to help him re-write it. Can they pull it off within 6 weeks? Full of witty-banter, forced proximity and a life lesson of living in the moment.

This was my first Katherine Center novel and I loved it. I have a new romance author to add to my auto-buy list.

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